Colleges and Universities (Cook County)

Last Updated: December 18, 2024, 08:56 am UTC
See the WIKI for colleges not listed and additional information


Colleges and Universities

Chicago State University
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.900KTS496 RM 107.2 PL CSU Police Campus Police FMN Security
City Colleges of Chicago

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
858.6125WQRF696 RM CC3 NAC CCC Daley Sec Daley College Security [Expired 5/23] P25 Security
858.1875WQRF696 RM AA1 NAC CCC District Ofc District Offices [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
857.5125WQVD946 RM Malcolm X Sec Malcolm X College: Security P25 Security
854.8375WQJE297 RM CCC Security Security FMN Security
859.1875WQRF696 RM ABD NAC CCC Wright Wright College [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
860.2375WNMA681 RM 107.2 PL WrightColl 3 Wright College: Ops [Ch 6/23] FMN Schools
461.0875 M 051 DPL WrightColl A Wright College: Ops [No License] FMN Schools
852.500 RM 107.2 PL WrightColl B Wright College: Ops [No License] FMN Schools
853.4875 BM 411 DPL WrightColl C Wright College: Ops [No License] FMN Schools
860.9875 RM 107.2 PL WrightColl 1 Wright College: Security [Ch 1/2] FMN Security
857.5125WQRF696 RM ABD NAC CCC 8575125 unidentified college [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
859.1875WQRF696 RM DD4 NAC CCC A DD4 unidentified college [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
859.1875WQRF696 RM EE5 NAC CCC A EE5 unidentified college [Expired 5/23] P25 Schools
Columbia College Chicago

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.3875WQKY298 RM CC 6
TG 101
SL 1
CCC Security Campus Security DMR Security
463.3875WQKY298 RM CC 6
TG 102
SL 2
CCC Ops Building Operations DMR Schools
462.775WQIR570 B Colum Col PG Paging (CSQ) Telm Data
Concordia University (River Forest)

See the WIKI for additional information.

DePaul University (Chicago)

All voice frequencies now DMR? See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.200KFD822 RM 155 DPL DPULP Sec Lincoln Park Campus - Public Safety [Expired 12/11] FMN Security
463.4375WPMX610 RM 165 DPL DPULp Sec Loop Campus - Public Safety FMN Security
463.9875WPMX610 RM 023 DPL DPULP Hsng Lincoln Park - Student Housing FMN Schools
463.4625WPMX610 RM 174 DPL DPULP Snow Lincoln Park Campus - Snow Removal, etc. (Low power repeater) FMN Schools
463.7375WPMX610 RM 143 DPL DPU CntrOps DePaul Center Ops FMN Schools
464.600WQJB923 BM DPU Paging 1 Paging (E Jackson Blvd) Telm Data
464.650WQJB923 BM DPU Paging 2 Paging (N Sheffield Ave) Telm Data
Dominican University (River Forest)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.625WPQE760 RM 025 DPL DomUniv Security Campus Safety / Security FMN Security
463.4625WPQE760 RM CC 9
TG 60018
SL 1
DomUniv IT Information Technologies DMR Schools
Harper College (Palatine)

See the WIKI for additional information.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police using talkgroups 34805 (Dispatch), 34806 (Tac 1), 34807 (Tac 2) and 34808 (Tac 3). See STARCOM21 Cook County subcategory.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.900KSZ331 RM 146.2 PL HarperC Security Police / Security (now on STARCOM21) FMN Security
464.775WNIE627 RM 146.2 PL HarperC Mnt/Util Maintenance and Utilities [Expired 6/23] FMN Schools
464.925WPDR833 RM 343 DPL HarperC IT Div 1 IT Division [Ch 1] [Expired 11/23] FMN Schools
464.325WPDP785 RM 351 DPL HarperC IT Div 2 IT Division [Ch 2] [Expired 10/23] FMN Schools
464.575WPWM346 RM 331 DPL HarperC IT Media IT Media Services [Expired 12/22] FMN Schools
Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.925WQET722 RM CC 12
TG 39
SL 1
IITC PubSfty B39 Public Safety DMRE Security
464.750WQNE912 RM CC 3
TG 39
SL 1
IITC PubSfty A39 Public Safety (was D023) DMRE Security
461.950WQHD781 RM 627 DPL IITC Events Department of Event Services FMN Schools
461.275WQHD780 RM 664 DPL IITC CampusCentr Housing (Campus Center) FMN Schools
Loyola University Chicago (Multiple Locations)

