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Entity Entity Type
Washoe County Trunked Systems (22) Trunked
Washoe County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
Washoe County Category
Education Category
Utilities Category
Burning Man Attraction
Businesses Business Group
Casinos in Washoe County Business Group
Federal in Washoe County Federal
Reno Stead Airport (RTS) Aircraft / Airport
Reno-Tahoe International Airport (RNO) Aircraft / Airport


Washoe County

Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
Washoe County Sheriff operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.995KNBB763 B Washoe Page Washoe County Sheriff/Fire/Local Government Paging FMN Multi-Dispatch
155.985WNGZ318 RM 107.2 PL WCSO SWAT Washoe County S.W.A.T. and Bomb Squad FM Law Tac
460.025WPEP939 RM 107.2 PL WCSO Jails 1 Washoe County Detention Bureau (Jail Services) 1 FM Corrections
460.050WNMU729 RM 107.2 PL WCSO Jails 2 Washoe County Detention Bureau (Jail Services) 2 FM Corrections
Incline Village

Incline Village General Improvement District runs Diamond Peak Ski Resort and Incline Village Golf Course.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.435WPNT250 RM IV GID A Incline Village General Improvement District FM Public Works
153.050WPNT250 RM 023 DPL IV GID B Incline Village General Improvement District FM Public Works
153.620WPNP239 RM 136.5 PL IV GID Golf Incline Village General Improvement District - Golf Course FM Public Works
153.785KNIJ304 BM 173.8 PL Incline Village Incline Village Public Works FMN Public Works
154.235KGK541 B CSQ IV FD Dispatch North Lake Tahoe FPD - Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
154.490WPSK808 RM 136.5 PL Diamond Park Ski Incline Village Diamond Park Ski/Grooming FM Public Works
Local Government
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.2875WRTR447 M CC 3
TG 10
SL *
Nevada Cares 3 Nevada Cares Homeless Shelter Campus 3 DMR Public Works
452.7625WRTR447 M CC 4
TG 10
SL *
Nevada Cares 4 Nevada Cares Homeless Shelter Campus 4 DMR Public Works
464.075WPMW461 RM 371 DPL R-S Conv Center Reno-Sparks Convention Center (OLD) FM Business
464.750WPMW461 M 606 DPL R-S Conv Center Reno-Sparks Convention Center (OLD) FM Business
462.675 M 103.5 PL R-S Conv Center Reno-Sparks Convention Center - Event Security (GMRS675) FM Security
453.100WPXG576 RM 103.5 PL R-S Peavine Mtn Reno-Sparks Convention Center - Peavine Mtn FMN Public Works
453.1875WPUS563 RM CC 2
TG 8277600
SL *
R-S Conv Center Reno-Sparks Convention Center 2 DMR Public Works
453.775WPUS563 RM CC 3
TG 8277600
SL *
R-S Conv Center Reno-Sparks Convention Center 3 DMR Public Works
453.100WPUS563 RM CC 4
TG 8277600
SL *
R-S Conv Center Reno-Sparks Convention Center 4 DMR Public Works
452.450WNWJ964 RM Washoe Water Washoe Co Water Telemetry (Slide Mtn) Telm Public Works
North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.130WPMF290 RM NLTFD CalFire North Lake Tahoe FPD - CalFire FMN Law Tac
154.235KGK541 B CSQ NLTFD Dispatch North Lake Tahoe FPD - Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
154.310KGK541 BM 100.0 PL NLTFD Crew Net North Lake Tahoe FPD - Incline Crew Net FM Fire-Talk
Peavine Mountain (Reno) Tactical Crossband Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.070WQMN810 RM 156.7 PL NCALL1 Peavine VHF Interop Calling (Peavine Mountain) FMN Interop
153.875WQMN810 RM 156.7 PL NTAC10 Peavine VHF Interop Tactical (Peavine Mountain) FMN Interop
159.0825WQMN810 RM 156.7 PL NTAC20 Peavine VHF Interop Tactical (Peavine Mountain) FMN Interop
851.0125WQMF582 RM 156.7 PL 8CALL90 Peavine 800 Interop Calling (Peavine Mountain) FMN Interop
851.5125WQMF582 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC91 Peavine 800 Interop Tactical (Peavine Mountain) FMN Interop
852.0125WQMF582 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC92 Peavine 800 Interop Tactical (Peavine Mountain) FMN Interop
Poito Valley (NV-447 S of Empire) Tactical Crossband Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.070WQMN810 RM 156.7 PL NCALL1 PoitoVly VHF Interop Calling (Poito Valley) FMN Interop
158.760WQMN810 RM 156.7 PL NTAC15 PoitoVly VHF Interop Tactical (Poito Valley) FMN Interop
159.180WQMN810 RM 156.7 PL NTAC22 PoitoVly VHF Interop Tactical (Poito Valley) FMN Interop
851.0125WQMF582 RM 156.7 PL 8CALL90 PoitoVly 800 Interop Calling (Poito Valley) FMN Interop
852.5125WQMF582 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC93 PoitoVly 800 Interop Tactical (Poito Valley) FMN Interop
853.0125WQMF582 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC94 PoitoVly 800 Interop Tactical (Poito Valley) FMN Interop
Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) Health

