Futronics UHF Connect Plus (OH-WV-PA-MI)

System Name: Futronics UHF Connect Plus (OH-WV-PA-MI)
Location: Various, MI OH PA WV
County: 33 Counties
System Type: DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)
System Voice: DMR
System ID: HEX: b6 DEC: 182
Last Updated: February 11, 2025, 04:19 am UTC   [Deleted 2 talkgroup(s) from Lauttamus Network]
System Notes
See the WIKI for more information about this system

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
001 (1) Castalia Erie, OH 01 463.2875c02 451.937503 462.0125   
002 (2) Findlay Hancock, OH 01 463.2375c02 462.0625c03 461.887504 464.8125c05 463.9625c06 452.2625
003 (3) Oregon Lucas, OH 01 424.400c02 462.07503 461.475   
004 (4) Willard Huron, OH 01 461.000c02 452.975    
005 (5) West Lodi Seneca, OH 01 464.9125c02 452.337503 451.9875   
006 (6) Medina Medina, OH 01 422.2625c02 451.987503 463.8125   
007 (7) Wooster Wayne, OH 01 464.9125c02 463.7375    
008 (8) Detroit Wayne, MI 01 424.6625c02 463.600    
009 (9) Toledo (N Irwin Rd) Lucas, OH 01 463.2125c02 451.937503 461.6875   
010 (A) Toledo (Hill Ave) Lucas, OH 01 422.8375c02 461.762503 461.4875   
011 (B) Fremont Sandusky, OH 01 460.925c02 461.87503 452.62504 461.525  
012 (C) Berlin Heights Erie, OH 01 464.7375c02 463.337503 463.9875   
013 (D) Lima Allen, OH 01 451.8875c02 461.3875    
014 (E) Mansfield Richland, OH 01 462.1125c02 461.6625    
015 (F) Bucyrus Crawford, OH 01 452.2375c02 452.4375    
016 (10) Wauseon Fulton, OH 01 461.5875c02 462.0875    
017 (11) Greenwich Huron, OH 01 463.6625c02 463.4625    
018 (12) Deshler Henry, OH 01 452.4375c02 452.2875    
019 (13) Bowling Green Wood, OH 01 460.900c02 451.65003 461.275   
020 (14) Carleton Monroe, MI 01 461.825c02 463.275    
021 (15) Akron Summit, OH 01 451.0375c02 451.212503 464.025   
022 (16) New Riegel Seneca, OH 01 454.000c02 452.775c03 464.350   
023 (17) Berlin Holmes, OH 01 460.975c02 451.0625c    
024 (18) Nashville Holmes, OH 01 454.350c02 464.3125    
025 (19) Woodville Sandusky, OH 01 454.025c02 464.762503 464.587504 460.975c  
026 (1A) Lorain Lorain, OH 01 422.2125c02 464.687503 463.6375   
027 (1B) Clyde Sandusky, OH 01 452.575c02 451.22503 464.062504 461.6125  
028 (1C) Crestline Crawford, OH 01 461.4625c02 461.937503 461.6125   
029 (1D) Norwalk Huron, OH 01 454.275c02 464.22503 461.17504 460.950c  
030 (1E) Lagrange Lorain, OH 01 422.2375c02 463.275    
032 (20) Huntsburg Geauga, OH 01 461.8625c02 463.387503 463.837504 464.412505 464.9125 
033 (21) Canton Stark, OH 01 460.925c02 463.250    
035 (23) Youngstown Mahoning, OH 01 461.000c02 452.262503 452.5875   
037 (25) Middle Bass Island Ottawa, OH 01 463.5625c02 461.6125c    
096 (60) Weirton Brooke, WV 01 454.350c02 454.100c    
098 (62) Freedom Beaver, PA 01 454.050c02 454.20003 461.225   
099 (63) Pittsburgh Allegheny, PA 01 454.025c02 461.350    


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1000TFut Radio ServceRadio ServiceBusiness
1005TLC Spec EventsSpecial Events (Lorain Co)Business
1300TUnk Truck-Craneunknown trucking or crane companyBusiness
2000TLucius DoorLucius Door Co (New Riegel)Business
4500Ttrucking 4500unknown trucking companyBusiness
5000TMedCo PubTransitMedina Co Public Transit (MCPT)Transportation
7001Tconstr 7001unknown construction companyBusiness
8000TCyclone ServicesCyclone Services (Vickery)Business
10000Ttruck 10000unknown trucking company (hauling stone/dirt/gravel)Business
13500TMobileCare EMSMobile Care Group - EMS operationsEMS Dispatch
13501TMobileCare AMBMobile Care Group - Ambulette operationsEMS-Tac
15000Tpropane 15000unknown propane delivery companyBusiness
15500TSunrise Co-OpSunrise Co-Op (Fremont)Business
17500TMadison MotorsMadison Motors (Fremont)Business
18000Tplumbing 18000unknown plumbing / sewer companyBusiness
19500TGreen Earth TranGreen Earth Trans (Holland)Business
20000Ttrucking 20000unknown trucking companyBusiness
21000Ttrucking 21000unknown trucking companyBusiness
21100TConcr Matrl SuplConcrete Material Supply (Sandusky/Clyde)Business
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
8001TUnk 8001unknown School / Bus Transportation (heard on site 3)Schools
9000TClyde GrSp Sch AClyde-Green Springs Schools - busesSchools
14500TClyde GrSp Sch BClyde-Green Springs Schools (buses)Schools
16000Tschool 16000unknown schoolSchools
16052Tschool 16052unknown school buses (possibly Mohawk Local)Schools
18500TRossford EVS BusRossford Exempted Village Schools - busesSchools
19000TGbsnburg Sch BusGibsonburg Schools - busesSchools
19100TGibsonburg SchlsGibsonburg SchoolsSchools
23000TNorwalk SchoolsNorwalk City Schools (Huron Co)Schools
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
350000TLauttamus RadioLauttamus Radio ServiceBusiness
350021TRolloff 350021Unknown dumpster / roll-off company (Weirton area)Business
350025TAlberts HVACAlbert's Heating and CoolingBusiness
350047TFrBry Concrete 1Frank Bryan Concrete 1 (Pittsburgh)Business
350048TFrBry Concrete 2Frank Bryan Concrete 2 (Pittsburgh)Business
350049TFrBry Concrete 3Frank Bryan Concrete 3 (Pittsburgh)Business
350050TFrBry Concrete 4Frank Bryan Concrete 4 (Pittsburgh)Business
350059TBrooke Co EMSBrooke Co EMSEMS Dispatch
350065TDonVernon HVACDonvernon Heating and CoolingBusiness
350066THancockCo AmbSvcHancock Co Ambulance ServiceEMS Dispatch
350077TSSASD BusesSouth Side Area School District - BusesSchools