St. Louis Metro Area
MO-St. Louis City
Entity | Entity Type |
St. Louis City Trunked Systems (28) | Trunked |
St. Louis City Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
St. Louis City | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Schools | Category |
Higher Education | Category |
Missouri State | Category |
Communications / Security | Category |
Attractions and Recreation | Attraction |
Businesses | Business Group |
Sports Venues | Attraction |
St Louis City Hotels | Business Group |
MO-St. Louis County
Entity | Entity Type |
St. Louis County Trunked Systems (28) | Trunked |
St. Louis County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Government | Category |
EMS Agencies | Category |
911 Dispatch Centers | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Schools - Private | Category |
Higher Education | Category |
Missouri State | Category |
Airports - Other | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses - Communications Companies | Business Group |
Businesses - Hotels / Motels | Business Group |
Businesses - Industrial / Manufacturing | Business Group |
Businesses - Media | Business Group |
Businesses - Miscellaneous | Business Group |
Businesses - Retail / Malls | Business Group |
Businesses - Transportation | Business Group |
Businesses - Utilities | Utility |
Federal Agencies | Federal |
Hospitals | Business Group |
Metro -- MetroBus/MetroLink (Bi-State Development Agency) | Transportation |
Recreation and Attractions | Attraction |
St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) | Aircraft / Airport |
MO-St. Charles County
Entity | Entity Type |
St. Charles County Trunked Systems (15) | Trunked |
St. Charles County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
St. Charles County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Colleges | Category |
Federal Government | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses | Business Group |
Hospitals/Healthcare | Business Group |
Recreations and Attractions | Business Group |
MO-Warren County
Entity | Entity Type |
Warren County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Warren County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Warren County | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Business, Recreation and Attractions | Business Group |
MO-Franklin County
Entity | Entity Type |
Franklin County Trunked Systems (8) | Trunked |
Franklin County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Franklin County | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Airports | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
MO-Lincoln County
Entity | Entity Type |
Lincoln County Trunked Systems (3) | Trunked |
Lincoln County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Lincoln County | Category |
Schools | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
MO-Jefferson County
Entity | Entity Type |
Jefferson County Trunked Systems (9) | Trunked |
Jefferson County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Jefferson County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
IL-Calhoun County
Entity | Entity Type |
Calhoun County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Calhoun County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Calhoun County | Category |
Businesses | Business Group |
IL-Jersey County
Entity | Entity Type |
Jersey County Trunked Systems (4) | Trunked |
Jersey County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Jersey County | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
IL-Macoupin County
Entity | Entity Type |
Macoupin County Trunked Systems (6) | Trunked |
Macoupin County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Macoupin County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Airports | Category |
State of Illinois | Category |
Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
IL-Madison County
Entity | Entity Type |
Madison County Trunked Systems (19) | Trunked |
Madison County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Madison County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Alton PSAP | Category |
Collinsville PSAP | Category |
Edwardsville PSAP | Category |
Glen Carbon PSAP (GlenCom) | Category |
Granite City PSAP | Category |
Wood River Central Dispatch PSAP (WoodCom) | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools | Category |
Colleges | Category |
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville (SIUE) | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Federal Agencies | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Businesses - Central | Business Group |
Businesses - Countywide | Business Group |
Businesses - Northwest | Business Group |
Businesses - Southwest | Business Group |
Gateway / Lakeview Commerce Center | Business Group |
Hospitals | Business Group |
Utility Companies | Utility |
World Wide Technology Raceway | Attraction |
IL-St. Clair County
Entity | Entity Type |
St. Clair County Trunked Systems (17) | Trunked |
St. Clair County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
County Government | Category |
EMS Agencies / Patient Reports | Category |
CENCOM East PSAP | Category |
CENCOM West PSAP | Category |
MECOMM PSAP (Ofallon) | Category |
Belleville PSAP | Category |
Schools | Category |
Colleges | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Federal Government | Category |
Airports | Aircraft / Airport |
Attractions and Recreation | Attraction |
Businesses | Business Group |
Hospitals / Healthcare | Business Group |
Scott Air Force Base (SAFB) | Military |
World Wide Technology Raceway (Madison) | Attraction |
IL-Bond County
Entity | Entity Type |
Bond County Trunked Systems (8) | Trunked |
Bond County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Bond County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Federal Government | Category |
Airports | Category |
Businesses | Business Group |
IL-Clinton County
Entity | Entity Type |
Clinton County Trunked Systems (5) | Trunked |
Clinton County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Clinton County | Category |
EMS Agencies and Hospitals | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Federal Government | Category |
Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
IL-Monroe County
Entity | Entity Type |
Monroe County Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Monroe County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Monroe County | Category |
Schools | Category |
Businesses | Business Group |
IL-Itinerant County
Entity | Entity Type |
IL-Statewide Illinois
Entity | Entity Type |
Statewide Illinois Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Entity | Entity Type |
MO-Itinerant County
Entity | Entity Type |
MO-Statewide Missouri
Entity | Entity Type |
Statewide Missouri Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
Entity | Entity Type |
UNKNOWN County Trunked Systems (1) | Trunked |
MO-Washington County
Entity | Entity Type |
Washington County Trunked Systems (2) | Trunked |
Washington County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Washington County | Category |
Schools | Category |
Missouri State | Category |
Businesses, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |