WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network

System Name: WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network
Location: Statewide, WV
County: Statewide
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 170 WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: March 21, 2025, 03:37 am UTC   [Updated 2 talkgroups for WV Regional EMS - ( Medical Communications )]
System Notes

Although this system is labeled Phase 2, 90% of the state is still Phase 1 at this time.


System Talk-around Channels:

T/A 1    458.21250    PL 67.0 / NAC 293

T/A 2    453.46250    PL 67.0 / NAC 293

T/A 3    458.46250    PL 67.0 / NAC 293

Traffic   458.16250    PL 67.0 / NAC 293

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Clarksburg Harrison 453.1875453.3375c453.7375c460.0375460.300460.4625 
1 (1) 002 (2) Morgantown Monongalia 453.2125453.250c453.4625453.6125c453.850460.025460.2625
1 (1) 003 (3) Fairmont Marion 453.3125c453.5375c453.8375460.1125460.3625460.525 
1 (1) 004 (4) Idamay Marion 453.125453.2875c453.4375453.6375460.1875460.3875c 
1 (1) 005 (5) Salem Harrison 453.3875c453.7625c453.900460.1625460.250460.6375 
1 (1) 006 (6) Fairview Monongalia 453.025453.300453.400453.550c453.6875c460.2375c460.4375
1 (1) 007 (7) Martinsburg Berkeley 452.875453.4375453.750453.975460.1625c460.2375c460.3625
1 (1) 008 (8) Rockport Wood 453.275453.800c460.175460.225460.425460.600c 
1 (1) 009 (9) Parkersburg Wood 451.7625452.6375452.9875453.4125460.1375c460.3125c 
1 (1) 010 (A) St Marys Pleasants 452.3625452.4625c460.3625c460.3875460.450460.650460.825
1 (1) 011 (B) Statewide Portable Site Statewide 453.2125c453.4625c453.7125453.8625   
1 (1) 012 (C) McWhorter Harrison 453.4125453.475c460.1375460.2125c460.3125  
1 (1) 013 (D) Burnsville Braxton 453.075c453.4625c460.0625460.225460.375460.525 
1 (1) 014 (E) Elmira Braxton 453.5625c460.025c460.0875460.250460.450460.6125 
1 (1) 015 (F) Pennsboro Ritchie 460.500460.8125c461.675463.2375c463.900464.925 
1 (1) 016 (10) Grantsville Calhoun 451.9125c452.0125c452.3375452.3875461.8625462.1625 
1 (1) 017 (11) Blueville Taylor 461.6875463.5125c463.6375464.7625464.8375c  
1 (1) 018 (12) Mannington Marion 452.100453.550c453.775c460.7125460.7875460.800 
1 (1) 019 (13) Philippi Barbour 453.650460.125460.150460.3375c460.375460.475c 
1 (1) 020 (14) Franklin Pendleton 453.4875453.6375460.0875460.3125c460.3625c  
1 (1) 021 (15) Valley Head / Wares Ridge Randolph 453.250c453.2875453.6375453.7875453.8375460.2125 
1 (1) 022 (16) Elkins Randolph 453.175c453.3625c453.575453.6125453.725460.5875 
1 (1) 023 (17) Kearneysville Jefferson 451.175453.2625453.4125c460.0875c460.1875c460.3125c460.5875
1 (1) 024 (18) Gassaway Braxton 453.6375c460.1125460.3875c460.4375461.4875461.7375462.0125
1 (1) 025 (19) Petersburg Grant 453.2875460.1625460.2125c460.3875460.825464.675 
1 (1) 026 (1A) Romney Hampshire 453.425453.625c460.4375c460.6125460.650460.7875463.475
1 (1) 027 (1B) Ridge Hampshire 453.3375c453.925c460.4125460.600460.750460.8375 
1 (1) 028 (1C) Keyser Mineral 453.2875453.3125460.150460.1625460.725c460.875c 
1 (1) 029 (1D) North Harman Randolph 453.7625453.825c460.0625460.6125c463.2875463.7125 
1 (1) 030 (1E) South Harman Randolph 453.2625453.5875453.6875460.2875c460.500c460.6375 
1 (1) 031 (1F) Sand Springs Preston 406.4125c407.4125c408.0125408.4125463.4625464.9125 
1 (1) 032 (20) Terra Alta Preston 453.350453.3875460.275c460.700c463.4125463.8125 
1 (1) 033 (21) Thomas Tucker 453.0125c453.875460.175460.350460.4375460.8125c 
1 (1) 034 (22) Moorefield Hardy 451.925453.4125453.7875c460.1375c460.2375461.450 
1 (1) 035 (23) Webster Springs Webster 453.300453.375453.400453.550460.275c460.550c 
1 (1) 036 (24) Weston / Roanoke Lewis 453.2625c453.6875460.2375c460.4125461.5625461.725 
1 (1) 037 (25) Buckhannon Upshur 453.4875c453.5125c460.2625461.6625461.9375463.9375 
1 (1) 038 (26) Diana Webster 453.7375453.900460.150c460.250c460.350460.4625 
1 (1) 039 (27) Glenville Gilmer 451.9625c452.750453.2875460.150460.3375460.475 
1 (1) 040 (28) Kanawha Head Upshur 453.375c453.4375453.850460.1875   
1 (1) 041 (29) Shinnston Harrison 451.9875461.3875461.6375c463.4875c463.6625464.8625 
1 (1) 042 (2A) Circleville / Hunting Ground Pendleton 453.5875453.6625c460.250460.325c460.4625460.600 
1 (1) 043 (2B) Mount Storm Grant 451.450c461.6125462.275c463.550464.800  
1 (1) 044 (2C) Brushy Run Pendleton 453.100453.475453.5375c460.125460.2625460.4125c 
1 (1) 046 (2E) Vienna Wood 453.300453.5625453.775c460.100460.2625c460.6125 
1 (1) 047 (2F) Berkeley Springs Morgan 453.325c453.375453.875c453.900460.400460.500 
1 (1) 048 (30) Wardensville Hardy 451.350451.825452.125452.525453.1625c453.3625c 
1 (1) 049 (31) Mount Weather Jefferson 406.2625c406.4625c408.0625    
1 (1) 050 (32) Paw Paw / Purslane Morgan 451.1375451.275c452.000452.400462.0875c462.475 
1 (1) 051 (33) Rowlesburg Preston 453.075c453.275c453.375453.6625453.7875  
1 (1) 052 (34) Ft Ashby / Patterson Creek Mineral 461.075461.350461.600c461.900462.150c462.450 
1 (1) 053 (35) Jacksonburg / Wallace Wetzel 461.275c462.500463.375463.700464.275464.425 
1 (1) 054 (36) West Union Doddridge 451.575c452.450c463.5875c464.2875464.3875464.9625 
1 (1) 055 (37) Belleville Wood 454.0125c454.075c454.225454.275454.4125  
2 (2) 001 (1) Malden Kanawha 453.1625453.6125453.8125460.0375c460.2375c460.4625 
2 (2) 002 (2) Charleston Kanawha 453.3875453.6625460.0625c460.1375460.2875c460.3375 
2 (2) 003 (3) WV State Capitol Kanawha 453.650453.7375460.0875460.4125c460.6375c461.5375 
2 (2) 004 (4) Clendenin Kanawha 453.1875453.4125453.5875c453.800460.050460.3125c 
2 (2) 005 (5) St. Albans Kanawha 453.4375454.350460.150c460.6125c460.675463.375 
2 (2) 006 (6) Sumerco / Summit Lincoln 454.025454.075454.225454.275454.450c454.500c 
2 (2) 007 (7) Kenna Jackson 452.400c453.325460.6625460.8625462.0625462.425463.750c
2 (2) 008 (8) Madison Boone 453.075453.3375453.475c453.5375453.7375453.7625c460.1875
2 (2) 009 (9) Ripley Jackson 453.2375460.1625c460.2125c460.3625460.3875460.4375 
2 (2) 010 (A) Point Pleasant North Mason 451.9875453.6625c453.6875460.0375460.0625460.3375c 
2 (2) 011 (B) Point Pleasant South Mason 453.2625c453.3625460.2875460.4625c460.8875463.9875 
2 (2) 012 (C) Milton Cabell 453.5125453.5625453.6125c460.1125c460.2375460.2625 
2 (2) 013 (D) Missouri Branch Wayne 453.3625c453.4375453.4875460.675460.725c463.375 
2 (2) 014 (E) Wayne Wayne 452.200453.3875453.6875460.0625460.2875460.650c460.775
2 (2) 015 (F) Salt Rock / Porter's Knob Cabell 454.100c454.150c454.325454.400460.825464.6125 
2 (2) 016 (10) Huntington Cabell 453.350c453.5625460.1375c460.6375461.225463.3625 
2 (2) 017 (11) West Logan Logan 453.4125453.700c460.0875460.2625460.3625c460.6375 
2 (2) 018 (12) Ferrellsburg / Harts Lincoln 452.325454.250460.3875460.6625c460.7875c460.8625 
2 (2) 019 (13) Mountain View Mingo 453.6875453.8125c460.0625460.100460.2875460.3375c 
2 (2) 020 (14) Wllliamson Mingo 453.375453.5625c453.850460.475460.5875460.6125 
2 (2) 021 (15) Welch N.E. McDowell 453.3625c460.1625460.2625460.4625   
2 (2) 022 (16) Welch S.W. McDowell 453.400453.4375c453.8375460.125460.275c460.4125461.4625
2 (2) 023 (17) McComas Mercer 453.225c453.725c453.850460.2375460.3125460.500 
2 (2) 024 (18) Bluefield Mercer 453.3875c460.1375c460.3375460.4375460.550460.5875 
2 (2) 025 (19) Flat Top Mercer 453.2375453.6125453.7875c460.075460.2625460.4625c 
2 (2) 026 (1A) Alderson Greenbrier 460.650460.6625460.8375c460.8625c461.9125464.7875 
2 (2) 027 (1B) White Sulphur Springs Greenbrier 452.2375c452.475452.875453.3625453.4875453.700460.0875
2 (2) 028 (1C) Twin Falls Wyoming 453.975454.100454.450c454.500c460.0375  
2 (2) 029 (1D) Kopperston Wyoming 453.1875c453.5125c460.025460.0875460.425  
2 (2) 030 (1E) Pax Fayette 453.2625c453.4875c453.625460.1125460.2125460.3875 
2 (2) 031 (1F) Beckley Raleigh 452.100453.525453.5625460.6375460.6875c461.6375462.1125c
2 (2) 032 (20) WVRRT Portable Site Statewide 453.2125c453.4625c453.7125453.8625c460.8875c  
2 (2) 033 (21) Ansted Fayette 453.100453.150453.2875453.700c460.350460.475c 
2 (2) 034 (22) Craigsville Nicholas 453.3125c454.025454.075454.225460.1625460.3625c 
2 (2) 035 (23) Panther McDowell 452.425453.2875460.2125461.8125464.8125464.9375c 
2 (2) 036 (24) Glen Jean Fayette 453.300453.350453.775453.900454.050c454.100c460.100
2 (2) 037 (25) Spencer Roane 451.9375453.2625453.400453.900454.175c454.400460.1875c
2 (2) 038 (26) Yeager - CRW Kanawha 451.1625452.025461.250461.9375c463.3875464.825c 
2 (2) 039 (27) Elgood Mercer 461.4125462.0125c463.300c463.9625464.6125464.9625 
2 (2) 040 (28) Quinwood Greenbrier 453.225453.6625453.800460.050460.3375c460.5875c 
2 (2) 041 (29) Lewisburg Greenbrier 453.4375c453.5375460.4125c    
2 (2) 042 (2A) Summersville Nicholas 451.900452.125460.7125c460.7875c461.6625461.775 
2 (2) 043 (2B) Sandyville Jackson 453.550c453.675453.950460.125460.500460.625 
2 (2) 044 (2C) Layland Fayette 454.0125c454.0625c454.2125454.2625454.4875454.5125 
2 (2) 046 (2E) Princeton Mercer 451.1625c451.250c452.600452.725   
3 (3) 001 (1) Ohio County Simulcast Ohio 453.1625453.175c453.3125c453.3375c453.4375c453.5625460.0625
3 (3) 003 (3) St. Joseph Marshall 453.050c453.350c453.375460.3125460.3375463.7125 
3 (3) 004 (4) Sistersville Tyler 453.6875c460.0875460.1125c460.475460.700460.8625 
3 (3) 005 (5) Weirton Brooke 453.1875453.425c460.1625c460.2375460.475  
3 (3) 006 (6) Beaver Falls Hancock 407.6125c408.125c408.325c    


