Colleges and Universities
Chicago State University
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.900 | KTS496 | RM | 107.2 PL | CSU Police | Campus Police | FMN | Security |
City Colleges of Chicago
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
858.6125 | WQRF696 | RM | CC3 NAC | CCC Daley Sec | Daley College Security [Expired 5/23] | P25 | Security |
858.1875 | WQRF696 | RM | AA1 NAC | CCC District Ofc | District Offices [Expired 5/23] | P25 | Schools |
857.5125 | WQVD946 | RM | Malcolm X Sec | Malcolm X College: Security | P25 | Security | |
854.8375 | WQJE297 | RM | CCC Security | Security | FMN | Security | |
859.1875 | WQRF696 | RM | ABD NAC | CCC Wright | Wright College [Expired 5/23] | P25 | Schools |
860.2375 | WNMA681 | RM | 107.2 PL | WrightColl 3 | Wright College: Ops [Ch 6/23] | FMN | Schools |
461.0875 | M | 051 DPL | WrightColl A | Wright College: Ops [No License] | FMN | Schools | |
852.500 | RM | 107.2 PL | WrightColl B | Wright College: Ops [No License] | FMN | Schools | |
853.4875 | BM | 411 DPL | WrightColl C | Wright College: Ops [No License] | FMN | Schools | |
860.9875 | RM | 107.2 PL | WrightColl 1 | Wright College: Security [Ch 1/2] | FMN | Security | |
857.5125 | WQRF696 | RM | ABD NAC | CCC 8575125 | unidentified college [Expired 5/23] | P25 | Schools |
859.1875 | WQRF696 | RM | DD4 NAC | CCC A DD4 | unidentified college [Expired 5/23] | P25 | Schools |
859.1875 | WQRF696 | RM | EE5 NAC | CCC A EE5 | unidentified college [Expired 5/23] | P25 | Schools |
Columbia College Chicago
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.3875 | WQKY298 | RM | CC 6 TG 101 SL 1 |
CCC Security | Campus Security | DMR | Security |
463.3875 | WQKY298 | RM | CC 6 TG 102 SL 2 |
CCC Ops | Building Operations | DMR | Schools |
462.775 | WQIR570 | B | Colum Col PG | Paging (CSQ) | Telm | Data |
Concordia University (River Forest)
See the WIKI for additional information.
DePaul University (Chicago)
All voice frequencies now DMR? See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.200 | KFD822 | RM | 155 DPL | DPULP Sec | Lincoln Park Campus - Public Safety [Expired 12/11] | FMN | Security |
463.4375 | WPMX610 | RM | 165 DPL | DPULp Sec | Loop Campus - Public Safety | FMN | Security |
463.9875 | WPMX610 | RM | 023 DPL | DPULP Hsng | Lincoln Park - Student Housing | FMN | Schools |
463.4625 | WPMX610 | RM | 174 DPL | DPULP Snow | Lincoln Park Campus - Snow Removal, etc. (Low power repeater) | FMN | Schools |
463.7375 | WPMX610 | RM | 143 DPL | DPU CntrOps | DePaul Center Ops | FMN | Schools |
464.600 | WQJB923 | BM | DPU Paging 1 | Paging (E Jackson Blvd) | Telm | Data | |
464.650 | WQJB923 | BM | DPU Paging 2 | Paging (N Sheffield Ave) | Telm | Data |
Dominican University (River Forest)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.625 | WPQE760 | RM | 025 DPL | DomUniv Security | Campus Safety / Security | FMN | Security |
463.4625 | WPQE760 | RM | CC 9 TG 60018 SL 1 |
DomUniv IT | Information Technologies | DMR | Schools |
Harper College (Palatine)
See the WIKI for additional information.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police using talkgroups 34805 (Dispatch), 34806 (Tac 1), 34807 (Tac 2) and 34808 (Tac 3). See STARCOM21 Cook County subcategory. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.900 | KSZ331 | RM | 146.2 PL | HarperC Security | Police / Security (now on STARCOM21) | FMN | Security |
464.775 | WNIE627 | RM | 146.2 PL | HarperC Mnt/Util | Maintenance and Utilities [Expired 6/23] | FMN | Schools |
464.925 | WPDR833 | RM | 343 DPL | HarperC IT Div 1 | IT Division [Ch 1] [Expired 11/23] | FMN | Schools |
464.325 | WPDP785 | RM | 351 DPL | HarperC IT Div 2 | IT Division [Ch 2] [Expired 10/23] | FMN | Schools |
