Nevada Shared Radio System (P25)

System Name: Nevada Shared Radio System (P25)
Location: Statewide, AZ NV UT
County: 5 Counties
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System IDs: Sysid: 22B WACN: 92738
Sysid: 307 WACN: 92738
Sysid: 309 WACN: 92738
Last Updated: February 7, 2025, 16:42 pm UTC   [Changed Site # 049 (Apex Peak) to 49 (Apex Peak)]
System Notes

NSRS P25 State of Nevada Talkgroup numbers are equal to NSRS EDACS Talkgroup number (in Decimal) plus 10,000.
NSRS P25 County and City Talkgroup numbers are equal to NSRS EDACS Talkgroup number (in Decimal) plus 30,000.
NV Energy P25 Talkgroup numbers are equal to EDACS Talkgroup number (in Decimal) plus 60,000.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Sysid RFSS Site Name County Freqs
22B 3 (3) 003 (3) Manhattan South Nye, NV 854.3375c856.0375c856.7125856.7625c857.7125858.7125859.7125c
22B 5 (5) 005 (5) Sunny Side Nye, NV 851.3125851.8125c853.3125c853.8125c854.0625c854.3125c 
22B 7 (7) 007 (7) Timber Mountain Nye, NV 851.075c851.3375c851.5875c851.8375c   
22B 9 (9) 009 (9) Overton-Moapa Simulcast Clark, NV 851.1375c851.4125c851.725c851.975c852.2375c852.4875c852.7375c
22B 15 (F) 015 (F) Pilot Peak Mineral, NV 854.4375c854.7375c856.2625857.2625858.2625858.7625c859.4625
22B 17 (11) 017 (11) Mount Wilson Lincoln, NV 856.2125c857.0625c858.0625c858.4625c859.9875c  
22B 19 (13) 019 (13) Warm Springs Nye, NV 856.0125c857.2625c857.9625c858.2375c858.4875858.9375c859.4875
22B 21 (15) 021 (15) Mount Brock (Tonopah) Nye, NV 856.7375857.0625c857.4375c857.7375858.4875c858.7375859.4875c
22B 23 (17) 023 (17) Miller Mountain Mineral, NV 855.7375c856.7125857.7125c858.7125c858.9875c859.7125 
22B 25 (19) 025 (19) Highland Peak Lincoln, NV 854.1375c854.5125c855.9875c856.4875c859.2125c  
22B 27 (1B) 027 (1B) Hiko North Lincoln, NV 856.0875c856.7625c857.2375c857.4875c   
22B 29 (1D) 029 (1D) Rachel North Nye, NV 854.6875c855.7125c856.0625c857.0875c   
22B 37 (25) 037 (25) Goldfield Esmeralda, NV 851.1375c851.3875c851.6625c851.9125c   
22B 39 (27) 039 (27) Crystal Springs Lincoln, NV 854.0375c854.5625c856.2375c858.2125c   
22B 43 (2B) 043 (2B) Caliente Lincoln, NV 854.9625c855.2375c855.9625856.2625c856.9625c857.2625 
22B 45 (2D) 045 (2D) Lida West Esmeralda, NV 855.9625856.9625c857.7625c858.9625c859.9875c  
22B 47 (2F) 047 (2F) Alamo Lincoln, NV 854.1125c856.7125c858.0375c859.9375c   
22B 49 (31) 049 (31) Apex Peak Clark, NV 854.8625c855.7875856.7375c857.7375c858.7375859.7375860.7375c
22B 55 (37) 055 (37) Pahranagat NWR Lincoln, NV 854.6625c855.0125c855.2875c859.3625c   
22B 57 (39) 057 (39) West Mountain, UT Washington, UT 854.8375c855.1125c855.5125c856.2875c   
22B 59 (3B) 059 (3B) Buckskin Mountain, UT Kane, UT 855.2625c855.5625c855.8375856.3625c   
22B 61 (3D) 061 (3D) Beatty North Nye, NV 856.2625857.2625858.0125c858.2625c859.2625c859.7625 
22B 63 (3F) 063 (3F) Sawtooth Mountain Nye, NV 854.9875c855.4625c855.7375856.4375c856.7375c857.0375c857.7375
22B 65 (41) 065 (41) Navajo Generating Station (Page, AZ) Coconino, AZ 855.1875c855.5375c855.8625c    
22B 67 (43) 067 (43) Moccasin Peak, AZ Mohave, AZ 855.3125c855.8375c858.3625c    
22B 69 (45) 069 (45) Las Vegas Simulcast Clark, NV 854.6125c854.7375c854.9375c855.2625c855.6625c855.8875c855.9375c
22B 87 (57) 087 (57) Coyote Springs Clark, NV 851.0375c851.600852.175c852.6625c853.425853.8625c854.1875c
22B 89 (59) 089 (59) Mesquite Tank Clark, NV 851.0875851.475851.925852.3875852.8875853.3125c857.0375c
22B 91 (5B) 091 (5B) Tower Hill (Mercury) Nye, NV 851.0625852.0875853.0875c853.700854.2875c856.0625c 
22B 93 (5D) 093 (5D) Indian Springs Clark, NV 854.3625c854.6125855.8625c857.0375857.3125c858.0125c 
22B 95 (5F) 095 (5F) Armagosa Valley Nye, NV 854.0125c854.5125c854.9625c855.7125c   
22B 97 (61) 097 (61) Mount Schader Nye, NV 851.4875c851.9375852.6375853.250c854.2375c854.6125c 
22B 107 (6B) 107 (6B) Angel Peak Clark, NV 851.8875c852.5625c853.625854.3875c854.6875c856.0375856.4625
22B 117 (75) 117 (75) Mountain Springs Clark, NV 852.5375c854.0625c854.3375c854.5875c   
22B 119 (77) 119 (77) Hoover Dam Clark, NV 851.8125c852.1375c853.275c853.950c   
22B 121 (79) 121 (79) Red Mountain Clark, NV 854.5125c855.9125c857.3625c859.3625c   
22B 123 (7B) 123 (7B) High Potosi Clark, NV 851.225851.700852.750c853.1625c853.7125c856.9375857.9375
22B 125 (7D) 125 (7D) Sloan Clark, NV 851.075c851.175851.575852.475c853.575c854.2625c855.2125c
22B 127 (7F) 127 (7F) Opal Mountain Clark, NV 851.3125c851.8625c853.325c853.9875c   
22B 129 (81) 129 (81) Primm Clark, NV 855.6625c855.9375c856.3125c856.6625857.3625c858.0625858.3125c
22B 131 (83) 131 (83) Spirit Mountain Clark, NV 851.3375c851.975c853.600c854.9625c855.9875c856.9625c 
22B 133 (85) 133 (85) Laughlin Clark, NV 856.3125c856.8125c857.2875c857.8125c858.2875c858.7875c 
22B 247 (F7) 247 (F7) Valley of Fire State Park Clark, NV 854.2875c854.5375c856.0625c857.0625c   
307 250 (FA) 250 (FA) Washoe County Simulcast Washoe, NV 769.35625c769.85625770.35625c770.85625771.43125c772.73125c773.88125
309 123 (7B) 123 (7B) Pinenut Mountain Lyon, NV 851.1875c851.4625c851.8625c852.275c852.825c854.8875c855.2625c
309 137 (89) 137 (89) TV Hill Mineral, NV 854.0625c854.3125c854.7625c855.8125c856.8375c857.3875c 
309 161 (A1) 161 (A1) Border Inn (US-6 at UT border) White Pine, NV 856.2625856.4625857.2625858.2625858.4875c859.4625 


Mutual Aid Channels (InterOp)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1017727c1TNV-CORD-61NV-CORD-61 (Patched to SNACC and LVMPD)Interop
1017827c2TNV-CORD-62NV-CORD-62 (Patched to SNACC and LVMPD)Interop
1017927c3TNV-CORD-63NV-CORD-63 (Patched to SNACC and LVMPD)Interop
1018027c4TNV-CORD-64NV-CORD-64 (Patched to SNACC and LVMPD)Interop
1018227c6TNV-CORD-66NV-CORD-66 (Patched to SNACC and LVMPD)Interop
1018327c7TNV-CORD-67NV-CORD-67 (Patched to SNACC and LVMPD)Interop
65012fdf4TNV-TAC-81NV-TAC-81 HeardInterop
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1014427a0THosp All-CallEMS Hospital Fleet All-CallHospital
1014527a1THosp Carson CityCarson Tahoe Hospital, Carson CityHospital
1014627a2THosp FallonBanner Churchill Hospital, FallonHospital
1014727a3THosp GardnrvilleCarson Valley Medical Center, GardnervilleHospital
1014827a4THosp ElkoNortheastern Nevada Regional Hospital, ElkoHospital