WV Intersystem / WVOES ( County 911 )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
92739fDHarr/Tayl Co 911Harrison / Taylor County 911Emergency Ops
9293a1DMarion Co 911Marion County 911Emergency Ops
9313a3DMononglia Co 911Monongalia County 911Emergency Ops
9333a5DBarbour Co 911Barbour County 911Emergency Ops
9353a7DDodd/Rit Co 911Doddridge / Ritchie County 911Emergency Ops
9373a9DPreston Co 911Preston County 911Emergency Ops
1927787TBerkeley Co 911Berkeley County 911Emergency Ops
1929789DGrant Co 911Grant County 911Emergency Ops
193178bDHampshire Co 911Hampshire County 911Emergency Ops
193378dDHardy Co 911Hardy County 911Emergency Ops
193578fDJefferson Co 911Jefferson County 911Emergency Ops
1937791DMineral Co 911Mineral County 911Emergency Ops
1939793DMorgan Co 911Morgan County 911Emergency Ops
1940794DAllghny Co 911MdAlleghany County MD 911Emergency Ops
1941795DGarrett Co 911MdGarrett County MD 911Emergency Ops
1942796DWashgtn Co 911MdWashington County MD 911Emergency Ops
1943797DFderick Co 911MdFrederick County MD 911Emergency Ops
1944798DFderick Co 911VaFrederick County VA 911Emergency Ops
2927b6fDOhio Co 911Ohio County 911Emergency Ops
2929b71DBrooke Co 911Brooke County 911Emergency Ops
2931b73DHancock Co 911Hancock County 911Emergency Ops
2933b75DMarshall Co 911 Marshall County 911Emergency Ops
2935b77DTyler Co 911 Tyler County 911Emergency Ops
2937b79DWetzel Co 911Wetzel County 911Emergency Ops
3927f57DRandolph Co 911Randolph County 911Emergency Ops
3929f59DLewis/Glm Co 911Lewis / Gilmer County 911Emergency Ops
3931f5bDPendleton Co 911Pendleton County 911Emergency Ops
3933f5dDPocahonts Co 911Pocahontas County 911Emergency Ops
3935f5fDTucker Co 911Tucker County 911Emergency Ops
3937f61DUpshur Co 911 Upshur County 911Emergency Ops
3939f63DWebster Co 911Webster County 911Emergency Ops
4927133fDCabell Co 911Cabell County 911Emergency Ops
49291341DBoone Co 911Boone County 911Emergency Ops
49311343DLincoln Co 911Lincoln County 911Emergency Ops
49331345DLogan Co 911Logan County 911Emergency Ops
49351347DMason Co 911Mason County 911Emergency Ops
49371349DMingo Co 911Mingo County 911Emergency Ops
4939134bDWayne Co 911 Wayne County 911Emergency Ops
59271727DRaleigh Co 911Raleigh County 911Emergency Ops
59291729DFayette Co 911Fayette County 911Emergency Ops
5931172bDGrnbrier Co 911 Greenbrier County 911Emergency Ops
5933172dDMcDowell Co 911McDowell County 911Emergency Ops
5935172fDMercer Co 911Mercer County 911Emergency Ops
59371731DMonroe Co 911 Monroe County 911Emergency Ops
59391733DSummers Co 911 Summers County 911Emergency Ops
59411735DWyoming Co 911Wyoming County 911Emergency Ops
69271b0fDKanawha Co 911Kanawha County 911Emergency Ops
69291b11DBraxton Co 911Braxton County 911Emergency Ops
69311b13DNicholas Co 911Nicholas County 911Emergency Ops
69331b15DPutnam Co 911Putnam County 911Emergency Ops
69351b17DClay Co 911Clay County 911Emergency Ops
79271ef7DWood/Wirt Co 911Wood / Wirt County 911Emergency Ops
79291ef9DCalhoun Co 911Calhoun County 911Emergency Ops
79311efbDJackson Co 911Jackson County 911Emergency Ops
79331efdDPleasants Co 911Pleasants Co 911Emergency Ops
79351effDRoane Co 911Roane County 911Emergency Ops
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
918123ddDWV Fire Marshal1Fire Marshal - Ch. 1Fire-Talk
918323dfDWV Fire Marshal2Fire Marshal - Ch. 2Fire-Talk
918523e1DWV Fire Marshal3Fire Marshal - Ch. 3Fire-Talk
918723e3DWV Fire Marshal4Fire Marshal - Ch. 4Fire-Talk
918923e5DWV Fire Marshal5Fire Marshal - Ch. 5Fire-Talk
WV Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
81011fa5DWV DHS/PSAPPublic Safety Answering PointsEmergency Ops
81031fa7DWV DHS/PSAP Tac Public Safety Answering Points - TacticalEmergency Ops
90002328DWV DHS/EM SW SOSStatewide S.O.S.Emergency Ops
9771262bDWV DHS/EM Ops 1Operations - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
9773262dDWV DHS/EM Ops 2Operations - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
9775262fDWV DHS/EM Ops 3Operations - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
97772631DWV DHS/EM Ops 4Operations - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
97792633DWV DHS/EM Ops 5Operations - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
97812635DWV DHS/EM IFlowsEmergency Management System - IFlows Emergency Ops
97952643DeWV EMD Watch CtrEmergency Management Division - Watch CenterEmergency Ops
9996270cDWV DHS/EM STecs1Emergency Management System Site Technicians - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
9998270eDWV DHS/EM STecs2Emergency Management System Site Technicians - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
WV Division of Military Affairs and Public Safety
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
941524c7DWV Civil Air PtlCivil Air PatrolEmergency Ops
942124cdDWV DMAPS Tac 1DMAPS Tactical - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
942224ceDWV DMAPS Fus 1Intelligence Fusion Center - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
942324cfDWV DMAPS Fus 2Intelligence Fusion Center - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
WV Public Service Commission
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
93152463DPSC CMV ENF LOGCommercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Logan AreaLaw Tac
93162464DPSC CMV ENF NPHCommercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement, Northern PanhandleLaw Tac
93172465DPSC CMV ENF WES Commercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement; Weston areaLaw Tac
93192467DPSC CMV ENF EPHCommercial Motor Vehicle Enforcement; Eastern PanhandleLaw Tac
93202468DPSC CMV ENFCommercial Motor Vehicle EnforcementLaw Talk
WV Regional EMS - ( Medical Communications )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
88012261DWVU Healthnet 1Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 1EMS Dispatch
88032263DWVU Healthnet 2Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 2EMS Dispatch
88052265DWVU Healthnet 3Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 3EMS Dispatch
88072267DWVU Healthnet 5Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 5EMS Dispatch
88092269DWVU Healthnet 6Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 6EMS Dispatch
8813226dDWVU Healthnet 8Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 8EMS Dispatch
8815226fDWVU Healthnet 9Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 9EMS Dispatch
88172271DWVU Healthnet 10Dispatch - WVU Healthnet 10 EMS Dispatch
88512293DCAMC Air FollowCAMC Air FollowingEMS-Talk
88532295DWVU Air FollowWVU Air FollowingEMS-Talk
88552297DHuntg Air FollowHuntington Air FollowingEMS-Talk
88572299DMED Air FollowMED Air Following AlternateEMS-Talk
98012649DWVU Med ComWest Virginia University Hospitals - CommunicationsHospital
9803264bDCAMC Med BaseCharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - BaseHospital
9805264dDHuntington MedCmHuntington Area Hospitals - CommunicationsHospital
9807264fDWestCom MedWestCom CommunicationsHospital
98092651DBeckley Reg MedBeckley Regional Area Hospitals - CommunicationsHospital
9821265dDWVU Med A-P InfoWVU Medcom - Ch. A - Medevac Patient InformationHospital
9823265fDWVU Med BWest Virginia University Hospitals - Ch. BHospital
98252661DWVU Med CWest Virginia University Hospitals - Ch. CHospital
98272663DWVU Med DWest Virginia University Hospitals - Ch. DHospital
98292665DWVU Med EWest Virginia University Hospitals - Ch. EHospital
98312667DCAMC Med ACharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - Ch. AHospital
98332669DCAMC Med BCharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - Ch. BHospital
9835266bDCAMC Med CCharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - Ch. C Hospital
9837266dDCAMC Med DCharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - Ch. DHospital
9839266fDCAMC Med ECharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - Ch. EHospital
98412671DHuntington Med AHuntington Area Medical - Ch. AHospital
98432673DHuntington Med BHuntington Area Medical - Ch. BHospital
98452675DHuntington Med CHuntington Area Medical - Ch. CHospital
98472677DHuntington Med DHuntington Area Medical - Ch. DHospital
98492679DHuntington Med EHuntington Area Medical - Ch. EHospital
9851267bDWesCom Med AWestCom Medical Communications - Ch. AHospital
9853267dDWesCom Med BWestCom Medical Communications - Ch. BHospital
9855267fDWesCom Med CWestCom Medical Communications - Ch. CHospital
98572681DWesCom Med DWestCom Medical Communications - Ch. DHospital
98592683DWesCom Med EWestCom Medical Communications - Ch. EHospital
98612685DBeckley Med ABeckley Area Hospitals - Ch. AHospital
98632687DBeckley Med BBeckley Area Hospitals - Ch. BHospital
98652689DBeckley Med CBeckley Area Hospitals - Ch. CHospital
9867268bDBeckley Med DBeckley Area Hospitals - Ch. DHospital
9869268dDBeckley Med EBeckley Area Hospitals - Ch. EHospital
9871268fDWVU Med F-P InfoWVU Medcom - Ch. F - Medevac Patient InformationHospital
98732691DCAMC Med FCharleston Area Medical Center Hospitals - Ch. FHospital
98752693DHuntington Med FHuntington Area Medical - Ch. FHospital
98772695DWesCom Med FWestCom Medical Communications - Ch. FHospital
98792697DBeckley Med FBeckley Area Hospitals - Ch. FHospital
989526a7DEMS Wetzel Co HpEMS to Wetzel County HospitalHospital
989726a9DEMS ReynoldsEMS to Reynolds Memorial Hospital (Glen Dale)Hospital
989926abDEMS Ohio ValleyEMS to Ohio Valley Medical Center (Wheeling)Hospital
991526bbDEMS Logan Reg MCEMS to Logan Regional Medical Center (Logan)Hospital
991726bdDEMS Rivers HlthEMS to Rivers Health Hospital (Pt. Pleasant)Hospital
991926bfDEMS St Marys MedEMS to St. Mary's Medical Center (Huntington)Hospital
992926c9DEMS Grnbr ValleyEMS to Greenbrier Valley (Lewisburg)Hospital
994326d7DEMS SummersvilleEMS to Summersville Regional HospitalHospital
995526e3DEMS SistersvilleEMS to Sistersville General HospitalHospital
995726e5DEMS Camden ClarkEMS to Camden Clark (Parkersburg)Hospital
996326ebDEMS BroaddusEMS to Broaddus Hospital (Philippi)Hospital
996526edDEMS Davis MemEMS to Davis Memorial Hospital (Elkins)Hospital
996726efDEMS Fairmont MedEMS to Fairmont Medical CenterHospital
996926f1DEMS Grafton CityEMS to Grafton City HospitalHospital
997126f3DEMS MonongaliaEMS to Monongalia General Hospital (Morgantown)Hospital
997326f5DEMS Preston MemEMS to Preston Memorial Hospital (Kingwood)Hospital
997526f7DEMS St Joseph'sEMS to St. Joseph's Hospital (Buckhannon)Hospital
997726f9DEMS Stnwall JackEMS to Stonewall Jackson Memorial HospitalHospital
997926fbDEMS United Hosp EMS to United Hospital Center (Clarksburg)Hospital
998326ffDEMS Berkeley MedEMS to Berkeley Medical Center (Martinsburg)Hospital
99852701DEMS Grant Mem HpEMS to Grant Memorial Hospital (Petersburg)Hospital
99862702DEMS Winchester EMS to Winchester Medical CenterHospital
99872703DEMS Hampshire MHEMS to Hampshire Memorial Hospital (Romney)Hospital
99892705DEMS Jefferson MCEMS to Jefferson Medical Center (Ranson) Hospital
99912707DEMS Potomac HspPotomac Valley Hospital (Keyser)Hospital
9995270bDEMS War MemorialEMS to War Memorial Hospital (Berkeley Springs)Hospital
9997270dDEMS Weirton MedEMS to Weirton Medical CenterHospital
9999270fDEMS Wheeling HspEMS to Wheeling HospitalHospital
WV Regional Response Team
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
970125e5DWVRRT Tac AWVRRT Tactical - Ch. AEmergency Ops
970325e7DWVRRT Tac BWVRRT Tactical - Ch. BEmergency Ops
970525e9DWVRRT Tac CWVRRT Tactical - Ch. CEmergency Ops
970725ebDWVRRT Tac DWVRRT Tactical - Ch. DEmergency Ops
970925edDWVRRT Tac EWVRRT Tactical - Ch. EEmergency Ops
971125efDWVRRT Tac FWVRRT Tactical - Ch. FEmergency Ops
971325f1DWVRRT Tac GWVRRT Tactical - Ch. GEmergency Ops
971525f3DWVRRT Tac HWVRRT Tactical - Ch. HEmergency Ops
972525fdDWVRRT Tac Tm So1WVRRT Tactical Team South - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 1 )

Barbour, Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Ritchie and Taylor Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
901385DRegion 1 FireRegion 1 Fire Emergency Ops
903387DRegion 1 EMSRegion 1 EMSEmergency Ops
905389DRegion 1 LawRegion 1 LawEmergency Ops
90738bDRegion 1 EMARegion 1 EMA Emergency Ops
90938dDRegion 1 TaskForRegion 1 Task Force Emergency Ops
91138fDRegion 1 DspatchRegion 1 Dispatch Emergency Ops
913391DRegion 1 HspitalRegion 1 Hospital Emergency Ops
915393DRegion 1 Tac 1Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
917395DRegion 1 Tac 2Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 2 Emergency Ops
919397DRegion 1 Tac 3Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 3 Emergency Ops
921399DRegion 1 Tac 4Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 4 Emergency Ops
92339bDRegion 1 HealthRegion 1 HealthEmergency Ops
92539dDRegion 1 BOERegion 1 Board of EducationEmergency Ops
9513b7DRegion 1 CommandRegion 1 CommandEmergency Ops
9813d5DRegion 1 Tac 5Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 5 Emergency Ops
9833d7DRegion 1 Tac 6Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 6 Emergency Ops
9853d9DRegion 1 Tac 7Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
9873dbDRegion 1 Tac 8Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 8 Emergency Ops
9893ddDRegion 1 Tac 9Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 9 Emergency Ops
9913dfDRegion 1 Tac 10Region 1 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
9933e1DRegion 1 Test 1Region 1 Test - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
9953e3DRegion 1 Test 2Region 1 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
9973e5DRegion 1 Talk 1Region 1 Talk - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
9993e7DRegion 1 Talk 2Region 1 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
10013e9DERegion 1 SecureRegion 1 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 2 )

Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral and Morgan Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
190176dDRegion 2 FireRegion 2 FireEmergency Ops
190376fDRegion 2 EMSRegion 2 EMSEmergency Ops
1905771DRegion 2 LawRegion 2 LawEmergency Ops
1907773DRegion 2 EMARegion 2 EMAEmergency Ops
1909775DRegion 2 TaskForRegion 2 Task ForceEmergency Ops
1911777DRegion 2 DspatchRegion 2 DispatchEmergency Ops
1913779DRegion 2 HspitalRegion 2 HospitalEmergency Ops
191577bDRegion 2 Tac 1Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
191777dDRegion 2 Tac 2Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
191977fDRegion 2 Tac 3Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
1921781DRegion 2 Tac 4Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
1923783DRegion 2 HealthRegion 2 Health Emergency Ops
1925785DRegion 2 BOERegion 2 Board of Education Emergency Ops
195179fDRegion 2 CommandRegion 2 CommandEmergency Ops
19817bdDRegion 2 Tac 5Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 5 Emergency Ops
19837bfDRegion 2 Tac 6Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
19857c1DRegion 2 Tac 7Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 7 Emergency Ops
19877c3DRegion 2 Tac 8Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 8 Emergency Ops
19897c5DRegion 2 Tac 9Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 9 Emergency Ops
19917c7DRegion 2 Tac 10Region 2 Tactical - Ch. 10 Emergency Ops
19937c9DRegion 2 Test 1Region 2 Test - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
19957cbDRegion 2 Test 2Region 2 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
19977cdDRegion 2 Talk 1Region 2 Talk - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
19997cfDRegion 2 Talk 2Region 2 Talk - Ch. 2 Emergency Ops
20017d1DERegion 2 SecureRegion 2 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 3 )

Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, Tyler and Wetzel Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2901b55DRegion 3 FireRegion 3 FireEmergency Ops
2903b57DRegion 3 EMSRegion 3 EMSEmergency Ops
2905b59DRegion 3 LawRegion 3 LawEmergency Ops
2907b5bDRegion 3 EMARegion 3 EMAEmergency Ops
2909b5dDRegion 3 TaskForRegion 3 Task ForceEmergency Ops
2911b5fTRegion 3 DspatchRegion 3 Dispatch Emergency Ops
2913b61DRegion 3 HspitalRegion 3 Hospital Emergency Ops
2915b63DRegion 3 Tac 1Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
2917b65DRegion 3 Tac 2Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 2 Emergency Ops
2919b67DRegion 3 Tac 3Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
2921b69DRegion 3 Tac 4Region 3 Tactical - Ch.4Emergency Ops
2923b6bDRegion 3 HealthRegion 3 Health Emergency Ops
2925b6dDRegion 3 BOERegion 3 Board of Education Emergency Ops
2951b87DRegion 3 CommandRegion 3 CommandEmergency Ops
2981ba5DRegion 3 Tac 5Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
2983ba7DRegion 3 Tac 6Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
2985ba9DRegion 3 Tac 7Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
2987babDRegion 3 Tac 8Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 8Emergency Ops
2989badDRegion 3 Tac 9Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 9Emergency Ops
2991bafDRegion 3 Tac 10Region 3 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
2993bb1DRegion 3 Test 1Region 3 Test - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
2995bb3DRegion 3 Test 2Region 3 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
2997bb5DRegion 3 Talk 1Region 3 Talk - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
2999bb7DRegion 3 Talk 2Region 3 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
3001bb9DERegion 3 SecureRegion 3 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 4 )

Gilmer, Lewis, Pendleton, Pocahontas, Randolph, Tucker, Upshur and Webster Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3901f3dDRegion 4 FireRegion 4 FireEmergency Ops
3903f3fDRegion 4 EMSRegion 4 EMSEmergency Ops
3905f41DRegion 4 LawRegion 4 Law Emergency Ops
3907f43DRegion 4 EMARegion 4 EMAEmergency Ops
3909f45DRegion 4 TaskForRegion 4 Task Force Emergency Ops
3911f47DRegion 4 DspatchRegion 4 DispatchEmergency Ops
3913f49DRegion 4 HspitalRegion 4 Hospital Emergency Ops
3915f4bDRegion 4 Tac 1Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
3917f4dDRegion 4 Tac 2Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
3919f4fDRegion 4 Tac 3Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
3921f51DRegion 4 Tac 4Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
3923f53DRegion 4 HealthRegion 4 HealthEmergency Ops
3925f55DRegion 4 BOERegion 4 Board of Education Emergency Ops
3951f6fDRegion 4 CommandRegion 4 Command Emergency Ops
3981f8dDRegion 4 Tac 5Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
3983f8fDRegion 4 Tac 6Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
3985f91DRegion 4 Tac 7Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
3987f93DRegion 4 Tac 8Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 8Emergency Ops
3989f95DRegion 4 Tac 9Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 9Emergency Ops
3991f97DRegion 4 Tac 10Region 4 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
3993f99DRegion 4 Test 1Region 4 Test - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
3995f9bDRegion 4 Test 2Region 4 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
3997f9dDRegion 4 Talk 1Region 4 Talk - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
3999f9fDRegion 4 Talk 2Region 4 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
4001fa1DERegion 4 SecureRegion 4 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 5 )

Boone, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo and Wayne Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
49011325DRegion 5 FireRegion 5 FireEmergency Ops
49031327DRegion 5 EMSRegion 5 EMSEmergency Ops
49051329DRegion 5 LawRegion 5 Law Emergency Ops
4907132bDRegion 5 EMARegion 5 EMA Emergency Ops
4909132dDERegion 5 TaskForRegion 5 Task ForceEmergency Ops
4911132fDRegion 5 DspatchRegion 5 DispatchEmergency Ops
49131331DRegion 5 HspitalRegion 5 Hospital Emergency Ops
49151333DRegion 5 Tac 1Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
49171335DRegion 5 Tac 2Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
49191337DRegion 5 Tac 3Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
49211339DRegion 5 Tac 4Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
4923133bDRegion 5 HealthRegion 5 Health Emergency Ops
4925133dDRegion 5 BOERegion 5 Board of EducationEmergency Ops
49511357DRegion 5 CommandRegion 5 Command Emergency Ops
49811375DRegion 5 Tac 5Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
49831377DRegion 5 Tac 6Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
49851379DRegion 5 Tac 7Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
4987137bDRegion 5 Tac 8Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 8Emergency Ops
4989137dDRegion 5 Tac 9Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 9Emergency Ops
4991137fDRegion 5 Tac 10Region 5 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
49931381DRegion 5 Test 1Region 5 Test - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
49951383DRegion 5 Test 2Region 5 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
49971385DRegion 5 Talk 1Region 5 Talk - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
49991387DRegion 5 Talk 2Region 5 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
50011389DERegion 5 SecureRegion 5 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 6 )

Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh, Summers and Wyoming Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5901170dDRegion 6 FireRegion 6 FireEmergency Ops
5903170fDRegion 6 EMSRegion 6 EMSEmergency Ops
59051711DRegion 6 LawRegion 6 Law Emergency Ops
59071713DRegion 6 EMARegion 6 EMAEmergency Ops
59091715DRegion 6 TaskForRegion 6 Task ForceEmergency Ops
59111717DRegion 6 DspatchRegion 6 DispatchEmergency Ops
59131719DRegion 6 HspitalRegion 6 HospitalEmergency Ops
5915171bDRegion 6 Tac 1Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
5917171dDRegion 6 Tac 2Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
5919171fDRegion 6 Tac 3Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
59211721DRegion 6 Tac 4Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
59231723DRegion 6 HealthRegion 6 HealthEmergency Ops
59251725DRegion 6 BOERegion 6 Board of EducationEmergency Ops
5951173fDRegion 6 CommandRegion 6 Command Emergency Ops
5981175dDRegion 6 Tac 5Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
5983175fDRegion 6 Tac 6Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
59851761DRegion 6 Tac 7 Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
59871763DRegion 6 Tac 8Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 8Emergency Ops
59891765DRegion 6 Tac 9Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 9Emergency Ops
59911767DRegion 6 Tac 10Region 6 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
59931769DRegion 6 Test 1Region 6 Test - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
5995176bDRegion 6 Test 2Region 6 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
5997176dDRegion 6 Talk 1Region 6 Talk - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
5999176fDRegion 6 Talk 2Region 6 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
60011771DERegion 6 SecureRegion 6 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 7 )