REMSA Health also operates the Care Flight air medical service.

Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
REMSA also operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
131.450 BM CSQ Care Flight AM-1 Care Flight AM-1 AM Aircraft
131.675 BM CSQ Care Flight AM-2 Care Flight AM-2 AM Aircraft
156.075KB82490 M CSQ Care Flight A2G Care Flight Air-to-Ground (A2G) FM EMS-Tac
463.000KNBI401 RM 131.8 PL Med-1 CarsnTahoe REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-1) Carson Tahoe FM Hospital
463.025WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-2 VirginiaPk REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-2) Virginia Peak FM Hospital
463.050WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-3 EMS REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-3) FM Hospital
463.075WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-4 NNMC REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-4) NNMC FM Hospital
463.100WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-5 Careflight REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-5) Careflight FM Hospital
463.125WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-6 EMS REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-6) FM Hospital
463.150WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-7 St. Mary's REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-7) St. Mary's FM Hospital
463.175WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-8 Renown REMSA EMS to Hospital (Med-8) Renown FM Hospital
462.950WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-9 Dispatch REMSA EMS Dispatch (Med-9) FM Hospital
462.975WPAY325 RM 131.8 PL Med-10 Dispatch REMSA EMS Dispatch (Med-10) FM EMS Dispatch
151.490WQPH279 BM 271 DPL REACH Dispatch REACH Air Medical Dispatch (#56 Fixed Wing) FMN EMS Dispatch
152.870 BM 271 DPL REACH Dispatch REACH Air Medical Dispatch (Winnemucca Mtn) FMN EMS Dispatch
152.980 BM 271 DPL REACH Dispatch REACH Air Medical Dispatch (Elko Mountain) FMN EMS Dispatch
Regional Transportation Commission
Sierra Electronics (DT3)
DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max
The Regional Transportation Commission operates on this system.
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
The City of Reno operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.025WPOZ270 RM 179.9 PL STJSP 1 Ptl1 Parks and Recreation - Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program Ch. 1 Patrol FM Public Works
456.350WPOZ270 M STJSP 2 Grmr Parks and Recreation - Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program Ch. 2 Groomers FM Public Works
451.350WPOZ270 M STJSP 4 Ptl2 Parks and Recreation - Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program Ch. 4 Patrol Secondary FM Public Works
453.250WPIS466 RM 606 DPL RFD MDT's Reno Fire Dept - Fire Mobile Data Terminals FMN Data
158.880KNBB761 B RFD Gold Reno Fire Dept - Repeats Fire Gold Channel FM Fire-Tac
158.940KNBB762 B RFD Silver Reno Fire Dept - Repeats Fire Silver Channel FM Fire-Tac
Reno Hospitals
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.175WRWA904 RM CC 8
TG 8453
SL *
NNSMC Reno Northern Nevada Sierra Medical Center (6500 Longley Lane, Reno) DMR Hospital
461.4375WQRC518 RM CC 8
TG 33501
SL *
RRMC Reno Renown Regional Medical Center (NET with 464.0375) DMRE Hospital
451.425WQFQ526 RM 151.4 PL RRMC Main Renown Regional Medical Center - Main FM Hospital
453.800WPFP983 RM 754 DPL RRMC Maint Renown Regional Medical Center - Maintenance FM Hospital
152.0075KZM706 B 250.3 PL RRMC Paging Renown Regional Medical Center - Paging FM Hospital
460.525WNPR859 RM 131.8 PL RRMC PxEscrt Renown Regional Medical Center - Patient Escorts FM Hospital
453.975WQX839 RM 131.8 PL RRMC Securty Renown Regional Medical Center - Security FM Security
