Entity | Entity Type |
DuPage County Trunked Systems (23) | Trunked |
DuPage County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
DuPage County | Category |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers | Category |
EMS | Category |
Townships | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools - Public | Category |
Schools Transportation Companies | Category |
Schools - Private / Parochial | Category |
Colleges and Universities | Category |
Public Transportation | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses and Media | Business Group |
Federal | Federal |
Hospitals / Healthcare | Business Group |
Recreation and Attractions | Attraction |
DuPage County
DuPage County Sheriff
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Talkgroup 2619 is Ch 1 [DPSO1], Talkgroup 2620 is Ch 2 [DPSO2], Talkgroup 2621 is Jail Ops, Talkgroup 2622 is Court Services, talkgroups 2623-2627 are Sheriff Tac 1-5 (mobiles encrypted?) and talkgroup 2628 is Sheriff Admin. Talkgroup 2739 is the Sheriff Travel/Statewide talkgroup. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
857.3625 | KBJ863 | RM | 205 DPL | DPSO Ch 1 800 | (BACKUP) 8DPSO1 | FMN | Law Tac |
854.9625 | KNBG939 | RM | 205 DPL | DPSO Ch 2 800 | (BACKUP) 8DPSO2 | FMN | Law Tac |
856.2125 | WNRB606 | RM | 023 DPL | DPSO Ch 3 800 | (FORMER) Courts (Low Power) [Ch 3/7] | FMN | Law Talk |
859.7875 | WNRB606 | RM | 026 DPL | DPSO Ch 4 Jail | Jail (Low Power) [Ch 4/8] | FMN | Corrections |
156.150 | KSA436 | M | DPSO V3 SpecServ | Special Services (SWAT/MEG) | FMN | Law Tac | |
465.2875 | WQLX472 | M | DPSO Robot Voice | Bomb Robot - Digital Voice | P25 | Law Tac | |
460.2875 | WQLX472 | M | DPSO Robot Data | Bomb Robot - Data | FMN | Data |
DuPage Interoperability
* The DuPage Interoperability Radio System (DIRS) was decommissioned in 2017.
* Firegrounds Green and Orange (below) are DuPage County nomenclatures, not MABAS or State of Illinois designations.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.790 | KSA436 | BM | 131.8 PL | DIRS VHF | Patch - DIRS VHF | FMN | Interop |
158.790 | KSA436 | BM | 293 NAC | DIRS VHF P25 | Patch - DIRS VHF | P25 | Interop |
470.2625 | WPTK582 | RM | 146.2 PL | DIRS UHF | Patch - DIRS UHF | FMN | Interop |
470.2625 | WPTK582 | RM | 293 NAC | DIRS UHF P25 | Patch - DIRS UHF | P25 | Interop |
855.6375 | WNNO865 | RM | 100.0 PL | DIRS 800 PL | Patch - DIRS 800 MHz | FM | Interop |
855.6375 | WNNO865 | RM | 293 NAC | DIRS 800 NAC | Patch - Investigations [ASTRO] | P25 | Interop |
769.00625 | M | 156.7 PL | 7FG ORG | Fireground Orange (7FTAC1D) | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
769.89375 | M | 293 NAC | 7FG GRN | Fireground Green (7FIRE63D) | P25 | Fire-Tac |
DuPage County
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Talkgroup 2740 is the DuPage County 'Statewide' talkgroup. DuPage Water Commission has been confirmed using talkgroups 1351, 1355 and 1356. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.2875 | WQBK702 | RM | 271 DPL | DuP Health R | Health Department: Security, Ops [DMR also] | FMN | Public Works |
453.8625 | WPIG777 | RM | 74.4 PL | DuP Wtr Com1 | Water Commission Plant Ops 1 (LP R at HQ-Elmhurst) | FMN | Utilities |
453.8625 | WPIG777 | M | 88.5 PL | DuP WC PacRT | Water Commission Mobile Extenders | FMN | Utilities |
DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | DuPage OHSEM has two talkgroups on this system - 2735 (OHSEM-1) and 2736 (OHSEM-2). |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
471.250 | WQOG306 | RM | 131.8 PL | DuP Security | County Complex Security Operations | FMN | Emergency Ops |
154.965 | KZF591 | BM | 131.8 PL | DCOEM Main | Primary Incident Command [DCOEM Main] | FMN | Emergency Ops |
37.940 | KNIW808 | BM | 136.5 PL | DuP DCERN | DuPage County Emergency Radio Network (DCERN) | FMe | Emergency Ops |
154.770 | KSA436 | M | 131.8 PL | DuP EMTAC 1 | EMTAC 1 | FM | Emergency Ops |
155.235 | WNXS677 | BM | 131.8 PL | DuP EMTAC 2 | EMTAC 2 [Expired 11/21] | FMN | Emergency Ops |
155.430 | KZA229 | M | 131.8 PL | DuP EMTAC 3 | EMTAC 3 [Expired 8/23] | FMN | Emergency Ops |
45.400 | KAV739 | BM | 107.2 PL | DuP DMERS | DuPage Medical Emergency Radio System (DMERS) [Expired 8/23] | FM | Emergency Ops |
45.360 | WNQF709 | B | 103.5 PL | DuP WxNet | IEMA Weather Net | FMN | Emergency Ops |
45.440 | WPES847 | BM | 103.5 PL | IEMA Tac-2 | IEMA Tac-2 | FM | Emergency Ops |
45.560 | WNQF709 | B | 103.5 PL | IEMA LESERN | IEMA / LESERN | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
Forest Preserve Police dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is on 854.9375 NAC722 [8ACDC1]. See Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
ACDC has access to the 151.325 repeater, which seems to be used mostly by rangers (300-series units?). (4/20)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | (Frank units are dispatched on talkgroup 2601 (Police 1), by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC). They use talkgroup 2637 for car-to-car, etc. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.325 | KNED362 | RM | 210.7 PL | DuP FPD Ops1 | Rangers/Land Management [Ch 1/2] | FMN | Public Works |
159.420 | KNED362 | M | 210.7 PL | DuP FPD SE | Rangers/Land Management [Ch 3] | FMN | Public Works |
151.700 | M | 67.0 PL | Wlbrk WlfHvn | Willowbrook Wildlife Haven (Glen Ellyn) | FMN | Public Works |
Consolidated Dispatch Centers
Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC)
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | All police and fire dispatching is on STARCOM21, with fire simulcast on legacy VHF frequencies. Talkgroup 2740 is ACDC Statewide. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.2725 | WQYQ464 | RM | 71.9 PL | ACDC Fire 1 | Pleasantview, Tri-State, Westmont (w/SC21 TG 2712) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
151.085 | WQQQ227 | RM | 77.0 PL | ACDC Fire 2 | Addison, Bensenville, Itasca, Wood Dale (w/SC21 TG 2713) | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
155.010 | WRCU496 | RM | 91.5 PL | ACDC Fire 3 | Future Use | FMN | Fire-Talk |
854.9375 | WRAT773 | RM | 722 NAC | ACDC Police 1 BU | (BACK TO SC21) Police 1 [8ACDC1] | P25 | Law Dispatch |
855.1375 | WRAT773 | RM | 722 NAC | ACDC Police 2 BU | (BACK TO SC21) Police 2 [8ACDC2] | P25 | Law Dispatch |
855.8375 | WRAT773 | RM | 722 NAC | ACDC Police 3 BU | (BACK TO SC21) Police 3 [8ACDC3] | P25 | Law Dispatch |
471.2125 | KKN849 | RM | 146.2 PL | ACDC Police 7 | (BACK TO SC21) Itasca and Wood Dale | FMN | Law Dispatch |
DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM)
- P25 emission designator added to callsigns KZA347, WPKC696 and WPTK582 (4/22)
- See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | All police and fire dispatching is on STARCOM21, with fire simulcast on legacy VHF frequencies. Police back-up on "Channel 8" conventional 800 MHz repeaters (below). Talkgroup 2738 is DU-COMM Statewide. DU-COMM police agencies have access to tactical talkgroups DC TAC-1 - TAC-5 (2614-2619), which are encrypted. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
470.4375 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | ISPERN Patch | ISPERN Patch (155.475 Police Aid) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
470.1875 | WPTK582 | RM | DC 470.1875 | Emergency Operations | FMN | Law Talk | |
470.2625 | WPTK582 | RM | DC 470.2625 | Emergency Operations | FMN | Law Talk | |
859.1625 | WQVV334 | RM | 293 NAC | DC 800 PD North | (BACK-UP TO SC21) 1 North and 1 West | P25 | Law Dispatch |
857.6875 | WQVU619 | RM | 293 NAC | DC 800 PD East | (BACK-UP TO SC21) 1 East and 3 East | P25 | Law Dispatch |
859.5125 | WQVU626 | RM | 293 NAC | DC 800 PD SE | (BACK-UP TO SC21) 3 South | P25 | Law Dispatch |
858.6875 | WQVV335 | RM | 293 NAC | DC 800 PD South | (BACK-UP TO SC21) 1 South and 7 South | P25 | Law Dispatch |
859.6875 | WQVU622 | RM | 293 NAC | DC 800 PD West | (BACK-UP TO SC21) 3 West and 7 West | P25 | Law Dispatch |
859.4875 | WNKE235 | RM | 293 NAC | DC CW 1 P25 | Countywide 1 | P25 | Emergency Ops |
857.9875 | WNKE235 | RM | 293 NAC | DC CW 2 P25 | Countywide 2 (P25) | P25e | Emergency Ops |
857.9875 | WNKE235 | RM | 192.8 PL | DC CW 2 Analog | Countywide 2 (Analog) | FMN | Emergency Ops |
857.6625 | WQVU620 | RM | 141 NAC | DU-COMM ENC | Techs, others (also $145) | P25E | Emergency Ops |
220.8025 | WPWG466 | RM | 107.2 PL | DU-COMM FSA-E | Fire Station Alerting: East (154.415) (Deprecated) | FMN | Data |
220.8175 | WPWG466 | RM | 146.2 PL | DU-COMM FSA-N | Fire Station Alerting: North (154.175) (Deprecated) | FMN | Data |
220.8325 | WPWG466 | RM | 146.2 PL | DU-COMM FSA-W | Fire Station Alerting: West (154.145) (Deprecated) | FMN | Data |
220.8475 | WPWG466 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Wrng Sirens | Outdoor Emergency Warning Siren Data | FMN | Data |
154.175 | KNGG680 | RM | 151.4 PL | DUCOMM Fire N | Bartlett, Bloomingdale, Carol Stream, Glenside, Hanover Park, Roselle, W. Chicago, Wheaton, Winfield - w/SC21 TG2701 | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.415 | KJD387 | RM | 192.8 PL | DUCOMM Fire E | Clarendon Hills, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn, Hinsdale, Lombard, Oak Brook, Oakbrook Terrace, Villa Park, York Center - w/SC21 TG 2704 | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
151.385 | WPNU382 | RM | 146.2 PL | DUCOMM Fire S | Darien-Woodridge, Downers Grove, Lisle-Woodridge, Warrenville - w SC21 TG 2702 | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.145 | WQOL999 | RM | 118.8 PL | DUCOMM Fire W | Former Bartlett / Hanover Park Dispatch, now on Fire North. | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.310 | WPKC696 | RM | 170 NAC | DC P25 Fire Test | Fire: P25 Testing | P25 | Fire-Talk |
220.9125 | WPWG466 | RM | CSQ | DU-COMM SCADA | SCADA / Technicians Car-to-Car | FMN | Fire-Tac |
470.3625 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC IFERN Patch | Patch to IFERN Fire Mutual Aid | FMN | Fire-Talk |
470.2625 | WPTK582 | RM | 170 NAC | DC 4702625 $170 | Radio Technicians | P25e | Public Works |
470.3125 | KZA347 | RM | 170 NAC | DC 4703125 $170 | Radio Technicians | P25 | Public Works |
470.3875 | KZA347 | RM | 170 NAC | DC 4703875 $170 | Radio Technicians | P25 | Public Works |
476.4125 | KZA347 | RM | 145 NAC | DC 4764125 $145 | Radio Technicians | P25E | Public Works |
476.4125 | KZA347 | RM | 170 NAC | DC 4764125 $170 | Radio Technicians | P25 | Public Works |
476.4125 | KZA347 | RM | 444 NAC | DC 4764125 $444 | Radio Technicians | P25 | Public Works |
470.0375 | WPTK582 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old ElmPD Tac | (FORMER) Elmhurst Police: Tac | FMN | Law Talk |
470.2875 | WPTK582 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old WtnPD Tac | (FORMER) Wheaton Police: Tac | FMN | Law Talk |
470.3125 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old 7 West | (FORMER) West (Warrenville, Winfield, West Chicago Police) | FMN | Law Talk |
470.3875 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old 1 East | (FORMER) Police 1 East (Lombard, Villa Park Police) | FMN | Law Talk |
470.6875 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old 1 West | (FORMER) Police 1 West (Bartlett, Carol Stream Police) | FMN | Law Talk |
470.8875 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old 3 East | (FORMER) Police 3 East (Elmhurst, Oakbrook Terrace Police) | FMN | Law Talk |
471.0125 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old Ch 5 | (FORMER) Areawide Alternate | FMN | Law Talk |
471.1375 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old 3 West | (FORMER) 3 West (Glen Ellyn, Wheaton Police) | FMN | Law Talk |
476.4125 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | DC Old Ch 9 | (FORMER) Areawide Alternate | FMN | Law Talk |
Edward Ambulance Services
See Wiki Page for more information.
Diga-Talk NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | Edward Ambulance Service uses talkgroups 92 and/or 295 on this system. |
Superior Ambulance Service (Elmhurst)
It has been reported that Superior Ambulance uses NXDN simplex (UHF?) frequencies at special events. See wiki page for additional frequency information. (1/24)
Diga-Talk NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | Superior Ambulance and Illinois Medicar are reportedly dispatched on iPads now, with the Diga-Talk NXDN digital trunked system being used as a back-up. (2/24) Superior/IMC talkgroups are in the 5xxxx range. |
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Talkgroup 36531 appears to be the primary Superior Air Med dispatch talkgroup. They also appear to have access to (at least) talkgroups 36532-36545. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
476.8625 | WPPW990 | RM | 110.9 PL | Air Med 1 | Superior Air Med Helo SAM 1 Dispatch (Oakbrook Terrace) (OOS?) | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
153.500 | WPEK951 | RM | 103.5 PL | MABAS Div 20 | Norcomm Fire Dispatch - MABAS Division 20 "Divisionwide" Channel | FMN | Fire-Tac |
155.220 | KEP561 | BM | 94.8 PL | Superior 1 | Superior Ambulance | FMN | EMS-Tac |
155.325 | WPEK951 | BM | Superior 2 | Superior Ambulance | FMN | EMS-Tac |
For Hospital business frequencies, see Hospital/Healthcare Page
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.340 | WQTP738 | B | 107.2 PL | GSH MERCI 107.2 | Good Samaritan: Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital |
155.340 | WNKH981 | B | 141.3 PL | CDH MERCI 141.3 | Central DuPage: Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital |
155.340 | KNIC339 | B | 192.8 PL | EMH MERCI 192.8 | Elmhurst Memorial: Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital |
155.340 | WQBQ646 | B | 218.1 PL | GOMC MERCI 218.1 | Glen Oaks MC: Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital |
155.340 | KZU880 | B | 85.4 PL | HHosp MERCI 85.4 | Hinsdale Hospital: Patient Reports [Expired 3/22] | FMN | Hospital |
155.340 | WQLE304 | B | 127.3 PL | EH MERCI 127.3 | Edward Hospital: Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital |
Addison Township was last reported to be using Nextel. See 'Townships and Water Districts" at Cook County for information on Hanover Township Emergency Services.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.8425 | WQQF637 | RM | 306 DPL | BlmngdaleTwp Hwy | Bloomingdale Township Highway Department | FMN | Public Works |
151.025 | WQQF637 | BM | 115 DPL | Blmngdale TwpRds | Bloomingdale Township Highway Department (Old) | FMN | Public Works |
151.025 | KGK645 | BM | 173.8 PL | DGroveTwp Roads | Downers Grove Township | FMN | Public Works |
151.025 | BM | 136.5 PL | LisleTwp Roads | Lisle Township | FMN | Public Works | |
45.680 | KCK298 | BM | 156.7 PL | MiltonTwp Roads | Milton Township (Out of Service?) [Expired 8/21] | FMN | Public Works |
151.025 | WNUH254 | BM | 131.8 PL | NprvllTwp Roads1 | Naperville Township Roads | FMN | Public Works |
151.055 | WNUH254 | M | NprvllTwp Roads2 | Naperville Township Road Maintenance | FMN | Public Works | |
156.105 | KNAZ336 | BM | 151.4 PL | WayneTwp Road | Wayne Township | FMN | Public Works |
151.025 | KFN647 | RM | 114.8 PL | WinfieldTwp Road | Winfield Township | FMN | Public Works |
151.025 | WNZL347 | BM | 192.8 PL | YorkTwp Roads | York Township | FMN | Public Works |
151.175 | KTH822 | BM | CB Mosquito | Clarendon Blackhawk Mosquito Abatement Dist | FMN | Public Works |
Municipalities and Districts
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is 855.1375 NAC722 [8ACDC2].
Fire Protection District is dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.085 (77.0) - see Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("ADAM" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2602. They also have access to 2603 (ACDC TAC 1, encryption noted), and 2688 (ADDISON LOCAL, ID'd as "Channel 3"). Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2713. Many Addison PD units have been noted making exclusive use of TG 2645 ENC (Fall 2020). |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.055 | M | 131.8 PL | Add Police Tac-6 | Police: Tac 6 (IREACH) | FMN | Law Tac | |
859.6625 | WRBM329 | RM | 611 NAC | Add FPD Ch. 8 | Fire Protection District [Channel 8] | P25 | Fire-Tac |
856.0375 | WRDG813 | RM | 722 NAC | Add PW 800 MHz | Public Works Ops | P25 | Law Talk |
159.630 | WPLV779 | BM | 131.8 PL | Add PW1/PD3 | Public Works [Ch. 1] /Police [Ch. 3] | FMN | Public Works |
159.630 | WPLV779 | BM | 223 DPL | Add PW Plows | Public Works: Snow Plows | FMN | Public Works |
155.100 | KEL343 | BM | Add PubWrks2 | Public Works [Ch. 2] | FMN | Public Works | |
453.8375 | WNUS400 | M | Add PW Data1 | Public Works: Data | Telm | Data | |
458.8375 | WNUS400 | M | Add PW Data2 | Public Works: Data | Telm | Data | |
452.825 | WQTV407 | F | Add PW Data | Public Works: Wastewater Treatment Data | FMN | Data | |
151.235 | KNFZ479 | BM | Addison Parks | Park District [Expired 2/11] | FMN | Public Works |
See Kane County
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.1625 (NAC293) [DC 800 PD NORTH]. Fire Department was formerly dispatched on 154.145 (118.8) but has temporarily(?) moved to 154.175 (151.4) (3/14/24). See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See the WIKI for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("BRAVO" units) is dispatched by DU-COMM on talkgroup 2609 (Channel 1 West). Talkgroup 2678 is Bartlett Local, also called "Channel 3". They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618). Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.670 | KTD767 | M | Bart Police C2C | Police: Car-to-Car | NXDN48 | Law Tac | |
151.295 | WNAA359 | BM | 146.2 PL | Bart PubWrks | Public Works / Fire [Ch 5] / Park District (Villa Olivia) | FMN | Public Works |
151.685 | KB76908 | M | Bart PkDist | Park District / Villa Olivia Ops | FMN | Public Works | |
151.715 | M | 71.9 PL | VOCC F1 | Villa Olivia Country Club (Ch 1) | FMN | Business | |
151.805 | M | 71.9 PL | VOCC F2 | Villa Olivia Country Club (Ch 2) | FMN | Business | |
155.160 | M | 71.9 PL | VOCC SkiPtrl | Villa Olivia Ski Patrol | FMN | EMS-Tac |
Police is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is 855.1375 NAC722 [8ACDC2].
Fire Protection District is dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.085 77.0. See Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See the WIKI for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("BRAVO" units) dispatched by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC). Talkgroups are 2602 - ACDC 2 (Dispatch, with Wood Dale PD), 2603 - ACDC TAC 1 (encryption noted), 2689 - Bensenville Local (alternate, also known as "Local", "Channel 3" or "3"). Fire Protection District is also dispatched by ACDC on talkgroup 2713, which is simulcast on 151.085 (77.0). |
Diga-Talk NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | Bensenville Dial-a-Ride uses talkgroup 3092 on this system. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.010 | M | Bens Police Alt | Police: Car-to-Car/Alternate | FMN | Law Tac | ||
154.370 | KDS610 | BM | 103.5 PL | Bens Fire Old | (Former) Fire Dispatch (Stations/units 107-109) [Expired 4/02] | FMN | Fire-Talk |
453.0125 | WPFA962 | M | Bens EMA Ops 1 | EMA: Operations | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
458.0125 | WPFA962 | M | Bens EMA Ops 2 | EMA: Operations | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
155.940 | KDX538 | BM | Bens EMA Old | EMA: Old Channel | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
158.160 | KDX538 | RM | 225.7 PL | Bens PublicWorks | Public Works / EMA / Police: Car-to-Car [Ch 3] | FMN | Public Works |
159.225 | WNCA851 | BM | Bens Parks | Park District | FMN | Public Works | |
462.3875 | WQNH948 | M | Bens Alarms | Burglar/Fire Alarm Monitoring [Terminated] | Telm | Data |
Police is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is 855.8375 NAC722 [8ACDC3]. See Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
Fire Protection District is dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 154.175 - See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("LINCOLN" units) dispatched on talkgroup 2744 (IDd as "Main" and "ACDC 3"). Talkgroup 2700 is Bloomingdale Local and talkgroup 2603 is ACDC Tac. Talkgroup 2630 has been called "TAC", "TAC 1" and (Channel) "3". Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.520 | KDG325 | M | 134 DPL | Blmd Polce c2c | Police: Car-to-Car [Expired 7/22] | FMN | Law Tac |
155.085 | WNIA307 | BM | 134 DPL | Blmd PubWrks/PD | Public Works / Police: Alternate | FMN | Public Works |
467.925 | M | 226 DPL | Blmd Parks 2 | Park District - Bloomingdale Golf Club | FMN | Public Works | |
159.765 | WQTV572 | F | Blmd Water Data | Public Works - Water Collection / Treatment Data | Telm | Data |
Bloomingdale Fire Protection District
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 154.175 - See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatched on talkgroup 2701. Talkgroup 2709 has seen past use as Bloomingdale Fire Protection's "Admin" channel, also known as "Channel 8". |
See Will County
Burr Ridge
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up dispatch on 859.5125 NAC293 [DC 800 PD Southeast]. (see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers). Fire and EMS services (provided by Tri-State and Pleasantview Fire Protection Districts) are dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.2725 (71.9). See Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers. Public Works has at least five STARCOM21 talkgroups (see below).