Braxton, Clay, Kanawha, Nicholas and Putnam Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
69011af5DRegion 7 FireRegion 7 FireEmergency Ops
69031af7DRegion 7 EMSRegion 7 EMSEmergency Ops
69051af9DRegion 7 LawRegion 7 Law Emergency Ops
69071afbDRegion 7 EMARegion 7 EMAEmergency Ops
69091afdDRegion 7 TaskForRegion 7 Task ForceEmergency Ops
69111affDRegion 7 DspatchRegion 7 DispatchEmergency Ops
69131b01DRegion 7 HspitalRegion 7 HospitalEmergency Ops
69151b03DRegion 7 Tac 1Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
69171b05DRegion 7 Tac 2Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
69191b07DRegion 7 Tac 3Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
69211b09DRegion 7 Tac 4Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
69231b0bDRegion 7 HealthRegion 7 HealthEmergency Ops
69251b0dDRegion 7 BOERegion 7 Board of EducationEmergency Ops
69511b27DRegion 7 CommandRegion 7 CommandEmergency Ops
69811b45DRegion 7 Tac 5Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
69831b47DRegion 7 Tac 6Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
69851b49DRegion 7 Tac 7Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
69871b4bDRegion 7 Tac 8Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 8Emergency Ops
69891b4dDRegion 7 Tac 9Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 9Emergency Ops
69911b4fDRegion 7 Tac 10Region 7 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
69931b51DRegion 7 Test 1Region 7 Test - Ch. 1 Emergency Ops
69951b53DRegion 7 Test 2Region 7 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
69971b55DRegion 7 Talk 1Region 7 Talk - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
69991b57DRegion 7 Talk 2Region 7 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
70011b59DERegion 7 SecureRegion 7 SecureEmergency Ops
WV Regional Response ( Region 8 )

Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Roane, Wirt and Wood Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
79011eddDRegion 8 FireRegion 8 FireEmergency Ops
79031edfDRegion 8 EMSRegion 8 EMSEmergency Ops
79051ee1DRegion 8 LawRegion 8 LawEmergency Ops
79071ee3DRegion 8 EMARegion 8 EMAEmergency Ops
79091ee5DRegion 8 TaskForRegion 8 Task ForceEmergency Ops
79111ee7DRegion 8 DspatchRegion 8 DispatchEmergency Ops
79131ee9DRegion 8 HspitalRegion 8 Hospital Emergency Ops
79151eebDRegion 8 Tac 1Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
79171eedDRegion 8 Tac 2Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
79191eefDRegion 8 Tac 3Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
79211ef1DRegion 8 Tac 4Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
79231ef3DRegion 8 HealthRegion 8 Health Emergency Ops
79251ef5DRegion 8 BOERegion 8 Board of Education Emergency Ops
79511f0fDRegion 8 CommandRegion 8 Command Emergency Ops
79811f2dDRegion 8 Tac 5Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
79831f2fDRegion 8 Tac 6Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 6Emergency Ops
79851f31DRegion 8 Tac 7Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 7Emergency Ops
79871f33DRegion 8 Tac 8Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 8Emergency Ops
79891f35DRegion 8 Tac 9Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 9Emergency Ops
79911f37DRegion 8 Tac 10Region 8 Tactical - Ch. 10Emergency Ops
79931f39DRegion 8 Test 1Region 8 Test - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
79951f3bDRegion 8 Test 2Region 8 Test - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
79971f3dDRegion 8 Talk 1Region 8 Talk - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
79991f3fDRegion 8 Talk 2Region 8 Talk - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
80011f41DERegion 8 SecureRegion 8 SecureDeprecated
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9226240aDWVSP Academy 5Academy - Ch. 5Law Talk
9228240cDWVSP Academy 6Academy - Ch. 6 Law Talk
9230240eDEWVSP Academy PvtAcademy - PrivateLaw Tac
WVSP - Bureau of Criminal Investigation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9023233fDEWVSP BCI HQBCI - HQLaw Tac
90732371DEWVSP BCI Tp1 PvtBCI - Troop 1 Private Law Tac
90752373DEWVSP BCI Tp2 PvtBCI - Troop 2 Private Law Tac
90772375DEWVSP BCI Tp3 PvtBCI - Troop 3 Private Law Tac
90792377DEWVSP BCI Tp4 PvtBCI - Troop 4 PrivateLaw Tac
90812379DEWVSP BCI Tp5 PvtBCI - Troop 5 PrivateLaw Tac
9083237bDEWVSP BCI Tp6 PvtBCI - Troop 6 PrivateLaw Tac
9085237dDEWVSP BCI Tp7 PvtBCI - Troop 7 PrivateLaw Tac
90892381DEEastrnPan DVTF 1Eastern Panhandle Drug & Violent Task Force - Ch. 1Law Tac
90902382DEEastrnPan DVTF 2Eastern Panhandle Drug & Violent Task Force - Ch. 2Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9037234dTWVSP Event 1Event - Ch. 1Law Talk
9039234fDWVSP Event 2Event - Ch. 2Law Talk
90412351DWVSP Event 3Event - Ch. 3Law Talk
90432353DWVSP Event 4Event - Ch. 4Law Talk
90452355DWVSP Event 5Event - Ch. 5Law Talk
90472357DWVSP Event 6Event - Ch. 6 Law Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90252341DEWVSP Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
90272343DEWVSP Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
90292345DEWVSP Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Law Tac
90312347DEWVSP Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Law Tac
90332349DEWVSP Tac 5Tactical - Ch. 5Law Tac
9035234bDEWVSP Tac 6Tactical - Ch. 6Law Tac
9099238bDWVSP St Wide DspStatewide - DispatchLaw Dispatch
9101238dDWVSP N Pursuit ANorth Pursuit - Ch. ALaw Tac
9102238eDWVSP N Pursuit BNorth Pursuit - Ch. BLaw Tac
91092395DWVSP S Pursuit ASouth Pursuit - Ch. ALaw Tac
91102396DWVSP S Pursuit BSouth Pursuit - Ch. BLaw Tac
921123fbDWVSP Gov Sec 2Governor Security - Ch. 2Law Tac
9275243bDWVSP Spec Ops 1Special Operations - Ch. 1Law Tac

Bridgeport, Fairmont (Command), Grafton, Kingwood, Morgantown, Moundsville, New Cumberland, Paden City, Wellsburg, West Union and Wheeling detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90012329TWVSP Troop 1 PDpTroop 1 Command - Primary DispatchLaw Dispatch
9018233aDWVSP Troop 1 ADpTroop 1 Command - Alternate DispatchLaw Dispatch
9051235bDEWVSP Troop 1 PvtTroop 1 Command - Private Law Tac

Berkeley Springs, Charles Town (Command), Keyser, Martinsburg, Moorefield and Romney detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9005232dTWVSP Trp2 D1 PDpTroop 2 Command, District 1 - Primary DispatchLaw Dispatch
9007232fTWVSP Trp2 D2 PDpTroop 2 District 2 - Primary DispatchLaw Dispatch
9020233cDWVSP Troop 2 ADpTroop 2 Command - Alternate DispatchLaw Dispatch
90572361DEWVSP Troop 2 PvtTroop 2 - PrivateLaw Tac

Buckhannon, Elkins (Command), Franklin, Glenville, Marlinton, Parsons, Philippi, Sutton, Webster Springs and Weston detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90092331DWVSP Troop 3 PDpTroop 3 Command - Primary DispatchLaw Dispatch
90122334DWVSP Troop 3 ADpTroop 3 Command - Alternate DispatchLaw Dispatch
90592363DEWVSP Troop 3 PvtTroop 3 Command - Private Law Talk

Clay, Harrisville, Mason County, Parkersburg, Quincy, Ripley, South Charleston (Command), Spencer, St Marys and Winfield detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90112333DWVSP Troop 4 PDpTroop 4 Command - Primary DispatchLaw Dispatch
90142336DWVSP Troop 4 ADpTroop 4 Command - Alternate DispatchLaw Dispatch
90612365DEWVSP Troop 4 PvtTroop 4 Command - PrivateLaw Talk

Hamlin, Huntington, Logan (Command), Madison, Wayne and Williamson detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90152337DWVSP Troop 5 PDpTroop 5 Command - Primary Dispatch Law Dispatch
9022233eDWVSP Troop 5 ADpTroop 5 Command - Alternate DispatchLaw Dispatch
90652369DEWVSP Troop 5 PvtTroop 5 Command - PrivateLaw Tac

Beckley (Command), Gauley Bridge, Hinton, Jesse, Lewisburg, Oak Hill, Princeton, Rainelle, Richwood, Summersville, Union, Welch and Whitesville detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9019233bDWVSP Troop 6 PDpTroop 6 Command - Primary DispatchLaw Dispatch
90162338DWVSP Troop 6 ADpTroop 6 Command - Alternate DispatchLaw Dispatch
9069236dDEWVSP Troop 6 PvtTroop 6 Command - Private Law Talk
WVSP - Troop 7 - Turnpike

