Bolingbrook - Businesses
Promanade Bolingbrook (*)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.2875 | WQGP745 | RM | 047 DPL | PromBB Sec | Security | FMN | Security |
463.6625 | WQGP745 | RM | 074 DPL | PromBB Maint | Maintenance | FMN | Security |
463.9875 | WQGP745 | RM | 311 DPL | PromBB Ops A | Operations | FMN | Security |
457.3625 | WQGP745 | M | PromBB Ops4 | Security/Maintenance | FMN | Security | |
457.3875 | WQGP745 | M | PromBB Ops5 | Security/Maintenance | FMN | Security | |
464.325 | WPTY936 | M | 151.4 PL | PB BPro LP1 | Bass Pro: Loss Prevention | FMN | Security |
464.500 | WPTY936 | M | 156 DPL | PB BPro LP1 | Bass Pro: Loss Prevention | FM | Security |
467.7625 | WPTY936 | M | 103.5 PL | PB BPro Ops1 | Bass Pro: Ops | FMN | Business |
467.875 | WPTY936 | M | 167.9 PL | PB BPro Ops2 | Bass Pro: General Ops (very busy) | FMN | Business |
Retail - Bolingbrook
Costco - Bolingbrook -i- WQQM494, mobiles on 451.4625, 456.4625 (NFM)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.600 | MURS | M | 031 DPL | Lowes BBrk 1 | Lowe's Home Improvement (Bolingbrook) [Ch 1] | FM | Business |
462.575 | GMRS | M | 141.3 PL | Lowes BBrk 2 | Lowe's Home Improvement (Bolingbrook) [Ch 2] | FM | Business |
Miscelaneous - Bolingbrook
MacNeil Automotive Products (dba WeatherTech) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Appears to be a single-frequency MotoTRBO Capacity Plus system. |
Braidwood - Business
Braidwood Nuclear Generating Station
Operated by Constellation Energy Generation. See the WIKI for more frequency information.
Elwood - Businesses
Miscelaneous - Elwood
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.330 | WQDX913 | RM | 116 DPL | ExxMob Elwood | ExxonMobil: Plant Ops / Announcements | FMN | Business |
160.995 | WPWJ813 | M | CSQ | BNSF I/M Elwood | BNSF Intermodal Operations (Elwood) | FMN | Railroad |
Trucking/transport/terminal operations at BNSF Logistics Park (Elwood)
Homer Glen - Businesses
Bengston's Pumpkin Farm
Reported to be using Motorola DLR 900 MHz frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) portables set up on the default privacy tone the radios come with from the factory. (10/15/23)
See Lockport WIKI for frequency information.
See Lockport WIKI for frequency information.
Joliet - Businesses
See WIKI for additional frequency information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.790 | WRAV276 | RM | 732 DPL | Vulcan Laraway | Vulcan Materials - Laraway Quarry | FMN | Business |
152.405 | WQSA480 | RM | 97.4 PL | Kaluzny Bros Ops | Kaluzny Brothers - Meat/Animal Processing | FMN | Business |
153.0875 | WQML646 | RM | 065 DPL | TTX Joliet | TTX: Freight Car Management | FMN | Business |
153.0875 | WQML646 | RM | 271 DPL | Pacific Rail 1 | Pacific Rail Services: Operations | FMN | Business |
153.4475 | WQML646 | RM | 411 DPL | Pacific Rail 2 | Pacific Rail Services: Operations | FMN | Business |
158.4075 | WQML646 | M | 662 DPL | Pacific Rail Smp | Pacific Rail Services: Simplex Ops | FMN | Business |
462.450 | WQWH524 | RM | 627 DPL | Central Grocers | Central Grocers - Supervalu | FMN | Business |
463.250 | WQNE712 | RM | 054 DPL | Exel Joliet | Exel | FMN | Business |
Duly Health and Care Field
Home of Joliet Slammers Baseball. Frequencies confirmed during 2024 season.