1014927a5THosp WinnemuccaHumboldt General Hospital, WinnemuccaHospital
1015027a6THosp Battle MtnBattle Mountain General Hospital, Battle MtnHospital
1015127a7THosp CalienteGrover C Dills Medical Center, CalienteHospital
1015227a8THosp YeringtonSouth Lyon Medical Center, YeringtonHospital
1015327a9THosp HawthorneMt. Grant Hospital, HawthorneHospital
1015427aaTHosp PahrDesert View Hospital, PahrumpHospital
1015527abTHosp TonopahNye Regional Medical Center, TonopahHospital
1015627acTHosp LovelockPershing General Hospital, LovelockHospital
1015727adTHosp RenoRenown Medical Center, RenoHospital
1015827aeTHosp ElyWilliam Bee Ririe Hospital, ElyHospital
1015927afTHosp S TahoeBarton Hospital, South Lake Tahoe, CAHospital
1016027b0TEMS All-CallEMS Mobile Fleet All-CallEMS-Talk
1016127b1TEMS Region1 TalkEMS Region 1 TalkEMS-Talk
1016227b2TEMS Region2 TalkEMS Region 2 TalkEMS-Talk
1016327b3TEMS Region3 TalkEMS Region 3 TalkEMS-Talk
1016427b4TEMS Region 1 TACEMS Region 1 TACEMS-Tac
1016527b5TEMS Region 2 TACEMS Region 2 TACEMS-Tac
1016627b6TEMS Region 3 TACEMS Region 3 TACEMS-Tac
1017327bdTNV State MedStatewide Hospital CoordinationEMS-Talk
Nevada DPS - Capitol Police
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1070629d2TCapitol PD 1Capitol Police 1 - Capitol Buildings (Carson City)Law Tac
1071029d6TCapitol PD 2Capitol Police 2 - State Buildings (Carson City)Law Tac
1070729d3TCapitol PD 3Capitol Police 3 - Las Vegas AreaLaw Tac
1071629dcTCapitol PD 4Capitol Police 4 - Governor's Mansion (Carson City)Law Tac
Nevada DPS - Emergency Management
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1065729a1TNV EM E.O.C.NV Emergency Management - State E.O.C.Emergency Ops
1065829a2TNV EM Tac 1NV Emergency Management - Tac 1Emergency Ops
1065929a3TNV EM Tac 2NV Emergency Management - Tac 2Emergency Ops
1066029a4TNV EM PrisonsNV Emergency Management - PrisonsEmergency Ops
1066129a5TNV EM MAC 1NV Emergency Management - Mutual Aid 1Emergency Ops
1066229a6TNV EM MAC 2NV Emergency Management - Mutual Aid 2Emergency Ops
1066329a7TNV EM MAC 3NV Emergency Management - Mutual Aid 3Emergency Ops
Nevada DPS - Investigations Division
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1072929e9TDPS RenoNevada DPS Investigations - RenoLaw Talk
1073129ebTDPS Reno Ops 2Nevada DPS Investigations - Reno Ops 2Law Talk
1073229ecTDPS Reno UrbanNevada DPS Investigations - Reno UrbanLaw Talk
1073329edTDPS Reno Ops 1Nevada DPS Investigations - Reno Ops 1Law Talk
1073529efTDPS Reno RuralNevada DPS Investigations - Reno RuralLaw Talk
Nevada DPS - Nevada Highway Patrol
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
106412991TNHP Patch 05-001NHP Northern Command Patch - Elko AreaInterop
106422992TNHP Patch 05-002NHP Northern Command Patch - Elko AreaInterop
106452995TNHP Patch 05-005NHP Northern Command Patch - North AreaInterop
106462996TNHP Patch 05-006NHP Northern Command Patch - North AreaInterop
106472997TNHP Patch 05-007NHP Northern Command Patch - North & South AreasInterop
106482998TNHP Patch 05-010NHP Northern Command Patch - North & South AreasInterop
106492999TNHP Patch 05-011NHP Northern Command Patch - North & South AreasInterop
10650299aTNHP Patch 05-012NHP Northern Command Patch - North & South AreasInterop
10655299fTNHP Patch 05-017NHP Northern Command Patch - North & South AreasInterop
1067029aeTNHP LV Tac 4NHP Las Vegas Tac 4Law Tac
1067129afTNHP LV Tac 6NHP Las Vegas Tac 6Law Tac
1071929dfTNHP Elko Law NetNHP Elko Law NetLaw Tac
1072129e1TNHP Elko 1NHP Elko Dispatch 1 - Central CommandLaw Dispatch
1072229e2TNHP Elko 2NHP Elko Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
1072329e3TNHP Elko 3NHP Elko Dispatch 3Law Dispatch
1072429e4TNHP Elko 4NHP Elko Dispatch 4Law Dispatch
1072529e5TNHP Elko Tac 1NHP Elko Tac 1Law Tac
1072629e6TNHP Elko Tac 2NHP Elko Tac 2Law Tac
1072729e7TNHP Elko Tac 3NHP Elko Tac 3Law Tac
1073729f1TNHP LV 1NHP Las Vegas 1 (US-95)Law Dispatch
1073829f2TNHP LV 2NHP Las Vegas 2 (I-15)Law Dispatch
1073929f3TNHP LV AlliedNHP Las Vegas Allied DispatchLaw Dispatch
1074029f4TNHP LV 3NHP Las Vegas 3 (215 Beltway)Law Dispatch
1074129f5TNHP LV Tac 1NHP Las Vegas Tac 1Law Tac
1074229f6TNHP LV Tac 2NHP Las Vegas Tac 2Law Tac
1074329f7TNHP LV 4NHP Las Vegas 4 (LV Rural)Law Dispatch
1074429f8TNHP LV Tac 3NHP Las Vegas Tac 3Law Tac
1074829fcTNHP LV 5NHP Las Vegas 5Law Dispatch
107532a01TNHP Reno 1NHP Reno 1 - Reno Metro AreaLaw Dispatch
107542a02TNHP Reno 2NHP Reno 2 - Carson City AreaLaw Dispatch
107552a03TNHP Reno 3NHP Reno 3 - RuralLaw Dispatch
107562a04TNHP Reno 4NHP Reno 4 - NHP Academy (Carson City)Law Dispatch
107572a05TNHP Reno Tac 1NHP Reno Tac 1 - Reno Metro AreaLaw Tac
107582a06TNHP Reno Tac 2NHP Reno Tac 2 - Carson City AreaLaw Tac
107592a07TNHP Reno Tac 3NHP Reno Tac 3Law Tac
107602a08TNHP Reno 5NHP Reno 5Law Dispatch
107612a09TNHP Reno 6NHP Reno 6Law Dispatch
110252b11TNHP Patch 08-001Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110262b12TNHP Patch 08-002Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110272b13TNHP Patch 08-003Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110332b19TNHP Patch 08-011Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110342b1aTNHP Patch 08-012Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110352b1bTNHP Patch 08-013Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110362b1cTNHP Patch 08-014Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110372b1dTNHP Patch 08-015Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
110382b1eTNHP Patch 08-016Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
112812c11TNHP ElyNHP ElyLaw Talk
112822c12TNHP Elko 10-002NHP Elko 10-002Law Talk
112832c13TNHP Elko 10-003NHP Elko 10-003Law Talk
112842c14TNHP Elko 10-004NHP Elko 10-004Law Talk
112852c15TNHP HML CoNHP Humboldt, Mineral and Lincoln CountyLaw Talk
120422f0aTNHP Patch 15-152Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
120432f0bTNHP Patch 15-153Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
120442f0cTNHP Patch 15-154Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
120452f0dTNHP Patch 15-155Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
120462f0eTNHP Patch 15-156Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
120472f0fTNHP Patch 15-157Patches Public Safety Talkgroups TogetherInterop
