WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network

Site: Mingo County (30)

Unique DB ID: 21071
County: Mingo

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 37.7072 Longitude: -82.1533 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
460111f9DMingo Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
460511fdDMingo Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
460711ffDMingo Co SheriffSheriff - DispatchLaw Dispatch
46161208DMingo Co SO Pvt1Sheriff - Private - Ch. 1Law Talk
4623120fDMingo Co SO Pvt2Sheriff - Private - Ch. 2Law Talk
4651122bDMingo Co EMAEmergency Management Agency Emergency Ops
4669123dDMingo Co BOE 1Board of Education - Ch. 1 (Buses)Schools
4671123fDMingo Co BOE 2Board of Education - Ch. 2 (Transportation)Schools
46731241DMingo Co BOE 3Board of Education - Ch. 3 (Schools)Schools
46741242DWilliamson PSDWilliamson Public Service Utilities