Chicago Metro Area
IL-Cook County
IL-DuPage County
Entity | Entity Type |
DuPage County Trunked Systems (22) | Trunked |
DuPage County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
DuPage County | Category |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers | Category |
EMS | Category |
Townships | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools - Public | Category |
Schools Transportation Companies | Category |
Schools - Private / Parochial | Category |
Colleges and Universities | Category |
Public Transportation | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses and Media | Business Group |
Federal | Federal |
Hospitals / Healthcare | Business Group |
Recreation and Attractions | Attraction |
IL-Kane County
Entity | Entity Type |
Kane County Trunked Systems (18) | Trunked |
Kane County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Kane County | Category |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Schools Transportation Companies | Category |
Higher Education | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Federal Government | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
Businesses and Media | Business Group |
Hospitals | Business Group |
IL-Kendall County
Entity | Entity Type |
Kendall County Trunked Systems (6) | Trunked |
Kendall County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Kendall County | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Airports | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
IL-Lake County
Entity | Entity Type |
Lake County Trunked Systems (20) | Trunked |
Lake County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Lake County | Category |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Bus Companies | Category |
Schools | Category |
Colleges and Universities | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Attractions and Recreation | Attraction |
Businesses and Media | Business Group |
Federal Agencies | Federal |
Hospitals | Business Group |
IN-Lake County
Entity | Entity Type |
Lake County Trunked Systems (15) | Trunked |
Lake County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Lake County | Category |
Schools | Category |
Businesses | Business Group |
Gary Airport (GYY) | Aircraft / Airport |
Gary SouthShore Railcats | Attraction |
IL-McHenry County
Entity | Entity Type |
McHenry County Trunked Systems (4) | Trunked |
McHenry County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
McHenry County | Category |
EMS / Hospitals | Category |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
IL-Will County
Entity | Entity Type |
Will County Trunked Systems (28) | Trunked |
Will County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Will County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Colleges | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Federal Government | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses and Media | Business Group |
Hospitals/Healthcare | Business Group |
Recreation and Attractions | Attraction |
IL-Itinerant County
Entity | Entity Type |
IL-Statewide Illinois
Entity | Entity Type |
Statewide Illinois Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Entity | Entity Type |
IN-Itinerant County
Entity | Entity Type |
IN-Porter County
Entity | Entity Type |
Porter County Trunked Systems (6) | Trunked |
Porter County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Porter County | Category |
Schools | Category |
Businesses | Business Group |
Kankakee Valley REMC | Utility |
Porter County Airport | Aircraft / Airport |
IN-Statewide Indiana
Entity | Entity Type |
Statewide Indiana Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Entity | Entity Type |
WI-Itinerant County
Entity | Entity Type |
WI-Kenosha County
Entity | Entity Type |
Kenosha County Trunked Systems (4) | Trunked |
Kenosha County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Kenosha County | Category |
Higher Education | Category |
Businesses | Business Group |
Kenosha Regional Airport (ENW) | Aircraft / Airport |
WI-Statewide Wisconsin
Entity | Entity Type |
Statewide Wisconsin Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Entity | Entity Type |