Nevada DPS - Probation & Parole
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10652299cTParole Reno C2CDPS Parole - Reno / Carson City Car-to-CarCorrections
10653299dTParole LV C2CDPS Parole - Las Vegas - Primary Car-to-CarCorrections
1074929fdTParole RuralDPS Parole - Rural DispatchCorrections
1075029feTParole Rural C2CDPS Parole - Rural Car-to-CarCorrections
107622a0aTParole UrbanDPS Parole - UrbanCorrections
107632a0bTParole Rural 1DPS Parole - Rural 1Corrections
107642a0cTParole Rural 2DPS Parole - Rural 2Corrections
107652a0dTParole Rural 3DPS Parole - Rural 3Corrections
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1071229d8TNDOT Reno Roads2NDOT Reno - Roads 2Public Works
1071329d9TNDOT LV Roads2NDOT Las Vegas - Roads 2Public Works
107692a11TNDOT HQ AdminNDOT Headquarters - AdministrationPublic Works
107702a12TNDOT HQ MaintNDOT Headquarters - MaintenancePublic Works
107752a17TNDOT HQ LabNDOT Headquarters - LabPublic Works
107762a18TNDOT HQ WtsNDOT Headquarters - Weights & MeasuresPublic Works
107792a1bTNDOT UnknownNDOT Unknown Use (Active Car/Car Highway Talk/Project)Public Works
107802a1cTNDOT HQ ResrchNDOT Headquarters - ResearchPublic Works
107812a1dTNDOT HQ ConsNDOT Headquarters - ConstructionPublic Works
107832a1fTNDOT HQ LawNDOT Headquarters - Law (Link to NHP Reno)Public Works
107842a20TNDOT HelpNDOT Help ChannelPublic Works
107852a21TNDOT LV PrimaryNDOT Las Vegas - PrimaryPublic Works
107862a22TNDOT LV MaintNDOT Las Vegas - MaintenancePublic Works
107872a23TNDOT LV ShopNDOT Las Vegas - ShopPublic Works
107882a24TNDOT LV Ops1NDOT Las Vegas - Ops 1Public Works
107892a25TNDOT LV Ops2NDOT Las Vegas - Ops 2Public Works
107902a26TNDOT LV Ops3NDOT Las Vegas - Ops 3Public Works
107912a27TNDOT SearchlightNDOT SearchlightPublic Works
107922a28TNDOT Mtn SpringsNDOT Mountain SpringsPublic Works
107932a29TNDOT CharlestonNDOT Mount CharlestonPublic Works
107942a2aTNDOT AlamoNDOT AlamoPublic Works
107952a2bTNDOT GlendaleNDOT GlendalePublic Works
107962a2cTNDOT Panaca 2NDOT Panaca 2Public Works
107972a2dTNDOT LV ConsNDOT Las Vegas - ConstructionPublic Works
107982a2eTNDOT Panaca 1NDOT Panaca 1Public Works
107992a2fTNDOT LV LawNDOT Las Vegas - Law (Link to NHP Las Vegas)Public Works
108012a31TNDOT Tono OfficeNDOT Tonopah - OfficePublic Works
108022a32TNDOT Tono MaintNDOT Tonopah - MaintenancePublic Works
108032a33TNDOT Tono ShopNDOT Tonopah - ShopPublic Works
108042a34TNDOT Tono Ops1NDOT Tonopah - Ops 1Public Works
108052a35TNDOT Tono Ops2NDOT Tonopah - Ops 2Public Works
108062a36TNDOT Tono Ops3NDOT Tonopah - Ops 3Public Works
108072a37TNDOT BeattyNDOT BeattyPublic Works
108082a38TNDOT GoldfieldNDOT GoldfieldPublic Works
108092a39TNDOT Blue JayNDOT Blue JayPublic Works
108102a3aTNDOT Big SmokeyNDOT Big SmokeyPublic Works
108112a3bTNDOT MinaNDOT MinaPublic Works
108122a3cTNDOT CarverNDOT CarverPublic Works
108132a3dTNDOT Tono Cons1NDOT Tonopah - Construction 1Public Works
108142a3eTNDOT Tono Cons2NDOT Tonopah - Construction 2Public Works
108152a3fTNDOT Tono LawNDOT Tonopah - Law (Link to NHP)Public Works
108172a41TNDOT Reno OfficeNDOT Reno - OfficePublic Works
108182a42TNDOT Reno MaintNDOT Reno - MaintenancePublic Works
108192a43TNDOT Reno ShopNDOT Reno - ShopPublic Works
108202a44TNDOT Reno Ops1NDOT Reno - Ops 1Public Works
108212a45TNDOT Reno Ops2NDOT Reno - Ops 2Public Works
108222a46TNDOT Reno Ops3NDOT Reno - Ops 3Public Works
108232a47TNDOT Fallon MantNDOT Fallon - MaintenancePublic Works
108242a48TNDOT CC MaintNDOT Carson City - MaintenancePublic Works
108252a49TNDOT Fernly MantNDOT Fernley - MaintenancePublic Works
108262a4aTNDOT Fallon ShopNDOT Fallon - ShopPublic Works
108272a4bTNDOT CC ShopNDOT Carson City - ShopPublic Works
108282a4cTNDOT D2 ServNDOT D2 ServicePublic Works
108292a4dTNDOT Reno Cons1NDOT Reno - Construction 1Public Works
108302a4eTNDOT Radio Tech3NDOT Radio Techs 3Public Works
108312a4fTNDOT Reno Cons2NDOT Reno - Construction 2Public Works
108332a51TNDOT Elko OfficeNDOT Elko - OfficePublic Works
108342a52TNDOT Elko Maint1NDOT Elko - Maintenance 1Public Works
108352a53TNDOT Elko ShopNDOT Elko - ShopPublic Works
108362a54TNDOT Elko Ops1NDOT Elko - Ops 1Public Works
108372a55TNDOT Elko Maint2NDOT Elko - Maintenance 2Public Works
108402a58TNDOT Emigrant PsNDOT Emigrant PassPublic Works
108412a59TNDOT North ForkNDOT North ForkPublic Works
108422a5aTNDOT Ruby ValleyNDOT Ruby ValleyPublic Works
108432a5bTNDOT WellsNDOT WellsPublic Works
108442a5cTNDOT WendovrNDOT WendoverPublic Works
108452a5dTNDOT Elko Cons1NDOT Elko - Construction 1Public Works
108462a5eTNDOT Elko Cons2NDOT Elko - Construction 2Public Works
108472a5fTNDOT Elko LawNDOT Elko - Law (Link to NHP)Public Works
108492a61TNDOT Winn OfficeNDOT Winnemucca - OfficePublic Works
108502a62TNDOT Winn MaintNDOT Winnemucca - MaintenancePublic Works
108512a63TNDOT Winn ShopNDOT Winnemucca - ShopPublic Works
108522a64TNDOT Winn Ops1NDOT Winnemucca - Ops 1Public Works
108532a65TNDOT Winn Ops2NDOT Winnemucca - Ops 2Public Works
108542a66TNDOT Winn MaintNDOT Winnemucca - MaintenancePublic Works
108552a67TNDOT OrovadaNDOT OrovadaPublic Works
108562a68TNDOT BMNDOT Battle MountainPublic Works
108572a69TNDOT BM ConstNDOT Battle Mountain - ConstructionPublic Works
108612a6dTNDOT Winn ConsNDOT Winnemucca - ConstructionPublic Works
108632a6fTNDOT Winn LawNDOT Winnemucca - Law (Link to NHP)Public Works
108652a71TNDOT Ely OfficeNDOT Ely - OfficePublic Works
108662a72TNDOT Ely MaintNDOT Ely - MaintenancePublic Works
108672a73TNDOT Ely ShopNDOT Ely - ShopPublic Works
108682a74TNDOT Ely Ops1NDOT Ely - Ops 1Public Works
108692a75TNDOT Ely DistNDOT Ely - DistrictPublic Works
108702a76TNDOT Ely PaintNDOT Ely - PaintPublic Works
108712a77TNDOT LundNDOT LundPublic Works
108722a78TNDOT EurekaNDOT EurekaPublic Works
108732a79TNDOT AustinNDOT AustinPublic Works
108772a7dTNDOT Ely ConsNDOT Ely - ConstructionPublic Works
108782a7eTNDOT Radio Tech1NDOT Radio Techs 1Public Works
108792a7fTNDOT Ely LawNDOT Ely - Law (Link to NHP)Public Works
108812a81TNDOT Radio Tech2NDOT Radio Techs 2Public Works
108822a82TNDOT MutualAid1NDOT Mutual Aid 1Public Works
108832a83TNDOT MutualAid2NDOT Mutual Aid 2Public Works
108842a84TNDOT MutualAid3NDOT Mutual Aid 3Public Works
108852a85TNDOT Callbox3NDOT Callbox 3Public Works
