Businesses and Media (Will County)

Last Updated: March 3, 2025, 03:22 am UTC


Bolingbrook - Businesses

Promanade Bolingbrook (*)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.2875WQGP745 RM 047 DPL PromBB Sec Security FMN Security
463.6625WQGP745 RM 074 DPL PromBB Maint Maintenance FMN Security
463.9875WQGP745 RM 311 DPL PromBB Ops A Operations FMN Security
457.3625WQGP745 M PromBB Ops4 Security/Maintenance FMN Security
457.3875WQGP745 M PromBB Ops5 Security/Maintenance FMN Security
464.325WPTY936 M 151.4 PL PB BPro LP1 Bass Pro: Loss Prevention FMN Security
464.500WPTY936 M 156 DPL PB BPro LP1 Bass Pro: Loss Prevention FM Security
467.7625WPTY936 M 103.5 PL PB BPro Ops1 Bass Pro: Ops FMN Business
467.875WPTY936 M 167.9 PL PB BPro Ops2 Bass Pro: General Ops (very busy) FMN Business
Retail - Bolingbrook
Costco - Bolingbrook -i- WQQM494, mobiles on 451.4625, 456.4625 (NFM)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.600MURS M 031 DPL Lowes BBrk 1 Lowe's Home Improvement (Bolingbrook) [Ch 1] FM Business
462.575GMRS M 141.3 PL Lowes BBrk 2 Lowe's Home Improvement (Bolingbrook) [Ch 2] FM Business
Miscelaneous - Bolingbrook
MacNeil Automotive Products (dba WeatherTech)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Appears to be a single-frequency MotoTRBO Capacity Plus system.

Braidwood - Business

Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station
Operated by Constellation Energy Generation.  See the WIKI for more frequency information.

Channon - Businesses

ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.330WQDX913 RM 114 DPL Exxon Inst Cntrl Instrument Controls FMN Business
159.720WQDX913 M 116 DPL Exxon Announcemt Annoucnements (possible repeater input) FMN Business

Elwood - Businesses

Miscelaneous - Elwood
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.330WQDX913 RM 116 DPL ExxMob Elwood ExxonMobil: Plant Ops / Announcements FMN Business
160.995WPWJ813 M CSQ BNSF I/M Elwood BNSF Intermodal Operations (Elwood) FMN Railroad
Trucking/transport/terminal operations at BNSF Logistics Park (Elwood)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.970WPXF228 RM 244 DPL Parsec Ops 2 Hostlers / Supervisors (Main Ch 2; T/A Ch 1) FMN Business
152.4575WPXF228 RM 245 DPL Parsec Ops 3 Ramp Ops / Small Cranes FMN Business
151.6625WPXF228 RM 423 DPL Parsec Ops 4 Gantry Crane Ops FMN Business

Homer Glen - Businesses

Bengston's Pumpkin Farm
Reported to be using Motorola DLR 900 MHz frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) portables set up on the default privacy tone the radios come with from the factory. (10/15/23)
See Lockport WIKI for frequency information.

Joliet - Businesses


See WIKI for additional frequency information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.790WRAV276 RM 732 DPL Vulcan Laraway Vulcan Materials - Laraway Quarry FMN Business
152.405WQSA480 RM 97.4 PL Kaluzny Bros Ops Kaluzny Brothers - Meat/Animal Processing FMN Business
153.0875WQML646 RM 065 DPL TTX Joliet TTX: Freight Car Management FMN Business
153.0875WQML646 RM 271 DPL Pacific Rail 1 Pacific Rail Services: Operations FMN Business
153.4475WQML646 RM 411 DPL Pacific Rail 2 Pacific Rail Services: Operations FMN Business
158.4075WQML646 M 662 DPL Pacific Rail Smp Pacific Rail Services: Simplex Ops FMN Business
462.450WQWH524 RM 627 DPL Central Grocers Central Grocers - Supervalu FMN Business
463.250WQNE712 RM 054 DPL Exel Joliet Exel FMN Business
Duly Health and Care Field

