Lake County, Illinois

Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio

FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
147.240147.840 K9RUF RM 107.2 PL 107.2 PL K9RUF/R K9RUF Analog/Yaseu Fusion (Ingleside) FMN Ham
223.840  RM 110.9 PL 110.9 PL SUHFARS 220 SUHFARS 220 Repeater (Lake Zurich) D-STAR Ham
440.81875445.81875 K9RUF RM 114.8 PL 114.8 PL K9RUF/R K9RUF Analog/Yaseu Fusion (Ingleside) FM Ham
441.23125446.23125 KC9OKW RM KC9OKW DSTAR KC9OKW SUHFARS D-STAR (Waconda IL) FM Ham
443.250448.250 RM 114.8 PL 114.8 PL SUHFARS Suhfars Repeater (Lake Zurich) FM Ham
443.350448.850 K9SA RM K9SA/R Repeater (Lake Zurich) FM Ham
443.850448.850 KD9GY RM 114.8 PL 114.8 PL KD9GY/R Repeater (Lake Zurich) FM Ham
Lake County ARES/RACES

Website        Is assigned unit # 5605 in series, by the Sheriff's Office.
Lake County RACES/ARES VHF repeater is used when weather is in the area, and is active every time a watch/warning is issued, with frequent updates. Very helpful to listen to during weather as reports are given for almost each town in the county.

FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
147.180147.780 K9IQP RM 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake R/A VHF Lake County RACES/ARES FM Ham
442.525447.525 K9IQP RM 114.8 PL 114.8 PL Lake R/A UHF Lake County RACES/ARES UHF Alternate FM Ham
146.565  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q1-NE V Quad 1 Northeast - Tac FM Ham
146.940  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q2-NW V Quad 2 Northwest - Tac FM Ham
147.525  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q3-SW V Quad 3 Southwest - Tac FM Ham
145.540  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q4-SE V Quad 4 Southeast - Tac FM Ham
446.245  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q1-NE U Quad 1 Northeast - Tac FM Ham
445.180  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q2-NW U Quad 2 Northwest - Tac FM Ham
445.780  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q3-SW U Quad 3 Southwest - Tac FM Ham
446.440  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q4-SE U Quad 4 Southeast - Tac FM Ham
145.290144.690 KA9VZD RM 107.2 PL 107.2 PL KA9VZD Antioch Repeater (Countywide Coverage) FM Ham
442.600447.600 KA9VZD RM 123.0 PL 123.0 PL KA9VZD Countywide UHF 440 Coverage FM Ham
D-STAR (Southern Lake)

The coverage of this system is primarily northern Cook and southern Lake counties. All are welcome to use this system, but you must either be a member of our club or another club with a D-Star system in order to be able to register for use of the gateway.

FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
442.09375442.59375 RM DSTAR Voice Voice D-STAR Ham
1,242.200  RM DStar data High Speed Data simplex D-STAR Ham
1,292.2001,292.000 RM 1292.2000 Voice D-STAR Ham
North Shore Radio Club

UHF repeater also used for SKYWARN: 442.725+ MHz located on the far north side of Chicago. DMR (digital) users will need to use color code 1.  Digital mode supports 2 simultaneous, yet unique “time slots” or channels. Slot 1 users will use Call ID 1, slot 2 users will use Call ID 2.  If an analog signal is received by the repeater, an analog will be transmitted out.  If a digital signal is received by the repeater, a digital signal will be transmitted.  If you are strictly an analog user and do not wish to hear the digital hums and squeals of a digital transmission, set your analog radio to use tone squelch frequency 114.8 Hz.

The repeater consists of a Motorola MotoTRBO repeater operating in mixed analog and digtal mode and uses an S-Com 7330 controller. It operates with about 80 watts ERP from an offset pattern antenna at 513 feet. It primarily covers Cook and
Lake counties and has become one of the most active repeaters in the Chicago area.  The 442.725+ repeater is also connected to Echolink courtesy of AA9VI.  The node # is 7641.

FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
147.345  RM CSQ 107.2 PL NSRC VHF Voice (Techny) FM Ham
224.320  RM CSQ 110.9 PL NSRC 224 Voice (Techny) FM Ham
442.725447.725 RM CSQ 114.8 PL NSRC 442 Voice (Far North Chicago)* FM Ham

Callsigns by ZIP Code