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("IDA" units) is dispatched by DU-COMM on talkgroup 2631 (3 South). Talkgroup 2698 is Burr Ridge Local. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire and EMS (provided by Tri-State and Pleasantview Fire Protection Districts) are on talkgroup 2713. Burr Ridge Public Works uses talkgroups 35170-35174. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.145 | KXO672 | BM | CSQ | Burr Police Alt2 | Police: Alternate [Ch 2] | FMN | Law Talk |
155.145 | KXO672 | BM | 141.3 PL | Burr PublicWrks | Public Works / Police: Alternate [Ch 2] | FMN | Public Works |
Carol Stream
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.1625 NAC293 [DC 800 PD NORTH]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.175. See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("CHARLIE" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2609 (Channel 1 West). Talkgroup 2676 is Carol Stream Local, also called "3" or "Channel 3". They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618). Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.115 | KZZ435 | BM | 107.2 PL | CS Police/DPW | Police: Secondary / Public Works | FMN | Multi-Talk |
151.1975 | KZZ435 | RM | 411 DPL | CS Public Works | Public Works: Operations | FMN | Public Works |
159.405 | M | 226 DPL | CS Park District | Park District: Operations | FMN | Public Works |
Clarendon Hills
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up dispatch on 859.5125 NAC293 [DC 800 PD Southeast]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("FOXTROT" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2631 (3 South). Talkgroup 2695 is Clarendon Hills Local. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618). Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2704 (Fire East). |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.725 | KSG480 | BM | 146.2 PL | CH Police Alt1 | Police: Alternate [Expired 9/11] | FMN | Law Talk |
153.635 | WNMG301 | RM | 146.2 PL | CH PD/FD Tac | Police/Fire: Tactical Operations [Ch. 3] | FMN | Multi-Tac |
154.250 | WNMG301 | BM | CSQ | CH Fire 250 | Fire: Coordination with Pleasantview, others | FMN | Fire-Talk |
155.835 | WQLQ950 | RM | 146.2 PL | ClarHls PW/13 | Public Works, Police Alternate [Signal 13] | FMN | Public Works |
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 858.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD South]. Fire and EMS services are dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.385 (Darien Woodridge Fire Protection District, see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.), 151.2725 (Tri-State Fire Protection District, see Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers) and 155.385 (see Lemont Fire Department in Cook County).
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("JOHN" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2613 (Channel 1 South). Talkgroup 2685 (Darien Local) is used as a car-to-car channel. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.980 | M | Darien PW 1 | Public Works | FMN | Public Works | ||
453.800 | KSK343 | M | 156.7 PL | Darien PW 2 | Public Works / Police: Car-to-Car [Expired 5/14] | FMN | Public Works |
Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.385 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
* See Wiki page for information about the resource sharing agreement between Darien-Woodridge and Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection Districts.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatch is on talkgroup 2702. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.955 | M | DrnWdrg FG | Fireground [Ch 13] | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Downers Grove
* Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 858.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD South]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 151.385 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("PAUL" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2605 (DU-COMM 7 South). "Local" (Downers Grove Local) is talkgroup 2692, and Downers Grove PD Tac is talkgroup 2606 ("Code 2"? OOS?). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2702, which is patched to 151.385 (146.2) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
470.6625 | WIM395 | RM | 146.2 PL | DG Police 5 | Police: Backup/Tactical/Special Ops [Ch 5] (for Downers Grove, Lisle, and Darien) | FMN | Law Tac |
156.150 | KB52406 | M | DG Police Tac | Police: Car-to-Car/Tac | FMN | Law Tac | |
155.7075 | WQAE907 | RM | 67.0 PL | DG Fire Disp | (Former) Fire: Dispatch (was patched to STARCOM21 TG2710) | FMN | Fire-Talk |
155.2375 | M | DG Fire Training | Fire: Training | FMN | Fire-Tac | ||
472.8875 | WPQG455 | RM | 146.2 PL | DG Public Works1 | Public Works (former Police Tac 7) | FMN | Public Works |
151.220 | BM | 91.5 PL | DG Parks 1 | Park District (also 118.8?) | FM | Public Works | |
151.850 | WQQH512 | RM | 411 DPL | DG Parks 2 | Park District Ops [Expired 12/22] | FMN | Public Works |
458.0875 | WQEY250 | M | DG Parks LDS | Park District: Lightning Detection System | Telm | Data |
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 857.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD EAST]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("ECHO" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2608 (3 East). Talkgroup 2674 (Elmhurst Local - aka "Channel 4" or "Local") is used as an alternate. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2704. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
470.0375 | KZA347 | RM | 146.2 PL | Elmhurst Police | Police Explorer Scout Post (noted 2012) (Ch 1) | FMN | Law Tac |
154.040 | KSI453 | BM | 146.2 PL | Elmh PW/ESDA | Public Works / Emergency Management Agency | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
453.3875 | WNXS942 | M | CSQ | Elmh Sewer | Sewer Operations [Expired 4/22] | FMN | Utilities |
465.5375 | WQDM821 | M | Elm Fi/Sec Alarm | Fire/Security Alarms (Digital) | Telm | Data | |
160.1325 | WRCH200 | M | Elmh PW WDD | Storm Water Data (Digital) | Telm | Data | |
152.945 | WQWV214 | M | Elmh PW Data | Unknown Data (Digital) | Telm | Data | |
456.2375 | WQZX337 | M | Elm WaterMeter 1 | Water Meter Data (Digital) | Telm | Data | |
467.2875 | WQZX337 | M | Elm WaterMeter 2 | Water Meter Data (Digital) | Telm | Data | |
458.550 | WGI862 | M | Elmh 458.550 | use by Cottage Hill Operating Company? (Villa Park school bus company) | FMN | Transportation |
Fox River and Countryside Fire Protection District
District covers portions of Kane County and far northwest DuPage County. See Kane County database page.
Glen Ellyn
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD West]. Glen Ellyn Volunteer Fire Company is dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 154.415. Fire and EMS services south of Fawell Bouldvard are provided by Lisle Woodridge Fire Protection District, which is dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.385. See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("GOLF" units) dispatched on talkgroup 2610 (3 West). "Channel 3" or "Local" (Glen Ellyn Local) is talkgroup 2679. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Volunteer Fire Company dispatch is on talkgroup 2704. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.105 | WRWT438 | RM | CC 11 TG 1003 SL 1 |
GE Police c2c | Police: Car-to-Car | DMR | Law Talk |
155.100 | KCV383 | BM | GE Police c2c2 | Police: Car-to-Car (OOS?) | FMN | Law Talk | |
159.105 | WRWT438 | BM | CC 11 TG 1005 SL 2 |
GE Public Works | Public Works | DMR | Public Works |
151.475 | WPBR393 | RM | 100.0 PL | GE Park District | Park District [Expired 2/23] | FMN | Public Works |
458.0875 | M | GE VlgLnksGolf 1 | Village Links Golf Course [No License] | FMN | Business | ||
458.6625 | M | GE VlgLnksGolf 2 | Village Links Golf Course [No License] | FMN | Business |
Glenbard Wastewater Authority
See Wiki page for more information.
Glendale Heights
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is 855.8375 NAC722 [8ACDC3].
Fire & EMS services are dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 154.175 (by Bloomingdale Fire Protection District north of the Canadian National Railway tracks and Glenside Fire Protection District south of the Canadian National Railway tracks). See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ('DELTA' units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2744 (ACDC PD-3). "Direct" (Glendale Heights Local) is talkgroup 2699. ACDC Tac is talkgroup 2603. Bloomingdale and Glenside Fire Protection Districts are dispatched on 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
858.2125 | WNQU865 | RM | 023 DPL | GdHts Police | (FORMER) Police: Dispatch (on STARCOM21) | FM | Law Dispatch |
155.145 | KNIN328 | BM | 88.5 PL | GDH PubWrks 3 | Public Works / Police: Alternate [Channel 3] | FMN | Public Works |
451.6375 | WPPV841 | M | GDH WDD 1 | Water Distribution Data - Golf Course? [Expired 2/15] | Telm | Data | |
456.6375 | WPPV841 | M | GDH WDD 2 | Water Distribution Data - Golf Course? [Expired 2/15] | Telm | Data |
Glenside Fire Protection District (Glendale Heights)
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 154.175 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
460.5125 | KO4553 | M | Glsd FPD MX1 | Mobile Extenders/Portables | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
465.5125 | KO4553 | M | Glsd FPD MX2 | Mobile Extenders/Portables | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Hanover Park
- Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.1625 NAC293 [DC 800 PD NORTH]. Fire Department dispatch multicast on 154.175 (151.4) DU-COMM Fire North. (3/14/24). See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
- The 453.425 DMR repeater also carries location (LRRP) and automatic registration service (ARS) data for unknown mobiles. Unknown if any other talkgroups are in use. (10/24)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("YANKEE" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2612 (Channel 1 North). Talkgroup 2677 is Hanover Park Local, aka "Channel 2". They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.520 | KNJG559 | BM | 134 DPL | HnPk PD c2c | Police Car-to-Car/Alternate [Ch 5] | FMN | Law Tac |
453.9125 | M | 103.5 PL | HnPk Fire MX | Fire Mobile Extenders [No License] | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
453.425 | KLK463 | BM | CC 6 TG 100 SL 1 |
HnPk PubWrks | Public Works | DMR | Public Works |
155.895 | KLK463 | BM | 146.2 PL | HnPk PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
151.655 | WPLP856 | BM | HnPk Parks | Park District: Maintenance/Security [Expired 11/12] | FMN | Public Works |
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up dispatch on 859.5125 NAC293 [DC 800 PD Southeast]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("HENRY" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2631 (3 SOUTH) . Their 'local' channel (HINSDALE LOCAL) is talkgroup 2696. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2704 (FIRE EAST). |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.685 | WPEY973 | RM | 167.9 PL | Hins Police L17 | Police: Car-to-Car [Lincoln 17] | FMN | Law Tac |
154.085 | KBV882 | BM | 118.8 PL | Hins Sanit/PDTac | Sanitary District / Police Tac [Lincoln 16] | FMN | Public Works |
154.980 | WQB813 | BM | 118.8 PL | Hins PubWrks | Public Works [Expired, 2/01 still in use?] | FMN | Public Works |
153.0125 | WQJR859 | F | Hinsdale WDD | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is 855.1375 NAC722 [8ACDC2].