Beckley (Command), South Charleston and Princeton detachments

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9340247cDWV Turnpike 1Turnpike - Ch. 1 - MaintenanceTransportation
9341247dDWV Turnpike 2Turnpike - Ch. 2 - Toll BoothsTransportation
9342247eDWV Turnpike 3Turnpike - Ch. 3 - Administration Transportation
9343247fDWVSP Turnpike 4Turnpike - Ch. 4 - Law EnforcementTransportation
93442480DWV Turnpike 5Turnpike - Ch. 5 - GeneralTransportation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
940124b9DWV St Cap PD 1 Dispatch - Ch. 1 Law Dispatch
940324bbDWV St Cap PD 2Operations - Ch. 2Law Talk
940524bdDWV St Cap PD 3Operations - Ch. 3Law Talk
940724bfDWV St Cap PD 4Operations - Ch. 4Law Talk
940924c1DWV St Cap PD 5Operations - Ch. 5Law Talk
WV Dept of Corrections
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
841720e1DWVDC Sp Rt TransSpecial Routes TransportCorrections
842920edDWVDC Hosp TransTransportation - Hospital DutyCorrections
9499251bDWVDC Juvenile SvDivision of Juvenile ServicesCorrections
96002580DWVDC Statewd DspStatewide DispatchCorrections
96012581DWVDC Adm Pvt 1Administration - Private - Ch. 1Corrections
96022582DWVDC Adm Pvt 2Administration - Private - Ch. 2Corrections
96032583DWVDC SW Sp OpsStatewide Special OperationsCorrections
96042584DWVDC CERTCorrections Emergency Response TeamCorrections
96052585DWVDC SP Ops K9Special Operations K-9 Corrections
96062586DWVDC SP Ops MOSpecial Operations - Mount OliveCorrections
96072587DWVDC Crisis TeamCrisis Negotiation TeamCorrections
96082588DWVDC SPOps Pvt 1Special Operations - Private - Ch. 1Corrections
96092589DWVDC SPOps Pvt 2Special Operations - Private - Ch. 2Corrections
9610258aDWVDC SPOps Pvt 3Special Operations - Private - Ch. 3Corrections
9611258bDWVDC SPOps Pvt 4Special Operations - Private - Ch. 4Corrections
96212595DWVDC SW Trans DpTransportation - Statewide DispatchCorrections
96222596DWVDC Trans PvtTransportation - PrivateCorrections
96242598DWVDC Parole DispParole DispatchCorrections
9626259aDWVDC Parole Pv 2Parole - Private - Ch. 2Corrections
963225a0DWVDC Anthony CCAnthony Correctional CenterCorrections
963425a2DWVDC Beckley CCBeckley Correctional Center - DispatchCorrections
963625a4DWVDC Chas WRC DpCharleston Work Release Center - DispatchCorrections
963725a5DWVDC Chas WRC T1Charleston Work Release Center - Tactical - Ch. 1 Corrections
963825a6DWVDC Denmar CCDenmar Correctional CenterCorrections
964025a8DWVDC Huntgtn WRCHuntington Work Release Center Corrections
964225aaDWVDC HuttonsvlleHuttonsville Correctional CenterCorrections
964425acDWVDC Huttons WrkHuttonsville Correctional - Work Crews Corrections
964625aeDWVDC Lakin CCLakin Correctional CenterCorrections
964825b0DWVDC MartinsburgMartinsburg Correctional Center - DispatchCorrections
964925b1DWVDC Mrtinsbg TcMartinsburg Correctional Center - Tactical - Ch. 1Corrections
965025b2DWVDC Mt Olive CCMount Olive Correctional CenterCorrections
965225b4DWVDC Slayton WrkSlayton Work Camp - DispatchCorrections
965425b6DWVDC Northern CFNorthern Correctional Facility Corrections
965625b8DWVDC Ohio Co ComOhio County ComplexCorrections
965725b9DWVDC Ohio Co Tc1Ohio Co Correctional Center - Tactical - Ch. 1Corrections
965825baDWVDC Parole BCCParole Board Correctional ComplexCorrections
966025bcDWVDC Pruntytown Pruntytown Correctional CenterCorrections
966225beDWVDC St Marys CCSt. Marys Correctional ComplexCorrections
966425c0DWVDC DMAPS TrnCnGlenville/DMAPS Training CenterCorrections
WV Regional Jail & Correction Authority
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
840520d5DWVRJCA SCRJSouth Central Regional JailCorrections
WV Dept of Agriculture
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
93522488DWV Dep Agr 1Agriculture - Ch. 1Public Works
93532489DWV Dep Agr 2Agriculture - Ch. 2Public Works
9354248aDWV Dep Agr 3Agriculture - Ch. 3Public Works
9355248bDWV Dep Agr 4Agriculture - Ch. 4Public Works
9356248cDWV Dep Agr 5Agriculture - Ch. 5Public Works
WV Dept of Forestry
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
915123bfDWV DOF Region 6Forestry - Region 6Public Works
915323c1DWV DOF Region 1Forestry - Region 1Public Works
915423c2DWV DOF Region 4Forestry - Region 4Public Works
915523c3DWV DOF Region 2Forestry - Region 2Public Works
915623c4DWV DOF Region 5Forestry - Region 5Public Works
915723c5DWV DOF Region 3Forestry - Region 3Public Works
WV Dept of Alcohol Beverage Control
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
918023dcDWV Dept ABC Alcohol Beverage CommissionBusiness
WV Bureau for Public Health
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
995026deDWV Med Exam 1Medical Examiner - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
995226e0DWV Med Exam 2Medical Examiner - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
995426e2DWV Med Exam 3Medical Examiner - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
995626e4DWV Med Exam 4Medical Examiner - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
995826e6DWV Med Exam 5Medical Examiner - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
WV Dept of Health and Human Resources ( DHHR )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
990026acDWV DHHR 1Dept. of Health and Human Resources - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
990226aeDWV DHHR 2Dept. of Health and Human Resources - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
990426b0DWV DHHR 3Dept. of Health and Human Resources - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
990626b2DWV DHHR 4Dept. of Health and Human Resources - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
990826b4DWV DHHR 5Dept. of Health and Human Resources - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
994026d4DWV DHHR Th Prp 1Threat Preparation - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
994226d6DWV DHHR Th Prp 2Threat Preparation - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
994426d8DWV DHHR Th Prp 3Threat Preparation - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
994626daDWV DHHR Th Prp 4Threat Preparation - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
994826dcDWV DHHR Th Prp 5Threat Preparation - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
996026e8DWV DHHR Evm HS 1Environmental Health Service - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
996226eaDWV DHHR Evm HS 2Environmental Health Service - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
996426ecDWV DHHR Evm HS 3Environmental Health Service - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
996626eeDWV DHHR Evm HS 4Environmental Health Service - Ch. 4Emergency Ops
996826f0DWV DHHR Evm HS 5Environmental Health Service - Ch. 5Emergency Ops
WV Dept of Environmental Protection ( DEP )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
93612491DWV DEP 1Dept. of Environmental Protection - Ch. 1Public Works
93622492DWV DEP 2Dept. of Environmental Protection - Ch. 2Public Works
WV Dept of Labor ( Mine Safety and Health Administration )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
97832637DWV Dept MSHAMine Safety and Health AdministrationFederal
West Virginia University
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
311137DWVU PD 1Campus Police Dispatch - Ch. 1 Law Dispatch
321141DWVU PD 2Campus Police Dispatch - Ch. 2Law Talk
WV Dept of Transportation ( WVDOT )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
93012455DWV DOT 1Dept. of Transportation - Ch. 1Transportation
93032457DWV DOT 2Dept. of Transportation - Ch. 2Transportation
93052459DWV DOT 3 TMCDept. of Transportation - Ch. 3 ( Transportation Management Center )Transportation
9307245bDWV DOT 4Dept. of Transportation - Ch. 4Transportation
9309245dDWV DOT 5 Dept. of Transportation - Ch. 5 Transportation
9311245fDWV DOT 6 RTCDept. of Transportation - Ch. 6 ( Radio Technicians ) Transportation
WV Dept of Interstate Commerce ( WVIC )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
938024a4DWVIC Primary DspPrimary DispatchTransportation
938124a5DWVIC Region 1Region 1Transportation
938224a6DWVIC Region 2Region 2Transportation
938324a7DWVIC Region 3Region 3Transportation
938424a8DWVIC Region 4Region 4Transportation
WV Dept of Natural Resources
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
913323adDWV DNR D1 DpDistrict 1 (North) - DispatchLaw Dispatch
913423aeDWV DNR D1 PvtDistrict 1 (North) - PrivateLaw Talk
912523a5DWV DNR D1 TacDistrict 1 (North) - TacticalLaw Tac
913523afTWV DNR D2 DpDistrict 2 (Northeast) - DispatchLaw Dispatch
913623b0DWV DNR D2 PvtDistrict 2 (Northeast) - PrivateLaw Talk
912623a6DWV DNR D2 TacDistrict 2 (Northeast) - TacticalLaw Tac
913723b1DWV DNR D3 DpDistrict 3 (Central) - DispatchLaw Dispatch
913823b2DWV DNR D3 PvtDistrict 3 (Central) - PrivateLaw Talk
912723a7DWV DNR D3 TacDistrict 3 (Central) - TacticalLaw Tac
913923b3DWV DNR D4 DpDistrict 4 (Southeast) - DispatchLaw Dispatch
914023b4DWV DNR D4 PvtDistrict 4 (Southeast) - PrivateLaw Talk
912823a8DWV DNR D4 TacDistrict 4 (Southeast) - TacticalLaw Tac
914123b5DWV DNR D5 DpDistrict 5 (Southwest) - DispatchLaw Dispatch
914223b6DWV DNR D5 PvtDistrict 5 (Southwest) - PrivateLaw Talk
912923a9DWV DNR D5 TacDistrict 5 (Southwest) - TacticalLaw Tac
914323b7DWV DNR D6 DpDistrict 6 (West) - DispatchLaw Dispatch
914423b8DWV DNR D6 PvtDistrict 6 (West) - PrivateLaw Talk
913023aaDWV DNR D6 TacDistrict 6 (West) - TacticalLaw Tac
913123abDWV DNR LE SW PvtLaw Enforcement - Southwest - PrivateLaw Tac
WV State Parks and Recreation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
916623ceDKan State ForestKanawha State ForestPublic Works
Barbour County (01)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
401191DBarbour Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
405195DBarbour Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
407197DBarbour Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
409199DPhilippi PDPhilippi Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
41319dDBarbour Co AllFDAll Call FireFire-Talk
41419eDPhilippi FD PvtPhilippi Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
41519fDBarbour Co EMSPvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
4161a0DBelington FD PvtBelington Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
4171a1DBarbour Co AllPDAll Call PoliceLaw Talk
4181a2DJunior FD PvtJunior Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
4191a3DPhilippi PD PvtPhilippi Police - PrivateLaw Talk
4231a7DBarbour Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
4251a9DBelington PD PvtBelington Police - PrivateLaw Talk
4271abDBarbour Co EMAPvEmergency Management - PrivateEmergency Ops
4291adDBelington EMS PvBelington EMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
4331b1DBarbour Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
4351b3DBarbour Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
4371b5DBarbour Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
4391b7DBarbour Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
4411b9DBarbour Co PTac1Private Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
4431bbDBarbour Co PTac2Private Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
4451bdDBarbour Co TF 1Task Force - Ch. 1Law Talk
4471bfDBarbour Co TF 2Task Force - Ch. 2Law Talk
4491c1DBarbour Co LGovLocal GovernmentPublic Works
4501c2DBarbour Co Gov 1County Government - Ch. 1Public Works
4511c3DBarbour Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
4531c5DBarbour Co Talk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
4551c7DBarbour Co Talk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
4571c9DBarbour Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
4591cbDBarbour Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
4611cdDBarbour Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
4631cfDBarbour Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
4651d1DBarbour Co Hlt 1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
4671d3DBarbour Co Hlt 2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
4691d5DBarbour Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
4711d7DBarbour Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
4731d9DBarbour Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
4751dbDBarbour Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
4771ddDBarbour Co STac1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
4791dfDBarbour Co STac2Secure Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
4811e1DHere & There BusHere & There Transit AuthorityTransportation
4941eeDBelington CommonBelington - CommonPublic Works
4951efDBarbour Co RgRp1Regional Response - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
4961f0DPhilippi CommonPhilippi - CommonPublic Works
4971f1DBarbour Co RgRp2Regional Response - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
4991f3DBarbour Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Berkeley County (02) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1106452DEBerkeley Co CrtsSheriff - Judicial CenterLaw Tac
1107453DBerkeley Co SOSheriff - Dispatch Law Dispatch
111745dDBerkeley Co AlPDAll Law - CountywideLaw Talk
1123463DBerkeley Co SOPvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
1141475TEBerkeleyCo SO T1Sheriff - Tactical - Ch. 1 Primary Law Enforcement Operations Law Tac
1143477TEBerkeleyCo SO T2Sheriff - Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
1144478DEBerkeleyCo SO T3Sheriff - Private Tactical - Ch. 3Law Tac
114647aDEBerkeleyCo SO T4Sheriff - Private Tactical - Ch. 4Law Tac
Berkeley County (02) ( County Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
116548dDBerkeley Co Hlt1Health Department - Ch. 1Public Works
116748fDBerkeley Co Hlt2Health Department - Ch. 2Public Works
1171493TEBerkeley Co STc1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1 (SWAT/SRT)Multi-Tac
1172494DBerkeley Co STc2Secure Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
1174496DBerkeley Co LtCnLitter ControlPublic Works
1175497DBerkeley Co AnCnAnimal ControlPublic Works
1177499DBrkly Co Assr&EnAssessor & Engineering OfficesPublic Works
11904a6DBerkeley Co EPICEastern Panhandle Instructional CooperativeBusiness
Berkeley County (02) ( Emergency Services )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1127467DBerkeley Co EOCEmergency Operations CenterEmergency Ops
115147fDBerkeley Co OESOffice of Emergency Services Emergency Ops
1153481DBerkeley Co Tk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
1155483DBerkeley Co Tk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
1157485DBerkeley Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
1159487DBerkeley Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
1161489DBerkeley Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
116348bDBerkeley Co Evt4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
11934a9DBrkly Co EmergBnEmergency ButtonEmergency Ops
11954abDBerkeley Co RRp1Regional Response - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
11974adDBerkeley Co RRp2Regional Response - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
11994afTBerkeley Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Berkeley County (02) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110144dDBerkeley Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
1104450DEBerkeley Co FDscFire - SecureFire-Talk
1113459DBerkeley Co FDTkFire - All TalkFire-Talk
113346dDBerkeley Co FDT1Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
113546fDBerkeley Co FDT2Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
1137471DBerkeley Co FDT3Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
1139473DBerkeley Co FDT4Fire - Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
1145479DEBerkeley Co FDT7Fire - Tactical - Ch. 7 - Arson InvestigatorsFire-Tac
114747bDBerkeley Co FDT8Fire - Tactical - Ch. 8Fire-Tac
114947dDBerkeley Co FDT9Fire - Tactical - Ch. 9Fire-Tac
1173495DBerkeley VAMCFDpVA Medical Center - Fire Dept PrivateFire-Talk
118149dDEBedington FD Pv Bedington Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
118349fDEHedgesville FDPvHedgesville Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
11854a1DEBack CrkVy FD PvBack Creek Valley Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
11874a3DESoBrkly/Iwd FDPvSouth Berkeley / Inwood Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
11894a5DEBaker Hgts FD PvBaker Heights Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
11914a7DEMartinsburg FDPvMartinsburg Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
Berkeley County (02) ( EMS )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1105451DBerkeley Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
111545bDBerkeley Co EMSpEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
Berkeley County (02) ( Martinsburg )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110344fDMartinsburg FireFire - PrimaryFire Dispatch
1109455DMartinsburg PD Police - PrimaryLaw Dispatch
111945fDMartinsburg PDTcPolice - TacticalLaw Tac
117949bDMartinsburg PubWPublic Works - AdministrationPublic Works
Berkeley County (02) ( Public Works )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1129469DBerkeley Co PSDPublic Service Water DistrictPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
42011069DBoone Co Fire Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
4205106dDBoone Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
4207106fDBoone Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
4219107bDMadison PoliceMadison Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
4221107dDBoone Co SO TacSheriff - Tactical Law Tac
42291085DMadison Fire PvtMadison Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
42311087DMadison PSDMadison Public Service Department Public Works
42331089DBoone Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
4235108bDBoone Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
4237108dDBoone Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
4239108fDBoone Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
426910adDBoone Co Emr RpsBoard of Education - Emergency Responder SystemEmergency Ops
427110afDBoone Co BOE BusBoard of Education, School Bus DispatchSchools
427510b3DDanville FD Pvt Danville Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
427710b5DEBoone Co STac 1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
428710bfDSpruce Riv VFDpvSpruce River Volunteer Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
429110c3DWharton VFD PvtWharton VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
Braxton County (04)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6301189dDBraxton Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
630518a1DBraxton Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
630718a3DBraxton Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
633318bdDBraxton Co FD T1Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
633518bfDBraxton Co FD T2Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
633718c1DBraxton Co FD T3Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
633918c3DBraxton Co FD T4Fire - Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
635118cfDBraxton Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
Brooke County (05)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2201899TBrooke Co FireFire DispatchFire Dispatch
220589dDBrooke Co EMSEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
220689eDWeirton PDWeirton Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
220789fTBrooke Co Law DpLaw DispatchLaw Dispatch
22088a0DBrooke Co SRT 1Special Response Team - Ch. 1Law Talk
22108a2DBrooke Co EMS PvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
22138a5DBrooke Co FD AllFire - All TalkFire-Talk
22148a6DJeff Co EMS IOBrooke-JeffCo EMS InteropInterop
22158a7DJeff Co Fire IOBrooke-JeffCo Fire InteropInterop
22168a8DJeff Co Law IOBrooke-JeffCo Law InteropInterop
22178a9DBrooke Co PD ALLLaw - All CallLaw Tac
22188aaDBethPike VFD PvtBethany Pike VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22198abTBhBottom VFD PvtBeech Bottom VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22208acDFranklin VFD PvtFranklin VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22218adDBrooke Co FD PvtFire - PrivateFire-Talk
22228aeDHoovrHts VFD PvtHooverson Heights VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22238afDEBrooke Co SO PvtSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
22248b0TMcKinley VFD PvtMcKinleyville VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22258b1TBethany VFD PvtBethany VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22288b4TWellsburg VFD PvWellsburg VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22298b5DColliers VFD PvtColliers VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22308b6DWndsr Hts VFD PvWindsor Heights VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22318b7TFollansb VFD PvtFollansbee VFD PrivateFire-Talk
22338b9TBrooke Co FTac 1Fire Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
22358bbTBrooke Co FTac 2Fire Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
22378bdTBrooke Co FTac 3Fire Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
22398bfTBrooke Co FTac 4Fire Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
22418c1DEBrooke Co Law T1Law Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
22438c3DBrooke Co Law T2Law Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
22458c5TEBrooke Co Tsk F1Law - Task Force - Ch. 1Law Tac
22488c8TBrooke Co TankTFFire - Tanker Task ForceFire-Talk
22508caDBrooke Co CommCounty CommissionPublic Works
22518cbTBrooke Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
22528ccDBrooke Co EmergEmergencyEmergency Ops
22538cdDBrooke Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
22558cfDBrooke Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
22578d1TBrooke Co Evt 1Events - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
22598d3TBrooke Co Evt 2Events - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
22618d5DBrooke Co Evt 3Events - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
22638d7DBrooke Co Evt 4Events - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
22658d9DBrooke Co Hlth 1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
22808e8TWeirton FD DispWeirton Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
22858edDBethany Coll SecBethany College - SecuritySchools
22868eeDWellsburg PD PvtWellsburg PD - PrivateLaw Talk
22958f7DBrooke Co Rgrp 1Regroup - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
22978f9DBrooke Co Rgrp 2Regroup - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
22998fbDBrooke Co HailHailingMulti-Dispatch
Cabell County (06)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
41011005DCabell Co FireFire - Dispatch Fire Dispatch
41031007DHuntington FD 1Huntington Fire - Dispatch - Ch. 1Fire Dispatch
41051009DCabell Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
4106100aDCabell Co MedTrpEMS - Medical TransportEMS Dispatch
4107100bDCabell Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
4108100cDMilton PDMilton PoliceLaw Talk
4109100dDHuntington PD 1Huntington Police - Dispatch - Ch. 1Law Dispatch
4111100fDBarboursville PDBarboursville PoliceLaw Talk
41121010DMarshall Univ PDMarshall University PoliceLaw Talk
41131011DCabell Co All FD Fire - CountywideFire-Talk
41151013DCabell Co EMS PvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
41171015DCabell Co All LELaw - CountywideLaw Talk
41191017DHuntington PD PvHuntington Police - PrivateLaw Talk
4123101bDCabell Co SO PvtSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
4125101dDBrboursville FDpBarboursville Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
41291021DHuntington FD PvHuntington Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
41331025DCabell Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
41351027DCabell Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
41371029DCabell Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
4139102bDCabell Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
4141102dDCabell Co PTac 1Police Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
4143102fDCabell Co PTac 2Police Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
41451031DCabell Co TF 1Task Force - Ch. 1Law Tac
41471033DCabell Co TF 2Task Force - Ch. 2Law Tac
41511037DCabell Co EOCEmergency Operations CenterEmergency Ops
41531039DCabell Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
4155103bDCabell Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
4157103dDCabell Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
4159103fDCabell Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
41611041DCabell Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
41631043DCabell Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
41691049DCabell Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
4171104bDCabell Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
4173104dDCabell Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
4175104fDCabell Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
41821056DCabell Co SO HMCSheriff - Home ConfinementLaw Talk
41931061DCabell Co CommonCommonInterop
41951063DCabell Co RGRPRegional ResponseEmergency Ops
41991067DCabell Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Calhoun County (07)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
72011c21DCalhoun Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
72051c25DCalhoun Co EMSCounty EMS / Minnie Hamilton EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
72071c27DCalhoun Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
72131c2dDCalhoun Co AllFDFire - All CallFire-Talk
72691c65DCalhoun Co BOEBoard of Education - busesSchools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
64331921DClay Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
Doddridge County (09)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5011f5DDoddridge Co VFDVolunteer Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
5071fbDDoddridge Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
513201DDoddridge Co AFDFire - All Call - PrivateFire-Talk
517205DDoddridge Co APDLaw - All Call - PrivateLaw Talk
533215DDoddridge Co Tc1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
535217DDoddridge Co Tc2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
537219DDoddridge Co Tc3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
53921bDDoddridge Co Tc4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
54121dDDoddridge Co PT1Private -Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