451.525WPNY920 RM 627 DPL RRMC Meadows Renown Regional Medical Center - South Meadows FM Hospital
464.0375WQRC518 RM CC 9
TG 33501
SL *
Renown South Renown South Meadows Medical Center (NET with 461.4375) DMRE Business
464.425 RM CC 2
TG 11104
SL *
SMRMC Custodial Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center - Custodial DMR Hospital
464.375 RM 82.5 PL SMRMC Hskpng Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center - Housekeeping FM Hospital
464.800 RM CC 4
TG 11102
SL *
SMRMC Maint Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center - Maintenance DMR Hospital
453.175 B SMRMC Paging Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center - Paging FM Hospital
451.350WQKV779 RM CC 1
TG 401
SL *
SMRMC Rooms Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center - Rooms DMR Hospital
464.425 RM CC 2
TG 11101
SL *
SMRMC Security Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center - Security DMR Security
Search & Rescue
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.160KLR261 M CSQ Orange National SAR/WOOF1 (Canine Team) FM Emergency Ops
123.100 M CSQ AirOpsPrimry Washoe Co SAR - Air Ops Primary AM Aircraft
122.650 M CSQ Air Ops 2ndy Washoe Co SAR - Air Ops Secondary AM Aircraft
154.950KRC649 M 107.2 PL Black Washoe Co SAR - Optional Secondary FM Emergency Ops
155.205KLR261 M 107.2 PL Red1 Washoe Co SAR - SAR Primary (SAR1 Mobile and Base) FM Emergency Ops
150.805KLR261 M 136.5 PL Red2 Washoe Co SAR - SAR2 Car to Car FM Emergency Ops
155.205KLR261 RM 107.2 PL Red VP Washoe Co SAR - Site 1 - Virginia Peak Repeater FM Emergency Ops
155.205KLR261 RM 107.2 PL Red SL Washoe Co SAR - Site 2 - Slide Mtn. Repeater FM Emergency Ops
155.205KLR261 RM 107.2 PL Red FX Washoe Co SAR - Site 3 - Fox Mtn. 1 Repeater FM Emergency Ops
154.725KRC657 RM CSQ Gold Washoe Co SAR - Site 4 - Fox Mtn. 2 Repeater FM Emergency Ops
166.375 RM CSQ BLMF Washoe Co SAR - Site 5 - BLM Fox Mtn. FM Emergency Ops
155.160KLR261 RM 107.2 PL ORRP Washoe Co SAR - Site 6 - Portable Repeater FM Emergency Ops
151.625 M CSQ Woof2 Washoe Co SAR - WOOF2 (Canine Team) FM Emergency Ops
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
The City of Sparks operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
156.000KON431 BM CSQ Sparks FD C-1 Sparks Fire Dept Cord-1 FMN Fire-Talk
155.895KON431 M CSQ Sparks FD C-2 Sparks Fire Dept Cord-2 FMN Fire-Talk
158.775KNEF671 BM CSQ Sparks FD F-1 Sparks Fire Dept F-1 FMN Fire-Talk
158.820KNEF671 BM CSQ Sparks FD F-2 Sparks Fire Dept F-2 FMN Fire-Talk
155.850KNEF671 BM CSQ Sparks FD F-3 Sparks Fire Dept F-3 FMN Fire-Talk
158.775KNEF671 RM CSQ Sparks FD Nugget Sparks Fire Dept Repeater (Nugget Casino Resort) FMN Fire-Talk
Sun Valley
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.970WQAR647 RM 114.8 PL Sun Valley Water Sun Valley Water Utility FM Utilities
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
Truckee Meadows FPD operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.940KNBB762 M TM FPD Com 1 Truckee Meadows FPD Command-1 FMN Fire-Tac
158.880KNBB761 M TM FPD Com 2 Truckee Meadows FPD Command-2 FMN Fire-Tac
158.745KYX265 RM 127.3 PL TM FPD Dispatch Truckee Meadows FPD Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
458.750KOF356 M TM FPD North 2 Truckee Meadows FPD North 2 FM Fire-Talk
458.750KOF356 M TM FPD North 3 Truckee Meadows FPD North 3 FM Fire-Talk
158.880KNBB761 BM 107.2 PL TM FPD Tac North Truckee Meadows FPD North Tac FM Fire-Tac
158.940KNBB762 BM 107.2 PL TM FPD Tac South Truckee Meadows FPD South Tac FM Fire-Tac
155.520KRC651 M TM FPD Tac 4 Truckee Meadows FPD Tactical 4 FMN Fire-Tac
Wadsworth Volunteer Fire Department
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
Wadsworth VFD operates on this system.