Itasca Fire Protection District is dispatched on STARCOM21 and patched to 151.085 (77.0). See Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("ITASCA" units) is dispatched by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC). Talkgroups are 2602 - ACDC 2 (Dispatch, with Bensenville and Wood Dale PDs) and 2603 - ACDC TAC 1 (encryption noted). They were formerly self-dispatched on talkgroup 2633 with talkgroup 2634 as a secondary (could be patched to 471.2125) and talkgroup 2635 as a tac. They use talkgroup 2691 (Itasca Local, also called "3", "sideband" and "side channel") as an alternate channel. Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2713 (ACDC Fire 2 - North). |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
471.2125 | WIG734 | RM | 146.2 PL | ItascaPD Alt | Police Alternate, can be patched to STARCOM21 TG2634 (WdDl-Itasca 2) | FM | Law Talk |
155.805 | KNES303 | BM | 732 DPL | Itasca PubWk | Public Works / Police: Alternate | FMN | Public Works |
453.7625 | WQTD835 | F | Itasca WDD | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
Lemont Fire Protection District
The Lemont Fire District protects an area of approximately 40 square miles, including portions of Darien and Woodridge in DuPage County. See Cook County.
* Police Department and Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 858.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD South]. Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District dispatch is simulcast on 151.385 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
* 156.195 repeater reportedly full-time encrypted DMR (6/22)
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("ALPHA" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2613 (1 South) and talkgroup 2686 (Lisle Local, also called "3") is used as a car-to-car channel. Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District dispatch is on talkgroup 2702. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.5125 | WQKR469 | RM | 146.2 PL | Lisle EMA | Emergency Management | FMN | Emergency Ops |
156.195 | KNIF963 | RM | CC 8 TG 925 SL 2 |
Lisle PW Plows | Public Works: Snow Plows (ENC) | DMRE | Public Works |
156.195 | KNIF963 | RM | CC 8 TG 1800 SL 2 |
Lisle PW 1800 | Public Works? | DMRE | Public Works |
156.195 | KNIF963 | RM | CC 8 TG 1801 SL * |
Lisle PW 1801 | Public Works? | DMRE | Public Works |
156.195 | KNIF963 | RM | CC 8 TG 4905 SL 1 |
Lisle PW 4905 | Public Works? | DMRE | Public Works |
151.145 | WPMP985 | BM | Lisle Parks | Park District [Expired 10/03] | FMN | Public Works |
Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.385 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
* See Wiki page for information about the resource sharing agreement between Lisle-Woodridge and Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection Districts.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatched on talkgroup 2702. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.325 | BM | LWFPD 12 | Fire [Ch 12] (Forest Preserve District?) | FMN | Fire-Tac | ||
151.745 | BM | LWFPD 13 | Fire [Ch 13] | FMN | Fire-Tac | ||
156.195 | KNIF963 | BM | 136.5 PL | Lisle PW | Fire [Ch 14] (Lisle PW) | FMN | Fire-Tac |
155.040 | KNAB902 | BM | Wdrg PW | Fire [Ch 15] (Woodridge PW) | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
155.925 | BM | LWFPD 16 | Fire [Ch 16] | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 857.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD EAST]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("LINCOLN" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2607 (1 East) and talkgroup 2672 (Lombard Local or "Channel 3") is used as an alternate channel. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2704. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.100 | WNUJ407 | BM | 146.2 PL | Lombard PD/FD 4 | Police: Car-to-Car / Fire [Ch 4] | FMN | Public Works |
476.7125 | WIJ440 | RM | 146.2 PL | Lombard Police 7 | Police: Tac [Ch 7] | FMN | Law Tac |
151.265 | WNWR520 | RM | 146.2 PL | Lom Park/OEM/PW | Park District, Public Works, OEM: Ops [LESTAC] | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
155.100 | WNUJ407 | BM | 146.2 PL | Lombard PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
156.600 | M | Marine 12 | Park District Water Park Ops | FM | Public Works | ||
451.0375 | WPZF536 | F | Lombard WDD 1 | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data | |
956.25625 | WQHD245 | F | Lombard WDD 2 | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
See wiki page for additional frequency information.
Aurora / Naperville Public Safety (OpenSky) OpenSky 9600 baud | Naperville Police, Fire, Public Works, EMA and Utilities use this system. There are currently no scanners available that will decode it. |
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Talkgroup 2655 is a patch to Naperville Fire Dispatch, and talkgroup 2729 is a patch to Naperville Fireground. The patches are activated by Naperville Communications on an as-needed basis. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
774.4875 | WQNI411 | RM | Nap Police VTAC1 | Police: OpenSky V-TAC Mobile Sites (IN USE?) | FMN | Multi-Tac | |
774.7375 | WQNI411 | RM | Nap Police VTAC2 | Police: OpenSky V-TAC Mobile Sites (IN USE?) | FMN | Multi-Tac | |
155.610 | KQS779 | RM | 114 DPL | Naper ParkPolice | Naperville Park Police: Patch to OpenSky (IN USE?) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
154.965 | KDL980 | BM | 131.8 PL | Naper EMA | EMA: Operations | FMN | Emergency Ops |
154.100 | KDL908 | BM | Naper EMA Tac | EMA: Tac / Snow Plows | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
155.760 | WPGA221 | RM | Naper EMA R | EMA: Link To Will County OEM | FMN | Emergency Ops | |
462.3625 | WRER412 | M | CC 1 TG * SL * |
Cent Beach B | Centennial Beach: Main (Naperville Park District) | DMR | Public Works |
462.2125 | WRER412 | M | CC 10 TG 6000 SL 1 |
Cent Beach Main | Centennial Beach: Main (Naperville Park District) | DMR | Public Works |
Oak Brook
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up dispatch on 859.5125 NAC293 [DC 800 PD Southeast]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("KING" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2631 ('3 SOUTH') . Their 'local' channel (OAK BROOK LOCAL, aka "Code 4"?) is talkgroup 2694. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire is dispatched on talkgroup 2704. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.805 | KSS828 | M | 107.2 PL | OkBrk Police 4 | Police: Alternate [Code 4] | FMN | Law Tac |
158.730 | WPLH456 | RM | 146.2 PL | OkBrk Police 5 | Police: Car-to-Car/Alternate [Code 5] | FMN | Law Tac |
155.805 | KSS828 | RM | 162.2 PL | OkBrk PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
456.3375 | WQRY625 | F | OkBrk WDD | Water Distribution Data [Expired 2/14] | Telm | Data | |
159.285 | M | OkBrk Parks | Park District | FMN | Public Works |
Oakbrook Terrace
Police Department and Fire Protection District are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 857.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD EAST]. Fire Protection District dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("OCEAN" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2608 (Channel 3 East). Alternate "Channel 6" is talkgroup 2675 (Oakbrook Terrace Local). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2704. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
472.8125 | WII608 | RM | 146.2 PL | OBT Police 6 | Police Alternate [Ch 6] | FMN | Law Tac |
154.115 | KGL362 | RM | 146.2 PL | OBT PW/Fire | Public Works / Fire: Alternate [F-2] | FMN | Public Works |
Pleasantview Fire Protection District
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.2725 (150-series units) - see Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatched by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) on their Fire South talkgroup (2712), which is patched to 151.2725 (71.9). |
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.1625 NAC293 [DC 800 PD NORTH]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.175 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("ROBERT" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2612 (Channel 1 North). Alternate is talkgroup 2684 (Roselle Local), which can be patched to 471.1875. They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
477.600 | KAY934 | RM | Rosl Police Tac | Police: Tactical | FMN | Law Tac | |
155.520 | WPWF432 | M | 134 DPL | Rosl Police Alt | Police: Alternate | FMN | Law Tac |
471.1875 | KAY934 | RM | 146.2 PL | Rosl Police Loc | Police: Alternate, can be patched to STARCOM21 TG2684 (Roselle Local) | FMN | Law Talk |
158.8575 | KRV360 | RM | 134 DPL | Rosl PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
151.370 | KNEZ578 | BM | 82.5 PL | Rosl Park/PD 5 | Park District / Police Car-to-Car [Ch 5] [Expired 3/13] | FM | Multi-Tac |
453.6375 | WPAI921 | M | Roselle WDD | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
Tri-State Fire Protection District (Darien, Willowbrook)
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.2725 (120-series units) - see Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatched on talkgroup 2712. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.3325 | KSD739 | BM | 156.7 PL | TriSt FDTac2 | Tac 2 | FMN | Fire-Tac |
Villa Park
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 857.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD EAST]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("VICTOR" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2607 (Channel 1 East). "Channel 3" alternate is talkgroup 2673 (Villa Park Local). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2704. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.040 | WNVD902 | BM | 110.9 PL | VPark PubWrk | Public Works / Police Alternate | FMN | Public Works |
956.31875 | WPOQ945 | B | VillaPrk WDD | Public Works: Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data | |
218.225 | WRPN439 | B | VP Storm Water | Public Works: Stormwater Pump Monitoring/Activation | Telm | Public Works |
Police Department and Fire Protection District are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD West]. Fire Protection District dispatch is simulcast on 151.385 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("DELTA" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2611 (7 West). "Channel 3" or "Local" is talkgroup 2681 (Warrenville Local). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are usually encrypted. Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2702. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.0025 | WPWX243 | BM | 97.4 PL | Wnvl PW/c2c | Public Works / Police: Car-to-Car | FMN | Public Works |
155.745 | M | 97.4 PL | Wnvl PW OLD | Public Works / Police: Car-to-Car (Old) | FMN | Public Works | |
452.525 | WPQE585 | F | Wnvl WDD 2 | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
West Chicago
Police Department and Fire Protection District are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD West]. Fire Protection District dispatch is simulcast on 154.175 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("ZEBRA" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2611 (7 West). "Channel 3" or "Local" is talkgroup 2682 (West Chicago Local). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are usually encrypted. Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.010 | KSE459 | BM | 107.2 PL | WC PoliceAlt | Police: Alternate | FMN | Law Tac |
155.880 | KDG299 | RM | 107.2 PL | WC PW/ESDA | Publc Works / ESDA (131.8 in) | FMN | Multi-Dispatch |
451.2125 | WPMJ211 | F | WChicago WDD | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
Police is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is on 854.9375 NAC722 [8ACDC1].
Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.2725 71.9 PL. See Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("WHISKEY" units) is dispatched by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) on talkgroup 2601. "Local" is talkgroup 2693 (Westmont Local), which has also been called "Sideband". Fire Department (180-series units) is dispatched by ACDC on their Fire South talkgroup 2712, which is patched to 151.2725 (71.9). |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.815 | KA7241 | M | 100.0 PL | Wstm Police Tac5 | Police: Tac 5 (Fiat 2 - Task Force) | FMN | Law Tac |
154.650 | M | Wstm Police TacA | Police: Tac | FMN | Law Tac | ||
155.685 | KBJ838 | M | Wstm Police TacB | Police: Tac | FMN | Law Tac | |
154.725 | KBJ838 | RM | 192.8 PL | Wstm V PW/EMA | Public Works / Emergency Management [Tac 5] | FMN | Multi-Tac |
451.400 | M | Wstm EMA Tac | EMA: Tac | FMN | Emergency Ops | ||
158.745 | KRX374 | BM | 192.8 PL | Wstm EMA/PD2 | EMA / Police: Tac 2 "Adam" | FMN | Emergency Ops |
158.835 | M | Wstm EMA Tac | EMA / Police: Tac | FMN | Emergency Ops | ||
855.6375 | WNNO865 | RM | 722 NAC | Wstm 8 PW/EMA | Public Works / Emergency Management | P25 | Emergency Ops |
155.145 | KRX374 | F | 192.8 PL | Wstm PW/PD Tac-1 | Public Works / Police: Tac 1 | FMN | Public Works |
453.2125 | WPAU934 | BM | Westmont WDD | Water Distribution Data | FMN | Data | |
151.415 | WNLI532 | BM | Westmont Parks | Park District [Expired 11/14] | FMN | Public Works |
Police and Fire Departments are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD West]. Fire Department dispatch is simulcast on 154.175 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more park district frequency information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("TANGO" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2610 (3 West). "Channel 3" or "Local" is talkgroup 2680 (Wheaton Local). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are usually encrypted. Fire Department is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. Talkgroup 2707 (Fire Admin 1) is "Channel 8" in Fire Department radios. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.920 | KDP453 | BM | 118.8 PL | Whtn PublicWorks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
159.225 | M | 134 DPL | Whtn CosleyFarm | Cosley Animal Farm | FMN | Public Works | |
151.220 | KJP469 | BM | 91.5 PL | WhtnPark Maint | Maintenance | FMN | Public Works |
151.235 | KJP469 | M | 131.8 PL | Whtn Park CC | Community Center / Rice Pool | FMN | Public Works |
151.490 | M | 131.8 PL | Whtn AqatCtr | Aquatic Center - Rice Pool | FMN | Public Works |
Police is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up dispatch on 859.5125 NAC293 [DC 800 PD Southeast]. See DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers. Fire and EMS services are provided by Tri-State and Pleasantview Fire Protection Districts on 151.2725 (71.9 PL) - see Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("X-RAY" units) dispatched is on talkgroup 2631 (3 South). Willowbrook Local is talkgroup 2697 and has been user-IDd as "2" and "3". They have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
475.125 | WQLC220 | M | Wbrk Police Tac | Police: Side Band / Tac | FMN | Law Tac | |
472.125 | WQLC220 | RM | Wbrk Police P2P | Police: Point-to-Point | FMN | Law Talk | |
155.430 | BM | 107.2 PL | Wbrk Police Alt | Police: Alternate | FMN | Law Tac | |
154.875 | BM | 103.5 PL | Wbrk Police c2c | Police: Car-to-Car | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
155.145 | BM | Wbrk PublicWorks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
Police and Fire are dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 859.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD West]. Fire dispatch is simulcast on 154.175 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("WILLIAM" units) dispatched on talkgroup 2611 (7 West). "Channel 3" or "Local" is talkgroup 2683 (Winfield Local). They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. Fire is dispatched on talkgroup 2701. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.040 | KNP547 | BM | 74.4 PL | Wnfld PubWrk | Public Works / Police Alternate | FMN | Public Works |
471.075 | WQNN818 | RM | Wnfld EMA | Emergency Management | FMN | Emergency Ops |
Wood Dale
Police Department is dispatched on STARCOM21. Back-up is 855.1375 NAC722 [8ACDC2].
Fire Protection District is dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.085 (77.0) - see Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police Department ("WILLIAM" units) is dispatched on talkgroup 2744 (ACDC 3) with talkgroup 2634 as a secondary (can be patched to 471.2125) and talkgroup 2603 (ACDC Tac-1) as tactical. They use talkgroup 2687 (Wood Dale Local) as an alternate channel. Fire Protection District is dispatched on talkgroup 2713. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
471.2125 | WIG734 | RM | 146.2 PL | WdDl Police Alt | Police: Alternate (can be patched to STARCOM21 TG2634 (WdDl-Itasca 2) | FMN | Law Talk |
46.580 | WPCY401 | BM | 110.9 PL | WdDl PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
451.125 | WPRX560 | M | WdDale WDD | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Data |
Police is dispatched on STARCOM21. Police back-up dispatch on 858.6875 NAC293 [DC 800 PD South]. Fire and EMS services for areas north of I-55 are dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 151.385 (provided by Darien-Woodridge Fire Protection District for areas east of I-355, except Country Club Estates and Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District for areas west of I-355 and Country Club Estates, see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers). Fire and EMS services for areas south of I-55 are dispatched on 155.385 (Lemont Fire Protection District, see Cook County).
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police ("SAM" units) dispatched on talkgroup 2613 (1 South) and talkgroup 2690 is Woodridge Local or "Direct". They also have access to DU-COMM TAC talkgroups 1-5 (2614-2618), which are normally encrypted. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
462.6625 | M | 136.5 PL | WdrdgPark ARC 5 | Park District - Athletic Recreation Center: Ops (ARC) | FMN | Public Works | |
857.4625 | WRVT845 | RM | 103.5 PL | Wdrg Pub Wks | Public Works / Building | FMN | Public Works |
857.4625 | WRVT845 | RM | 141.3 PL | Wdrg Strt/SnPlow | Street Dept. / Snow Plows | FMN | Public Works |
155.040 | KNAB902 | BM | 127.3 PL | Wdrg PW/PD | Public Works / Police: Alternate [Signal 3] | FMN | Public Works |
159.7125 | WQGY703 | M | Wdrg PW WDD | Water Distribution Data | Telm | Public Works | |
151.925 | WQEW719 | M | 7 Bridges Golf 1 | Park District - Seven Bridges Golf Club Ops | FMN | Public Works | |
154.540 | WQIW719 | M | 7 Bridges Golf 2 | Park District - Seven Bridges Golf Club Ops | FMN | Public Works | |
462.625 | M | 127.3 PL | WdrdgPark ARC 18 | Park District - Athletic Recreation Center: Ops (ARC) | FMN | Public Works |
York Center Fire Protection District
Dispatched on STARCOM21 and simulcast on 154.415 - see DuPage Public Safety Communications (DU-COMM) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers.
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Dispatched on talkgroup 2704. Talkgroup 2632 is York Center Local. |
Schools - Public
Addison School District #4
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.175 | WPOC481 | RM | CC 11 TG 115 SL 1 |
Addison Dist 4 1 | Maintenance Operations | DMR | Schools |
461.175 | WPOC481 | RM | CC 11 TG 116 SL 2 |
Addison Dist 4 2 | School Operations | DMR | Schools |
Bartlett High School
See School District U-46 - Bartlett High School below.
Bensenville Elementary School District 2
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.295 | WPQF648 | BM | 311 DPL | Bens ElemSch Bus | Buses (200s), [same tone as Fenton District 100] | FMN | Schools |
452.0625 | WQQZ355 | M | BE Blkhawk MS 1 | Blackhawk Middle School (Ch.1) | FMN | Schools | |
452.3875 | WQQZ355 | M | BE Blkhawk MS 2 | Blackhawk Middle School (Ch 2) | FMN | Schools | |
451.4875 | WQQZ355 | M | BS Mo/Jhns MS 1 | Mohawk/Johnson Schools (Ch 1) | FMN | Schools | |
452.7875 | WQQZ355 | M | BS Mo/Jhns MS 2 | Mohawk/Johnson Schools (Ch 2) | FMN | Schools | |
451.5875 | WQQZ355 | M | BS Tioga Sch 1 | Tioga School (Ch.1) | FMN | Schools | |
452.8125 | WQQZ355 | M | BS Tioga Sch 2 | Tioga School (Ch 2) | FMN | Schools |
Bloomingdale School District 13
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Burr Ridge Community Consolidated School District 180
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.295 | KXL240 | BM | BrRdg Sch Bus | Buses [Expired 5/14] | FMN | Schools | |
452.7125 | WQHT566 | RM | BrRdg Sch Ops1 | Operations [Expired 11/17] | FMN | Schools | |
464.8875 | WQHT566 | RM | BrRdg Sch Ops2 | Operations [Expired 11/17] | FMN | Schools |
Butler School District 53 (Oak Brook)
Conventional DMR IP Site Connect system. 463.375 licensed at Butler Junior High School, 464.3875 licensed at Brook Forest Elementary School.
ee the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.375 | WQWJ452 | RM | CC 2 TG 100 SL 1 |
Butler Ch. 1 | Maintenance Ops [Ch. 1] | DMR | Schools |
463.375 | WQSJ452 | RM | CC 2 TG 101 SL 2 |
Butler TG 101 | Butler JHS: Operations [Ch. 2?] | DMR | Schools |
463.375 | WQSJ452 | RM | CC 2 TG 102 SL 2 |
Butler Ch. 3 | Brook Forest ES: Operations [Ch. 3] | DMR | Schools |
463.375 | WQSJ452 | RM | CC 2 TG 103 SL 1 |
Butler TG 103 | Operations [Ch. 4?] | DMR | Schools |
464.3875 | WQSJ452 | RM | CC 1 TG 100 SL 1 |
Brk Frst TG 100 | Maintenance? Operations | DMR | Schools |
464.3875 | WQSJ453 | RM | CC 1 TG 101 SL 2 |
Brk Frst TG 101 | Butler JHS: Operations | DMR | Schools |
464.3875 | WQSJ452 | RM | CC 1 TG 102 SL 2 |
Brk Frst TG 102 | Brook Forest ES: Operations | DMR | Schools |
464.3875 | WQSJ452 | RM | CC 1 TG 103 SL 1 |
Brk Frst TG 103 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
Cass School District 63
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Center Cass School District 66 (Downers Grove, Darien)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Community Consolidated School District 181 (Hinsdale / Clarendon Hills)
Serves portions of Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, LaGrange and Oak Brook. See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Community Consolidated School District 89 (Glen Ellyn, Wheaton)
The repeaters shown below under callsign WQTU835 are linked and multicasting (via IP Site Connect?).