108862a86TNDOT CHNNDOT CHNPublic Works
108872a87TNDOT Callbox2NDOT Callbox 2Public Works
108882a88TNDOT Callbox1NDOT Callbox 1Public Works
108892a89TNDOT D2 RWISNDOT Roadway Weather Info System D2Public Works
108902a8aTNDOT Reno Roads1NDOT Reno - Roads 1Public Works
108912a8bTNDOT LV Roads1NDOT Las Vegas - Roads 1Public Works
108922a8cTNDOT Elko RoadsNDOT Elko - RoadsPublic Works
108932a8dTNDOT D1 RWISNDOT Roadway Weather Info System D1Public Works
108942a8eTNDOT D2 RWISNDOT Roadway Weather Info System D2Public Works
108952a8fTNDOT D3 RWISNDOT Roadway Weather Info System D3Public Works
Nevada Air National Guard

The NV ANG 152nd Airlift Wing is based at Reno-Tahoe International Airport.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1068929c1TNV ANG SecurityNV ANG 152nd Airlift Wing - Security ForcesLaw Dispatch
118412e41TNV ANG FD DispNV ANG 152nd Airlift Wing - Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
118422e42TNV ANG FD Tac 1NV ANG 152nd Airlift Wing - Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
118432e43TNV ANG FD Tac 2NV ANG 152nd Airlift Wing - Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
Nevada Attorney General
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1068029b8TNV AG North MainNevada AG - North MainLaw Tac
1068129b9TNV AG North C2CNevada AG - North Car-to-CarLaw Talk
1068229baTNV AG North TACNevada AG - North TACLaw Tac
1068329bbTNV AG South MainNevada AG - South MainLaw Tac
1068429bcTNV AG South C2CNevada AG - South Car-to-CarLaw Talk
1068529bdTNV AG South TACNevada AG - South TACLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60896ede0TNVE All CallNV Energy All CallUtilities
60912edf0TNVE Fleet CallNV Energy Fleet CallUtilities
60913edf1TNVE ESCC 1NV Energy ESCC 1 (System Control)Utilities
60914edf2TNVE DispatchNV Energy DispatchUtilities
60915edf3TNVE Reno ElectNV Energy Reno ElectricUtilities
60916edf4TNVE TransmissonNV Energy TransmissionUtilities
60917edf5TNVE DieselNV Energy DieselUtilities
60918edf6TNVE MetersNV Energy Electric MetersUtilities
60919edf7TNVE TMD MTRDNV Energy TMD MTRDUtilities
60920edf8TNVE Gen ConstNV Energy General ConstructionUtilities
60921edf9TNVE Proj ConstNV Energy Project ConstructionUtilities
60922edfaTNVE Safety TrainNV Energy Safety & TrainingUtilities
60923edfbTNVE SMACNV Energy SMACUtilities
60924edfcTNVE TelecomNV Energy TelecomUtilities
60925edfdTNVE Tree TrimNV Energy Tree TrimmingUtilities
60926edfeTNVE Wire PullingNV Energy Wire PullingUtilities
60927edffTNVE Storm 1NV Energy Storm 1Utilities
60928ee00TNVE Fleet CallNV Energy Fleet CallUtilities
60929ee01TNVE Reno SecurNV Energy Reno Security DispatchUtilities
60930ee02TNVE AdminNV Energy AdministrationUtilities
60931ee03TNVE Info ServiceNV Energy Information ServicesUtilities
60932ee04TNVE FacilitiesNV Energy FacilitiesUtilities
60933ee05TNVE FleetNV Energy Fleet ServicesUtilities
60934ee06TNVE EMSNV Energy EMSUtilities
60935ee07TNVE Reno WhseNV Energy Reno WarehouseUtilities
60936ee08TNVE RevenueNV Energy Revenue ProtectionUtilities
60937ee09TNVE SurveyNV Energy Survey MappingUtilities
60943ee0fTNVE Storm 2NV Energy Storm 2Utilities
60944ee10TNVE Fleet CallNV Energy Fleet CallUtilities
60945ee11TNVE Gas DispNV Energy Gas DispatchUtilities
60946ee12TNVE TMWANV Energy Truckee Meadows Water AuthorityUtilities
60947ee13TNVE FG ConstNV Energy FG ConstructionUtilities
60948ee14TNVE TMWANV Energy Truckee Meadows Water AuthorityUtilities
60950ee16TNVE Tusk GasNV Energy Tusk GasUtilities
60951ee17TNVE Tracy PPNV Energy Tracy - Power PlantUtilities
60952ee18TNVE Tracy MaintNV Energy Tracy - MaintenanceUtilities
60953ee19TNVE Pinion PPNV Energy Pinion - Power PlantUtilities
60954ee1aTNVE Valmy PPNV Energy Valmy - Power PlantUtilities
60955ee1bTNVE Valmy MaintNV Energy Valmy - MaintenanceUtilities
60956ee1cTNVE FTC PPNV Energy FTC - Power PlantUtilities
60957ee1dTNVE FTC MaintNV Energy FTC - MaintenanceUtilities
60960ee20TNVE Fleet CallNV Energy Fleet CallUtilities
60961ee21TNVE ESCC 2NV Energy ESCC 2 (System Control)Utilities
60962ee22TNVE YeringtonNV Energy YeringtonUtilities
60963ee23TNVE HawthornNV Energy HawthornUtilities
60964ee24TNVE TonopahNV Energy TonopahUtilities
60965ee25TNVE LovelockNV Energy LovelockUtilities
60966ee26TNVE WinnemuccaNV Energy WinnemuccaUtilities
60967ee27TNVE Battle MtnNV Energy Battle MountainUtilities
60968ee28TNVE ElkoNV Energy ElkoUtilities
60969ee29TNVE FallonNV Energy FallonUtilities
60970ee2aTNVE S Lk TahoeNV Energy South Lake TahoeUtilities
60971ee2bTNVE N Lk TahoeNV Energy North Lake TahoeUtilities
60972ee2cTNVE Carson CityNV Energy Carson City - OperationsUtilities
60973ee2dTNVE PortolaNV Energy PortolaUtilities
60975ee2fTNVE Storm 3NV Energy Storm 3Utilities
60976ee30TNVE Fleet CallNV Energy Fleet CallUtilities
60977ee31TNVE Carson MeterNV Energy Carson City - MetersUtilities
60978ee32TNVE S L Th MeterNV Energy South Lake Tahoe - MetersUtilities
60979ee33TNVE N L Th MeterNV Energy North Lake Tahoe - MetersUtilities
60980ee34TNVE MetersNV Energy MetersUtilities
61008ee50TNVE Fleet CallNV Energy Fleet CallUtilities
61009ee51TNVE Mutual AidNV Energy Mutual AidUtilities
61010ee52TNVE DemoNV Energy DemoUtilities
61011ee53TNVE Radio ShopNV Energy Radio ShopUtilities
61024ee60TNVE EmergencyNV Energy EmergencyUtilities
61041ee71TNVE Trouble 1NV Energy Trouble 1Utilities
61049ee79TNVE Trouble 2NV Energy Trouble 2Utilities
61055ee7fTNVE TG1055NV Energy TG1055Utilities
61057ee81TNVE Meter ShopNV Energy Meter ShopUtilities
61058ee82TNVE MPC 1NV Energy MPC 1Utilities
61059ee83TNVE MPC 2NV Energy MPC 2Utilities
61060ee84TNVE LaughlinNV Energy LaughlinUtilities
61065ee89TNVE DistributionNV Energy DistributionUtilities
61069ee8dTNVE SecurityNV Energy SecurityUtilities
61073ee91TNVE LV ConstNV Energy Las Vegas - ConstructionUtilities
61081ee99TNVE Hen ConstNV Energy Henderson - ConstructionUtilities
61082ee9aTNVE LaughlinNV Energy LaughlinUtilities
61089eea1TNVE WarehouseNV Energy WarehouseUtilities
61116eebcTNVE Trans MANV Energy Trans MAUtilities
61121eec1TNVE Gen PlantsNV Energy Generating PlantsUtilities
61129eec9TNVE Distro EastNV Energy Distribution EastUtilities
61130eecaTNVE Distro WestNV Energy Distribution WestUtilities
61131eecbTNVE Trouble DeskNV Energy Trouble DeskUtilities
