Businesses and Media (Lake County)

Last Updated: February 2, 2025, 03:33 am UTC
See the WIKI for unconfirmed frequencies and more info
This page needs to have all listings divided up by municipal area.
For Hospitals, see Database pageWIKI
For Attractions and Recreation, see Database page, WIKI



Bass Pro Shops (Gurnee)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.4625WPTY936 M 032 DPL BassPro Gurnee 1 Operations (Ch 1) FMN Business
451.5875WPTY936 M 032 DPL BassPro Gurnee 2 Receiving (Ch 2) FMN Business
451.9125WPTY936 M 051 DPL BassPro Gurnee 3 Main (Ch 3) FMN Business
452.0875WPTY936 M 051 DPL BassPro Gurnee 4 Maintenance [Ch 4] FMN Business
452.1875WPTY936 M 073 DPL BassPro Gurnee 5 Managers [Ch 5] FMN Business
452.4875WPTY936 M 073 DPL BassPro Gurnee 6 Manager-On-Duty [Ch 6] FMN Business
456.4625WPTY936 M 116 DPL BassPro Gurnee 7 Open (Ch 7) FMN Business
456.5875WPTY936 M 116 DPL BassPro Gurnee 8 Open (Ch 8) FMN Business
456.9125WPTY936 M 143 DPL BassPro Gurnee 9 Open (Ch 9) FMN Business
457.0875WPTY936 M 143 DPL BassPro Gurnee10 Open (Ch 10) FMN Business
452.4875WPTY936 M 315 DPL BassPro Gurnee11 Manager/Ops [Ch 11] FMN Business
456.4625WPTY936 M 315 DPL BassPro Gurnee12 Mgr/Ops (Ch 12) FMN Business
Gurnee Mills Outlet Mall (Gurnee)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.225WQQE203 RM 371 DPL GM Mall Sec Mall: Security [Ch 1] FMN Security
461.325WQQE203 RM 734 DPL GM Mall M/S Mall: Management/Security "Tac" [Ch 2] FMN Business
461.400WQQE203 RM 731 DPL GM Mall Hskp Mall: Housekeeping/Cleaning Crews [Ch 3] FMN Business
461.550WQQE203 RM 703 DPL GM Mall Main Mall: Maintenance [Ch 4] FMN Business
464.550 M 67.0 PL GM business business ops FMN Business
466.1875 M 606 DPL RainFrstCafe RanforestCafe: Operations FMN Business
461.2625 M 023 DPL MarcusCin GM Marcus Cinema: General Theatre Ops (also on Mall Security F1) (previously listed as D051) FMN Business

Lake Barrington

Lake Barrington Woods Retirement Center
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.425WQKZ866 RM CC 7
TG 1
SL 1
Lk Barr RetireS1 Operations DMR Business
462.425WQKZ866 RM CC 7
TG 1
SL 2
Lk Barr RetireS2 Operations DMR Business

Lake Forest

Lake Forest Retail
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.1125 M 67.0 PL True Value LF True Value Hardware FMN Business

Lake Zurich

Kemper Lakes Business Center
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.100WQWC413 RM 131 DPL Kemper BizCtr Kemper Lakes Business Center [Cancelled 8/15] FMN Business

Vernon Hills

CDW Computer Warehouse (Vernon Hills)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.875WPRS606 RM 165 DPL CDW Ch 1 Warehouse/Store [Ch 1] FMN Business
451.925WPRS606 RM 265 DPL CDW Ch 2 Warehouse/Store [Ch 2] FMN Business
463.800WPRS606 RM 365 DPL CDW Ch 3 Warehouse/Store FMN Business
463.850WPRS606 RM 465 DPL CDW Ch 4 Warehouse/Store FMN Business
451.725WPRS606 RM 565 DPL CDW Ch 5 Warehouse/Store FMN Business
451.750WPRS606 RM 065 DPL CDW Ch 6 Warehouse/Store FMN Business
452.975WPRS606 RM 174 DPL CDW Wharehou Warehouse/Store [Ch 7] FMN Business
Hawthorn Mall (Vernon Hills)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.450WQQH278 RM 465 DPL HMall Sec Mall Security (radios have MDC1200) FMN Security
464.875KNAI807 RM 192.8 PL HMall Maint Mall Maintenance FMN Business
461.4125 M 79.7 PL HM Macys Sec Macy's: Security FMN Security
467.225 M 365 DPL HM JCPnySec JC Penney: Security FMN Security


Cardinal Health (Waukegan)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
471.4375WQBS567 RM AHC CH Maint 1 Cardinal Health / Maintenance DMR Business
471.7625WQBS567 M AHC CH Maint 2 Cardinal Health / Maintenance DMR Business
472.6625WQBS567 RM AHC CH Maint 3 Cardinal Health / Maintenance DMR Business
463.6875WPLR393 RM AHC CH Maint 4 Operations [Expired 12/22] FMN Business
ComEd/Midwest Generation Power Plant (Waukegan Harbor)
See the WIKI for additional frequency information
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.425KA4461 M 141.3 PL ComEd Ops A Plant / Coal Ops / Rail Yard Ops FMN Utilities
153.575KA4461 RM 631 DPL ComEd Ops B Operations FMN Utilities


Decommissioning Zion nuclear power plant, see the WIKI for frequency information.