The two Campus Safety repeaters below are linked.  See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.5875WQXU662 RM CC 9
TG 1
SL 1
LUC Safety LSC Campus Safety: Dispatch - Lake Shore and Maywood Campus ? DMRE Security
453.7375WQXU662 RM CC 8
TG 1
SL 1
LUC Safety WTC Campus Safety: Dispatch - Water Tower Campus ? DMRE Security
452.0125KTJ877 RM CC 6
TG 101
SL 1
LUC Facilities Facilities: Water Tower Campus Repeater DMRe Schools
452.0125KTJ877 RM CC 6
TG 102
SL 2
LU WTC 2 Operations: Water Tower Campus DMRe Schools
452.0125KTJ877 RM CC 6
TG 103
SL 2
LU WTC 3 Operations: Water Tower Campus DMRe Schools
464.475KTJ877 RM CC 5
TG 101
SL 1
LUC Facilities Facilities: Lakeshore Campus Repeater DMRe Schools
464.475KTJ877 RM CC 5
TG 102
SL 2
LUC LSC 2 Operations: Lake Shore Campus DMRe Schools
464.475KTJ877 RM CC 5
TG 103
SL 2
LUC LSC 3 Operations: Lake Shore Campus DMRe Schools
464.975KTJ877 RM 162.2 PL LUC LSC Ops Operations - Lakeshore Campus (Deprecated?) FMN Security
Moody Bible Institute (Chicago)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.900WNXX533 RM 664 DPL MBI Security Moody Bible Institute: Public Safety and Security FMN Security
Moraine Valley Community College (Palos Hills)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.865WPWE248 RM 265 DPL MVCC PubSfty Public Safety: Dispatch FMN Security
464.475WPCX961 RM 110.9 PL MVCC Eng/Cust Engineering / Custodial Operations FMN Schools
466.025WQLE289 M 411 DPL MVCC Athletc/Rec Athletics / Rec Center: Main FMN Schools
452.5125WRBU385 RM CC 11
TG 901
SL 1
MVCC PAC Main Performing Arts Center: Main DMR Schools
452.8375WRBU385 RM CC 12
TG 902
SL 1
MVCC PAC Ch 2 Performing Arts Center: Ch 2 DMR Schools
Morton College (Cicero)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.6875WQPV350 RM 306 DPL MortonCol Police Morton College: Police FMN Security
464.675WNYW674 RM 67.0 PL MortonCol Safety Campus Safety [Expired 3/02] FM Security
453.900KYR207 BM 67.0 PL MortonCol Ops Facility Operations FMN Schools
North Park University (Chicago)

Police using a MOTOTRBO DMR digital system for security, shuttles and possibly other operations

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.5875WQGT932 RM CC 1
TG 5501
SL 1
NPU Security Security DMR Security
Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.350KXE811 RM CC 7
TG 10
SL 1
NEIU Police Campus Police DMR Security
453.900KXE811 RM CC 10
TG 10
SL 1
NEIU Security Campus Security DMR Security
453.350KXE811 RM CC 7
TG 20
SL 2
NEIU Ops Facilities Operations DMR Schools
453.900KXE811 RM CC 10
TG 20
SL 2
NEIU Bldg Maint Building Maintenance DMR Schools
453.600KXE637 RM 179.9 PL NEIU 453600 Operations FMN Schools
Northwestern University (Evanston, Chicago)

See the WIKI for additional information.

See First Student section link for bus shuttles during home football games.

Northwestern University P25 (Evanston)
Project 25 Phase II
Used by Police, Parking, Alarms, Events, Concessions, Facilities Management, Welch Ryan Arena, Safe Ride and more
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.575KNNG923 M 88.5 PL NU Ops E2 Operations (Norris Univ Cntr) [Expired 1/16] FMN Schools
464.425WNMU379 RM 162.2 PL NU BlgHsMnt Building/Housing Maintenance (Chicago Campus) [Expired 8/14] FMN Schools
Oakton Community College (Des Plaines)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.050KTR683 RM 073 DPL OCC DesPl PbSfty Police / Public Safety FMN Security
462.075WNII735 RM 073 DPL OCC DesPl Maint Maintenance FMN Schools
Oakton Community College (Skokie)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.775WNII735 RM 073 DPL OCC Skokie PbSft Police / Public Safety FMN Security
463.3875WNII735 RM 073 DPL OCC Skokie Maint Maintenance FMN Schools
Prairie State College (Chicago Heights)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Cook County Sheriff's Police 911 Center, possibly on an encrypted talkgroup.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.725WSBV610 RM PSC Ops 1 Operations [NFM/DMR] DMR Schools
Robert Morris University (Chicago)

See the WIKI for additional information.

Robert Morris University (Orland Park)
Roosevelt University (Chicago)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.8375WQUP742 RM CC 15
TG 1001
SL 1
RoosU Safety Roosevelt University (Chicago): Campus Safety DMR Security
461.8375WQUP742 RM CC 15
TG 1003
SL 1
RoosU Engrs Roosevelt University (Chicago): Building Engineers DMR Schools
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
South Suburban College (South Holland)

See the WIKI for additional information.