Home of Joliet Slammers Baseball.  Frequencies confirmed during 2024 season.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.1625 M 162 DPL Slammers Ch. 1 Joliet Slammers - Team Promos/Ops [Ch. 1] FMN Business
464.7625 M 162 DPL Slammers Ch. 2 Joliet Slammers - Broadcast/AV Ops [Ch. 2] FMN Business
452.225 M 162 DPL Duly Field Cncsn Aramark - Stadium Concessions FMN Business
462.275 M 162 DPL Duly Field Mgmt Aramark - Stadium Management FMN Business
Retail - Joliet
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.1875WQDC675 M 165 DPL GndrMntn Jol Gander Mountain (Joliet) FMN Business
463.625WPPT933 M Kohls Joliet A Kohls Department Store (Joliet?) [Expired 8/05] FMN Business
466.1625 M 612 DPL Kohls Joliet B Kohls Department Store FMN Business
467.5625FRS8 M HmDepot Joliet Home Depot (Joliet) CSQ? FMN Business
467.875 M 612 DPL Aldi Joliet R/C Aldi Foods - Ridge and Caton Farm FMN Business
467.900 M 703 DPL Jewel Joliet 59/ Jewel - 59 and Caton Farm FMN Business
Westfield Corporation - Joliet
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.3125 M 413 DPL WstfldSecrty Security FMN Security
464.325WQCE267 BM 162.2 PL Wstfld Maint Maintenance/Alarms (reported as Repeater) FMN Business

Lemont - Businesses

See the WIKI for frequency information.

Lockport - Businesses

See the WIKI for frequency information.

Monee - Businesses

Amazon Fulfillment Center - MDW7
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.7875WQZG372 RM CC 10
TG *
SL *
AZ MDW7 Ops 10 Operations DMR Business
464.6125WQZG737 RM CC 13
TG *
SL *
AZ MDW7 Ops 13 Operations DMR Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
860.6375WZH965 RM CC 10
TG 2000
SL 1
Wille Bros RM Wille Brothers Company Ready Mix DMR Business

Plainfield - Businesses

Diageo Global Supply (Plainfield)
Diageo North America - manufacturing, warehousing and distribution of Smirnoff, Cuervo, etc; located on 143rd near Rt. 59
See the WIKI for additional frequency information
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.050WQPC783 M 071 DPL Diageo Productio Production FMN Business
461.225WPBM740 RM DGS Procssng Processing (United Distillers, Expired) FMN Business
461.350WPUT696 RM 245 DPL DGS Security Security FMN Security
462.00625 M DGS Maintnce Maintenance (462.0125 A Beep?) FMN Business
462.325WQPC783 BM 114 DPL DGS Maint Diageo Maintenance FMN Business
462.500WPUT697 RM DGS P.A.B. P.A.B. FMN Business
462.500WQPC783 BM 245 DPL DGS Backup Diageo Backup FMN Business
463.350WQPC783 BM 134 DPL DGS Process Diageo Process FMN Business
463.8375WQBB696 RM 654 DPL DGS Quality Diageo QA FMN Business
463.975WQPC783 BM 165 DPL DGS Warehouse Diageo Warehouse FMN Business
464.400WQPC783 BM 343 DPL DGS Emg Diageo Emergency FMN Emergency Ops
464.775WQPC783 RM 412 DPL DGS Security Diageo Security FMN Security
464.7875WQKP387 RM 703 DPL DGS P-1 P-1 FMN Business
466.70625 DGS Warehse Warehouse FMN Business
469.23125 DGS Prodctn Production FMN Business
469.70625 DGS Emergn Emergency FMN Emergency Ops

Romeoville - Businesses

Citgo Refinery (Romeoville)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.
Citgo Refinery - Romeoville (Cap+)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Citgo Refinery (Romeoville)
Motorola Type II
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.370WPII800 RM 186.2 PL Citgo Fire Citgo Fire [KZ8810] FMN Fire Dispatch
NRG Will County Generating Station (Romeoville)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.955WNPP695 RM 165 DPL NRG Will Rail Rail Ops (Loading/unloading coal) FMN Business

Countywide - Miscellaneous Businesses

Communication Companies / GMRS
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.550 RM 156.7 PL GMRS 462.55 GMRS Repeater (Joliet) FM Business