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
466.075 | WQTU835 | M | 065 DPL | ParkView School | Park View Elementary School (Glen Ellyn) | FMN | Schools |
464.1125 | WQTU835 | RM | CC 4 TG * SL * |
CCSD89 BGES | Briar Glen Elementary School (Wheaton) | DMR | Schools |
464.1375 | WQTU835 | RM | CC 5 TG * SL * |
CCSD89 PVES | Park View Elementary School (Glen Ellyn) | DMR | Schools |
464.1625 | WQTU835 | RM | CC 2 TG * SL * |
CCSD89 GCMS | Glen Crest Middle School (Glen Ellyn) | DMR | Schools |
464.2375 | WQTU835 | RM | CC 3 TG * SL * |
CCSD89 HQ | District Headquarters (Glen Ellyn) | DMR | Schools |
Community High School District 99 (Downers Grove)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.7875 | WPRU206 | RM | 712 DPL | DG N HS Security | Downers Grove N High: Security/Administration | FMN | Schools |
464.975 | WPRU206 | RM | 136.5 PL | DG N HS Main't | Downers Grove N High: Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
452.675 | WPRU206 | RM | 565 DPL | DG N HiSch 3 | Downers Grove N High | FMN | Schools |
464.3125 | WRDU445 | RM | 351 DPL | DGS Security | Downers Grove S High: Security/Administration | FMN | Schools |
464.925 | KXV793 | RM | 271 DPL | DG S HiSch 7 | Downers Grove S High: Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
Community School District 201 (Westmont)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Consolidated Community School District 93 (Bloomingdale, Carol Stream and Hanover Park)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
466.275 | WQQU623 | M | 115 DPL | C.Stream ES | Carol Stream Elementary School (Carol Stream) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools |
466.350 | WQQU623 | M | 054 DPL | CloverdaleES | Cloverdale Elementary School (Carol Stream) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools |
466.275 | WQQU623 | M | 043 DPL | HrtgLks ES | Heritage Lakes Elementary School (Carol Stream) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools |
466.175 | WQQU623 | M | 023 DPL | JayStream MS | Jay Stream Middle School (Carol Stream) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools |
466.225 | WQQU623 | M | 031 DPL | Statford MS | Stratford Middle School (Bloomingdale) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools |
466.325 | WQQU623 | M | 125 DPL | DeShane ES | Roy DeShane Elementary School (Carol Stream) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools |
466.300 | WQQU623 | M | Johnson MS | Elsie C. Johnson Middle School (Hanover Park) [Expired 3/23] | FMN | Schools | |
157.470 | WQPD802 | BM | CCSD 93 Paging | Paging? at District Offices [Terminated] | Telm | Data |
Darien School District 61
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.835 | KNDK264 | BM | 223 DPL | Darien61 Sch Bus | Bus Operations | FMN | Schools |
Downers Grove School District 58
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.425 | RM | DGrove School 58 | Operations [No License] | FMN | Schools |
DuPage High School Distrct 88 (Addison, Villa Park)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.975 | WQFR980 | RM | 251 DPL | WlwbkHS Admin | Willowbrook High School: Admin/Security (Villa Park) | FMN | Schools |
461.975 | WQFR980 | RM | 261 DPL | WllwbkHS Maint | Willowbrook High School: Maintenance (Villa Park) | FMN | Schools |
461.450 | WQFR980 | RM | 261 DPL | ATHS Adm/Maint | Addison Trail High School: Admin/Maintenance (Addison) | FMN | Schools |
Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205
Bus transportation by First Student (Villa Park Yard) - 855.3125 MHz DMR CC 8, TG 8, Slot 1 (8/23)
466.xxx channels also licensed for DMR. See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.800 | WRZN989 | RM | CC 15 TG 42 SL 1 |
York HiSchool 1 | York High School [Ch 1] | DMR | Schools |
466.300 | WRZN989 | M | 023 DPL | D205 Bryan MS | Bryan Middle School | FMN | Schools |
466.125 | WRZN989 | M | 132 DPL | D205 Churchville | Churchville Middle School (and Jefferson School?) | FMN | Schools |
466.200 | WRZN989 | M | 047 DPL | D205 Sandburg MS | Sandburg Middle School | FMN | Schools |
466.350 | WRZN989 | M | 025 DPL | D205 Madison EC | Madison Early Childhood Education Center | FMN | Schools |
466.150 | WRZN989 | M | 071 DPL | D205 Edison ES | Edison Elementary School | FMN | Schools |
466.250 | WRZN989 | M | 032 DPL | D205 Emerson ES | Emerson Elementary School | FMN | Schools |
466.225 | WRZN989 | M | 043 DPL | D205 FldJack ES | Field and Jackson Elementary Schools | FMN | Schools |
466.325 | WRZN989 | M | 026 DPL | D205 HawthorneES | Hawthorne Elementary School | FMN | Schools |
466.175 | WRZN989 | M | 051 DPL | D205 Lincoln ES | Lincoln Elementary School | FMN | Schools |
Fenton High School District 100 (Bensenville)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.900 | WQTN615 | RM | 351 DPL | Fenton HS 1 | Security and Administration | FMN | Security |
464.425 | WQTN615 | RM | 431 DPL | Fenton HS 2 | Operations | FMN | Schools |
155.295 | KNJW983 | BM | 311 DPL | FentonHS Bus | Buses (100s), same tone as Bensenville District 2 | FMN | Schools |
Glen Ellyn School District 41
The repeaters shown below under callsign WQLF754 are linked and multicasting (via IP Site Connect?).
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.0125 | WQLF754 | RM | CC 10 TG 1 SL 2 |
GEDist41 HJHS | Glen Ellyn School District 41 - Hadley Junior High School | DMRE | Schools |
464.2125 | WQLF754 | RM | CC 12 TG 1 SL 2 |
GEDist41 BFES | Glen Ellyn School District 41 - Benjamin Franklin Elementary School | DMRE | Schools |
464.6625 | WQLF754 | RM | CC 14 TG 1 SL 2 |
GEDist41 ALES | Glen Ellyn School District 41 - Abraham Lincoln Elementary School | DMRE | Schools |
464.7625 | WQLF754 | RM | CC 8 TG 1 SL 2 |
GEDist41 FGES | Glen Ellyn School District 41 - Forest Glen Elementary School and/or District Office | DMRE | Schools |
Glenbard Township High School District 87
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.8375 | WPWL640 | RM | CC 1 TG 16777199 SL 1 |
GBN Admin | Glenbard North HS - Admin, Security [Expired 12/22] | DMR | Security |
451.8375 | WPWL640 | RM | CC 1 TG 16777184 SL 2 |
GBN Ops | Glenbard North HS - Operations [Expired 12/22] | DMR | Schools |
452.4375 | WPWL640 | RM | CC 1 TG 16777199 SL 1 |
GBN Maint | Glenbard North HS - Maintenance (Chl 3) [Expired 12/22] | DMR | Schools |
452.350 | WPWL640 | RM | 1 RAN | GBS Admin/Maint | Glenbard South HS - Admin / Maintenance [Expired 12/22] | NXDN48 | Schools |
451.900 | WPWL640 | RM | 2 RAN | GBS Athletics | Glenbard South HS - Athletics [Expired 12/22] | NXDN48 | Schools |
463.2375 | WPWL640 | RM | CC 4 TG 1 SL 2 |
GBE Admin | Glenbard East HS - Administration? [Expired 12/22] | DMRE | Schools |
461.5375 | WPWL640 | RM | CC 2 TG 1 SL 1 |
GBE Ops | Glenbard East HS - Operations [Expired 12/22] | DMRE | Schools |
461.5375 | WPWL640 | RM | CC 2 TG 1 SL 2 |
GBE Maint | Glenbard East HS - Maintenance? [Expired 12/22] | DMRE | Schools |
452.500 | WPTS788 | RM | CC 5 TG 1 SL 1 |
GBW Admin | Glenbard West HS - Administration [Expired 12/21] | DMR | Schools |
464.900 | WPRK916 | RM | CC 3 TG 1 SL 1 |
GBW Maint | Glenbard West HS - Maintenance | DMR | Schools |
Gower School District 62 (Willowbrook/Burr Ridge)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
159.6525 | WQPX464 | BM | 226 DPL | Gower Sch 1 | Gower School District - Buses | FMN | Schools |
Hinsdale Township High School District 86 (Hinsdale/Darien)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.2925 | WQIH834 | RM | CC 1 TG 1100 SL 1 |
Hinsdale CHS 1 | Central High School: Safety/Admin | DMR | Schools |
152.9975 | WQIH834 | RM | 627 DPL | Hinsdale CHS 2 | Central High School | FMN | Schools |
152.465 | WPMJ767 | RM | 466 DPL | Hinsdale CHS 3 | Central High School: Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
154.490 | WQFT726 | RM | 155 DPL | Hinsdale CHS 1 | Central High School: Sports | FMN | Schools |
152.405 | WRVQ946 | RM | 072 DPL | Hinsdale SHS 1 | South High School: Safety/Maintenance (Darien) | FMN | Schools |
152.375 | WSHF716 | RM | Hinsdale SHS 2 | South High School (Darien) | DMR | Schools | |
463.9625 | RM | 110.9 PL | Hinsdale SHS4 | South High School? (unlicensed) | FMN | Schools |
Indian Prairie School District 204 (Aurora / Naperville)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.0125 | WQKM844 | RM | 411 DPL | MVHS Ops A | Metea Valley High School: Ops / Hall Monitors (Aurora) | FMN | Schools |
Itasca School District 10
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Keeneyville School District 20 (Roselle / Hanover Park)
Lake Park High School District 108 (Roselle)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.3875 | WPZT531 | RM | 445 DPL | LkPrk E HS 1 | Lake Park East High School: Hall Monitors, Admin | FMN | Schools |
451.7375 | WPTZ531 | RM | 306 DPL | LkPrk E HS 2 | Lake Park East High School: Operations | FMN | Schools |
451.3125 | WPZT531 | RM | 732 DPL | LkPrk W HS 1 | Lake Park West High School: Hall Monitors, Admin | FMN | Schools |
451.7625 | WPTZ531 | RM | 712 DPL | LkPrk W HS 2 | Lake Park West High School: Operations | FMN | Schools |
Lisle CUSD 202
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Diga-Talk NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | Westway Coach (Lemont Yard) - Talkgroup 76 |
Lombard School District 44
Special needs bussing provided by Hopewell Transportation, Carol Stream yard on 453.0125 DMR CC9 TG109 (WRDB312)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.725 | WRDB312 | RM | CC 5 TG * SL 1 |
Lomb44 Dist-Wide | District-Wide (Ch 1) | DMR | Schools |
451.725 | WRDB312 | RM | CC 5 TG * SL 2 |
Lomb44 Bldg/Grnd | Buildings and Grounds (Ch 2) | DMR | Schools |
Maercker School District 60 (Clarendon Hills)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.9825 | WQMX984 | RM | MaercSchOps | Operations | NXDN48 | Schools | |
155.175 | WQXE418 | BM | 60 RAN | MaercSchBus | Buses (NXDN9600) | NXDN48 | Schools |
Marquardt School District 15 (Bloomingdale/Glendale Heights)
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.675 | WQKJ607 | RM | 97.4 PL | MarqSchMaint | Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
463.3125 | WQKJ607 | M | MarqSch BG2 | Buildings and Grounds | FMN | Schools | |
463.3625 | WQKJ607 | RM | MarqSch BG3 | Buildings and Grounds | FMN | Schools | |
463.4625 | WQKJ607 | M | MarqSch BG4 | Buildings and Grounds | FMN | Schools | |
463.6625 | WQKJ607 | M | MarqSch BG6 | Buildings and Grounds | FMN | Schools | |
463.7625 | WQKJ607 | M | MarqSch BG7 | Buildings and Grounds | FMN | Schools | |
463.4875 | WQKJ607 | M | 77.0 PL | BlkhwkElmntr | Blackhawk Elementary School (Glendale Heights) | FMN | Schools |
463.9125 | M | 91.5 PL | WinnebagoSch | Winnebago Elementary School [No License] | FM | Schools |
Medinah School District 11 (Medinah, Roselle)
Naperville Community Unit School District 203
See the WIKI for more information.
