Federal Agencies / Miscellaneous

Subcategory: Miscellaneous / Unidentified

Unique DB ID: 40845

Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse

Largest single courthouse in the United States.[1] It is the main office of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. 29 stories tall and covers 987,775 square feet (91,767.3 m2). 

General Services Administration (GSA) Link  -  Maintenance, etc is provided by this agency (WQVA704)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.63339 Longitude: -90.40012 Range: 17 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
165.2125 F 100.0 PL 1655125 1000 Carrier/Remote Link FMN Federal
165.250 RM 466 DPL 165.25 D466 Security FMN Federal
165.28625 M 650 NAC 165286 N650 ATF (input to repeater ?) P25 Federal
165.375 RM 001 NAC 165375 N001 FBI? Law Enforcement P25 Federal
166.250 BM USDoL StL 2 US Department of Labor FMN Federal
170.4125 RM 170.4125 P25 Operations P25 Federal
406.200 BM USDoL N/WMob US Department of Labor - N/W Mobile FMN Federal
408.025 BM USDoL StL 1 US Department of Labor FMN Federal
409.075 RM CC 7
TG *
SL 2
409.075 DMR Operations (site 4?) DMR Federal
409.075 RM 131 DPL 4090375 D131 Operations (Attn Code Red All Clear) FMN Federal
409.850 F 409.85 CSQ Data Bursts (CSQ) Telm Data
410.0375 RM 103.5 PL 410.0375 103.5 Maintenance FMN Federal
418.175 BM 123.0 PL IRS StL 1 Internal Revenue Service FMN Federal
418.200 BM 123.0 PL IRS StL 2 Internal Revenue Service FMN Federal
418.225 BM 123.0 PL IRS StL 3 Internal Revenue Service FMN Federal
418.550 RM 315 DPL 418.55 D315 Federal Government (TSA? near Lambert) FMN Federal