61132eeccTNVE Trans LinesNV Energy Transmission LinesUtilities
61137eed1TNVE Meter 1NV Energy Meter Readers 1Utilities
61138eed2TNVE Meter 2NV Energy Meter Readers 2Utilities
61145eed9TNVE LF ConstNV Energy LF ConstructionUtilities
61146eedaTNVE LF ConstNV Energy LF ConstructionUtilities
61150eedeTNVE TG1150NV Energy TG1150Utilities
61151eedfTNVE TG1151NV Energy TG1151Utilities
61152eee0TNVE Ops 8NV Energy Ops 8Utilities
61169eef1TNVE Premie 1NV Energy Premie 1Utilities
61170eef2TNVE Premie 2NV Energy Premie 2Utilities
61177eef9TNVE Ops 3NV Energy Ops 3Utilities
61178eefaTNVE Ops 4NV Energy Ops 4Utilities
61179eefbTNVE SecurityNV Energy SecurityUtilities
61180eefcTNVE Ops 5NV Energy Ops 5Utilities
61181eefdTNVE Ops 6NV Energy Ops 6Utilities
61185ef01TNVE Maint OpsNV Energy Maintenance OpsUtilities
61193ef09TNVE Subs OpsNV Energy Subs OpsUtilities
61194ef0aTNVE SurveyNV Energy SurveyUtilities
61195ef0bTNVE Ops 7NV Energy Ops 7Utilities
61196ef0cTNVE LP - 1NV Energy LP - 1Utilities
61197ef0dTNVE LP - 2NV Energy LP - 2Utilities
61273ef59TNVE Fleet ServNV Energy Fleet ServiceUtilities
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10379288bTUS ICE AgentsU.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) AgentsFederal
118372e3dTVAMC Reno PoliceLougaris VA Medical Center Police (975 Kirman Avenue, Reno)Federal
Nevada National Guard
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1069029c2TNV NG EOC AltNevada NG - Emergency OpsMilitary
1069129c3TNV NG TF NorthNevada NG - Task Force NorthMilitary
1069229c4TNV NG TF RuralNevada NG - Task Force RuralMilitary
1069329c5TNV NG TF SouthNevada NG - Task Force SouthMilitary
1069429c6TNV NG North MACNevada NG - North MACMilitary
1069529c7TNV NG South MACNevada NG - South MACMilitary
1069729c9TNV NG Rural MACNevada NG - Rural MACMilitary
Nevada Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10651299bTNV State ParksNevada State ParksPublic Works
1067329b1TNV IT SouthwestNevada Dept of Information Technology - SouthwestPublic Works
1067429b2TNV IT Las VegasNevada Dept of Information Technology - Las VegasPublic Works
1067529b3TNV IT CarsonCityNevada Dept of Information Technology - Carson CityPublic Works
1067629b4TNV IT NE-ElkoNevada Dept of Information Technology - Northeast / ElkoPublic Works
1070529d1TNV Motor PoolNevada State Motor PoolPublic Works
1070829d4TNV BuildingsNevada State Buildings & GroundsPublic Works
1073429eeTNV OSHANevada State Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Public Works
1074629faTNV Transp AuthNevada Transportation AuthorityPublic Works
1074729fbTNV Transp AuthNevada Transportation AuthorityPublic Works
Nevada Taxicab Authority
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
107662a0eTNV TCA Car2CarNevada Taxicab Authority - Car-to-CarLaw Tac
107672a0fTNV TCA DispatchNevada Taxicab Authority - DispatchLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
302417621TCarson City SOCarson City Sheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
302427622TCarson City FDCarson City Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
312927a3cTSpring Creek VFDElko County Spring Creek Volunteer Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
313067a4aTElko Co 1306Elko County 1306 (two-tone beeps)Fire-Tac
313097a4dTElko Co 1309Elko County 1309 (may be Jackpot Fire-EMS)Fire-Tac
313117a4fTElko Co 1311Elko County 1311 (also patched to 1354)Fire Dispatch
313137a51TElko Co SO SimElko County Sheriff SimulcastLaw Dispatch
313167a54TElko Co SO TacElko County Sheriff Tac (Car to car)Law Tac
313177a55TElko Co SO EventElko County Sheriff EventLaw Talk
313187a56TElko Co SO JailElko County Sheriff JailCorrections
313527a78TElko Co EMS 1Elko County Ambulance 1EMS Dispatch
313537a79TElko Co 1353Elko County 1353 (likely more Fire-EMS)Fire Dispatch
313547a7aTJackpot Fire-EMSJackpot Fire-EMS toneouts (patched to 1309)Fire Dispatch
313567a7cTElko Co EMS 2Elko County Ambulance 2EMS Dispatch
Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3121779f1TSNWA OperationsSouthern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) OperationsPublic Works
University of Nevada - Las Vegas
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
314177ab9TUNLV Alarm TechsUNLV Alarm TechniciansSchools
314257ac1TUNLV Tech ServUNLV Tech ServicesSchools
314267ac2TUNLV Moyer UnionUNLV Moyer Student UnionSchools
314277ac3TUNLV HousingUNLV Residential HousingSchools
314287ac4TUNLV StudentServUNLV Student ServicesSchools
314337ac9TUNLV MaintUNLV MaintenanceSchools
314417ad1TUNLV GroundsUNLV GroundsSchools
314657ae9TUNLV Ops 1UNLV Operations 1Schools
314667aeaTUNLV Ops 2UNLV Operations 2Schools
314677aebTUNLV Ops 3UNLV Operations 3Schools
314687aecTUNLV Grounds 1UNLV Grounds 1Schools
314697aedTUNLV Grounds 2UNLV Grounds 2Schools
314707aeeTUNLV Tech OpsUNLV Tech OperationsSchools
314717aefTUNLV Student OpsUNLV Student OperationsSchools
314817af9TUNLV Patrol 1UNLV Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
314827afaTUNLV Patrol 2UNLV Police - SupervisorsLaw Talk
314837afbTUNLV PD StadiumUNLV Police - Sam Boyd StadiumLaw Tac
314847afcTUNLV PD TMCenterUNLV Police - Thomas & Mack CenterLaw Talk
314857afdTUNLV PD Tac 1UNLV Police - Tac 1Law Tac
314867afeTUNLV PD Tac 2UNLV Police - Tac 2Law Tac
314897b01TUNLV ParkingUNLV Parking EnforcementLaw Tac
314907b02TUNLV ShuttleUNLV ShuttleSchools
314917b03TUNLV PD CarUNLV Police - Car to CarLaw Talk
314927b04TUNLV ParkingUNLV Parking SupervisorsLaw Talk
314947b06TUNLV TBDUNLV TBDSchools
315057b11TUNLV FacilitiesUNLV Facilities MaintenanceSchools
315227b22TUNLV PD AdminUNLV Police - AdministrationLaw Talk
315237b23TUNLV AdminUNLV AdministrationSchools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
313707a8aTMineral SOMineral County SheriffLaw Dispatch
Washoe County Mutual Aid
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
302577631TWCMA SO Patch 1Washoe County Mutual Aid - Patch To WCSO GREEN-01/RPD GREENInterop
302587632TWCMA SO Patch 2Washoe County Mutual Aid - Patch To WCSO GREEN-01/RPD GREENInterop
302597633TWCMA SO Patch 3Washoe County Mutual Aid - Patch 3Interop
302647638TWCMA All FleetWashoe County Mutual Aid - All Fleet AnnouncementsInterop
303437687TWCMA PS ShareWashoe County Mutual Aid - Public Safety ShareInterop