Ventronics - DMR (Metro Chicago) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | School Buses (as of 5/17) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.8625 | WQPQ323 | M | CC 10 TG 101 SL 1 |
NNHS Security | North High School: Security | DMR | Security |
462.500 | WRTE463 | M | CC 11 TG 10001 SL 1 |
NCHS Security | Central High School: Security | DMR | Security |
462.500 | WRTE463 | M | CC 11 TG 10002 SL 2 |
NCHS Ch.2 | Central High School: Channel 2 | DMR | Schools |
Queen Bee School District 16 (Glendale Heights)
See the WIKI for more information.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student (Glen Ellyn Yard) provides student transportation. Talkroup 2201 is dispatch and talkgroup 2202 is emergency and shop . (9/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.2125 | WNVH251 | RM | QBeeSch Ops1 | Operations [Expired 1/16] | FMN | Schools | |
468.6625 | WNVH251 | M | QBeeSch Ops2 | Portables [Expired 1/16] | FMN | Schools | |
452.3125 | WQSC675 | M | 174 DPL | GlenHillSchool | Glen Hill Elementary School | FMN | Schools |
464.3125 | M | 311 DPL | Glenside MS | Glenside Middle School | FMN | Schools |
Roselle School District 12
See the WIKI for more information.
Salt Creek School District 48 (Villa Park/Elmhurst/Oak Brook/Oakbrook Terrace)
All frequencies also licensed for DMR.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.865 | WQJP887 | RM | CC 3 TG 101 SL 1 |
AlbrightMS R | Albright Middle School (Villa Park) | DMR | Schools |
151.745 | WQJP887 | M | 156 DPL | Albright MS | Albright Middle School (Villa Park) | FMN | Schools |
151.520 | WQJP887 | M | 411 DPL | SaltCrk Sch | Salt Creek School? (Elmhurst) | FMN | Schools |
151.985 | WQJP887 | M | 411 DPL | Swartz School | Stella May Swartz School (Oakbrook Terrace) | FMN | Schools |
152.870 | WQJP887 | M | 051 DPL | SaltCreek School | Salt Creek School (Elmhurst) | FMN | Schools |
154.490 | WQJP887 | M | SCrk Sch Op5 | Operations | FMN | Schools |
School District 45 (Villa Park, Lombard)
See the WIKI for more information.
School District 45 (Lombard, Villa Park) DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO) | School District Operations |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.850 | WPKP672 | RM | 165 DPL | VP Dist 45 | Villa Park School Dist 45 - Administrative Channel (OOS?) | FMN | Schools |
469.9375 | WRJQ536 | M | CC 11 TG 21 SL 1 |
D45 Jackson MS | Jackson Middle School | DMR | Schools |
School District U-46 - Bartlett High School
Other School District U-46 schools are in Kane County and Cook County. See the WIKI for more information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.500 | WPXB358 | RM | CC 12 TG 104 SL 2 |
Bartlett HS Ops | Bartlett High School: Operations | DMR | Schools |
452.725 | WPXB358 | RM | CC 6 TG 12 SL 1 |
Bartlett HS Admn | Bartlett High School: Channel 1 - Administration | DMR | Schools |
452.725 | WPXB385 | RM | CC 6 TG 22 SL 2 |
Bartlett HS Mntc | Bartlett High School: Channel 2 - Maintenance | DMR | Schools |
461.175 | WQXB358 | RM | CC 6 TG 32 SL 1 |
Bartlett HS Athl | Bartlett High School: Athletics (Channel 3?) | DMR | Schools |
453.6875 | WREZ439 | RM | CC 6 TG 1 SL 1 |
U46 Bus Main | Transportation: Main | DMR | Schools |
453.6875 | WREZ439 | RM | CC 6 TG 2 SL 2 |
U46 Bus T/A | Transportation: Talk-around | DMR | Schools |
460.6375 | WREZ439 | RM | CC 4 TG 3 SL 1 |
U46 Bus Emergncy | Transportation: Emergency | DMR | Schools |
460.6375 | WREZ439 | RM | CC 4 TG 4 SL 2 |
U46 Bus Shop | Transportation: Shop | DMR | Schools |
Technology Center of DuPage (Addison)
Technology Center of DuPage offers DuPage County area high school juniors and seniors 20 career and technical education programs as part of their high school curriculum. See wiki page for licensed (but unverified) frequencies.
West Chicago Community High School District 94
See the WIKI for more information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.805 | WPWF932 | RM | 67.0 PL | WCHSD Security | High School: Security | FMN | Security |
152.300 | WPWF932 | RM | 365 DPL | WCHSD Maintnce | High School: Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
152.870 | WPWF932 | RM | WCHSD Ops 1 | High School | FMN | Schools | |
151.835 | M | 67.0 PL | WCHSD Ops 2 | High School | FMN | Schools |
West Chicago Elementary School District 33
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.250 | WPUP635 | RM | 306 DPL | WCDist33Bus | First Student Bus (Batavia Yard?) | FMN | Schools |
Wheaton-Warrenville Community Unit School District 200
District Crisis Channel now possibly on 461.4375 (NFM/DMR repeater on 2 Wheaton Center apartment tower, WRYV992) (9/23), see the WIKI
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
471.6875 | WIK614 | RM | 107.2 PL | WWSD Crisis | Crisis Channel - Emergency Incidents/Notifications [Cancelled 10/22] | FMN | Schools |
463.275 | WPRJ471 | BM | WWHMS Crisis | Hubble Middle School: Crisis Management [Terminated] | FMN | Schools | |
451.7375 | WPPU960 | RM | 532 DPL | WWSHS Ops 1 | South High School | FMN | Schools |
456.3375 | WPPU960 | M | WWSHS Ops 2 | South High School | FMN | Schools | |
456.4125 | WPPU960 | M | WWSHS Ops3 | South High School | FMN | Schools | |
456.4875 | WPPU960 | M | WWSHS Ops 5 | South High School | FMN | Schools | |
456.3125 | WPPU960 | M | WWSHS Ops 5 | South High School | FMN | Schools | |
151.895 | WNQW203 | BM | WWSHS Ops 6 | South High School [Expired 2013] | FMN | Schools | |
151.685 | WNQW203 | M | WWSHS Ops 7 | South High School: Buses/Security [Expired 2013] | FMN | Schools | |
451.825 | WPPW272 | RM | 351 DPL | WWNHS Ops 1 | North High School: Maintenance/Safety | FMN | Schools |
452.500 | RM | 174 DPL | WWNHS Ops 2 | North High School (licensed to Indian Prairie SD 204) WPPA707 | FMN | Schools | |
451.6875 | M | 172 DPL | WWSD Franklin MS | Franklin Middle School: Operations | FMN | Schools | |
469.450 | M | 173.8 PL | PleasantHill ES | Pleasant Hill Elementary School | FMN | Schools |
Wood Dale School District 7
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.265 | KUL503 | BM | WdDal SchBus | Buses | FMN | Schools |
Woodridge School District 68
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Schools Transportation Companies
Cook Illinois Corporation
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.6875 | WQNX650 | RM | Cook IL Bus 2 | Buses (Carol Stream) [Expired 6/21] | FMN | Transportation |
Cottage Hill Operating Company (Villa Park)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.450 | WPMP527 | RM | 243 DPL | Ctg Hl Bus | Cottage Hill Operating Co. (using Elmhurst D205 license) | FMN | Business |
458.550 | WGI862 | F | Ctg Hl Bus 2 | Cottage Hill Operating Co. (using City of Elmhurst license) | FMN | Business |
First Student (Multiple Locations)
FS Glen Ellyn yard has moved to the Comlink Wireless NXDN trunked system (see below), but their legacy UHF repeater may still see limited use as a back-up to this system.
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | First Student Glen Ellyn Yard is using talkgroup 2201, 2202 and 2203, mostly on the Carol Stream site. The Schoger Yard (Naperville) uses talkgroup 3001. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.325 | WPUC550 | RM | CC 6 TG * SL * |
FS Wstmt | First Student - Westmont Yard | DMR | Schools |
451.9375 | WPUA366 | RM | 306 DPL | FS GE Main | First Student - Glen Ellyn [Ch 1 Big Buses] | FMN | Schools |
452.000 | WPUC550 | RM | CC 1 TG 21 SL 2 |
FS Wstmt 1 | First Student - Westmont Yard (Ch. 1 - Big Buses) | DMR | Schools |
452.000 | WPUC550 | RM | CC 1 TG 22 SL 1 |
FS Wstmt 2 | First Student - Westmont Yard (Ch. 2 - Special Ed Buses) | DMR | Schools |
453.000 | WPUC550 | RM | CC 14 TG 141 SL 1 |
FS Wstmnt 141 | First Student - Westmont Yard / "Southeast Base" | DMR | Schools |
453.000 | WPUC550 | RM | CC 14 TG 142 SL 2 |
FS Wstmnt 142 | First Student - Westmont Yard / PACE Contracts | DMR | Schools |
464.250 | WPUP635 | RM | 306 DPL | FS Batavia | First Student - Batavia Yard (West Chicago D33) | FMN | Schools |
477.8875 | WPWK635 | RM | 156.7 PL | FS Naperville | First Student - Naperville Yard / PACE Contracts | FMN | Schools |
477.9125 | WPWK635 | RM | 173.8 PL | FS Yorkville | First Student - Yorkville Yard? | FMN | Schools |
854.4125 | WPIT844 | RM | 162.2 PL | FS Villa Park 1 | First Student - Villa Park [Repeater out of service?] | FM | Schools |
855.3125 | KNGL509 | RM | CC 8 TG 8 SL 1 |
FS Villa Park2 | First Student - Villa Park | DMR | Schools |
Hopewell Transportation
Hopewell was purchased by First Student in late 2019.
Illinois Central School Bus
463.4625 modified to add NXDN emissions (7/24) See the Wiki for more frequency information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.2625 | WQMG699 | RM | 074 DPL | ICSB CarStr1 | Illinois Central School Bus (Carol Stream Yard) | FMN | Schools |
Safeway Transportation Services (Carol Stream)
854.3125 repeater, Carol Stream - WQXH801 (DMR, FM)
KYR296 has been modified to add a second 854.4625 repeater at Carol Stream DUPAGE (11/24) (original in Chicago/COOK)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
858.8625 | WQLD611 | RM | 152 DPL | Septran Bus Winf | Special Ed Buses - Winfield Yard (Carol Stream?) | FMN | Transportation |
859.8375 | KNHY629 | RM | Septran Bus L/N | Buses - Lombard/Naperville Bases (Single Ch LTR) | FMN | Transportation |
Westway Coach / RichLee Vans (Carol Stream)
Schools - Private / Parochial
Avery Coonley School (Downers Grove)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Benet Academy (Lisle)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.8625 | WQTA255 | RM | CC 2 TG 2200 SL 1 |
Benet Acad Maint | Building Maintenance Ops | DMR | Schools |
451.8625 | WQTA255 | RM | CC 2 TG 3200 SL 2 |
Benet Acad Admin | Administration Operations | DMR | Schools |
451.8625 | WQTA255 | RM | CC 2 TG 4400 SL * |
Benet Acad 4400 | School Operations | DMR | Schools |
451.8625 | WQTA255 | RM | CC 2 TG 8200 SL 2 |
Benet Acad Cust | Custodial Operations | DMR | Schools |
IC Catholic Prep (Elmhurst)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Islamic Foundation School (Villa Park)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
467.925 | M | 82.5 PL | IFS Villa Park | School Operations | FMN | Schools |
Montini Catholic High School (Lombard)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
467.9625 | M | 123.0 PL | Montini HS | Montini Catholic High School: Operations (unlicensed) | FMN | Schools | |
462.800 | WRNM244 | B | Motini HS Paging | Montini Catholic High School: Paging | Telm | Schools |
Prairie School of DuPage (Wheaton)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Saint Isaac Jogues School (Hinsdale)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Soaring Eagle Academy (Lombard)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
462.600 | FRS 17 | M | 77.0 PL | SoaringEagleAcad | Soaring Eagle Academy: Operations | FMN | Schools |
St. Francis High School (Wheaton)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
St. Michael Parish School (Wheaton)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
St. Raphael School (Naperville)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Timothy Christian School (Elmhurst)
Bus transportation by First Student (Villa Park Yard) - 855.3125 MHz DMR CC 8, TG 8, Slot 1 (8/23)
See the WIKI for more info/frequencies.