Retail - Joliet
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
462.1875 | WQDC675 | M | 165 DPL | GndrMntn Jol | Gander Mountain (Joliet) | FMN | Business |
463.625 | WPPT933 | M | Kohls Joliet A | Kohls Department Store (Joliet?) [Expired 8/05] | FMN | Business | |
466.1625 | M | 612 DPL | Kohls Joliet B | Kohls Department Store | FMN | Business | |
467.5625 | FRS8 | M | HmDepot Joliet | Home Depot (Joliet) CSQ? | FMN | Business | |
467.875 | M | 612 DPL | Aldi Joliet R/C | Aldi Foods - Ridge and Caton Farm | FMN | Business | |
467.900 | M | 703 DPL | Jewel Joliet 59/ | Jewel - 59 and Caton Farm | FMN | Business |
Westfield Corporation - Joliet
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.3125 | M | 413 DPL | WstfldSecrty | Security | FMN | Security | |
464.325 | WQCE267 | BM | 162.2 PL | Wstfld Maint | Maintenance/Alarms (reported as Repeater) | FMN | Business |
Monee - Businesses
Amazon Fulfillment Center - MDW7
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.7875 | WQZG372 | RM | CC 10 TG * SL * |
AZ MDW7 Ops 10 | Operations | DMR | Business |
464.6125 | WQZG737 | RM | CC 13 TG * SL * |
AZ MDW7 Ops 13 | Operations | DMR | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
860.6375 | WZH965 | RM | CC 10 TG 2000 SL 1 |
Wille Bros RM | Wille Brothers Company Ready Mix | DMR | Business |
Plainfield - Businesses
Diageo Global Supply (Plainfield)
Diageo North America - manufacturing, warehousing and distribution of Smirnoff, Cuervo, etc; located on 143rd near Rt. 59
See the WIKI for additional frequency information
See the WIKI for additional frequency information
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.050 | WQPC783 | M | 071 DPL | Diageo Productio | Production | FMN | Business |
461.225 | WPBM740 | RM | DGS Procssng | Processing (United Distillers, Expired) | FMN | Business | |
461.350 | WPUT696 | RM | 245 DPL | DGS Security | Security | FMN | Security |
462.00625 | M | DGS Maintnce | Maintenance (462.0125 A Beep?) | FMN | Business | ||
462.325 | WQPC783 | BM | 114 DPL | DGS Maint | Diageo Maintenance | FMN | Business |
462.500 | WPUT697 | RM | DGS P.A.B. | P.A.B. | FMN | Business | |
462.500 | WQPC783 | BM | 245 DPL | DGS Backup | Diageo Backup | FMN | Business |
463.350 | WQPC783 | BM | 134 DPL | DGS Process | Diageo Process | FMN | Business |
463.8375 | WQBB696 | RM | 654 DPL | DGS Quality | Diageo QA | FMN | Business |
463.975 | WQPC783 | BM | 165 DPL | DGS Warehouse | Diageo Warehouse | FMN | Business |
464.400 | WQPC783 | BM | 343 DPL | DGS Emg | Diageo Emergency | FMN | Emergency Ops |
464.775 | WQPC783 | RM | 412 DPL | DGS Security | Diageo Security | FMN | Security |
464.7875 | WQKP387 | RM | 703 DPL | DGS P-1 | P-1 | FMN | Business |
466.70625 | DGS Warehse | Warehouse | FMN | Business | |||
469.23125 | DGS Prodctn | Production | FMN | Business | |||
469.70625 | DGS Emergn | Emergency | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Romeoville - Businesses
Citgo Refinery (Romeoville)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.
Citgo Refinery - Romeoville (Cap+) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Operations |
Citgo Refinery (Romeoville) Motorola Type II | Comms |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.370 | WPII800 | RM | 186.2 PL | Citgo Fire | Citgo Fire [KZ8810] | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
NRG Will County Generating Station (Romeoville)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.955 | WNPP695 | RM | 165 DPL | NRG Will Rail | Rail Ops (Loading/unloading coal) | FMN | Business |