54321fDDoddridge Co PT2Private -Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
551227DDoddridge Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
553229DDoddridge Co Tk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
55522bDDoddridge Co Tk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
55722dDDoddridge Co Ev1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
55922fDDoddridge Co Ev2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
561231DDoddridge Co Ev3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
563233DDoddridge Co Ev4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
599257DDoddridgeCo HailHailingEmergency Ops
Fayette County (10)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
52011451DFayette Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
52051455DFayette Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
52071457DFayette Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
52171461DFayette Co LE CWLaw Enforcement - CountywideLaw Talk
52331471DFayette Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
52351473DFayette Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
Fayette County Scouts BSA (11)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
85012135DSBFNSR EMSSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - EMSEMS Dispatch
85022136DSBFNSR Mt JackSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Mount Jack EMSEMS-Tac
85032137DSBFNSR Fire DispSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
85042138DSBFNSR EMO DispSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - EMO DispatchEmergency Ops
85052139DSBFNSR Fire MrshSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Fire MarshalFire-Talk
8506213aDSBFNSR SecuritySummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - SecuritySecurity
8507213bDSBFNSR ParkingSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - ParkingBusiness
8508213cDSBFNSR Pat TransSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Patient TransferTransportation
8509213dDSBFNSR Respon 2Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Response Ch. 2Multi-Tac
8510213eDSBFNSR Respon 3Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Response Ch. 3Multi-Tac
8511213fDSBFNSR Respon 4Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Response Ch. 4Multi-Tac
85122140DSBFNSR Respon 5Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Response Ch. 5Multi-Tac
85132141DSBFNSR Respon 6Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Response Ch. 6Multi-Tac
85142142DSBFNSR Respon 7Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Response Ch. 7Multi-Tac
85152143DSBFNSR EMS TacSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - EMS TacticalEMS-Tac
85162144DSBFNSR Med FacilSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Medical FacilityHospital
85172145DSBFNSR Fire TacSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Fire TacticalFire-Tac
85182146DSBFNSR RangerSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - RangerFederal
85192147DSBFNSR Sec SpGstSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Security Special GuestSecurity
85202148DSBFNSR Med CommdSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Medical CommandHospital
85212149DSBFNSR SumOpCommSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Summit Operations Command SummitBusiness
8522214aDSBFNSR Ral/FayOpSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Raleigh/Fayette County OperationsBusiness
8523214bDSBFNSR Secur TacSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Security TacticalSecurity
8524214cDSBFNSR Sp Ops 1Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 1Multi-Talk
8525214dDSBFNSR Sp Ops 2Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 2Multi-Talk
8526214eDSBFNSR Sp Ops 3Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 3Multi-Talk
8527214fDSBFNSR Sp Ops 4Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 4Multi-Talk
85282150DSBFNSR Sp Ops 5Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 5Multi-Talk
85292151DSBFNSR Sp Ops 6Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 6Multi-Talk
85302152DSBFNSR Sp Ops 7Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Special Operations Ch. 7Multi-Talk
85312153DSBFNSR Raft EmerSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Rafting EmergencyEmergency Ops
85322154DSBFNSR Int TechSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Internet TechnicianBusiness
85332155DSBFNSR JIATFSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - JIATF OperationsBusiness
85342156DSBFNSR DOT/RoadsSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - DOT/HighwaysBusiness
85352157DSBFNSR Law EnforSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Law EnforcementLaw Dispatch
85362158DSBFNSR Traffic Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Traffic ControlPublic Works
85372159DSBFNSR LE SpOps Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Law Enforcement Special OperationsLaw Tac
8538215aDSBFNSR CommsSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - CommunicationsBusiness
8539215bDSBFNSR NPSSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - National Parks ServiceFederal
8540215cDSBFNSR DNR OpsSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - DNR OperationsMulti-Talk
8541215dDSBFNSR DNR AdminSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - DNR Administration Multi-Talk
8542215eDSBFNSR WV FMarshSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - WV Fire MarshalFire-Talk
8543215fDSBFNSR 43Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 43Business
85442160DSBFNSR CAP GrOpsSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Civil Air Patrol Ground OperationsEmergency Ops
85452161DSBFNSR NWSSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - National Weather ServiceEmergency Ops
85462162DSBFNSR BusesSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - BusesTransportation
85472163DSBFNSR Public AfSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Public AffairsBusiness
85482164DSBFNSR Joint VisSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Joint VisitorBusiness
85492165DSBFNSR JT FOPSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - JTFOPEmergency Ops
85502166DSBFNSR TF CERSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFCEREmergency Ops
85512167DSBFNSR TF RECSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFRECEmergency Ops
85522168DSBFNSR TF MEDSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFMEDEmergency Ops
85532169DSBFNSR TF SECSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFSECSecurity
8554216aDSBFNSR TF SUPSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFSUPEmergency Ops
8555216bDSBFNSR TF AVISummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFAVIEmergency Ops
8556216cDSBFNSR JR SOISummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - JRSOIEmergency Ops
8557216dDSBFNSR TF KEYSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - TFKEYEmergency Ops
8558216eDSBFNSR SJ SECSummit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - SJSECEmergency Ops
8559216fDSBFNSR 59Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 59Business
85602170DSBFNSR 60Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 60Business
85612171DSBFNSR 61Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 61Business
85622172DSBFNSR 62Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 62Business
85632173DSBFNSR 63Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 63Business
85642174DSBFNSR 64Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve - Ch. 64Business
95912577DSBFNSR TF 1Summit Bechtel Reserve - TF 1Business
95922578DSBFNSR TF 2Summit Bechtel Reserve - TF 2Business
95932579DSBFNSR TF 3Summit Bechtel Reserve - TF 3Business
9594257aDSBFNSR TF 4Summit Bechtel Reserve - TF 4Business
9595257bDSBFNSR TF 5Summit Bechtel Reserve - TF 5Business
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
12014b1DGrant Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
12054b5DGrant Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
12074b7DGrant Co LawSheriff / Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
12334d1DGrant Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
12354d3DGrant Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
12374d5DGrant Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
12394d7DGrant Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
12514e3DGrant Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
1281501DPVTA KeyserPotomac Valley Transit Authority - Keyser areaTransportation
1283503DPVTA Buses 1283Potomac Valley Transit Authority - BusesTransportation
1289509DPVTA Ready RidePotomac Valley Transit Authority - Ready RideTransportation
Greenbrier County (13)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
530114b5DGrnbrier Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
530514b9DGrnbrier Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
530714bbDGrnbrier Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
530914bdDGrnbrier Co PageCounty PagingPublic Works
531314c1DGrnbrier Co CWFDFire - CountywideFire-Talk
531414c2DWhite SulSp EMSpWhite Sulphur Springs EMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
531514c3DGrnbrier Co EMSpEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
531614c4DGrnbrier Co HmCmHome Confinement - PrivateLaw Talk
531714c5DGrnbrier Co CWLELaw - CountywideLaw Talk
532014c8DRonceverte FD PvRonceverte Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
532314cbDGrnbrier Co SOPvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
532714cfDGrnbrier Co EMApEmergency Management - PrivateEmergency Ops
533314d5DGrnbrier Co Tac1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
533514d7DGrnbrier Co Tac2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
533714d9DGrnbrier Co Tac3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
533914dbDGrnbrier Co Tac4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
534114ddDGrnbrier Co PTc1Private Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
534314dfDGrnbrier Co PTc2Private Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
535114e7DGrnbrier Co EMAEmergency ManagementEmergency Ops
535314e9DGrnbrier Co Tlk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
535514ebDGrnbrier Co Tlk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
535714edDGrnbrier Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
535914efDGrnbrier Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
536114f1DGrnbrier Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
536314f3DGrnbrier Co Evt4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
536514f5DGrnbrier Co Hth1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
536714f7DGrnbrier Co Hth2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
53801504DLewisburg PD PvLewisburg Police - PrivateLaw Talk
53821506DWhite SulSp PDPvWhite Sulphur Springs Police - PrivateLaw Talk
53841508DRonceverte PD PvRonceverte Police - PrivateLaw Talk
53851509DClntonville FDPvClintonville Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
5390150eDAlderson PD PvAlderson Police - PrivateLaw Talk
Hampshire County (14)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1301515DHamp Co 911 EFR Fire / EMS - DispatchMulti-Dispatch
130651aDHamp Co City PDRomney PD / Capon Bridge PD - DispatchLaw Dispatch
130751bDHamp Co SO DispSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
130851cDEHamp Co SO SecSheriff - Secure (Encrypted)Law Tac
131051eDHCESA 10 PrivateEmergency Service Agency - (Company 10) PrivateEmergency Ops
1313521DHamp Fire TAlphaFire - Tactical AlphaFire-Tac
1315523DHamp Fire TBravoFire - Tactical BravoFire-Tac
1317525DHamp Co SO TacSheriff - TacticalLaw Tac
1318526DRomney FD Co1 PvRomney Fire - (Company 1) PrivateFire-Talk
1319527DAgusta FD Co3 PvAugusta Fire - (Company 3) PrivateFire-Talk
1321529DSlnsvle FD Co5PvSlanesville Fire - (Company 5) PrivateFire-Talk
132252aDLevels FD Co6PvLevels Fire - (Company 6) PrivateFire-Talk
132352bDHamp Co SO PvtSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
132452cDNorth River FDpvNorth River Fire - Company 7 - PrivateEMS-Talk
132552dDCapon Sp FRsc PvCapon Springs Fire and Rescue - Company 8 - PrivateFire-Talk
132652eDCpnBrdg FD Co9PvCapon Bridge Fire - (Company 9) PrivateFire-Talk
1328530DRomny EMS Co11PvRomney EMS - (Company 11) PrivateEMS-Talk
1330532DAgusta EMS Co13PAugusta EMS - (Company 13) PrivateEMS-Talk
1331533DSpngfld Fire 42PSpringfield Fire - (Company 42) PrivateFire-Talk
1333535DHamp Co Tac 1Tactical Ch. 1 Multi-Tac
1334536DHamp Co Tac 5Tactical Ch. 5 Multi-Tac
1335537DHamp Co Tac 2Tactical Ch. 2 Multi-Tac
1336538DHamp Co Tac 6Tactical Ch. 6Multi-Tac
1337539DHamp Co Tac 3Tactical Ch. 3 Multi-Tac
133953bDHamp Co Tac 4Tactical Ch. 4 Multi-Tac
1351547DHamp Co EMAEmergency Management Agency - (Sheriff use also)Emergency Ops
1353549DHamp Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
135554bDHamp Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
135754dDHamp Co Event 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
135954fDHamp Co Event 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
1361551DHamp Co Event 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
1363553DHamp Co Event 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
1377561DEHamp Co SecTac 1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1 Multi-Tac
Hancock County (15)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2305901DHancock Co EMS EMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
2307903DHancock Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
Hardy County (16) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
140757fDHardy Co LE DpLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
1417589DHardy Co LE MDpvLaw - Mutual Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
141958bDHardy Co LE PvtLaw - Private Law Talk
142358fDMoorefield PDMoorefield Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
1429595DWardensville PD Wardensville Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
14415a1DHardy Co LE Tac1Law - Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
14775c5DEHardy Co Sec TacSecure TacticalLaw Dispatch
Hardy County (16) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1401579DHardy Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
140557dDHardy Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
1413585DHardy Co Tac ATactical Ch. Alpha Multi-Tac
1415587DHardy Co Tac BTactical Ch. BravoMulti-Tac
1433599DHardy Co FD Tac1Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1 Fire-Tac
143559bDHardy Co FD Tac2Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
143759dDHardy Co FD Tac3Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
143959fDHardy Co FD Tac4Fire - Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
14815c9DMoorefield FDMoorefield Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
14825caDMathias Baker FDMathias Baker Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
14835cbDCapon Valley FD Capon Valley Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
Hardy County (16) ( County Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1424590DMoorefield GovMoorefield City GovernmentPublic Works
1425591DHardy Co CommCounty Commisson Public Works
14535adDHardy Co All Tk1All Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
14555afDHardy Co All Tk2All Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
14575b1DHardy Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
14595b3DHardy Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
14615b5DHardy Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
14635b7DHardy Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
14655b9DHardy Co Hlth 1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
14675bbDHardy Co Hlth 2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
14695bdDHardy Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
14715bfDHardy Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
14735c1DHardy Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
14755c3DHardy Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
14955d7DHardy Co RGRP 1Regional Response - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
14975d9DHardy Co RGRP 2Regional Response - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
14995dbDHardy Co HailHailing Emergency Ops
Harrison County (17) ( Mutual Aid/Common )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
133085DHarrisn Co MTac1Mutual Aid Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
135087DHarrisn Co MTac2Mutual Aid Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
137089DHarrisn Co MTac3Mutual Aid Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
13908bDHarrisn Co MTac4Mutual Aid Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
153099DHarrisn Co Talk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
15509bDHarrisn Co Talk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
15709dDHarrisn Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
15909fDHarrisn Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
1610a1DHarrisn Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
1630a3DHarrisn Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
1990c7DHarrisn Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Harrison County (17) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10706bDHarrisn Co Law 1Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
11006eDHarrisn Co Law 2Law - Ch. 2Law Talk
112070DEHarrisn Co STac1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1 (Encrypted)Law Tac
116074DEHarrisn Co STac2Secure Tactical - Ch. 2 (Encrypted)Law Tac
117075DHarrisn Co LawPvLaw - Private ( All Law )Law Talk
12307bDEHarrisn Co SO PvSheriff - Private ( Car-to-Car ) (Encrypted)Law Talk
12507dDHarrisn Co SOTacSheriff - TacticalLaw Tac
14108dDHarrisn Co LEPT1Law - Private Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
14308fDHarrisn Co LEPT2Law - Private Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
145091DEHarrisn Co TkFr1Law - Task Force - Ch. 1 (Encrypted)Law Tac
147093DEHarrisn Co TkFr2Law - Task Force - Ch. 2 (Encrypted)Law Tac
Harrison County (17) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
101065DHarrisn Co FD DpFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
102066DHarrisn Co EmergEmergency Emergency Ops
113071DHarrisn Co AllFDAll Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
100252729DHarrisn Co MuAidMutual Aid ( proprietary channel for EMS/FD )Multi-Talk
Harrison County (17) ( EMS )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
105069DHarrisn Co EMS EMS - Dispatch EMS Dispatch
10606aDHarrisn Co EMSAdEMS - AdministrationEMS-Talk
115073DEHarrisn Co EMSpvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
Harrison County (17) ( Municipal Cities ) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10906dDClarksburg PD Clarksburg Police - Dispatch Law Dispatch
11106fTBridgeport PD Bridgeport Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
Harrison County (17) ( Municipal Cities ) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
103067DClarksbg City FDClarksburg City Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
144090DEAnmoore VFD PvAnmoore VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
146092DEBridgeprt VFD PvBridgeport VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
148094DELost Crk VFD PvLost Creek VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
150096DELumberprt VFD PvLumberport VFD PrivateFire-Talk
152098DEMnt Clare VFD PvMount Clare VFD PrivateFire-Talk
15409aDENutter Ft VFD PvNutter Fort VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
15609cDEReynldvll VFD PvReynoldsville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
15809eDESalem VFD PvSalem VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1600a0DEShinnston VFD PvShinnston VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1620a2DESpelter VFD PvSpelter VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1640a4DEStonewood VFD P1Stonewood VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1660a6DESummit Pk VFD PvSummit Park VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1680a8DEWallace VFD PvWallace VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1700aaDEWest Milf VFD PvWest Milford VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1720acDEJohnstwn VFD PvJohnstown VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
100172721DBridgeprt VFD TcBridgeport Fire - TacticalFire-Tac
100352733DEStonewood VFD P2Stonewood VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
Harrison County (17) ( County Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
104068DCWVTA BusCentral West Virginia Transit AuthorityTransportation
149095DHarrisn Co LocGvLocal GovernmentPublic Works
1650a5DHarrisn Co Hlth1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
1670a7DHarrisn Co Hlth2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
1690a9DHarrisn Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1 (Buses)Schools
1710abDHarrisn Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
1730adDHarrisn Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
1750afDHarrisn Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
1820b6DBridgeprt CommonBridgeport - CommonMulti-Talk
1940c2DHarrisn Co WaterWater Department Utilities
Jackson County (18)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
73011c85DJackson Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
73051c89DJackson Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
73071c8bDJackson Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
73331ca5DEJackson Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
73431cafDJackson Co PTacPrivate Tactical Multi-Tac
73511cb7DJackson Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
73531cb9DJackson Co Talk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
73691cc9DJackson Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
Jefferson County (19) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
15075e3TJeffsn Co All LEAll Law - Dispatch Law Dispatch
15095e5DJeffsn Co SrviceService - Secondary Dispatch Law Dispatch
15105e6DWVU Med SecurityWVU Medicine Facility SecuritySecurity
15115e7DJeffsn Co AnCtrlAnimal ControlLaw Talk
15125e8DJeffsn Co AC PvAnimal Control - PrivateLaw Talk
15175edDEJeffsn Co Law PvLaw - PrivateLaw Talk
15195efDECharlesTwn PD PvCharles Town Police - PrivateLaw Talk
15215f1DEHarpers Fy PD PvHarpers Ferry Police - PrivateLaw Talk
15235f3DEJeffsn Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
15255f5DShpherdtwn PD PvShepherdstown Police - PrivateLaw Talk
15265f6DNPS PD PrivateNational Park Service Police - PrivateLaw Talk
15285f8DUSCBP Sec PrivUnited States Customs & Border Patrol Training Center Security - PrivateLaw Talk
15295f9DShepherd U PD PvShepherd University Police - PrivateLaw Talk
15305faDNCTC Sec PrivateNational Counterterrorism Center Security - PrivateLaw Talk
15315fbDERanson PD PrivRanson Police - PrivateLaw Talk
15325fcDSheph U SecurityShepherd University - SecuritySecurity
1541605DJeffsn Co PTAC 1Sheriff - Private Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
1542606DEJeffsn Co PTAC 3Sheriff - Private Tactical - Ch. 3 - Special Response TeamLaw Tac
1543607DJeffsn Co PTAC 2Sheriff - Private Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
1544608DEJeffsn Co PTAC 4Sheriff - Private Tactical - Ch. 4Law Tac
1545609DJeffsn Co TF 1Task Force - Ch. 1Law Tac
154760bDJeffsn Co TF 2Task Force - Ch. 2Law Tac
154860cDEJeffsn Co CRT PvCrisis Response Team - PrivateLaw Talk
Jefferson County (19) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
15015ddDJeffsn Co Fire Fire - Dispatch Fire Dispatch
15135e9DeJeffsn Co FD PvFire - PrivateFire-Talk
15335fdDJeffsn Co Tac 1Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1 (Fireground)Fire-Tac
15345feTJeffsn Co FD Cd1Fire - Command 1 (Incident Command)Fire-Tac
15355ffDJeffsn Co Tac 2Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2 (Fireground)Fire-Tac
1536600DeJeffsn Co FD Cd2Fire - Command 2 (Incident Command)Fire-Tac
1537601DJeffsn Co Tac 3Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3 (Fireground)Fire-Tac
1539603DJeffsn Co Tac 4Fire - Tactical - Ch. 4 (Fireground)Fire-Tac
158162dDCitizens VFD PvCitizens VFD - Private - Station 2Fire-Talk
158362fDFrndship VFD PvFriendship VFD - Private - Station 1 Fire-Talk
1585631DIndepndnt VFD PvIndependent VFD - Private - Station 4 Fire-Talk
1587633DEShephrdtn VFD PvShepherdstown VFD - Private - Station 3 Fire-Talk
1589635DBlue Rdge VFD PvBlue Ridge VFD - Private - Station 5 Fire-Talk
1591637DBakerton VFD PvBakerton VFD - Private -Station 7 Fire-Talk
1593639DMiddleway VFD PvMiddleway VFD - Private - Station 6 Fire-Talk
Jefferson County (19) ( EMS )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
15155ebDeJeffsn Co ESA PvEmergency Services Agency - PrivateEMS-Talk
Jefferson County (19) ( County Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
15275f7DJeffsn Co EMA PvEmergency Management Agency - PrivateMulti-Talk
154960dDJeffsn Co WaterPublic Works - Water/SewagePublic Works
155060eDJeffsn Co Govt 1Government - Ch. 1Public Works
155160fDJeffsn Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
1552610DJeffsn Co Govt 2Government - Ch. 2Public Works
1553611DJeffsn Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
1554612DJeffsn Co MaintMaintenancePublic Works
1555613DJeffsn Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
1557615DJeffsn Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
1559617DJeffsn Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
1561619DJeffsn Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
156361bDJeffsn Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
156561dDJeffsn Co Hlth 1Health - Ch. 1Public Works
156761fDJeffsn Co Hlth 2Health - Ch. 2Public Works
1569621DJeffsn Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1 - AdministrationSchools
1571623DJeffsn Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2 - TransportationSchools
1573625DJeffsn Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3 - OperationsSchools
1575627DJeffsn Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4 - School Bus OperationsSchools
1577629DJeffsn Co STAC 1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
157962bDJeffsn Co STAC 2Secure Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
159463aDJeffsn Co EmergEmergency ButtonEmergency Ops
159963fDJeffsn Co HailHailing ChannelMulti-Talk
Kanawha County (20)

KRT Individual Vehicle TG's: ( 6700 - 6799 )

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
610017d4DEKan Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
610417d8DKan Co MaintBuilding and Office Maintenance Public Works
610517d9DYeager AirportYeager Airport - Police / OperationsPublic Works
610717dbDEKan Co Law TacLaw - TacticalLaw Tac
610917ddDKanVlly Sen ServKanawha Valley Senior Services - Van TransportationTransportation
611017deDKan Co EOC Emergency Operations Center Emergency Ops
611117dfDKan Co Rad TechRadio TechnicianEmergency Ops
611217e0DSt Albans PD 2St Albans Police - Ch. 2Law Talk
611317e1DNitro PD 2Nitro Police - Ch. 2Law Talk
611417e2DDunbar PD 2 Dunbar Police - Ch. 2Law Talk
611517e3DSo Chas PD 2South Charleston Police - Ch. 2Law Talk
611617e4DStAlb/Nitro PD 2St Albans / Nitro Police - Ch. 2Law Talk
611717e5DDunbar PD 1Dunbar Police - Ch. 1Law Dispatch
611817e6DSo Chas PD 1South Charleston Police - Ch. 1Law Dispatch
611917e7DKan Co LEB E TacLEB East - TacticalLaw Tac
612017e8DKan Co SheriffSheriff - Dispatch Law Dispatch
612117e9DKan Co LEB EastLEB East - DispatchLaw Dispatch
612217eaDStAlb/Nitro PD 1St Albans / Nitro Police - Ch. 1 Law Dispatch
612317ebDKan Co Jud AnnexJudicial AnnexLaw Talk
612417ecDKan Co Sp Ops 1Special Operations - Ch. 1Law Tac
612517edDKan Co Sp Ops 2Special Operations - Ch. 2Law Tac
612617eeDKan Co SO CISSheriff - Criminal InvestigationLaw Tac
613017f2DKan Co Muni FireMunicipal FireFire-Talk
613117f3DKan Co Mu All FDMunicipal Fire - All CallFire-Talk
613217f4DSo Chas FD PvtSouth Charleston Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
613317f5DSt Albans FD PvtSt. Albans Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
613417f6DDunbar Fire Dunbar Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
613517f7DNitro FD AdminNitro Fire - AdministrationFire-Talk
613617f8DSo Chas FireSouth Charleston Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
613717f9DSt Albans FireSt. Albans Fire - Dispatch (Future) Fire Dispatch
613817faDDunbar FD AdminDunbar Fire - AdministrationFire-Talk
613917fbDNitro Fire Nitro Fire - Dispatch (Future)Fire Dispatch
614017fcDKan Co VFD UHF 1Volunteer Fire - UHF DispatchFire Dispatch
614117fdDKan Co VFD Tlk 1Volunteer Fire - Talk Ch. 1 Fire-Talk
614217feDKan Co VFD Tlk 2Volunteer Fire - Talk Ch. 2 Fire-Talk
614317ffDKan Co VFD ChiefVolunteer Fire - Chief TalkFire-Talk
61451801DKRT Base DpKanawha Valley Regional Transportation - Bus DispatchTransportation
61461802DKAT Base DpKanawha Valley Alternative Transportation - Van DispatchTransportation
61471803DKRT AdminKanawha Valley Regional Transportation - Administration Transportation
61481804DKRT All CallKanawha Valley Regional Transportation - All CallTransportation
61491805DKRT PrivateKanawha Valley Regional Transportation - Private Transportation
61501806DKan Co EMS ALSEMS - Dispatch (ALS)EMS Dispatch
61511807DKan Co EMS 2EMS - Operations - Ch. 2EMS-Talk
61521808DKan Co EMS BLSEMS - Dispatch (BLS)EMS Dispatch
61531809DKan Co EMS Tlk 1EMS - Talk Ch. 1EMS-Talk
6154180aDKan Co EMS Tlk 2EMS - Talk Ch. 2EMS-Talk
6155180bDKan Co EMS AdminEMS - AdministrationInterop
6157180dDKan BOE SecurityBoard of Education - School SecuritySchools
6170181aDKan Co M/A Tac 1Mutual Aid - Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
6171181bDKan Co M/A Tac 2Mutual Aid - Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
6172181cDKan Co M/A Tac 3Mutual Aid - Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
6173181dDChas PD Traffic4Police - Traffic - Ch. 4 Law Talk
61811825DKan Co Health 1Health Department - Operations - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
61821826DKan Co Health 2Health Department - Operations - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
61831827DKan Co Health 3Health Department - Operations - Ch. 3Emergency Ops
61841828DKan Co 911 Trn 1911 Telecommunicator Training - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
61851829DKan Co 911 Trn 2911 Telecommunicator Training - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
6186182aDDunbar Street DpDunbar Street DepartmentPublic Works
6187182bDKan Co BOEBoard of Education - BusesSchools
62101842DChas FD / EMS 1Fire / EMS - Ch. 1 - DispatchMulti-Dispatch
62111843DChas Fire 2Fire - Ch. 2Fire-Talk
62121844DChas FD OTHFire - OperationsFire-Talk
62131845DChas Fire 3Fire - Ch. 3Fire-Talk
62141846DChas EMS EMS EMS-Talk
62151847DChas EMS 2EMS - Ch. 2EMS-Talk
6220184cDChas PD 1Police - Dispatch Law Dispatch
6221184dDChas PD Tac 1Police - Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
6222184eDChas PD Tac 2Police - Tactical - Ch. 2 Law Tac
6223184fDChas PD Tac 3Police - Tactical - Ch. 3Law Tac
62241850DChas PD AdmnPolice - Administration Law Talk
62251851DChas PD Traffic1Police - Traffic - Ch. 1Law Talk
62261852DChas PD Traffic2Police - Traffic - Ch. 2Law Talk
62461866DChas Parks 1Parks - Ch. 1Public Works
62471867DChas Parks 2Parks - Ch. 2Public Works
62601874DChas Event 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
62611875DChas Event 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
62621876DChas Event 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
62631877DChas Event 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
62771885DKan Co Animal CnHumane Society - Animal Control Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3301ce5DLewis Co Fire Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3305ce9DLewis Co EMS EMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
3307cebDLewis Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3333d05DLewis Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
3335d07DLewis Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
3337d09DLewis Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
3339d0bDLewis Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
3351d17DLewis Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
Lincoln County (22)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
430110cdDLincoln Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
430510d1DLincoln Co EMS EMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
430710d3DLincoln Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
432310e3DLincoln Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
433310edDLincoln Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
433510efDLincoln Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
434110f5DLincoln Co PTac Private Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
434910fdDLincoln Co PSDPublic Service DistrictPublic Works
435110ffDLincoln Co OES Office of Emergency ServicesEmergency Ops
43691111DLincoln Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
43711113DLincoln Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
43731115DLincoln Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
43751117DLincoln Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
43901126DTri-River BusTri-River Transit AuthorityTransportation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
44011131DLogan Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
44051135DLogan Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
44071137DLogan Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
44381156DLogan Co MnRq SWMine Rescue Response ( Statewide )Emergency Ops
44691175DLogan Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1 (Buses)Schools
44711177DLogan Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
4490118aDLogan Co MnRqTacMine Rescue Response ( Tactical )Emergency Ops
Marion County (24)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2010c9DMarion Co FireFire - Dispatch Fire Dispatch
2020caDMarion Co EmergEmergency ChannelEmergency Ops
2030cbDFairmont FireFairmont Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2040ccDGrant Town EMSPvGrant Town EMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
2050cdDMarion Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
2060ceDFMCTA BusFairmont-Marion County Transit AuthorityTransportation
2070cfDMarion Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
2080d0DFMCTA Bus PvtFairmont-Marion County Transit Authority - PrivateTransportation
2090d1DFairmont PD Fairmont Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
2110d3DMarion Co LE ADpAll Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
2130d5DMarion Co All FDAll Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2150d7DMarion Co RescPvRescue Squad - PrivateEMS-Talk
2160d8DMarion Co AnCtrlAnimal Control Public Works
2170d9DMarion Co LE APvAll Law - PrivateLaw Talk
2250e1DMarion Co PD 2Police - Ch. 2Law Tac
2270e3DeMarion Co EMA PvEmergency Management Agency - PrivateEmergency Ops
2280e4DMannington FD PvFire Company 9 - Private (Mannington)Fire-Talk
2290e5DMarion Co FD Co7Fire Company 7 - Private (Farmington)Fire-Tac
2330e9DMarion Co FD Tc1Fire Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
2350ebDMarion Co FD Tc2Fire Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
2370edDMarion Co FD Tc3Fire Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
2390efDMarion Co FD Tc4Fire Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
2400f0DMarion Co FD C1pFire Company 1 - Private (Barrackville)Fire-Talk
2410f1DMarion Co PTac 1Private Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
2420f2DMarion Co FD C2Fire Company 2 - Private (Baxter)Fire-Talk
2430f3DMarion Co PTac 2Private Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
2440f4DMarion Co FD C3Fire Company 3 - Private (Bunner Ridge)Fire-Talk
2450f5DMarion Co TForc1Task Force - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
2460f6DMarion Co FD C6Fire Company 6 - Private (Fairview)Fire-Talk
2470f7DMarion Co TForc2Task Force - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
2480f8DFairmont FD PvtFairmont Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2490f9DMarion Co Lo GovLocal GovernmentPublic Works
2500faDMarion Co FD C8Fire Company 8 - Private (Grant Town)Fire-Talk
2510fbDMarion Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
2520fcDMarion Co FD C10Fire Company 10 - Private (Monongah)Fire-Talk
2530fdDMarion Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
2540feDMarion Co FD C11Fire Company 11 - Private (Rivesville)Fire-Talk
2550ffDMarion Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
256100DMarion Co FD C12Fire Company 12 - Private (Valley)Fire-Talk
257101DMarion Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
258102DMarion Co FD C13Fire Company 13 - Private (Winfield District)Fire-Talk
259103DMarion Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
260104DMarion Co FD C14Fire Company 14 - Private (Worthington)Fire-Talk
261105DMarion Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
262106DMarion Co FD C15Fire Company 15 - Private (Boothsville)Fire-Talk
263107DMarion Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
265109DMarion Co Hlth 1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
26710bDMarion Co Hlth 2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
26910dDMarion Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
27110fDMarion Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
273111DMarion Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
275113DFSU Police DispFairmont State Campus PoliceLaw Dispatch
29912bDMarion Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Marshall County (25)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2401961TMarshall Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2405965TMarshall Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
2407967TMarshall Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
241096aTMarshall Co TTF1Tanker Task Force - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
241296cTMarsh Co EMS PvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
241396dTMarsh Co FD AllFire - All TalkFire-Talk
2419973TEMarsh Co SO SecrSheriff - SecureLaw Tac
2423977TMarshall Co SO 2Sheriff - Ch. 2Law Tac
2424978TBenwood PDBenwood Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
2425979TMcMechen PDMcMechen Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
242697aTCameron PDCameron Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
242797bTeMarsh Co EMA PvtEMA - PrivateEmergency Ops
242897cTGlen Dale PDGlen Dale Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
242997dTMoundsville PDMoundsville Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
243097eDEMoundsvl VFD PvtMoundsville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
243197fTMarshall Co AnClAnimal ControlPublic Works
2433981TMarsh Co FTac 1Fire Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
2435983TMarsh Co FTac 2Fire Tactical - Ch. 2 Fire-Tac
2436984TEMarshall Co DTFDrug Task ForceLaw Tac
2437985TMarsh Co FD Tac3Fire Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
2438986DEBoggs Run VFD PvBoggs Run Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2439987TMarsh Co FD Tac4Fire Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
2440988TECameron FD PvCameron Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
244298aTEDallas VFD PvDallas Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
244498cDEMt Olivet VFD PvMount Olivet Fire - Private Fire-Talk
244698eTEFork Ridge FD PvFork Ridge Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2448990TGlendale FDGlendale Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2450992TMarsh Co SO PrSvSheriff - Process ServerLaw Tac
2451993TMarshall Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
2452994TELimestone VFD PvLimestone Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2454996TEMcMechen FD PvMcMechen Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2456998TEMoundsvlCy FD PvMoundsville City Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2457999TMarshall Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
245899aTMoundsville FDMoundsville Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
245999bTMarshall Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
246099cTERbertsRdg VFD PvRoberts Ridge Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
246199dTMarshall Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
246299eTEStJoseph VFD PvtSaint Joseph VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
246399fTMarshall Co Evt4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
24649a0DESherrard VFD PvSherrard Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
24659a1DMarshall Co Hel2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
24669a2TEWashLands VFD PvWashington Lands Fire - Private Fire-Talk
24699a5TMarsh Co BOE 1Board of Education - (Buses)Schools
24719a7TMarsh Co BOE 2Board of EducationSchools
24819b1TEGlen Dale VFD PvGlen Dale Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
24839b3DEBenwood PD PvBenwood Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24849b4DEMcMechen PD PvMcMechen Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24859b5DECameron PD PvCameron Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24869b6TEGlen Dale PD PvGlen Dale Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24879b7DEMoundsville PDpvMoundsville Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24999c3TMarshall Co HailHailingMulti-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45011195DMason Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
45051199DMason Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
4507119bDMason Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
452311abDEMason Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Tac
455111c7DMason Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
McDowell County (27)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5501157dDMcDowell Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
5502157eDKimball FireKimball Fire Fire-Talk
55051581DMcDowell Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
55071583DMcDowell Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
55231593DEMcDowell Co SOpvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
555115afDMcDowell Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
557115c3DMcDowell Co BOEBoard of Education - BusesSchools
Mercer County (28)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
54011519DMercer Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
5402151aDBluefield FDBluefield Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
5403151bDPrinceton FDPrinceton Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
5405151dDMercer Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
5407151fDMercer Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
54091521DBluefield PDBluefield Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
54111523DPrinceton PDPrinceton Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
5418152aDBluefield PD PvBluefield Police - PrivateLaw Talk
5422152eDPrinceton PD PvPrinceton Police - PrivateLaw Talk
54251531DBluefield RescueBluefield RescueFire-Talk
54261532DPrinceton RescuePrinceton RescueFire-Talk
54301536DAthens FD PvAthens Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
54331539DMercer Co FD T1Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
5435153bDMercer Co FD T2Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
5436153cDBramwell FD PvBramwell VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
5437153dDMercer Co FD T3Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
5439153fDMercer Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
54441544DOakvale FD PvOakvale VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
54571551DMercer Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
54591553DMercer Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
54931575DBluefield TA busBluefield Transit AuthorityTransportation
Mineral County (29)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1601641DMineral Co F/EMSFire / EMS - DispatchFire Dispatch
1606646DKeyser PDKeyser Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
1607647DMineral Co Law Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
161264cDMineral Co 911Op 911 - OperationsEmergency Ops
1617651DMineral Co LE CWLaw - CountywideLaw Talk
1619653DEMineral Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Tac
1623657DMineral Co CommCounty Commisson Public Works
1633661DMineral Co Tac 1Fire / EMS - Tactical - Ch. 1 Multi-Tac
1634662DMineral Co Tac 5Fire / EMS - Tactical - Ch. 5Multi-Tac
1635663DMineral Co Tac 2Fire / EMS - Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
1637665DMineral Co Tac 3Fire / EMS - Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
1639667DMineral Co Tac 4Fire / EMS - Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
1651673DMineral Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
1653675DMineral Co MAid Fire / EMS - Mutual AidMulti-Talk
1687697DShort Gap VFD PvShort Gap VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
1689699DNew Creek VFD PvNew Creek VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
169069aDFountain VFD PvFountain VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
169169bDBurlington VFDpvBurlington VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
460111f9DMingo Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
460511fdDMingo Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
460711ffDMingo Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
46161208DMingo Co SO Pvt1Sheriff - Private - Ch. 1Law Talk
4623120fDMingo Co SO Pvt2Sheriff - Private - Ch. 2Law Talk
4651122bDMingo Co EMAEmergency Management Agency Emergency Ops
4669123dDMingo Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1 (Buses)Schools
4671123fDMingo Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2 (Transportation)Schools
46731241DMingo Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3 (Schools)Schools
46741242DWilliamson PSDWilliamson Public Service Utilities
Monongalia County (31) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
307133DMon Co SheriffSheriff - Dispatch Law Dispatch
31713dDMon Co All LE PvLaw - All Call - PrivateLaw Talk
323143DMon Co SO CarSheriff - Car-to-CarLaw Talk
324144DMon Co BailiffsCourt BailifsLaw Tac
33014aDGranville PD PvGranville Police - PrivateLaw Talk
341155DMon Co PTac 1Private Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
343157DMon Co PTac 2Private Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
Monongalia County (31) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
30112dDMon Co Fire DpFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
313139DMon Co All Fire All Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
33314dDMon Co MTac 1Mutual - Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
33414eDBlacksvle VFD PvBlacksville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
33514fDMon Co MTac 2Mutual - Tactical - Ch. 2 Multi-Tac
336150DBrookhavn VFD PvBrookhaven VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
337151DMon Co MTac 3Mutual - Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
338152DCassville VFD PvCassville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
339153DMon Co MTac 4Mutual - Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
340154DCheat Lake VFDpvCheat Lake VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
342156DClinton Dist VFDClinton District VFDFire-Talk
344158DCoolSprg VFD Pv1Cool Springs VFD - Private - Ch. 1Fire-Talk
34615aDGranville VFD PvGranville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
34815cDRiver Rd VFD PvRiver Road VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
35015eDStar City VFD PvStar City VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
352160DTriune-Hk VFD PvTriune-Halleck VFD - Private Fire-Talk
353161DMon Co Talk 1Talk - Ch.1 Multi-Talk
354162DWadestown VFD PvWadestown VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
355163DMon Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
356164DWestover VFD PvWestover VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
39918fDMon Co HailingHailingEmergency Ops
Monongalia County (31) ( EMS )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
305131DMon Co EMSEMS - Dispatch EMS Dispatch
31513bDMon Co EMS PvtEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
Monongalia County (31) ( County Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
34915dDMon Co Anl CntrAnimal ControlPublic Works
35115fDMon Co EMAEmergency ManagementEmergency Ops
357165DMon Co Event 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
359167DMon Co Event 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
361169DMon Co Event 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
36316bDMon Co Event 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
377179DMon Co MaintenceMaintenance Dept.Public Works
387183DMtn Lion TransitMountain Lion Transit AuthorityTransportation
Monongalia County (31) ( Morgantown Police )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
309135DMorgantown PD DpPolice - DispatchLaw Dispatch
31913fDMorgantown PD PvPolice - PrivateLaw Talk
34715bDMorgantown PD 2Police - Ch. 2Law Talk
Monongalia County (31) ( Morgantown Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
30312fDMorgantown FD DpFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
31413aDMorgantown FD PvFire - PrivateFire-Talk
Monongalia County (31) ( Morgantown City Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
39818eDMorgantown StrDpMorgantown Street DepartmentPublic Works
Monroe County (32)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
560715e7DMonroe Co SO DpSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
562315f7DMonroe Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
Morgan County (33)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17016a5TMorganCo 911 EFRFire and EMS - DispatchFire Dispatch
17036a7DPaw Paw Gov PvPaw Paw Government - PrivatePublic Works
17046a8DPaw Paw PW PvPaw Paw Public Works - PrivatePublic Works
17056a9DMorgan Co EMS DpEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
17066aaDMorgan Co ResrveReservesLaw Talk
17076abDMorgan Co Law DpLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
17086acDMorgan Co SO 2Sheriff - Ch. 2Law Talk
17096adD Bath Public WksBath Public Works - PrivatePublic Works
17106aeDMorgan Co AnlCtrAnimal ControlPublic Works
17116afDBath Gov PvtBath (Berkeley Springs) Government - PrivatePublic Works
17136b1DMorg Co FD Tac AFire - Tactical Alpha Fire-Tac
17146b2DMorg Co FD EastFire - EastFire-Talk
17156b3DMorg Co FD Tac BFire - Tactical BravoFire-Tac
17166b4DMorgan Co Law ELaw - EastLaw Talk
17176b5DMorgan Co All LEAll Law Enforcement (Countywide)Law Talk
17196b7DMorgan Co Ck PvCircuit Clerk - PrivatePublic Works
17216b9DMorgan Co AssrPvAssessor - PrivatePublic Works
17236bbDMorgan Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
17256bdDMorgan Co Com PvCounty Commission - PrivatePublic Works
17276bfDMorgan Co EMA PvEmergency Management - PrivateEmergency Ops
17296c1DPaw Paw PD PvPaw Paw Police - PrivateLaw Talk
17316c3DBerkeley Spgs PDBerkeley Springs PoliceLaw Dispatch
17336c5TMorgan Co Tac 1Fire-EMS Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
17346c6DMorgan Co Tac 5Fire-EMS Tactical - Ch. 5Fire-Tac
17356c7DMorgan Co Tac 2Fire-EMS Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
17376c9TMorgan Co Tac 3Fire-EMS Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
17396cbDMorgan Co Tac 4Fire-EMS Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
17416cdDMorgan Co PTac 1Private Tactical - Ch. 1 Law Tac
17436cfDMorgan Co PTac 2Private Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
17456d1DMorgan Co TForc1Task Force - Ch. 1Law Talk
17476d3DMorgan Co TForc2Task Force - Ch. 2Law Talk
17496d5DMorgan Co LGov 1Local Government - Ch. 1Public Works
17506d6DMorgan Co LGov 2Local Government - Ch. 2Public Works
17516d7DMorgan Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
17536d9DMorgan Co Talk 1Talk Around - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
17556dbDMorgan Co Talk 2Talk Around - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
17576ddTMorgan Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
17596dfDMorgan Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
17616e1DMorgan Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
17636e3TMorgan Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
17656e5DMorgan Co Hlth 1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
17676e7DMorgan Co Hlth 2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
17696e9DMorgan Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
17706eaDMorgan Co BOEbusBoard of Education - BusesSchools
17716ebDMorgan Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
17736edDMorgan Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
17756efDMorgan Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
17776f1DEMorgan Co Sec T1Secure Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
17796f3DEMorgan Co Sec T2Secure Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
17816f5DPaw Paw VFD PvPaw Paw VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
17836f7DSo Morg Co VFDPvSouth Morgan County VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
17856f9DGreatCpon VFD PvGreat Cacapon VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
17876fbDBrkeleySp VFDpv Berkeley Springs Volunteer Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
17896fdDPaw Paw EMS PvPaw Paw EMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
17916ffDMorgan Co EMS PvEMS - Private EMS-Talk
1793701DMorgan Co IntrOpCounty InteroperationInterop
1795703DMorgan Co RgRp 1Regional Response - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
1797705DMorgan Co RgRp 2Regional Response - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
1799707DMorgan Co HailHailMulti-Talk
Nicholas County (34) ( Law )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6507196bDNicholas Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
65171975DENicholas Co LEpvLaw - PrivateLaw Talk
6523197bDNicholas Co SOpvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
6524197cDESmmersville PDpvSummersville Police - PrivateLaw Talk
6525197dDERichwood PD PvRichwood Police - PrivateLaw Talk
6541198dDNicholasCo LEPT1Law - Private Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
6543198fDENicholasCo LEPT2Law - Private Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
65451991DNicholas Co TF 1Law - Task Force - Ch. 1Law Talk
65471993DENicholas Co TF 2Law - Task Force - Ch. 2Law Talk
657719b1DENicholas Co Tac1Law - Tactical - Ch. 1 (Secure)Law Tac
657919b3DENicholas Co Tac2Law - Tactical - Ch. 2 (Secure)Law Tac
Nicholas County (34) ( Fire )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
65011965DNicholas Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
65131971DKess CrsL VFD PvKesslers Cross Lanes VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
65331985DNicholas Co Tac1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
65341986DWildrness VFD PvWilderness VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
65351987DNicholas Co Tac2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
65371989DNicholas Co Tac3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
6539198bDNicholas Co Tac4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
65531999DNicholas Co Tlk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
6555199bDNicholas Co Tlk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
6557199dDNicholas Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
6559199fDNicholas Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
656119a1DNicholas Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
656319a3DNicholas Co Evt4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
659919c7DNicholas Co HailHailingMulti-Talk
Nicholas County (34) ( EMS )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
65051969DNicholas Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
Nicholas County (34) ( County Government )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
65501996DNicholas Co CommCounty CommissionPublic Works
65511997DNicholas Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
656919a9DNicholas Co BOE1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
657119abDNicholas Co BOE2Board of Education - Ch. 2 (School Buses)Schools
657319adDNicholas Co BOE3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
Nicholas County (34) Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
658119b5DMtn Transit 1busMountain Transit Authority - Ch. 1Transportation
658319b7DMtn Transit 2busMountain Transit Authority - Ch. 2Transportation
658519b9DMtn Transit 3busMountain Transit Authority - Ch. 3Transportation
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2101835TOhio Co Fire Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2103837DOhio Co HAZMATHAZMATFire-Tac
210783bTOhio Co Law DispSheriff - Dispatch (Countywide)Law Dispatch
2113841DOhio Co All FireFire - All CallFire-Tac
2115843DEOhio Co Law TacLaw - TacticalLaw Tac
2116844DOhio Co SO SRT 1Special Response Team - Ch. 1Law Tac
2117845DOhio Co All LawCountywide Law InteropLaw Tac
2118846DWestLib U Sec PvWest Liberty University Security - PrivateSecurity
2119847TOhio Co FD Tac 1Countywide Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
2121849TOhio Co FD Tac 2Countywide Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
212284aDEOhio Co SO AdminSheriff - Administration Law Talk
212484cDEOhio Co CSICrime Scene InvestigationLaw Tac
212584dTOhio Co FD Tac 3Countywide Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
212784fDOhio Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
2128850DNorimac IndustryNORIMACEmergency Ops
2129851TOhio Co FD Tac 4Countywide Fire / Wheeling Fire - Tactical Ch. 4Fire-Tac
2136858DOhio Co Marine 1Marine - Ch. 1Interop
2137859DOhio Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
213885aTOhio Co Marine 2Marine - Ch. 2Interop
213985bDOhio Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
214085cDOhio Co NuclearNuclearEmergency Ops
214185dDOhio Co SO Tac 1Sheriff - Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
214385fDOhio Co SO Tac 2Sheriff - Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
2145861DEOhio Vlley DTF 1Ohio Valley Drug Task Force - Ch. 1Law Tac
2147863DEOhio Vlley DTF 2Ohio Valley Drug Task Force - Ch. 2Law Tac
2148864TOhio Co Bldg SecCity-County Building SecuritySecurity
2151867DOhio Co EMA SWEmergency Management Agency - SouthwestEmergency Ops
2152868DOhio Co AdminAdministratorPublic Works
2153869DOhio Co 911911Public Works
215486aDKHLG MaintWheeling-Ohio County Airport - MaintenancePublic Works
215586bDOhio Co Talk 2Countywide Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
215686cDOhio Co AnlCtrPvAnimal Control - PrivatePublic Works
215786dTOhio Co Event 1Countywide Events - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
215886eDOhio Co AssessorAssessors OfficePublic Works
215986fDOhio Co Event 2Countywide Events - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
2160870DOhio Co CommCounty Commission / Highlands MaintenancePublic Works
2161871TOhio Co Event 3Countywide Events - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
2163873DOhio Co Event 4Countywide Events - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
2164874DOhio Co Cty BldgCity-County Building CommonPublic Works
2165875DOhio Co Health 1Health Department - Ch. 1 Public Works
2166876DOhio Co ProsectrProsecutors OfficePublic Works
2167877DOhio Co Health 2Health Department - Ch. 2Public Works
2168878DOhio Co ParksParksPublic Works
2169879DOhio Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1 (Buses)Schools
217087aDOhio Co PSDPublic Service DistrictPublic Works
217187bDOhio Co BOE 2Schools - Ch. 2 - BusesSchools
217287cTOhio Valley RTAOhio Valley Regional Transit AuthorityTransportation
2177881DeOhio Co SRT 4Special Response Team - Ch. 4Law Tac
2180884DBethlehem VFDBethelehem FireFire-Talk
2181885DClearview VFDClearview FireFire-Talk
2182886TMozart VFDMozart FireFire-Talk
2183887TStone Church VFDStone Church FireFire-Talk
2184888TTriadelphia VFDTriadelphia FireFire-Talk
2185889TValley Grove VFDValley Grove VFDFire-Talk
218688aTWest Liberty VFDWest Liberty FireFire-Talk
219088eDOhio Valley ComdOhio Valley Command (EMA-to-EMA)Emergency Ops
2195893DOhio Co ReGroup1Regroup - Ch. 1Interop
2197895DOhio Co ReGroup2Regroup - Ch. 2Interop
2198896DOhioVly DisasterOhio Valley DisasterEmergency Ops
90912383DMountaineer HITMountaineer Highway Interdiction TeamLaw Tac
Ohio County (35) ( Wheeling )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
211083eDWHG Fire Wheeling Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2130852DWHG FDTac 1Wheeling Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
2132854TWHG FDTac 2Wheeling Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
214285eTWHG FDTac 3Wheeling Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
2144860DWHG FDTac 5Wheeling Fire - Tactical - Ch. 5Fire-Tac
2146862DWHG SpecialWheeling - SpecialLaw Tac
218788bDEWHG PD SwatWheeling Police SwatLaw Tac
218888cDEWHG PD Enc2Wheeling Police (encrypted)Law Tac
218988dDEWHG PD Enc3Wheeling Police (encrypted)Law Tac
219188fDWHG PD 1Wheeling Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
2192890DEWHG PD 2Wheeling Police - Ch. 2Law Tac
2193891TEWHG PD TacWheeling Police - TacticalLaw Tac
121012f45TWHG Street DeptOperations (streets / plows / etc)Public Works
121032f47TWHG SanitationWheeling Sanitation DepartmentPublic Works
121092f4dTWHG Water DeptWater DepartmentPublic Works
Ohio County (35) (Interoperability)

Patched TGs for WV / Belmont County Ohio

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2100834DBridgeport FireBridgeport Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2101835DMartins Ferry FDMartins Ferry Fire - Dispatch (This is a patch with Ohio County Fire)Deprecated
210683aDCumberland Tr FDCumberland Trail Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
210883cDShadyside FireShadyside Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
211183fDBelmont Co Tac 4Belmont County - Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
2112840DBelmont Co Tac 5Belmont County - Tactical - Ch. 5Multi-Tac
2120848DBelmont Co EventBelmont County - EventMulti-Talk
217487eDNeffs FireNeffs Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2176880DBelmont Co TkTFBelmont County Tanker Task Force M/AFire-Talk
Pendleton County (36)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3401d49TPendleton Co FD Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3405d4dDPendleton Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
3407d4fDPendleton Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3415d57DPndleton Co EMS2EMS - Ch. 2EMS-Talk
3423d5fDPndleton Co SOpvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
3433d69DPndleton Co Tac1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
3435d6bDPndleton Co Tac3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
3439d6fDPndleton Co Tac4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
3443d73DPndleton Co Tac2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
3449d79DPndleton Co LGovLocal GovernmentPublic Works
3451d7bDPendleton Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
3453d7dDPndleton Co Tlk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3455d7fDPndleton Co Tlk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
3457d81DPndleton Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3459d83DPndleton Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
3461d85DPndleton Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
3469d8dDPendleton Co BOEBoard of EducationSchools
Pleasants County (37)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
74011ce9DPleasants Co VFD Volunteer Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
74051cedDPleasants Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
74071cefDPleasants Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
74131cf5DPlsants Co AllFDVolunteer Fire - All CallFire-Talk
74151cf7DPlsants Co EMSpvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
74171cf9DPlsants Co AllPDLaw - All CallLaw Talk
74231cffDPlsants Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
74251d01DPlsants Co EMApvEmergency Management Agency - PrivateEmergency Ops
74331d09DPlsants Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
74351d0bDPlsants Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
74371d0dDPlsants Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
74391d0fDPlsants Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
74491d19DPlsants Co LGovLocal GovernmentPublic Works
74501d1aDPlsants Co GovCounty GovernmentPublic Works
74511d1bDPleasants Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
74531d1dDPlsants Co Tlk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
74551d1fDPlsants Co Tlk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
74571d21DPlsants Co Evt 1Events - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
74591d23DPlsants Co Evt 2Events - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
74611d25DPlsants Co Evt 3Events - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
74631d27DPlsants Co Evt 4Events - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
74951d47DPlsants Co RgRp1Regional Response - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
74971d49DPlsants Co RgRp2Regional Response - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
Pocahontas County (38)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3501dadDPchontas Co FDFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3505db1DPchontas Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
3507db3DPchontas Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3549dddDPchontas Co LGovLocal GovernmentPublic Works
3551ddfDPchontas Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
3553de1DPchontas Co Tlk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3555de3DPchontas Co Tlk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
3557de5DPchontas Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3559de7DPchontas Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
3561de9DPchontas Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
3563debDPchontas Co Evt4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
3565dedDPchontas Co Hth1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
3567defDPchontas Co Hth2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
3569df1DPchontas Co BOE1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
3571df3DPchontas Co BOE2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
3573df5DPchontas Co BOE3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
3575df7DPchontas Co BOE4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
Preston County (39)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
601259DPreston Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
60325bDPreston Co CourtCounty CourtPublic Works
60525dDPreston Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
60725fDPreston Co SO DpSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
613265DPreston Co AllFDFire - All Call - PrivateFire-Talk
617269DPreston Co AllLELaw - All Call - PrivateLaw Talk
62326fDEPreston Co SO TcSheriff - Tactical (encrypted)Law Tac
625271DEPreston Co EMSecEMS - SecureEMS-Tac
633279DPreston Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
63527bDPreston Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
63727dDPreston Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
63927fDPreston Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
641281DPreston Co PTac1Private - Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
643283DPreston Co PTac2Private - Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
65028aDPreston Co AnCtrAnimal ControlPublic Works
65128bDPreston Co EMA Emergency Management Emergency Ops
65328dDPreston Co Talk1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
65528fDPreston Co Talk2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
657291DPreston Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
659293DPreston Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
661295DPreston Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
663297DPreston Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
6992bbDPreston Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Putnam County (40)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
660119c9DPutnam Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
660519cdDPutnam Co EMS EMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
660719cfDPutnam Co SO Sheriff - Dispatch Law Dispatch
661319d5DPutnam Co EMS 2EMS - Ch. 2EMS-Talk
661519d7DPutnam Co EMS PvEMS - PrivateEMS-Tac
661719d9DPutnam Co Law PvLaw - PrivateLaw Talk
662319dfDPutnam Co So PvtSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
663319e9DPutnam Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
663519ebDPutnam Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
663719edDPutnam Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
663919efDPutnam Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
664119f1DPutnam Co PTac 1Private Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
665319fdDPutnam Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
665519ffDPutnam Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
66571a01DPutnam Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
66591a03DPutnam Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
66611a05DPutnam Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
66631a07DPutnam Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
Raleigh County (41)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
510113edDRaleigh Co Fire Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
510313efDBeckley FireBeckley Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
510513f1DRaleigh Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
510713f3DRaleigh Co LEALLLaw - Dispatch ( All Call ) (Lester, Mabscott, and Sophia)Law Dispatch
510813f4DWVU Tech PD PvtWVU Technical College - Police PrivateSchools
510913f5DBeckley PDBeckley Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
511313f9DRaleigh Co FDALLFire - All TalkFire-Talk
511513fbDRaleigh Co EMSpvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
511713fdDRaleigh Co SO Sheriff - Dispatch Law Dispatch
51221402DLester PD PvLester Police - PrivateLaw Talk
51231403DRaleigh Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
51241404DBeckley PD PvBeckley Police - PrivateLaw Talk
51251405DBeckley Fire PvBeckley Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
51291409DRaleCo ComFacMntRaleigh County Commission Facilities MaintenancePublic Works
5131140bDBeckley Pub WrksBeckley Board of Public Works - DispatchPublic Works
5133140dDRaleigh Co MTac1Police / Fire / EMS Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
5135140fDRaleigh Co MTac2Police / Fire / EMS Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
51371411DRaleigh Co MTac3Police / Fire / EMS Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
51391413DRaleigh Co MTac4Police / Fire / EMS Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
51411415DRaleigh Co PTac1Police Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
51421416DRaleigh Co PTac2Police Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
51451419DRaleigh Co TFor1Task Force - Ch. 1Law Talk
5147141bDRaleigh Co TFor2Task Force - Ch. 2Law Talk
5150141eDNew River TranstNew River Transit AuthorityTransportation
51531421DRaleigh Co Talk1Police / Fire / EMS Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
51551423DRaleigh Co Talk2Police / Fire / EMS Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
51561424DWVU Tech MaintWVU Technical College - Facility MaintenanceSchools
51571425DRaleigh Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
51591427DRaleigh Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
51611429DRaleigh Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
5163142bDRaleigh Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
5180143cDRaleigh Co AirptRaleigh County Memorial AirportPublic Works
5181143dDGhent VFDpvGhent VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
5183143fDSophia VFDpvSophia Area VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51841440DBeaver VFDpvBeaver VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51851441DTraphill VFDpvTraphill VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51861442DCoal River VFDpvCoal River VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51871443DWhtesville VFDpvWhitesville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51881444DECoal City VFDpvCoal City VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51891445DClear Crk VFDpvClear Creek VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51901446DMabscott VFDpvMabscott VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51911447DSophia Cty VFDpvSophia City VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51921448DLester VFDpvLester VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
51931449DBradley VFDpvBradley VFD - PrivateFire-Tac
Randolph County (42)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3101c1dDRandolph Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3105c21DRandolph Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
3107c23DRandolph Co LawLaw - Dispatch (including Elkins PD)Law Dispatch
3123c33DRandolph Co SoPvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
3133c3dDRandolph Co FTc1Fire - Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
3135c3fDRandolph Co FTc2Fire - Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
3137c41DRandolph Co FTc3Fire - Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
3139c43DRandolph Co FTc4Fire - Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
3169c61DRandolph Co BOE1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
3171c63DRandolph Co BOE2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
3173c65DRandolph Co BOE3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
3175c67DRandolph Co BOE4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
3181c6dDCountryRoads BusCountry Roads TransitTransportation
3192c78DDurbin & GreenRRDurbin and Greenbrier RailroadRailroad
Ritchie County (43)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
7072c3DRitchie Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
7172cdDRitchie Co LELaw - CountywideLaw Talk
7232d3DRitchie Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
75011d4dDRoane Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
75051d51DRoane Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
75071d53DRoane Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
Summers County (45)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5707164bDSummers Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
57531679DSummers Co Talk1Talk - Ch. 1 - (Law, Fire, EMS)Multi-Talk
5757167dDSummers Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
Taylor County (46)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
801321TTaylor Co FD/EMSFire / EMS - DispatchFire Dispatch
807327DTaylor Co SOSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
81332dDTaylor Co All FDAll Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
817331DTaylor Co All LELaw - All Call - PrivateLaw Talk
818332TGrafton PDGrafton Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
821335DGrafton VFD PvtGrafton VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
851353DTaylor Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
853355DTaylor Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
855357DTaylor Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
865361DTaylor Co Hlth 1Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
867363DTaylor Co Hlth 2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
869365DTaylor Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
871367DTaylor Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
873369DTaylor Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
87536bDTaylor Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
89037aDTaylor Co PSDPublic Service DistrictUtilities
899383DTaylor Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
Tucker County (47)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3601e11DTucker Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3605e15DTucker Co EMS EMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
3607e17DTucker Co Law Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3609e19DTucker Co TacResTactical RescueMulti-Tac
3633e31DTucker Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
3635e33DTucker Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
3637e35DTucker Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
3639e37DTucker Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
3651e43DTucker Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
3653e45DTucker Co Tlk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3655e47DTucker Co Tlk 2Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3657e49DTucker Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3659e4bDTucker Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
3661e4dDTucker Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
3663e4fDTucker Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
3665e51DTucker Co Hlt 1 Health - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
3669e55DTucker Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
3671e57DTucker Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
3673e59DTucker Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
3675e5bDTucker Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
3699e73DTucker Co HailHailing Multi-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
25019c5DTyler Co FD/EMSFire and EMS - DispatchFire Dispatch
25079cbDTyler Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
Upshur County (49)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3701e75DUpshur Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3705e79DUpshur Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
3707e7bDUpshur Co SO Sheriff - Dispatch - ( Also Area WVSP )Law Dispatch
3711e7fDBuckhannon PDBuckhannon PD - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3713e81DUpshur Co FirePvFire - PrivateFire-Tac
3733e95DUpshur Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
3735e97DUpshur Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
3737e99DUpshur Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
3739e9bDUpshur Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
3751ea7DUpshur Co OESOffice of Emergency ServicesEmergency Ops
3757eadDUpshur Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
3759eafDUpshur Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
3761eb1DUpshur Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
3763eb3DUpshur Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
3781ec5DUpshur Co HStartHead Start ( Buses )Schools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4701125dDWayne Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
47051261DWayne Co EMSEMS - Jan-CareEMS Dispatch
47071263DWayne Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
47091265DCeredo PDCeredo PD - DispatchLaw Dispatch
47111267DKenova PDKenova PD - Dispatch Law Dispatch
47411285DWayne Co SO TacSheriff - Tactical Law Tac
479012b6DLavalette PSDLavalette Public Service DistrictUtilities
Webster County (51)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3801ed9DWebster Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
3805eddDWebster Co EMSEMS - Dispatch EMS Dispatch
3807edfDWebster Co SO Sheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3827ef3DWebster Co EMApvEmergency Management - PrivateEmergency Ops
3851f0bDWebster Co EMAEmergency Management Emergency Ops
3869f1dDWebster Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
Wetzel County (52)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2601a29DWetzel Co Fire Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2605a2dDWetzel Co EMS EMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
2607a2fDWetzel Co Law Law - DispatchLaw Dispatch
2613a35DWetzel Co All FDAll Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2617a39DWetzel Co All LELaw - All Call - PrivateLaw Talk
2633a49DWetzel Co Tac 1Tactical - Ch. 1Multi-Tac
2635a4bDWetzel Co Tac 2Tactical - Ch. 2Multi-Tac
2637a4dDWetzel Co Tac 3Tactical - Ch. 3Multi-Tac
2639a4fDWetzel Co Tac 4Tactical - Ch. 4Multi-Tac
2641a51DWetzel Co PTac1Private - Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
2643a53DWetzel Co PTac2Private - Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
2651a5bDWetzel Co EMAEmergency ManagementEmergency Ops
2653a5dDWetzel Co Talk 1Talk - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
2655a5fDWetzel Co Talk 2Talk - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
2657a61DWetzel Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
2659a63DWetzel Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
2661a65DWetzel Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
2663a67DWetzel Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
2699a8bDWetzel Co HailHailingEmergency Ops
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
71071bc3DEWood Co SheriffSheriff - Dispatch (Encrypted)Law Dispatch
71171bcdDEWood Co LE ALLLaw - Countywide (Encrypted)Law Talk
71231bd3DeWood Co SO PvSheriff - Private (Partial Encrypted)Law Tac
71451be9DEWood Co TskForceCounty - Task Force (Encrypted)Law Talk
71811c0dDMOVTA 1 BusMid Ohio Valley Transit Authority - Ch. 1Transportation
71831c0fDMOVTA 2 BusMid Ohio Valley Transit Authority - Ch. 2Transportation
Wyoming County (55)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
580116a9DWyoming Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
580516adDWyoming Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
580716afDWyoming Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
581316b5DWyoming Co FDCmdCommand ChannelFire-Tac
582316bfDWyoming Co SO PvSheriff - PrivateLaw Talk
582716c3DWyoming Co EMApvEmergency Management - PrivateEmergency Ops
583316c9DWyoming Co LE T1Law Tactical - Ch. 1Law Tac
583516cbDWyoming Co LE T2Law Tactical - Ch. 2Law Tac
583716cdDWyoming Co LE T3Law Tactical - Ch. 3Law Tac
583916cfDWyoming Co LE T4Law Tactical - Ch. 4Law Tac
584116d1DWyoming Co FD T1Fire Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
584316d3DWyoming Co FD T2Fire Tactical - Ch. 2Fire-Tac
585116dbDWyoming Co EOCEmergency Operations - DispatchEmergency Ops
585716e1DWyoming Co Evt 1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
585916e3DWyoming Co Evt 2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
586116e5DWyoming Co Evt 3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
586316e7DWyoming Co Evt 4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
586516e9DWyoming Co Hlt 1Health Department - Ch. 1Emergency Ops
586716ebDWyoming Co Hlt 2Health Department - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
586916edDWyoming Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1Schools
587116efDWyoming Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2Schools
587316f1DWyoming Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3Schools
587516f3DWyoming Co BOE 4Board of Education - Ch. 4Schools
588016f8DCyclone VFD PvCyclone VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588116f9DMullens VFD PvMullens VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588216faDOceana VFD PvOceana VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588316fbDPineville VFD PvPineville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588416fcDUpper Lrl VFD PvUpper Laurel VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588516fdDBrenton VFD PvBrenton VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588616feDCoal Mtn VFD PvCoal Mountain VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
588716ffDHanover VFD PvHanover VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
58951707DWyomingCo EMS T1EMS - Tactical - Ch. 1EMS-Tac
58971709DWyomingCo EMS T2EMS - Tactical - Ch. 2EMS-Tac
Frederick County Virginia (Interoperability)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1801709DFred VA FTac 1Fire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 1Interop
180270aDFred VA FTac 2Fire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 2Interop
180370bDFred VA FTac 3CWFire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 3 - Countywide Repeat (patch)Interop
180470cDFred VA FTac 4Fire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 4Interop
180570dDFred VA FTac 5Fire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 5Interop
180670eDFred VA FTac 6 Fire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 6 - Brown Fireground (patch)Interop
180770fDFred VA FD DispFire/Rescue - Dispatch (patch)Interop
1808710DFred VA Law DispLaw - Dispatch (patch)Interop
1809711DFred VA PTac 1Police - Tactical - Ch. 1Interop
1810712DFred VA PTac 2Police - Tactical - Ch. 2Interop
1811713DFred VA PTac 3Police - Tactical - Ch. 3Interop
1812714DFred VA PTac 4Police - Tactical - Ch. 4Interop
181971bDFred VA FTac 7Fire/Rescue - Tactical - Ch. 7 - Cross Junction Fireground (patch)Interop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
865821d2DEUS ATF 1Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, & ExplosivesFederal
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
81051fa9DDHS / FPS 1Federal Protective Service - Ch. 1Federal
81071fabDDHS / FPS 2Federal Protective Service - Ch. 2Federal
Federal ( Military )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
9501251dDWVARNG JOCArmy National Guard - Joint Operations Center Military
9502251eDWVARNG LogisticsArmy National Guard - LogisticsMilitary
9503251fDWVARNG MedicalArmy National Guard - MedicalMilitary
95042520DWVARNG CommsArmy National Guard - CommunicationsMilitary
95052521DWVARNG North OpsArmy National Guard - Operations - NorthMilitary
95062522DWVARNG South OpsArmy National Guard - Operations - SouthMilitary
95072523DWVARNG CSTArmy National Guard - 35th Civil Support Team (Security)Military
95082524DWVARNG AviationArmy National Guard - AviationMilitary
95092525DWVARNG SecureTacArmy National Guard - Secure TacticalMilitary
95102526DWVANGAir National Guard Military
95112527DWVANG SecForceSqAir National Guard - Security Force SquadronMilitary
95122528DWVANG FireAir National Guard - Fire RescueMilitary
95132529DWVANG Comd PostAir National Guard - Command PostMilitary
9514252aDWVANGAir National Guard Military
9515252bDWVANG CommAir National Guard - CommunicationsMilitary
9516252cDWVANG SpecialAir National Guard - SpecialMilitary
95202530DWVANG MRBAir National Guard - 167th AW - Shepherd FieldMilitary
95212531DWVANG Tac 1Air National Guard - Tactical - Ch. 1Military
95222532DWVANG Tac 2Air National Guard - Tactical - Ch. 2Military
95232533DWVANG Tac 3Air National Guard - Tactical - Ch. 3Military
95242534DWVANG CP/OPSAir National Guard - Command Post / OperationsMilitary
95252535DWVANG EMAAir National Guard - Emergency Management AgencyMilitary
95262536DWVANG Evt 1Air National Guard - Event - Ch. 1 Military
95272537DWVANG Evt 2Air National Guard - Event - Ch. 2Military
95282538DWVANG SF Tac 1Air National Guard - Security Force Tactical - Ch. 1Military
95292539DWVANG SF Tac 2Air National Guard - Security Force Tactical - Ch. 2Military
9530253aDWVANG SF Tac 3Air National Guard - Security Force Tactical - Ch. 3Military
9531253bDWVANG SF Tac 4Air National Guard - Security Force Tactical - Ch. 4Military
9532253cDWVANG SF Tac 5Air National Guard - Security Force Tactical - Ch. 5Military
95532551DWVARNG HelosArmy National Guard - Helicopters - 2 Bn 104th AVN RGMT (Williamstown AAF)Military
95552553DWVARNG Med TalkArmy National Guard - Medical Multi-TalkMilitary
989326a5DHuntington VAMCHuntington Veterans Affairs Medical CenterHospital
991126b7DBeckley VAMCBeckley Veterans Affairs Medical CenterHospital
998126fdDClarksburg VAMCClarksburg Veterans Affairs Medical CenterHospital
99932709DMartinsburg VAMCMartinsburg Veterans Affairs Medical CenterHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
80801f90DFBI So DisWV DspSouthern District - DispatchFederal
80821f92DFBI So DisWV Tc1Southern District - Tactical - Ch. 1Federal
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
80011f41DUSMS Prob NorthProbation (North) Federal
80031f43DUSMS Prb No Ops1Probation (North) - Operations - Ch. 1Federal
80051f45DUSMS Prb No Ops2Probation (North) - Operations - Ch. 2Federal
80071f47DUSMS Prob SouthProbation (South) Federal
80091f49DUSMS Prb So Ops1Probation (South) - Operations - Ch. 1Federal
80111f4bDUSMS Prb So Ops2Probation (South) - Operations - Ch. 2Federal
80211f55DUSMS WV North DvNorthern DivisionFederal
80231f57DEUSMS WV No Tac 1Northern Division - Tactical Ch. 1Federal
80251f59DUSMS WV No Tac 2Northern Division - Tactical Ch. 2Federal
80271f5bDEUSMS WV No Tac 3Northern Division - Tactical Ch. 3Federal
80291f5dDUSMS WV No Tac 4Northern Division - Tactical Ch. 4Federal
80311f5fDUSMS WV South DvSouthern DivisionFederal
80331f61DUSMS WV So Tac 1Southern Division - Tactical Ch. 1Federal
80351f63DUSMS WV So Tac 2Southern Division - Tactical Ch. 2Federal
80371f65DUSMS WV So Tac 3Southern Division - Tactical Ch. 3Federal
80391f67DUSMS WV So Tac 4Southern Division - Tactical Ch. 4Federal
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
8301206dDUSPS Inspt NorthInspectors (North)Federal
8302206eDeUSPS Inspt SouthInspectors (South)Federal
8303206fDUSPS Inspt Tac 1Inspectors Tactical - Ch. 1Federal
83042070DUSPS Inspt Tac 2Inspectors Tactical - Ch. 2Federal
Federal (Department of the Interior)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
895122f7DNPS NRG LE DspNational Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers - New River Gorge - DispatchFederal
895222f8DENPS NRG LE TacNational Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers - New River Gorge - TacticalFederal
895322f9DNPS NRG LE GenNational Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers - New River Gorge - GeneralFederal
895422faDNPS NRG FireNational Park Service - New River Gorge - FireFederal
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
68011a91DNS RXR LENorfolk Southern - LawRailroad
68511ac3DCSX RXR LECSX - Law Railroad
68521ac4DCSX RXR DispCSX - DispatchRailroad
68531ac5DCSX RXR TacCSX - TacticalRailroad
68541ac6DCSX RXR 4 PvtCSX - Private - Ch. 4Railroad
68551ac7DCSX RXR 5 PvtCSX - Private - Ch. 5Railroad
National Weather Service
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
8602219aDNWS-PITTNWS PittsburghEmergency Ops
Radio Technicians ( Technical )
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
92232407DERadio Tech T1Tactical - Ch. 1Interop
64998fde6DRadio Tech T2Tactical - Ch. 2Interop
64999fde7DRadio Tech T3Tactical - Ch. 3Interop
65001fde9DRadio Tech T4Tactical - Ch. 4Interop
65098fe4aDRadio Tech T5Tactical - Ch. 5Interop
65099fe4bDRadio Tech 3Communication Technician 3 Interop