464.575 | WPWM346 | RM | 331 DPL | HarperC IT Media | IT Media Services [Expired 12/22] | FMN | Schools |
Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.925 | WQET722 | RM | CC 12 TG 39 SL 1 |
IITC PubSfty B39 | Public Safety | DMRE | Security |
464.750 | WQNE912 | RM | CC 3 TG 39 SL 1 |
IITC PubSfty A39 | Public Safety (was D023) | DMRE | Security |
461.950 | WQHD781 | RM | 627 DPL | IITC Events | Department of Event Services | FMN | Schools |
461.275 | WQHD780 | RM | 664 DPL | IITC CampusCentr | Housing (Campus Center) | FMN | Schools |
Loyola University Chicago (Multiple Locations)
The two Campus Safety repeaters below are linked. See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.5875 | WQXU662 | RM | CC 9 TG 1 SL 1 |
LUC Safety LSC | Campus Safety: Dispatch - Lake Shore and Maywood Campus ? | DMRE | Security |
453.7375 | WQXU662 | RM | CC 8 TG 1 SL 1 |
LUC Safety WTC | Campus Safety: Dispatch - Water Tower Campus ? | DMRE | Security |
452.0125 | KTJ877 | RM | CC 6 TG 101 SL 1 |
LUC Facilities | Facilities: Water Tower Campus Repeater | DMRe | Schools |
452.0125 | KTJ877 | RM | CC 6 TG 102 SL 2 |
LU WTC 2 | Operations: Water Tower Campus | DMRe | Schools |
452.0125 | KTJ877 | RM | CC 6 TG 103 SL 2 |
LU WTC 3 | Operations: Water Tower Campus | DMRe | Schools |
464.475 | KTJ877 | RM | CC 5 TG 101 SL 1 |
LUC Facilities | Facilities: Lakeshore Campus Repeater | DMRe | Schools |
464.475 | KTJ877 | RM | CC 5 TG 102 SL 2 |
LUC LSC 2 | Operations: Lake Shore Campus | DMRe | Schools |
464.475 | KTJ877 | RM | CC 5 TG 103 SL 2 |
LUC LSC 3 | Operations: Lake Shore Campus | DMRe | Schools |
464.975 | KTJ877 | RM | 162.2 PL | LUC LSC Ops | Operations - Lakeshore Campus (Deprecated?) | FMN | Security |
Moody Bible Institute (Chicago)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.900 | WNXX533 | RM | 664 DPL | MBI Security | Moody Bible Institute: Public Safety and Security | FMN | Security |
Moraine Valley Community College (Palos Hills)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.865 | WPWE248 | RM | 265 DPL | MVCC PubSfty | Public Safety: Dispatch | FMN | Security |
464.475 | WPCX961 | RM | 110.9 PL | MVCC Eng/Cust | Engineering / Custodial Operations | FMN | Schools |
466.025 | WQLE289 | M | 411 DPL | MVCC Athletc/Rec | Athletics / Rec Center: Main | FMN | Schools |
452.5125 | WRBU385 | RM | CC 11 TG 901 SL 1 |
MVCC PAC Main | Performing Arts Center: Main | DMR | Schools |
452.8375 | WRBU385 | RM | CC 12 TG 902 SL 1 |
MVCC PAC Ch 2 | Performing Arts Center: Ch 2 | DMR | Schools |
Morton College (Cicero)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.6875 | WQPV350 | RM | 306 DPL | MortonCol Police | Morton College: Police | FMN | Security |
464.675 | WNYW674 | RM | 67.0 PL | MortonCol Safety | Campus Safety [Expired 3/02] | FM | Security |
453.900 | KYR207 | BM | 67.0 PL | MortonCol Ops | Facility Operations | FMN | Schools |
North Park University (Chicago)
Police using a MOTOTRBO DMR digital system for security, shuttles and possibly other operations
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.5875 | WQGT932 | RM | CC 1 TG 5501 SL 1 |
NPU Security | Security | DMR | Security |
Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.350 | KXE811 | RM | CC 7 TG 10 SL 1 |
NEIU Police | Campus Police | DMR | Security |
453.900 | KXE811 | RM | CC 10 TG 10 SL 1 |
NEIU Security | Campus Security | DMR | Security |
453.350 | KXE811 | RM | CC 7 TG 20 SL 2 |
NEIU Ops | Facilities Operations | DMR | Schools |
453.900 | KXE811 | RM | CC 10 TG 20 SL 2 |
NEIU Bldg Maint | Building Maintenance | DMR | Schools |
453.600 | KXE637 | RM | 179.9 PL | NEIU 453600 | Operations | FMN | Schools |
Northwestern University (Evanston, Chicago)
See the WIKI for additional information.
See First Student section link for bus shuttles during home football games.
Northwestern University P25 (Evanston) Project 25 Phase II | Used by Police, Parking, Alarms, Events, Concessions, Facilities Management, Welch Ryan Arena, Safe Ride and more |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.575 | KNNG923 | M | 88.5 PL | NU Ops E2 | Operations (Norris Univ Cntr) [Expired 1/16] | FMN | Schools |
464.425 | WNMU379 | RM | 162.2 PL | NU BlgHsMnt | Building/Housing Maintenance (Chicago Campus) [Expired 8/14] | FMN | Schools |
Oakton Community College (Des Plaines)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.050 | KTR683 | RM | 073 DPL | OCC DesPl PbSfty | Police / Public Safety | FMN | Security |
462.075 | WNII735 | RM | 073 DPL | OCC DesPl Maint | Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
Oakton Community College (Skokie)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.775 | WNII735 | RM | 073 DPL | OCC Skokie PbSft | Police / Public Safety | FMN | Security |
463.3875 | WNII735 | RM | 073 DPL | OCC Skokie Maint | Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
Prairie State College (Chicago Heights)
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police dispatched by Cook County Sheriff's Police 911 Center, possibly on an encrypted talkgroup. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.725 | WSBV610 | RM | PSC Ops 1 | Operations [NFM/DMR] | DMR | Schools |
Robert Morris University (Chicago)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Robert Morris University (Orland Park)
Roosevelt University (Chicago)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.8375 | WQUP742 | RM | CC 15 TG 1001 SL 1 |
RoosU Safety | Roosevelt University (Chicago): Campus Safety | DMR | Security |
461.8375 | WQUP742 | RM | CC 15 TG 1003 SL 1 |
RoosU Engrs | Roosevelt University (Chicago): Building Engineers | DMR | Schools |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
South Suburban College (South Holland)
See the WIKI for additional information.
St Xavier University - Chicago Campus
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.375 | WQWE816 | RM | 223 DPL | StXU Security | Security | FMN | Security |
462.1625 | WQWE816 | RM | 151.4 PL | StXU Maintnce | Maintenance | FMN | Schools |
464.375 | WQWE816 | RM | 606 DPL | StXU Shuttle | Shuttle Vans | FMN | Transportation |
Triton Community College (River Grove)
See the WIKI for additional information.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
470.4875 | KTO307 | RM | 127.3 PL | TCC Police | Police: Dispatch (units 350s) | FMN | Security |
464.475 | WPKP698 | RM | 243 DPL | TCC IT/AV | IT, Audio Visual | FMN | Schools |
464.525 | RM | 043 DPL | TCC Ops Alt | Operations - Alternate | FMN | Schools | |
464.525 | RM | TCC Students | Student Affairs (different DCS tone) [NO LICENSE] | FMN | Schools | ||
461.8125 | WQVC594 | RM | CC 10 TG 1001 SL 1 |
TCC Maint | Building Maintenance | DMR | Schools |
464.525 | RM | 143 DPL | TCC Maintnce | Maintenance [NO LICENSE] | FMN | Schools |
University of Chicago
See the WIKI for additional information.