St Xavier University - Chicago Campus
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.375WQWE816 RM 223 DPL StXU Security Security FMN Security
462.1625WQWE816 RM 151.4 PL StXU Maintnce Maintenance FMN Schools
464.375WQWE816 RM 606 DPL StXU Shuttle Shuttle Vans FMN Transportation
Triton Community College (River Grove)

See the WIKI for additional information.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
470.4875KTO307 RM 127.3 PL TCC Police Police: Dispatch (units 350s) FMN Security
464.475WPKP698 RM 243 DPL TCC IT/AV IT, Audio Visual FMN Schools
464.525 RM 043 DPL TCC Ops Alt Operations - Alternate FMN Schools
464.525 RM TCC Students Student Affairs (different DCS tone) [NO LICENSE] FMN Schools
461.8125WQVC594 RM CC 10
TG 1001
SL 1
TCC Maint Building Maintenance DMR Schools
464.525 RM 143 DPL TCC Maintnce Maintenance [NO LICENSE] FMN Schools
University of Chicago

See the WIKI for additional information.

UGo Shuttle Service uses talkgroup 3073.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Campus Police dispatch on talkgroup 34046, with possible alternate on talkgroup 34051. Patch to Chicago PD Zone 7 on talkgroup 34054. Site 524 primary, also heard on site 102 (4/21)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.7375WPTE365 RM 365 DPL U-C PD Univ1 University Police Channel 1 (STARCOM21 now primary) FMN Security
464.4375WPTE365 RM 732 DPL U-C PD Univ2 University Police Channel 2 (STARCOM21 now primary) FMN Security
464.7375WPTE365 RM 311 DPL U-C SafeRide SafeRide night campus transportation service FMN Transportation
476.6623WPPU807 B CC 3
TG 1001
SL 1
U-C Facilities 1 Facilities Services: Operations DMR Schools
476.8375WPPU807 B CC 11
TG 1002
SL 1
U-C Facilities 2 Engineers, Building Maintenence DMR Schools
476.8375WPPU807 B CC 11
TG 1003
SL 2
U-C Facilities 3 Electricians DMR Schools
477.1375WPPU807 B CC 12
TG 1004
SL 1
U-C Facilities 4 Facilities Services: Operations DMR Schools
477.1375WPPU807 B CC 12
TG 1005
SL 2
U-C Facilities 5 Facilities Services: Operations DMR Schools
477.2875WPPU807 B CC 13
TG *
SL *
U-C Facilities 6 Facilities Services: Operations DMR Schools
477.5875WPPU807 B CC 14
TG 1010
SL 2
U-C Facilities10 Facilities Services: Operations DMR Schools
University of Illinois - Chicago (Multiple Locations)
Campus Police: 300-series units; Medical Center Security: 700-series units.  See the WIKI for additional information.
7/23 - new 477 MHz repeaters.  10/24 - added new 478 MHz repeaters for SIMULCAST DMR trunked system WRZD656  
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.450WQBA373 B 723 DPL UIC Parking 1 Parking Enforcement (750 S Halsted-StdntCntr East) FMN Schools
470.875WQAK555 B 315 DPL UIC Parking 2 Parking Enforcement (750 S Halsted-StdntCntr East) FMN Schools
461.800WSDQ304 RM CC 13
TG 601
SL 1
UIC TG 601 Physical Plant? (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) DMR Schools
461.800WSDQ304 RM CC 13
TG 950
SL 2
UIC TG 950 Building Operations (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) DMR Schools
461.800WSDQ304 RM CC 13
TG 900
SL 1
UIC TG 900 Operations (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) DMR Schools
463.825WSDQ304 RM CC 1
TG 502
SL 1
UIC Steam Plant Steam Plant (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) DMR Schools
452.400WSDQ304 RM CC 7
TG 1
SL *
UIC Police Disp Police: Dispatch (851 S Morgan-Math/Computer Science) (SL 1/2) DMR Law Dispatch
452.400WSDQ304 RM CC 7
TG 2
SL 2
UIC MC Security Medical Center Security: Dispatch (851 S Morgan-Math/Computer Science) DMR Security
453.900KWE733 RM 632 DPL UIC Police Police: Dispatch (851 S Morgan) FMN Law Dispatch
152.480WQJU355 B UIC Paging East Paging (East Campus 851 S Morgan) Telm Data
464.050WSDQ304 RM CC 11
TG 801
SL 1
UIC TG 801 Operations (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) DMR Schools
464.050WSDQ304 RM CC 11
TG 3101
SL 1
UIC Alarm Techs Fire Alarm Technicians (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) DMR Security
461.225WSDQ304 RM CC 12
TG 1801
SL 1
UIC Grounds Grounds Department (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) DMR Schools
461.225WSDQ304 RM CC 12
TG 1802
SL 2
UIC Bldg Engnrs Building Engineers (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) DMR Schools
453.600KJA745 RM 186.2 PL UIC 453.600 Operations (801 S Paulina) FMN Schools
157.740WQJU355 B UIC Paging West Paging (West Campus 801 S Paulina) Telm Data
464.2125WQPS985 RM 516 DPL UIC Forum Ops UIC Forum: Ops (725 W Roosevelt)* FMN Schools