Nursing Homes
See the WIKI for Lake Forest Place retirement community frequencies.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.2625WPXF949 RM 432 DPL Belmont Village Belmont Village - Automated Voice Security System (Buffalo Grove) [Cancelled 8/16] FMN Business


Apartment Management
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
454.5875WPVN270 RM 411 DPL PrairVw Apts Prairie View Apartments: Security (by SAPM) F1/F2 T/A FMN Business
461.1125 M 67.0 PL Pembrk Club Pembrook Club Maintenance Staff FMN Business
Cook Illinois Corporation
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.300WPYX382 RM 141.3 PL CLC Security CLC Security FMN Business
464.575 754 DPL CLS Maintnce Maintenance (possible low power repeater?) FMN Business
Hotels / Motels
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.1875 RM 134 DPL Pactviv Pactiv Corporation FMN Business
Metropolitan Emergency Support Services
Food Service provider who provides meals to Fire, Police and other emergency service personnel
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.250WQBT659 RM 127.3 PL MESS Ops Operations FMN Business
Security Agencies
Countywide Security/Radio Company; Low Power. Bases/Mobiles/Handhelds heard throughout the county. Covers many towns/cities. Company name unknown.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.820MURS BM 114 DPL unid Sec Ops 1 Operations [Ch 1] FM Security
151.880MURS BM unid Sec Ops 2 Operations Secondary/MDT's/Chit-Chat (504 DPL? invalid) [Ch 2] FM Security
151.940MURS BM 293 NAC unid Sec Ops 3 Operations (using Motorola Astro) P25 Security
151.880MURS BM 88.5 PL unid Sec Data Data Telemetry FM Security
Vehicle Sales and Service
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.930WNRC720 BM 127.3 PL KirschhofferTrck Kirschhoffer Truck Service. (Zion) FMN Business


Fast Food/Restaurants
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.3625WQEV221 M 732 DPL PortillosVH1 Portillos: Order Crews/Relay (Vernon HIlls Ch 1) FMN Business
457.4625WQEV221 M 703 DPL PortillosVH2 Portillos: Pedistrian Cashiers (Vernon HIlls Ch 2) FMN Business
457.5125 M 71.9 PL TacBel GM Taco Bell: Drive Thru (Gurnee Mills) FMN Business
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.4625WPFB890 M BestBuy VH 1 Best Buy (Vernon Hills) FMN Business
462.1875WPFB890 M 065 DPL BestBuy VH 2 Best Buy: Floor Employees (Vernon Hills) FMN Business
467.925 M 506 DPL BestBuy Gurn Best Buy: Operations (Gurnee) FMN Business
467.225 M 074 DPL Deerpth Mall Sec Deerpath Shopping Mall: Security (Advanced Security) FMN Security
151.625 M EdBauer DPrk Eddie Bauer: Security (Deer Park) FMN Business
467.850WQDC993 M Gap Kildeer1 Gap: Security/Ops FMN Security
467.875WQDC993 M Gap Kildeer2 Gap: Security/Ops FMN Security
467.900WQDC993 M Gap Kildeer3 Gap: Security/Ops FMN Security
467.925WQDC993 M Gap Kildeer4 Gap: Security/Ops FMN Security
467.850WPWJ879 M 754 DPL OfcMax249 1 Office Max #249: Ops FMN Business
467.850WPWJ879 M 67.0 PL OfcMax249 2 Office Max employees intercom FMN Business
151.700 M 71.9 PL PttryBarn DP Pottery Barn (Deer Park) FMN Business
467.900KB82968 M 205 DPL Target ?? 2 Target (was F2) [Ch 4] FMN Business
467.750KB82968 M 115 DPL Target ?? 1 Target [Ch 1] FMN Business
467.900KB82968 M 205 DPL Target VH 2 Target: "Go to" (Vernon Hills) [Ch 2] FMN Business
467.750KB82968 M 205 DPL Target VH 1 Target: Store Ops (Vernon Hills) (also CSQ pulsing, may be customer assistance kiosk data) [Ch 1] FMN Business
464.550KB82968 M 67.0 PL Target YH 1 Target: Store Ops (YourkHouse/Lewise-Waukegan) [Ch 1] FMN Business
467.925KB82968 M 67.0 PL Target YH 2 Target: Store Ops (YourkHouse/Lewise-Waukegan) [Ch 2] FMN Business
467.850KB82968 M 67.0 PL Target YH 3 Target: Store Ops (YourkHouse/Lewise-Waukegan) [Ch 3] FMN Business
467.875KB82968 M 67.0 PL Target YH 4 Target: Store Ops (YourkHouse/Lewise-Waukegan) [Ch4 ] FMN Business
154.570 BM 67.0 PL Walmart VH Walmart (store 1489 - Vernon Hills) FM Business


Taxi Cabs
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.435WQRK481 RM 103.5 PL 303 Taxi Lake Z 303 Transportation: Lake Zurich Repeater FMN Transportation
152.315WNZD503 B 127.3 PL AmTaxi Base American Taxi 303: Base (Glenview F1) [Expired 4/12] FMN Transportation
157.575WNZD503 M 127.3 PL AmTaxi Mob American Taxi 303: Mobiles (Glenview) [Expired 4/12] FMN Transportation
159.510WNXT203 B 127.3 PL MetroTaxi B Metro Taxi: Dispatch-to-Mobiles (Gurnee) [Expired 9/01] FMN Transportation
159.570WNXT203 M 127.3 PL MetroTaxi M Metro Taxi: Mobiles-to-Dispatch (Gurnee) [Expired 9/01] FMN Transportation
152.345KKQ313 B 127.3 PL WauChecker B Waukegan Checker Cab: Dispatch (Yellow Group) [Expired 3/22] FMN Transportation
157.605KKQ313 M 127.3 PL WauChecker M Waukegan Checker Cab: Mobiles (Yellow Group) [Expired 3/22] FMN Transportation
464.600KSB694 RM 225.7 PL Yellow Cab C Yellow Cab (Taxi Affiliation-Lake Villa) [Expired 9/22] FMN Data