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Entity | Entity Type |
Jersey County Trunked Systems (5) | Trunked |
Jersey County Amateur Radio | Amateur Radio |
Jersey County | Category |
Municipalities and Districts | Category |
Schools and Colleges | Category |
Illinois State | Category |
Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation | Business Group |
See the WIKI for more info and frequencies.
Illinois State Police Troop 8 (former District 18)
MANY FCC licenses on this page are EXPIRED. Please report if they are no longer in use.
Mississippi River - Commercial traffic uses Marine Ch 13 while recreational uses Ch 9. Ch. 16 is a hailing channel. For more see Database and American Boating Association. US Army Corp of Engineers control the lock and dams
Jersey County
Sheriff / 911
Jersey 911 can dispatch Brighton FPD on 151.1975 using Remote Link and can contact Brighton Police on their 158.73 repeater. (See wiki for more info)
6/23 - Sheriff switched to DMR. They are using an odd talkgroup number and not encrypted. They have NOT modified their FCC License to be able to use DMR digital emissions. Their FCC License is EXPIRED.
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
156.2175 | WNPF660 | RM | CC 1 TG 16777199 SL 1 |
Jersey Sheriff D | Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch [Expired 5/24] | DMR | Law Dispatch |
156.2175 | WNPF660 | RM | CC 1 TG 8752036 SL 1 |
Jersey Shrf 2036 | Sheriff: Ops [Expired 5/24] | DMR | Law Dispatch |
173.225 | F | CSQ | Jers Sheriff MX1 | Sheriff: Mobile Extenders | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
159.4725 | WNPF660 | M | Jers Sheriff MX2 | Sheriff: Mobile Extenders [Expired 5/24] | FMN | Law Dispatch | |
155.8875 | WQND451 | RM | Jers SheriffJail | Sheriff: Jail Ops | FMN | Corrections | |
155.805 | WNPF660 | RM | 179.9 PL | Jersey Fire/EMS | Fire: Tone-Outs/Dispatch; Public Works [Expired 5/24] | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
458.7875 | WQAA720 | F | 754 DPL | Brighton Fire TX | Remote Tx Link from Jersey/Mac911 to Brighton Rptr | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
453.7875 | WQAA720 | F | 754 DPL | Brighton Fire RX | Brighton Rptr Rx Link to Jersey/Mac911 | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Rural Water System
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.47125 | WSCN410 | F | CSQ | IA Els/Grftn WDD | IL-American: Water Distribution Data (Elsah, Grafton) | FMN | Data |
159.705 | WQAB847 | F | CSQ | JCRWS Data | Rural Water System: Data [Expired 4/24] | FMN | Data |
956.41875 | WPOT767 | F | CSQ | JCRWS MAS Data | Rural Water System: Mobile Meter Reading (MAS) | FMN | Data |
Jersey Community Hospital / Ambulance Service
3/24 - See the WIKI for new mobile extender frequencies
Survival Flight 5 based in Jerseyville, at JCH, see WIKI for more info
Survival Flight 5 based in Jerseyville, at JCH, see WIKI for more info
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.4275 | WQKD685 | RM | 114 DPL | JCH EMS/Ops | EMS: Tone-Outs / Dispatch / Reports | FMN | EMS Dispatch |
155.220 | WPLZ993 | BM | 114.8 PL | JCH EMS Net | (former) Patient Reports | FMN | Hospital |
155.340 | WPLZ993 | B | 114.8 PL | MERCI1 114.8 | Patient Reports (Rare use) | FMN | Hospital |
Alton Memorial Hospital EMS
Serves southern Jersey County, back-up to Jersey Community Hospital Ambulance (See Madison County)
Municipalities and Districts
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
153.965 | KD49608 | M | Grafton PD Tac2 | Police: Tac | FMN | Law Tac |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.775 | KNIS253 | RM | 5 RAN | Jv Police NXDN | Police: Dispatch [Expired 3/24] | NXDN96 | Law Dispatch |
155.430 | KTT874 | BM | 179.9 PL | Jerseyville PD 2 | Police: Old | FMN | Law Tac |
152.360 | WRMW691 | RM | Jville PubWorks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works | |
173.390 | WPCR913 | F | IAWC Jers WDD | IL American: Water Treatment Data (CSQ) | Telm | Data |
QEM Fire Protection District
Schools and Colleges
Jersey Community Unit School District 100 (Jerseyville)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
453.1625 | WPWJ228 | RM | 115 DPL | Jersey Schools A | Admin / Security / Buses | FMN | Schools |
453.1625 | WPWJ228 | M | 423 DPL | Jersey Schools B | High School: Admin | FMN | Schools |
Principia College (Elsah)
See the WIKI for more information
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.000 | WRUL817 | RM | 134 DPL | Principia FT | Security / Maintenance (Farm Tower) | FMN | Schools |
462.1625 | WRUL817 | RM | Principia HC1 | Security / Maintenance (Howard Center) | FMN | Schools | |
463.275 | WRUL817 | RM | Principia HC2 | Security / Maintenance (Howard Center) | FMN | Schools | |
461.5125 | WRUL817 | RM | 203.5 PL | Principia MB1 | Security / Maintenance (Joseph McNabb Bldg) | FMN | Schools |
463.7875 | WRUL817 | RM | Principia MB2 | Security / Maintenance (Joseph McNabb Bldg) | FMN | Schools | |
464.3875 | WRUL817 | RM | Principia MB3 | Security / Maintenance (Joseph McNabb Bldg) | FMN | Schools | |
462.4875 | WQFP953 | RM | Principia SM7 | Security / Admin | FMN | Schools | |
462.5125 | WQFP953 | RM | Principia SM8 | Maintenance / Admin | FMN | Schools |