30346768aTWCMA RCS W1Washoe County Mutual Aid - Regional Communications System W1Interop
30347768bTWCMA RCS W2Washoe County Mutual Aid - Regional Communications System W2Interop
30348768cTWCMA RCS W3Washoe County Mutual Aid - Regional Communications System W3Interop
30349768dTWCMA RCS W4Washoe County Mutual Aid - Regional Communications System W4Interop
30350768eTWCMA PS Law 1Washoe County Mutual Aid - Public Safety Law 1Law Talk
30351768fTWCMA PS Law 2Washoe County Mutual Aid - Public Safety Law 2Law Talk
303527690TWCMA PS Law 3Washoe County Mutual Aid - Public Safety Law 3Law Talk
30366769eTWCMA Reg EOCWashoe County Mutual Aid - Regional Emergency Operations CenterEmergency Ops
30478770eTWCMA PS Fire 1Washoe County Mutual Aid - Public Safety Fire 1Fire-Talk
30479770fTWCMA PS Fire 2Washoe County Mutual Aid - Public Safety Fire 2Fire-Talk
Washoe County Sheriff
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
302737641TWCSO Green 1Washoe County Sheriff - Green 1Law Talk
302747642TWCSO Green 2Washoe County Sheriff - Green 2Law Talk
302757643TWCSO White 1Washoe County Sheriff - White 1Law Talk
302767644TWCSO White 2Washoe County Sheriff - White 2Law Talk
302777645TWCSO InclineWashoe County Sheriff - InclineLaw Talk
302787646TWCSO YellowWashoe County Sheriff - South DispatchLaw Dispatch
302797647TWCSO Tac 1Washoe County Sheriff - Tac 1Law Tac
302807648TWCSO Incline T2Washoe County Sheriff - Incline Tac 2Law Tac
302817649TWCSO RecordsWashoe County Sheriff - RecordsLaw Talk
30282764aTWCSO RedWashoe County Sheriff - RedLaw Talk
30283764bTWCSO BlueWashoe County Sheriff - BlueLaw Talk
30284764cTWCSO Courts TACWashoe County Sheriff - Courts TACLaw Tac
30285764dTWCSO Jail 2Washoe County Sheriff - Jail 2Corrections
30286764eTWCSO AdminWashoe County Sheriff - AdminLaw Talk
30287764fTWCSO Black SWATWashoe County Sheriff - Black SWATLaw Tac
303257675TWCSO Jail 3Washoe County Sheriff - Jail 3Corrections
303277677TWCSO Jail 1Washoe County Sheriff - Jail PrimaryCorrections
303287678TWCSO Bailiffs 1Washoe County Sheriff - District Court Bailiffs 1Law Talk
303297679TWCSO Bailiffs 2Washoe County Sheriff - District Court Bailiffs 2Law Tac
30330767aTWCSO Helo CoordWashoe County Sheriff - Helo CoordinationLaw Talk
30331767bTEWCSO Surveil 1Washoe County Sheriff - Surveillance 1Law Talk
30334767eTWCSO MotorsWashoe County Sheriff - MotorcyclesLaw Talk
303407684TEWCSO Surveil 2Washoe County Sheriff - Surveillance 2Law Talk
30475770bTWCSO TrafficWashoe County Sheriff - Traffic TacLaw Tac
30477770dTWCSO Gang UnitWashoe County Sheriff - Gang Unit RegionalLaw Talk
30510772eTEWCSO EncryptedWashoe County Sheriff - EncryptedLaw Talk
315347b2eTWCSO ShootingOpsWashoe County Sheriff - Shooting Facility OperationsLaw Talk
315647b4cTWCSO ShootingRngWashoe County Sheriff - Shooting Facility Range/SafetyLaw Talk
318267c52TEWCSO SurveilanceWashoe County Sheriff - SurveillanceLaw Talk
319147caaTWCSO PS Events 1Washoe County Sheriff - Public Safety Events 1Law Talk
319157cabTWCSO PS Events 2Washoe County Sheriff - Public Safety Events 2Law Talk
319167cacTWCSO PS Events 3Washoe County Sheriff - Public Safety Events 3Law Talk
319177cadTWCSO PS Events 4Washoe County Sheriff - Public Safety Events 4Law Talk
Washoe County Emergency Management
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
315607b48TWCEM MainWashoe County Emergency Management - MainEmergency Ops
315617b49TWCEM Tac 1Washoe County Emergency Management - Tac 1Emergency Ops
315627b4aTWCEM Tac 2Washoe County Emergency Management - Tac 2Emergency Ops
315637b4bTWCEM Tac 3Washoe County Emergency Management - Tac 3Emergency Ops
Washoe County Juvenile Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
315807b5cTWittenberg Ch-1Washoe County Juvenile Detention - Wittenberg Hall 1Corrections
315817b5dTWittenberg Ch-2Washoe County Juvenile Detention - Wittenberg Hall 2Corrections
315917b67TWittenberg Ch-3Washoe County Juvenile Detention - Wittenberg Hall 3Corrections
315927b68TWittenberg Ch-4Washoe County Juvenile Detention - Wittenberg Hall 4Corrections
Washoe County Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
303217671TWashoe DAWashoe County District AttorneyLaw Talk
315547b42TWashoe RoadsWashoe County Roads DepartmentPublic Works
315557b43TIncline RoadsWashoe County Roads - Incline VillagePublic Works
315567b44TGerlach RoadsWashoe County Roads - GerlachPublic Works
315587b46TWashoe UtilitiesWashoe County UtilitiesPublic Works
315697b51TWashoe InspectorWashoe County Building InspectorsPublic Works
315747b56TWashoe AnimalsWashoe County Animal ControlPublic Works
315777b59TWashoe ParkRangrWashoe County Park RangersPublic Works
315797b5bTWashoe ParkMaintWashoe County Park MaintenancePublic Works
315857b61TWashoe EquipServWashoe County Equipment ServicesPublic Works
315907b66TWashoe RadioServWashoe County Radio ServicePublic Works
Washoe County School District
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
303537691TWCSD PD NorthWashoe County School District - Police NorthLaw Dispatch
303547692TWCSD PD SouthWashoe County School District - Police SouthLaw Dispatch
303557693TWCSD PD Tac 1Washoe County School District - Police Tac 1Law Tac
303567694TWCSD PD Tac 2Washoe County School District - Police Tac 2Law Tac
303577695TWCSD PD Tac 3Washoe County School District - Police Tac 3Law Tac
303587696TWCSD PD Admin-3Washoe County School District - Police Admin 3Schools
303597697TWCSD PD AccessWashoe County School District - School Radio Access to Police DispatchSchools
303607698TWCSD PD DetectWashoe County School District - Police DetectivesLaw Tac
318747c82TWCSD School 1874Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318757c83TWCSD School 1875Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318767c84TWCSD School 1876Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318777c85TWCSD School 1877Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318787c86TWCSD School 1878Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318797c87TWCSD School 1879Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318807c88TWCSD School 1880Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318817c89TWCSD School 1881Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318827c8aTWCSD School 1882Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318837c8bTWCSD School 1883Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318847c8cTWCSD School 1884Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318857c8dTWCSD School 1885Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318867c8eTWCSD School 1886Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318877c8fTWCSD Wooster HSWashoe County School District - Earl Wooster High SchoolSchools