Colleges and Universities
Benedictine University (Lisle)
See the WIKI for more information and frequencies.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.6375 | WPTZ262 | RM | 97.4 PL | BU PubSfty 1 | Public Safety Dispatch [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Security |
464.0625 | WPTZ262 | RM | 97.4 PL | BU PhysPlant | Physical Plant / Maintenance [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools |
469.4125 | WPTZ262 | M | 315 DPL | BU Athletics | Athletics Department Ops [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools |
467.7625 | WQCN814 | M | 315 DPL | BU Field Ops | Field Operations (reported as D317) [Expired 4/15] | FMN | Schools |
464.5375 | WPTZ262 | M | BU Ops 1 | Operations (former 97.4) [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools | |
464.7875 | WPTZ262 | M | BU PubSfty 2 | Public Safety Tactical? w/97.4 PL? [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Security | |
469.5375 | WPTZ262 | M | BU Ops 2 | Operations (former 97.4) [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools | |
452.450 | WPTZ262 | M | BU Ops 3 | Operations [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools | |
457.450 | WPTZ262 | M | BU Ops 4 | Operations [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools | |
464.9375 | WPTZ262 | M | BU Ops 5 | Operations [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools | |
466.3625 | WPTZ262 | M | 565 DPL | BU Grounds | Grounds [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools |
466.1875 | WPTZ262 | M | 365 DPL | BU Food Srvc | Food Services [Expired 1/22] | FMN | Schools |
462.875 | WQHX406 | B | BU Paging | Paging | Telm | Data | |
462.0375 | M | BU Ops 6 | Operations? [No License] | FMN | Schools | ||
464.175 | M | BU Ops 7 | Operations? [No License] | FMN | Schools | ||
466.1125 | M | 754 DPL | BU Sports | Sports/Stadium Ops [No License] | FMN | Schools |
College of DuPage (Glen Ellyn)
See the WIKI for more information and licenses.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police primary talkgroup is 2640 (COD-1) with a secondary talkgroup of 2641 (COD-2). COD Police units can talk directly with Wheaton and Glen Ellyn PDs on the DU-COMM 3 West talkgroup (2610) using the callsign "GOLF 199". Fire and EMS services are provided by the Lisle Woodridge Fire Protection District on DU-COMM Fire South talkgroup 2702. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.900 | KLA524 | RM | 88.5 PL | COD Com 1 | Tone Paging / Back-up Repeater 'Com 1' (OOS?) [Expired 11/12] | FMN | Law Dispatch |
453.600 | WNKR405 | RM | 88.5 PL | COD Com 2 | Police Department 'Com 2' | FMN | Law Dispatch |
463.725 | WPGE359 | RM | 88.5 PL | COD Com 3 | Engineering / Trades & Grounds / Custodial 'Com 3' | FMN | Schools |
464.625 | WPGE359 | RM | 88.5 PL | COD Com 4 | Student Activities / Call Boxes 'Com 4' | FMN | Schools |
469.625 | WPGE359 | M | COD CallBox | Parking Lot Call Boxes (*not 88.5 PL) | FMN | Schools | |
457.3125 | WQIX480 | M | 031 DPL | COD ArtsC 1 | McAninch Arts Center - Main | FMN | Schools |
456.5125 | WQIX480 | M | 346 DPL | COD ArtsC 2 | McAninch Arts Center - Ushers, Front of House | FMN | Schools |
457.4125 | WQIX480 | M | 226 DPL | COD ArtsC 3 | McAninch Arts Center | FMN | Schools |
457.7875 | WQIX480 | M | 606 DPL | COD ArtsC 4 | McAninch Arts Center | FMN | Schools |
452.8375 | WQIX480 | M | 146.2 PL | COD ArtsC 5 | McAninch Arts Center | FMN | Schools |
457.7375 | M | 103.5 PL | COD ArtsC 6 | McAninch Arts Center | FMN | Schools | |
457.8375 | WXIQ480 | M | COD ArtsC | McAninch Arts Center | FMN | Schools | |
461.8625 | WRDR892 | RM | CC 8 TG 501 SL 1 |
COD Athletics 1 | Athletics (Ch. 1) | DMR | Schools |
461.8625 | WRDR892 | RM | CC 8 TG 502 SL 2 |
COD Athletics 2 | Athletics (Ch. 2) | DMR | Schools |
461.8625 | WRDR892 | M | CC 5 TG 503 SL 1 |
COD Athletics 3 | Athletics (Ch. 3) | DMR | Schools |
461.8625 | WRDR892 | M | CC 6 TG 504 SL 1 |
COD Athletics 4 | Athletics (Ch. 4) | DMR | Schools |
462.200 | WRDR892 | RM | CC 9 TG 505 SL 1 |
COD Events 5 | Special Events (Ch. 5) | DMR | Schools |
462.200 | WRDR892 | RM | CC 9 TG 506 SL 2 |
COD Events 6 | Special Events (Ch. 6) | DMR | Schools |
462.200 | WRDR892 | M | CC 4 TG 507 SL 1 |
COD Events 7 | Special Events (Ch. 7) | DMR | Schools |
462.200 | WRDR892 | M | CC 3 TG 508 SL 1 |
COD Events 8 | Special Events (Ch. 8) | DMR | Schools |
Elmhurst University
151.970 and 451.5875 talkgroup 7 are patched together (4/23). See Wiki page for more information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.5875 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
EC Security | Campus Security | DMR | Security |
452.5125 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 2 TG 2 SL 2 |
EC Security Tac | Campus Security Tac [Ch 2] | DMR | Security |
451.5875 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 1 TG 4 SL 2 |
EC Shuttles | Shuttle Buses | DMR | Schools |
452.5125 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 2 TG 5 SL 2 |
EC TG 5 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
452.5125 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 2 TG 6 SL 1 |
EC TG 6 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
451.5875 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 1 TG 7 SL 2 |
EC Facilities | Facilities / Grounds / Mechanical Maintenance | DMR | Schools |
452.7125 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 4 TG 8 SL 1 |
EC TG 8 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
451.5875 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 1 TG 9 SL 1 |
EC TG 9 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
452.5125 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 2 TG 10 SL 1 |
EC TG 10 | Operations | DMR | Security |
452.5125 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 2 TG 11 SL 2 |
EC TG 11 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
451.5875 | WQAD508 | RM | CC 1 TG 12 SL 2 |
EC TG 12 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
151.970 | WQAD508 | RM | 114 DPL | Elmh Col VHF 1 | Facilities / Grounds / Mechanical Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
Illinois College of Emergency Physicians (Downers Grove)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Reportedly has talkgroups, but unknown at this time. |
Illinois Institute of Technology (Wheaton)
See wiki page for additional frequency information.
Midwestern University (Downers Grove)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.350 | WPPD638 | RM | 192.8 PL | MU Security | Security/Admin Ops | FMN | Security |
451.475 | WPPD638 | RM | 179.9 PL | MU Engineers | Building Engineers | FMN | Schools |
452.8125 | WPPD638 | RM | 043 DPL | MU A/V IT | A/V or Computer Services | FMN | Schools |
452.9875 | RM | 627 DPL | MU Copy Cntr | Copy Center | FMN | Schools | |
467.0625 | WPPV498 | M | 223 DPL | MU Clinic 1 | Multispecialty Clinic Ops 1 [Expires 1/25] | FMN | Schools |
467.0125 | WPPV498 | M | 532 DPL | MU Clinic 2 | Multispecialty Clinic Ops 2 [Expires 1/25] | FMN | Schools |
National University of Health Sciences (Lombard)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.6125 | KD39379 | M | 192.8 PL | NUHS 1 | Operations [Ch 1] [Expired 2/14] | FMN | Schools |
468.6125 | KD39379 | M | 192.8 PL | NUHS 2 | Operations [Ch 2] [Expired 2/14] | FMN | Schools |
North Central College (Naperville)
464.3875 and 464.6875 also licensed for NFM.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.1875 | WQJK742 | RM | CC 5 TG 500 SL 1 |
NCC Security | Campus Safety Ops | DMR | Security |
464.9125 | WQJK742 | RM | CC 6 TG 700 SL 1 |
NCC Ops 2 | Facilities Ops | DMR | Schools |
464.9125 | WQJK742 | RM | CC 6 TG 800 SL 2 |
NCC Ops 3 | Facilities Ops | DMR | Schools |
452.6625 | WQJK742 | RM | 065 DPL | NCC Ops 4 | Facilities Ops | FMN | Schools |
464.3875 | WQJK742 | RM | NCC New-1 | Security, Engineering, Admin | DMR | Schools | |
464.6875 | WQJK742 | RM | NCC New-2 | Security, Engineering, Admin | DMR | Schools | |
467.850 | M | 74.4 PL | NCC BldgOps | Building Operations [No License] | FMN | Schools | |
462.9375 | WQJK742 | M | 365 DPL | NCC IT Dept | IT Department Ops | FMN | Schools |
Universal Technical Institute (Lisle)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.600 | WQIC857 | RM | CC 6 TG 500 SL 1 |
UTI Lisle Ops 1 | Facility Operations | DMR | Schools |
461.9375 | WQIC857 | RM | CC 8 TG 500 SL 1 |
UTI Lisle Ops 2 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
461.9375 | WQIC857 | RM | CC 8 TG 500 SL 2 |
UTI Lisle Ops 3 | Operations | DMR | Schools |
Wheaton College
See Wiki page for more information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Wheaton College Public Safety uses STARCOM21 TG2747 for their operations. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.675 | WPLV391 | RM | 503 DPL | WC Security | Public Safety | FMN | Security |
451.850 | WPXH912 | RM | 173.8 PL | WC Maint 1 | Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
151.685 | KGI919 | BM | 94.8 PL | WC Maint 2 | Maintenance [Expired 3/14] | FMN | Schools |
159.720 | KGI919 | M | WC Maint 3 | Maintenance [Expired 3/14] | FMN | Schools | |
464.650 | WQGW722 | BM | WC Paging | Paging Operations [Expired 5/17] | Telm | Data |
Public Transportation
Pace Call-n-Ride, Paratransit Buses
Information about Metra commuter train frequencies can be found here.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Pace buses and Metra rail police use this system. |
Comlink Wireless (NXDN-61) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | Pace On Demand, Pace Paratransit DuPage, Ride DuPage, etc.: Dispatcher transmits on talkgroup 2102, mobiles transmit to dispatcher via individual call to RID 10001. Replaces 454.0875 repeater? |