Lake County / Amateur Radio

Subcategory: Lake County ARES/RACES

Unique DB ID: 39643

Website        Is assigned unit # 5605 in series, by the Sheriff's Office.
Lake County RACES/ARES VHF repeater is used when weather is in the area, and is active every time a watch/warning is issued, with frequent updates. Very helpful to listen to during weather as reports are given for almost each town in the county.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.32300 Longitude: -87.98000 Range: 16.16 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
147.180147.780 K9IQP RM 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake R/A VHF Lake County RACES/ARES FM Ham
442.525447.525 K9IQP RM 114.8 PL 114.8 PL Lake R/A UHF Lake County RACES/ARES UHF Alternate FM Ham
146.565  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q1-NE V Quad 1 Northeast - Tac FM Ham
146.940  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q2-NW V Quad 2 Northwest - Tac FM Ham
147.525  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q3-SW V Quad 3 Southwest - Tac FM Ham
145.540  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q4-SE V Quad 4 Southeast - Tac FM Ham
446.245  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q1-NE U Quad 1 Northeast - Tac FM Ham
445.180  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q2-NW U Quad 2 Northwest - Tac FM Ham
445.780  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q3-SW U Quad 3 Southwest - Tac FM Ham
446.440  M 127.3 PL 127.3 PL Lake Q4-SE U Quad 4 Southeast - Tac FM Ham
145.290144.690 KA9VZD RM 107.2 PL 107.2 PL KA9VZD Antioch Repeater (Countywide Coverage) FM Ham
442.600447.600 KA9VZD RM 123.0 PL 123.0 PL KA9VZD Countywide UHF 440 Coverage FM Ham