318897c91TWCSD Reed HSWashoe County School District - Reed High SchoolSchools
318907c92TWCSD McQueen HSWashoe County School District - McQueen High SchoolSchools
318917c93TWCSD N.ValleysHSWashoe County School District - North Valleys High SchoolSchools
318927c94TWCSD Galena HSWashoe County School District - Galena High SchoolSchools
318937c95TWCSD School 1893Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318947c96TWCSD School 1894Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
318957c97TWCSD Maint 1Washoe County School District - Maintenance 1Schools
318967c98TWCSD Bus 1Washoe County School District - Bus 1 CentralSchools
318977c99TWCSD Bus 2Washoe County School District - Bus 2 NorthSchools
318987c9aTWCSD Bus 3Washoe County School District - Bus 3 SouthSchools
318997c9bTWCSD Bus 4Washoe County School District - Bus 4 Nixon / Pyramid LakeSchools
319007c9cTWCSD Maint 2Washoe County School District - Maintenance 2Schools
319017c9dTWCSD Bus 5Washoe County School District - Bus 5 Special EducationSchools
319027c9eTWCSD School 1902Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319037c9fTWCSD School 1903Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319077ca3TWCSD School 1907Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319087ca4TWCSD School 1908Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319097ca5TWCSD School 1909Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319107ca6TWCSD School 1910Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319117ca7TWCSD School 1911Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319127ca8TWCSD TruancyWashoe County School District - Truancy OfficersSchools
319137ca9TWCSD School 1913Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
319187caeTWCSD School 1918Washoe County School District - Individual School RadioSchools
North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
304817711TNLTFPD DispatchNorth Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District - Dispatch (154.235 Simulcast)Fire Dispatch
304827712TNLTFPD CommandNorth Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District - CommandFire-Tac
304837713TNLTFPD Tac 1North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District - Tac 1Fire-Tac
304847714TNLTFPD Tac 2North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District - Tac 2Fire-Tac
304857715TNLTFPD Tac 3North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District - Tac 3Fire-Tac
Pyramid Lake Fire Rescue EMS
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3037576a7TPLFR DispatchPyramid Lake Fire Rescue EMS - DispatchFire Dispatch
3037676a8TPLFR TacPyramid Lake Fire Rescue EMS - TacFire-Tac
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police

Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police are dispatched by Washoe County Sheriff on EDACS TG 02-026 (P25 TG 30278) WCSO Yellow.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3037276a4TPLPTPD DispatchPyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police - DispatchLaw Dispatch
3037376a5TPLPTPD Tac 1Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police - Tac 1Law Tac
3037476a6TPLPTPD Tac 2Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police - Tac 2Law Tac
Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3017475deTEMS Patch 1EMS Patch 1 to UHF MED ChannelsEMS-Talk
3017575dfTEMS Patch 2EMS Patch 2 to UHF MED ChannelsEMS-Talk
319057ca1TREMSA DispatchRegional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) DispatchEMS Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3040176c1TRFD Red DispReno Fire Dept - Red DispatchFire Dispatch
3040276c2TRFD OrangeReno Fire Dept - OrangeFire-Talk
3040376c3TRFD GoldReno Fire Dept - GoldFire-Talk
3040476c4TRFD SilverReno Fire Dept - SilverFire-Talk
3040576c5TRFD Tac 1Reno Fire Dept - Tac 1Fire-Tac
3040676c6TRFD Tac 2Reno Fire Dept - Tac 2Fire-Tac
3040776c7TRFD Tac 3Reno Fire Dept - Tac 3Fire-Tac
3040876c8TRFD PagingReno Fire Dept - PageoutFire Dispatch
3041276ccTRFD EventsReno Fire Dept - EventsFire-Talk
3041376cdTRFD BronzeReno Fire Dept - BronzeFire-Talk
3041476ceTRFD WhiteReno Fire Dept - WhiteFire-Talk
Reno Municipal Court
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
302947656TEReno MarshalsReno City MarshalsLaw Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
302617635TRPD All-CallReno Police Dept - AnnouncementsLaw Dispatch
302897651TRPD GreenReno Police Dept - Green Main DispatchLaw Dispatch
302907652TRPD YellowReno Police Dept - Yellow Secondary DispatchLaw Dispatch
302917653TRPD BrownReno Police Dept - BrownLaw Tac
302927654TRPD GrayReno Police Dept - GrayLaw Tac
302937655TRPD BlueReno Police Dept - Blue Unit to Unit TacLaw Tac
302957657TRPD Black 1Reno Police Dept - Black 1 Crowd ControlLaw Tac
302967658TRPD Black 2Reno Police Dept - Black 2Law Tac
30299765bTRPD WhiteReno Police Dept - WhiteLaw Tac
30301765dTRPD SWATReno Police Dept - SWATLaw Tac
30302765eTRPD Detectives 1Reno Police Dept - Detectives 1Law Talk
30303765fTERPD Detectives 2Reno Police Dept - Detectives 2 (ENC)Law Talk
304657701TRPD 03-101Reno Police Dept - TG 03-101Law Talk
304717707TRPD MotorsReno Police Dept - MotorcyclesLaw Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
316017b71TReno SecurityReno City Building Night SecurityPublic Works
316027b72TReno Streets 2Reno Streets 2Public Works
316037b73TReno Streets 3Reno Streets 3 - SweepersPublic Works
316047b74TReno Streets 4Reno Streets 4 - Signal MaintenancePublic Works
316057b75TReno Streets 5Reno Streets 5 - PaintingPublic Works
316067b76TReno Streets 6Reno Streets 6Public Works
316077b77TReno Streets 7Reno Streets 7 - Sewer & StormPublic Works
316087b78TReno Streets 8Reno Streets 8 - Sewer & StormPublic Works
316097b79TReno Streets 9Reno Streets 9 - Sewer & StormPublic Works
316107b7aTReno PW FleetReno PW FleetPublic Works
316177b81TReno Parks 2Reno Parks & Recreation 2Public Works
