Colleges and Universities / Colleges and Universities

Subcategory: Triton Community College (River Grove)

Unique DB ID: 19297

See the WIKI for additional information.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.93003 Longitude: -87.84978 Range: 1 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
470.4875KTO307 RM 127.3 PL TCC Police Police: Dispatch (units 350s) FMN Security
464.475WPKP698 RM 243 DPL TCC IT/AV IT, Audio Visual FMN Schools
464.525 RM 043 DPL TCC Ops Alt Operations - Alternate FMN Schools
464.525 RM TCC Students Student Affairs (different DCS tone) [NO LICENSE] FMN Schools
461.8125WQVC594 RM CC 10
TG 1001
SL 1
TCC Maint Building Maintenance DMR Schools
464.525 RM 143 DPL TCC Maintnce Maintenance [NO LICENSE] FMN Schools