University of Nevada, Reno
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
University of Nevada, Reno operates on this system.
Sierra Electronics (CON)
DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)
Some University of Nevada, Reno operations may also be heard on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.600WQRE532 RM CC 10
TG 10350
SL *
UNR Escorts DMR University of Nevada, Reno - Student Escorts (DMR) DMR Security
451.600WQRE532 RM 103.5 PL UNR Escorts University of Nevada, Reno - Student Escorts FM Security
461.6875WQIT387 RM 265 DPL UNR Know Center University of Nevada, Reno - Knowledge Center FMN Schools
463.7875WQIB776 RM 073 DPL UNR JTSU University of Nevada, Reno - Jot Travis Student Union (JTSU) FM Schools
Washoe County School District
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
Washoe County School District security and schools operate on this system.
Washoe County School District NET
DMR Conventional Networked
Washoe County School District buses operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
460.125 M 100.0 PL School Radio School Radio FMN Schools
462.825 M 162.2 PL School Radio School Radio FMN Schools
462.925WRUH203 M 023 DPL Little Flower Little Flower Catholic School (1300 Casazza Dr, Reno) FMN Schools


Los Angeles Dept of Water and Power
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
48.360WPKF838 RM 110.9 PL LADWP VA Pk LA Dept Water and Power - Virginia Peak FM Public Works
Ormat Steamboat Power Plant (Reno)
Ormat Geothermal Power NET
DMR Conventional Networked
Ormat Geothermal Power operates on this system.
Southwest Gas
Southwest Gas DT3
DMR Tier 3 Capacity Max
This new Southwest Gas radio system is coming online (2024).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.1025WPPA749 RM 114.8 PL SW Gas Slide 1 Southwest Gas - Slide Mtn 1 Base FM Utilities
153.3425WPQB639 RM 141.3 PL SW Gas Slide 2 Southwest Gas - Slide Mtn 2 Carson Dispatch FM Utilities
153.4775WPOY998 RM 173.8 PL SW Gas Slide 6 Southwest Gas - Slide Mtn 6 Gas Ops FM Utilities
Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.225KNCP974 RM 116 DPL TM Water 2 Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility 2 FM Utilities
453.425KNCP974 RM 123.0 PL TM Water 1 Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility 1 FM Utilities