316187b82TReno Parks 3Reno Parks & Recreation 3Public Works
316197b83TReno Parks 4Reno Parks & Recreation 4Public Works
316207b84TReno Parks 5Reno Parks & Recreation 5Public Works
Reno Stead Airport
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
318177c49TReno Stead OpsReno Stead Airport OperationsPublic Works
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3036976a1TRSIC PD Tac 1Reno-Sparks Indian Colony - Police Tac 1Law Tac
3037076a2TRSIC PD Tac 2Reno-Sparks Indian Colony - Police Tac 2Law Tac
Reno-Tahoe International Airport
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
303377681TRTIA Police 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
303387682TRTIA Police 2Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Police 2Law Talk
303397683TRTIA Security 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Security 1Security
3044976f1TRTIA Fire 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
3045076f2TRTIA Fire 2Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Fire 2Fire-Tac
3045176f3TRTIA Fire Tac 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
3045276f4TRTIA Fire Tac 2Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
318097c41TRTIA Ops 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Operations 1Public Works
318107c42TRTIA Security 2Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Security 2Security
318117c43TRTIA Maint 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Maintenance 1Public Works
318127c44TRTIA Maint 2Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Building ServicesPublic Works
318137c45TRTIA Maint 3Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Building MaintenancePublic Works
318147c46TRTIA AirfieldReno-Tahoe International Airport - Airfield MaintenancePublic Works
318167c48TRTIA ParkingReno-Tahoe International Airport - ParkingPublic Works
318187c4aTRTIA Tac 1Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Tac 1Public Works
318197c4bTRTIA Tac 2Reno-Tahoe International Airport - Tac 2Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3041676d0TSFD PageoutSparks Fire Dept - PageoutFire Dispatch
3041776d1TSFD DispatchSparks Fire Dept - DispatchFire Dispatch
3041876d2TSFD Tac 1Sparks Fire Dept - Tac 1Fire-Tac
3041976d3TSFD Tac 2Sparks Fire Dept - Tac 2Fire-Tac
3042076d4TSFD Tac 3Sparks Fire Dept - Tac 3Fire-Tac
3042176d5TSFD Tac 4Sparks Fire Dept - Tac 4Fire-Tac
3042276d6TSFD Tac 5Sparks Fire Dept - Tac 5Fire-Tac
3042376d7TSFD PreventionSparks Fire Dept - Fire PreventionFire-Talk
3042476d8TSFD TrainingSparks Fire Dept - Training MainFire-Talk
3042576d9TSFD Training T1Sparks Fire Dept - Training Tac 1Fire-Talk
3042676daTSFD Training T2Sparks Fire Dept - Training Tac 2Fire-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
303047660TSPD Dispatch 3Sparks Police Dept - Dispatch 3Law Dispatch
303057661TSPD Dispatch 1Sparks Police Dept - Dispatch 1Law Dispatch
303067662TSPD Tac 1Sparks Police Dept - Tac 1Law Talk
303077663TSPD Tac 2Sparks Police Dept - Tac 2Law Tac
303087664TSPD Tac 3Sparks Police Dept - Tac 3Law Tac
303097665TSPD Tac 4Sparks Police Dept - Tac 4Law Tac
303107666TSPD Dispatch 2Sparks Police Dept - Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
303117667TSPD Detectives 1Sparks Police Dept - Detectives 1Law Talk
303127668TSPD Detectives 2Sparks Police Dept - Detectives 2Law Talk
303137669TSPD Detectives 3Sparks Police Dept - Detectives 3Law Talk
30314766aTSPD Detectives 4Sparks Police Dept - Detectives 4Law Talk
30315766bTSPD Detectives 5Sparks Police Dept - Detectives 5Law Talk
30316766cTSPD Event 1Sparks Police Dept - Event 1Law Talk
30317766dTSPD Event 2Sparks Police Dept - Event 2Law Talk
30318766eTSPD MarshalsSparks Police Dept - MarshalsLaw Talk
30319766fTSPD MotorcyclesSparks Police Dept - MotorcyclesLaw Talk
Sparks Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
316337b91TSparks StreetsSparks Streets DepartmentPublic Works
316347b92TSparks EngineerSparks Engineering DepartmentPublic Works
316357b93TSparks Inspectr1Sparks Building Inspectors 1Public Works
316367b94TSparks Inspectr2Sparks Building Inspectors 2Public Works
316377b95TSparks DevelopmtSparks City RedevelopmentPublic Works
Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
30367769fTTMCC EventsTruckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) Special EventsSchools
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD)

Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD) covers the unincorporated portions of southern Washoe County.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3043376e1TTMFPD DispatchTruckee Meadows FPD - Red DispatchFire Dispatch
3043476e2TTMFPD Command 1Truckee Meadows FPD - Command 1Fire-Tac
3043576e3TTMFPD Command 2Truckee Meadows FPD - Command 2Fire-Tac
3043676e4TTMFPD Tac 4Truckee Meadows FPD - Tac 4Fire-Tac
3043776e5TTMFPD Tac 5Truckee Meadows FPD - Tac 5Fire-Tac
3043876e6TTMFPD Tac 6Truckee Meadows FPD - Tac 6Fire-Tac
3043976e7TTMFPD SlideTruckee Meadows FPD - Slide Mountain (158.745)Fire Dispatch
3044076e8TTMFPD PeavineTruckee Meadows FPD - Peavine Mountain (158.745)Fire Dispatch
3044176e9TTMFPD VirginiaTruckee Meadows FPD - Virginia Peak (158.745)Fire Dispatch
3044276eaTTMFPD GerlachTruckee Meadows FPD - Gerlach (158.745)Fire Dispatch
3044376ebTTMFPD EventsTruckee Meadows FPD - EventsFire-Talk
3044476ecTTMFPD PreventionTruckee Meadows FPD - Fire PreventionFire-Talk
3044576edTTMFPD PagingTruckee Meadows FPD - Station PagingFire Dispatch
Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA)

Also see NV Energy TMWA EDACS TGs 07-062 (P25 TG 60946) and 07-064 (P25 TG 60948).

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
315827b5eTTMWA Channel-1Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) Channel-1Public Works
315837b5fTTMWA Channel-2Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) Channel-2Public Works
University of Nevada - Reno (UNR)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
30363769bTUNR PD Tac 1University of Nevada Reno - Police Tac 1Law Tac
30364769cTUNR PD Tac 2University of Nevada Reno - Police Tac 2Law Tac
Wadsworth Volunteer Fire Department
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3044776efTWadsworthVFDWadsworth Volunteer Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch