Federal Agencies (St. Louis County)

Last Updated: November 28, 2024, 02:43 am UTC
See the WIKI for more information on unidentified frequency uses and unit numbers.   Also see P25 Radio IDs (RIDs) 



Miscellaneous / Unidentified

Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse

Largest single courthouse in the United States.[1] It is the main office of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. 29 stories tall and covers 987,775 square feet (91,767.3 m2). 

General Services Administration (GSA) Link  -  Maintenance, etc is provided by this agency (WQVA704)

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
165.2125 F 100.0 PL 1655125 1000 Carrier/Remote Link FMN Federal
165.250 RM 466 DPL 165.25 D466 Security FMN Federal
165.28625 M 650 NAC 165286 N650 ATF (input to repeater ?) P25 Federal
165.375 RM 001 NAC 165375 N001 FBI? Law Enforcement P25 Federal
166.250 BM USDoL StL 2 US Department of Labor FMN Federal
170.4125 RM 170.4125 P25 Operations P25 Federal
406.200 BM USDoL N/WMob US Department of Labor - N/W Mobile FMN Federal
408.025 BM USDoL StL 1 US Department of Labor FMN Federal
409.075 RM CC 7
TG *
SL 2
409.075 DMR Operations (site 4?) DMR Federal
409.075 RM 131 DPL 4090375 D131 Operations (Attn Code Red All Clear) FMN Federal
409.850 F 409.85 CSQ Data Bursts (CSQ) Telm Data
410.0375 RM 103.5 PL 410.0375 103.5 Maintenance FMN Federal
418.175 BM 123.0 PL IRS StL 1 Internal Revenue Service FMN Federal
418.200 BM 123.0 PL IRS StL 2 Internal Revenue Service FMN Federal
418.225 BM 123.0 PL IRS StL 3 Internal Revenue Service FMN Federal
418.550 RM 315 DPL 418.55 D315 Federal Government (TSA? near Lambert) FMN Federal
Federal Aviation Administration

See Lambert-St Louis Airport for more info

Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Airport Operations and more
Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

Economy Museum 

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Operations (410.4875 confirmed as CC2), 451.85 and 461.7125 were formerly in use
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
406.6625 RM CC 1
TG 1
SL 1
FRBSL Security Security DMR Security
406.6625 RM CC 1
TG 2
SL 2
FRBSL Ops TG2 Operations DMR Federal
Gateway Arch National Historic Site
United States Postal Service
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
407.725 RM 482 NAC USPS Insp 407725 Inspectors [TG 1] P25E Federal
407.775 RM 482 NAC USPS Insp 407775 Inspectors [TG 1] (Texas Control) (*A/I) P25e Federal
406.5375 RM CC 1
TG 2
SL *
USPS Ops TG2 Operations DMR Federal
406.5375 RM CC 1
TG 1
SL 1
USPS Ops TG1 Operations DMR Federal
407.9375 RM CC 1
TG 3
SL 1
USPS 4079375 TG3 Processing and Distribution Center [Ch 3] DMR Federal
166.225 BM USPS MPO 1 Main Post Office: Ops FMN Federal
414.750 RM 82.5 PL USPS Insp1/2 Inspectors [Ch 1/2] FMN Federal
415.050 RM 82.5 PL USPS Insp3/4 Inspectors [Ch 3/4] FMN Federal
415.450 RM 82.5 PL USPS Insp5/6 Inspectors [Ch 5/6] FMN Federal
418.300 BM 82.5 PL USPS Securit Security FMN Federal
166.250 BM USPS MPO 2 Main Post Office: Ops FMN Federal
169.600 BM USPS MPO 3 Main Post Office: Ops FMN Federal
164.700 BM 156.7 PL USPS StL DC Distribution Center (Truck-Transport) FMN Federal
170.175 BM USPS StL TT Truck-Transport FMN Federal
169.6125 RM 114 DPL USPS DP Trns Transit Ops (w/ CONTROL/DP) FMN Federal
409.275 BM USPS 409275 Operations (120.0?) FMN Federal
410.200 BM 110.9 PL USPS 410.2 Operations FMN Federal
414.725 BM 136.5 PL USPS Lambert Lambert Airport: Ops FMN Federal
408.050 M USPS Interna Internal Ops FMN Federal
464.550 M CSQ USPS DesPeres Pre-Sort Ops (1015 Grupp Rd, Des Peres) FMN Federal

Homeland Security

US Department of Justice - 25 Cities Interoperability Project

25C = "25 Cities Interoperability Project", High Risk Metropolitan Area Interoperability 25 Cities Project (managed by the FBI)
STL CALL 171.43750 (VHF P25 Voted System)
8CALL90                     (800 MHz Simulcast Voted Repeater System) (in use)
STL TAC   171.68750 (VHF P25 Voted System) (Confirmed in use Encrypted 7/17/12) (NOT always encrypted) See WIKI for more info
8TAC91                       (800 MHz Simulcast Voted Repeater System)
**All of the above repeaters can be networked together.

