WV SIRN: West Virginia Statewide Interoperable Radio Network

Site: Marshall County (25)

Unique DB ID: 17512
County: Marshall

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.8708 Longitude: -80.6639 Range: 13 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2401961TMarshall Co FireFire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2405965TMarshall Co EMSEMS - DispatchEMS Dispatch
2407967TMarshall Co LawLaw - DispatchLaw Dispatch
241096aTMarshall Co TTF1Tanker Task Force - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
241296cTMarsh Co EMS PvEMS - PrivateEMS-Talk
241396dTMarsh Co FD AllFire - All TalkFire-Talk
2419973TEMarsh Co SO SecrSheriff - SecureLaw Tac
2423977TMarshall Co SO 2Sheriff - Ch. 2Law Tac
2424978TBenwood PDBenwood Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
2425979TMcMechen PDMcMechen Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
242697aTCameron PDCameron Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
242797bTeMarsh Co EMA PvtEMA PrivateEmergency Ops
242897cTGlen Dale PDGlen Dale Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
242997dTMoundsville PDMoundsville Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
243097eDEMoundsvl VFD PvtMoundsville VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
243197fTMarshall Co AnClAnimal ControlPublic Works
2433981TMarsh Co FTac 1Fire Tactical - Ch. 1Fire-Tac
2435983TMarsh Co FTac 2Fire Tactical - Ch. 2 Fire-Tac
2436984TEMarshall Co DTFDrug Task ForceLaw Tac
2437985TMarsh Co FD Tac3Fire Tactical - Ch. 3Fire-Tac
2438986DEBoggs Run VFD PvBoggs Run Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2439987TMarsh Co FD Tac4Fire Tactical - Ch. 4Fire-Tac
2440988TECameron FD PvCameron Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
244298aTEDallas VFD PvDallas Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
244498cDEMt Olivet VFD PvMount Olivet Fire - Private Fire-Talk
244698eTEFork Ridge FD PvFork Ridge Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2448990TGlendale FDGlendale Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
2450992TMarsh Co SO PrSvSheriff - Process ServerLaw Tac
2451993TMarshall Co EMAEmergency Management AgencyEmergency Ops
2452994TELimestone VFD PvLimestone Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2454996TEMcMechen FD PvMcMechen Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2456998TEMoundsvlCy FD PvMoundsville City Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
2457999TMarshall Co Evt1Event - Ch. 1Multi-Talk
245899aTMoundsville FDMoundsville Fire - DispatchFire Dispatch
245999bTMarshall Co Evt2Event - Ch. 2Multi-Talk
246099cTERbertsRdg VFD PvRoberts Ridge Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
246199dTMarshall Co Evt3Event - Ch. 3Multi-Talk
246299eTEStJoseph VFD PvtSaint Joseph VFD - PrivateFire-Talk
246399fTMarshall Co Evt4Event - Ch. 4Multi-Talk
24649a0DESherrard VFD PvSherrard Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
24659a1DMarshall Co Hel2Health - Ch. 2Emergency Ops
24669a2TEWashLands VFD PvWashington Lands Fire - Private Fire-Talk
24699a5TMarsh Co BOE 1Board of Education - (Buses)Schools
24719a7TMarsh Co BOE 2Board of EducationSchools
24819b1TEGlen Dale VFD PvGlen Dale Fire - PrivateFire-Talk
24839b3DEBenwood PD PvBenwood Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24849b4DEMcMechen PD PvMcMechen Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24859b5DECameron PD PvCameron Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24869b6TEGlen Dale PD PvGlen Dale Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24879b7DEMoundsville PDpvMoundsville Police - PrivateLaw Talk
24999c3TMarshall Co HailMarshall County HailingMulti-Talk