Diga-Talk NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | UGo Shuttle Service uses talkgroup 3073. |
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Campus Police dispatch on talkgroup 34046, with possible alternate on talkgroup 34051. Patch to Chicago PD Zone 7 on talkgroup 34054. Site 524 primary, also heard on site 102 (4/21) |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.7375 | WPTE365 | RM | 365 DPL | U-C PD Univ1 | University Police Channel 1 (STARCOM21 now primary) | FMN | Security |
464.4375 | WPTE365 | RM | 732 DPL | U-C PD Univ2 | University Police Channel 2 (STARCOM21 now primary) | FMN | Security |
464.7375 | WPTE365 | RM | 311 DPL | U-C SafeRide | SafeRide night campus transportation service | FMN | Transportation |
476.6623 | WPPU807 | B | CC 3 TG 1001 SL 1 |
U-C Facilities 1 | Facilities Services: Operations | DMR | Schools |
476.8375 | WPPU807 | B | CC 11 TG 1002 SL 1 |
U-C Facilities 2 | Engineers, Building Maintenence | DMR | Schools |
476.8375 | WPPU807 | B | CC 11 TG 1003 SL 2 |
U-C Facilities 3 | Electricians | DMR | Schools |
477.1375 | WPPU807 | B | CC 12 TG 1004 SL 1 |
U-C Facilities 4 | Facilities Services: Operations | DMR | Schools |
477.1375 | WPPU807 | B | CC 12 TG 1005 SL 2 |
U-C Facilities 5 | Facilities Services: Operations | DMR | Schools |
477.2875 | WPPU807 | B | CC 13 TG * SL * |
U-C Facilities 6 | Facilities Services: Operations | DMR | Schools |
477.5875 | WPPU807 | B | CC 14 TG 1010 SL 2 |
U-C Facilities10 | Facilities Services: Operations | DMR | Schools |
University of Illinois - Chicago (Multiple Locations)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
451.450 | WQBA373 | B | 723 DPL | UIC Parking 1 | Parking Enforcement (750 S Halsted-StdntCntr East) | FMN | Schools |
470.875 | WQAK555 | B | 315 DPL | UIC Parking 2 | Parking Enforcement (750 S Halsted-StdntCntr East) | FMN | Schools |
461.800 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 13 TG 601 SL 1 |
UIC TG 601 | Physical Plant? (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) | DMR | Schools |
461.800 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 13 TG 950 SL 2 |
UIC TG 950 | Building Operations (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) | DMR | Schools |
461.800 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 13 TG 900 SL 1 |
UIC TG 900 | Operations (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) | DMR | Schools |
463.825 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 1 TG 502 SL 1 |
UIC Steam Plant | Steam Plant (1717 W Taylor-Steam Plant/Utilities) | DMR | Schools |
452.400 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 7 TG 1 SL * |
UIC Police Disp | Police: Dispatch (851 S Morgan-Math/Computer Science) (SL 1/2) | DMR | Law Dispatch |
452.400 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 7 TG 2 SL 2 |
UIC MC Security | Medical Center Security: Dispatch (851 S Morgan-Math/Computer Science) | DMR | Security |
453.900 | KWE733 | RM | 632 DPL | UIC Police | Police: Dispatch (851 S Morgan) | FMN | Law Dispatch |
152.480 | WQJU355 | B | UIC Paging East | Paging (East Campus 851 S Morgan) | Telm | Data | |
464.050 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 11 TG 801 SL 1 |
UIC TG 801 | Operations (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) | DMR | Schools |
464.050 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 11 TG 3101 SL 1 |
UIC Alarm Techs | Fire Alarm Technicians (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) | DMR | Security |
461.225 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 12 TG 1801 SL 1 |
UIC Grounds | Grounds Department (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) | DMR | Schools |
461.225 | WSDQ304 | RM | CC 12 TG 1802 SL 2 |
UIC Bldg Engnrs | Building Engineers (710 S Halsted-East Tower/Science-Eng East) | DMR | Schools |
453.600 | KJA745 | RM | 186.2 PL | UIC 453.600 | Operations (801 S Paulina) | FMN | Schools |
157.740 | WQJU355 | B | UIC Paging West | Paging (West Campus 801 S Paulina) | Telm | Data | |
464.2125 | WQPS985 | RM | 516 DPL | UIC Forum Ops | UIC Forum: Ops (725 W Roosevelt)* | FMN | Schools |