*Arrowhead appears to be a Net Control/Dispatcher (National Park Service....arrowhead shape represents historical and archaeological treasures.)
Roll calls include: ATF, CBP (Customs), DEA, FBI, TSA; St. Louis City, St. Peters City, St. Charles County, St. Louis Metro Public Safety, St. Clair County,  St. Louis County Police, St. Louis County EOC, Mail Services

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
171.4375 RM 653 NAC 25C STL CALL St Louis Calling (Linked*) [TG 1] P25e Interop
171.6875 RM 653 NAC 25C STL TAC St Louis Tactical (Linked*) [TG 1] P25e Interop
Customs and Border Protection / TSA
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
163.1125 BM 169 NAC ICE Tactical 3 ICE: National Tactical 3 [TG 1] P25 Federal
172.900 BM 058 NAC TSA 172.9 $058 Transportation Security Administration P25 Federal
DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency (St Louis)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
418.625 RM 156.7 PL DEA F-1 StL Operations [Ch 1] FMN Federal
418.750 RM 156.7 PL DEA F-2B StL Operations (simulcasts 418.9?) FMN Federal
418.900 RM 156.7 PL DEA F-2A StL Operations [Ch 2/Encrypted?] FMNE Federal
418.950 RM 156.7 PL DEA F-6 StL Operations [Ch 6] FMN Federal
417.750 RM 156.7 PL DEA A-7 StL Operations (rprtd as Ch 9, verifed as A7) FMN Federal
418.975 M 156.7 PL DEA F-7 Stl Surveillance (mobiles, not on 417.025) FMN Federal
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigations
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
162.6375 BM 167.9 PL FBI 162.6375 Operations / Automated Voice: Time Announce FMN Law Tac
163.8875 BM 167 NAC FBI 163.8875 167 Operations [TG 1] P25 Law Tac
164.550 M 167.9 PL FBI OCDETF 2 Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF-Ch D2) FMN Law Tac
164.550 M CSQ FBI OCDETF 2 CSQ Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF-Ch D2) (2024) FMN Law Tac
167.2375 M 167 NAC FBI 1672375 N167 Operations P25E Law Tac
167.2625 RM 167 NAC FBI 1672625 N167 Operations [TG 1] P25E Law Tac
167.3125 RM 167 NAC FBI 1673125 TG2 Surveillance (Whiskey) [TG 2] P25e Law Tac
167.3125 RM 167 NAC FBI 1673125 TG1 Surveillance (Mike) [TG 1] P25e Law Tac
167.3125 BM 167 NAC FBI 1673125 TG3 Surveillance [TG 3] P25e Law Tac
167.4625KX800 BM 167.9 PL FBI 1674625 1679 Operations FMN Law Tac
167.5125 RM 167 NAC FBI 1675125 TG1 Operations [TG 1] P25E Law Dispatch
167.6625 M 167 NAC FBI 167.662 N167 Operations [TG 1] P25E Law Tac
409.325 RM 191 NAC FBI 409.325 N191 FBI or US Marshal P25 Law Tac
Federal Protective Services
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
416.8375 RM 293 NAC FPS StL 1A Police (Downtown) [Ch 1] P25 Federal
417.200 RM 292 NAC FPS StL 2A Police (Downtown) [Ch 2] (input 408.2?) P25 Federal
417.200 RM 293 NAC FPS StL 2B Police P25 Federal
408.200 RM 270 NAC FPS 408.2 TG1 Operations (6 George units) [TG 1] P25e Federal
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Joint National Capital Region
Project 25 Phase I
2 known sites in the St Louis area.
United States Secret Service
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
164.400 BM 103.5 PL USSS StL 1 Operations FMN Federal
164.650 BM 103.5 PL USSS StL 2 Operations FMN Federal
165.2125 BM 103.5 PL USSS StL 3 Operations FMN Federal
165.375 BM 103.5 PL USSS StL 4 Operations FMN Federal
165.7875 BM 103.5 PL USSS StL 5 Operations FMN Federal


Coast Guard
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
166.7125 BM 91.5 PL JBNC Ops 1 Operations / Military Honor Guard FMN Military
172.6875 BM 91.5 PL JBNC Maintenance Maintenance FMN Military
St. Louis VA Medical Center - Jefferson Barracks Division

Provides psychiatric treatment, spinal cord injury treatment, a nursing home care unit, geriatric health care, rehabilitation services, and a rehabilitation domiciliary program for homeless veterans.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
408.2375 RM 293 NAC JC Security A1 Security [TG 1] (simulcast w/ 408.0 at JB) P25 Security
St. Louis VA Medical Center - John Cochran Division

Paging System -  Has 100 Apollo Alfa-Numeric pagers (DPC) - Base Station, Zetron Model 66, DX Radio VHF Narrowband system (different than other VA hopsitals)

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
408.000 RM 293 NAC JB Security A1 Security [TG 1] (simulcast w/ 408.2375 at JC) P25 Security
406.500 RM 103.5 PL JB HospOps 1 Maintenance (same as 407.8375) (*A/I) FMN Federal
411.0375 RM 103.5 PL JB HospOps 2 Maintenance - HVAC / Plumbing (*A/I) FMN Federal
407.8375 RM 103.5 PL JB HospOps 3 Maintenance (same as 406.5) (*A/I) FMN Federal
412.1625 RM 103.5 PL JB HospOps 4 Maintenance (*A/I) FMN Federal
411.7625 RM 103.5 PL JB HospOps 5 Operations FMN Federal
412.3875 BM 103.5 PL JB HospOps 6 Operations FMN Federal
168.1625 F JB Hosp PagingA Paging (CSQ) Telm Data
169.8375 F JB Hosp PagingB Paging (CSQ) Telm Data
167.8625 F 167.8625data Paging-POCSAG (CSQ) Telm Data
163.8375 F 663 NAC 163.8375 N663 VA Police - Tone Carrier (See 25C) P25 Law Dispatch
U.S. Army Human Resources Command