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Entity Entity Type
Clark County Trunked Systems (117) Trunked
Clark County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
Clark County Category
Education Category
Federal in Clark County Category
Utilities Category
Attractions Business Group
Businesses Business Group
Harry Reid International Airport (LAS) Aircraft / Airport
Las Vegas Area Casinos and Hotels Business Group
Laughlin Area Casinos and Businesses Business Group
Mesquite Area Casinos and Businesses Business Group
Other Clark County Airports Aircraft / Airport


Clark County

Boulder City
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Boulder City Police and Fire operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.040KAY987 RM BC Public Works Boulder City Public Works FMN Public Works
Clark County Fire Department
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Clark County Fire Department operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.370WPZX792 BM 146.2 PL CCFD Roll Call CCFD - All Station Roll Call FMN Fire-Tac
154.340KXC923 RM 103.5 PL CCFD Rural 7 MP CCFD Rural Fire 7 Dispatch (Mount Potosi) and Simplex (Direct) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.340WPWT282 RM 162.2 PL CCFD Rural 7 VP CCFD Rural Fire 7 Dispatch (Virgin Peak) FMN Fire Dispatch
159.030KDV973 RM CCFD Rural 71 CCFD Rural Fire 71 Dispatch - Bunkerville (both 162.2 and 192.8 PL tones logged) FMN Fire Dispatch
150.995WPMX402 RM 118.8 PL CCFD Rural 75 CCFD Rural Fire 75 Dispatch - Searchlight FMN Fire Dispatch
158.970WNHR805 RM 131.8 PL CCFD Rural 8 GP CCFD Rural Fire 8 Dispatch (Gass Peak) and Simplex (Direct) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.400WNGZ671 RM 131.8 PL CCFD Rural 8 IS CCFD Rural Fire 8 Dispatch (Indian Springs) FMN Fire Dispatch
152.0075KNAK503 B 71.9 PL CCFD Rural Page CCFD Rural Fire Paging FM Fire Dispatch
154.430KDV973 B 123.0 PL CCFD Rural Page CCFD Rural Fire Paging - Las Vegas Valley rebroadcast of Fire 7 FM Fire Dispatch
Clark County Local Government
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Clark County Local Government operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.940 RM 103.5 PL ClarkCoEMA Clark County Emergency Management FMN Emergency Ops
460.075WPWI636 RM 94.8 PL ClarkCo Just Ctr Clark County Regional Justice Center Security FMN Security
158.880WNFA934 RM 411 DPL ClarkCoDetention Clark County Detention Center FMN Corrections
154.055WPHJ895 RM 703 DPL ClarkCoJuv Det Clark County Juvenile Detention FMN Corrections
453.100WPWI636 RM 167.9 PL Juv Detention Clark County Juvenile Detention Center FMN Corrections
154.100 BM ClarkCoDPW Clark County Public Works FMN Public Works
453.350WPWI636 RM CC 15
TG 50
SL *
Shooting Complex Clark County Shooting Complex (11357 N. Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas) DMR Public Works
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Henderson Police and Fire operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
855.4875WQVU980 RM 065 DPL Hndrsn Detention Henderson Detention Center FMN Corrections
Las Vegas City Marshals

Las Vegas City Marshals provide law enforcement services in buildings, land and real property owned, leased, or controlled by the city of Las Vegas.

Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Las Vegas City Marshals operate on this system.
Las Vegas Fire Department
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Las Vegas Fire Department operates on this system.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Project 25 Phase II
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department provides law enforcement services for all of Clark County, including the City of Las Vegas, and operates on this fully encrypted system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.790WNHR805 RM 77.0 PL LVMPD 9 Admin LVMPD Ch 9 - Administration FM Law Tac
158.850WPWH976 RM 173.8 PL LVMPD 9 Rural LVMPD Rural Administration (repeat of 158.790) FMN Law Tac
159.135WNXP249 RM 223 DPL LVMPD 10 Tac 1 LVMPD Ch 10 - Tactical 1 FM Law Tac
153.965WPUK341 M 411 DPL LVMPD 12 Car/Car LVMPD Ch 12 - Car-to-Car FM Law Tac
154.770WQCY262 BM 77.0 PL LVMPD Info AP LVMPD Metro Info (Arden Peak) FMN Interop
159.150WNHR805 RM 77.0 PL LVMPD Info GP LVMPD Metro Info (Gass Peak) FMN Interop
851.375WPQF978 RM 065 DPL LVMPD Info 800 LVMPD Metro Info (800 MHz) FMN Interop
153.995WQY234 RM 311 DPL LVMPD VHF MAC LVMPD VHF MAC (Countywide: Angel, Frenchman, Glendale, Potosi, Xmas Tree) FMN Interop
155.595WPEP710 M 173.8 PL LVMPD Tactical LVMPD Tactical Simplex FM Law Tac
156.030KZH905 BM CSQ LVMPD Helo/SAR LVMPD Helicopter Ops and Search and Rescue (SAR) FMN Law Tac
152.7275 BM 173.8 PL LVMPD STR Main LVMPD Specialty Traffic Response - Main FMN Law Talk
153.965WPUK341 BM 411 DPL LVMPD STR MtChar LVMPD Specialty Traffic Response - Mt. Charleston FMN Law Talk
155.145WPYV858 BM 203.5 PL LVMPD TacticalX LVMPD input to 8CALL90 (851.0125) Tactical Crossband Repeater (tested nightly by HPD) FMN Law Talk
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Countywide I-Call
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.145WPYV858 RM 203.5 PL 155.145 ClarkCo Interop Calling - Clark County (linked to 851.0125 8CALL90 156.7 PL) FMN Interop
154.265WPYV858 RM 156.7 PL VFIRE22 PotoVirg Interop VFIRE22 - Mount Potosi and Virgin Peak (linked to 851.5125 8TAC91 156.7 PL) FMN Interop
154.280WPYV858 RM 156.7 PL VFIRE21 Arden Pk Interop VFIRE21 - Arden Peak (linked to 852.0125 8TAC92 156.7 PL) FMN Interop
154.295WPYV858 RM 156.7 PL VFIRE23AngelXmas Interop VFIRE23 - Angel Peak and Spirit Mountain (linked to 852.5125 8TAC93 156.7 PL) FMN Interop
156.075WPYV858 RM 156.7 PL 156.075 Sunrise Interop 156.075 - Frenchman Mountain (linked to 853.0125 8TAC94 156.7 PL) FMN Interop
Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Las Vegas Paiute Tribal Police operate on this system.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Project 25 Phase II
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) provides law enforcement for Laughlin.
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Clark County Fire Department serves Laughlin.
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Project 25 Phase II
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) provides law enforcement for Mesquite.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.845WNFL592 BM 131.8 PL Mesquite PD Mesquite Police Dispatch (OLD) FME Law Dispatch
155.400WQFM449 BM 71.9 PL Mesquite FD Mesquite Fire Dispatch FM Fire Dispatch
154.415WNSP721 RM CSQ Mesquite FTac Mesquite Fire Tactical FM Fire-Tac
153.755WNML829 RM 123.0 PL Mesquite PW Mesquite Public Works FMN Public Works
451.2375WRVK964 RM CC 5
TG 148
SL *
Virgin Valley HS CCSD Virgin Valley High School (820 Valley View Dr, Mesquite, NV) DMR Schools
460.2625WPPV768 RM CC 13
TG *
SL *
CCSD Mesquite CCSD Mesquite School Buses DMR Schools
Moapa Valley Fire District
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Project 25 Phase II
Moapa Valley Fire District operates on this system.
North Las Vegas
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
North Las Vegas Police and Fire operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.525WQAQ380 RM CSQ NLV Data North Las Vegas MDT Data FM Data
Other Agencies in Clark County
San Bernardino County
Project 25 Phase I
The San Bernardino County CA public safety P25 system has two sites in southern Clark County (Nipton by I-15 and Spirit Mountain along US-95).
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.905KWV446 RM 100.0 PL ADOT Enforcement AZ DOT Motor Carrier Enforcement (Spirit Mountain, Bullhead City) FMN Law Dispatch
155.640KOE293 RM 192.8 PL MCSO Channel 2 Mohave County AZ Sheriff - River Valley (Spirit Mountain, Bullhead City) FMN Law Dispatch
460.475KWV446 RM 100.0 PL DPS D1 KING AZ DPS Highway Patrol Dist 01 Kingman (Spirit Mountain, Bullhead City) FMN Law Dispatch
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Project 25 Phase II
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) provides law enforcement for Primm.
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Clark County Fire Department serves Primm.
Regional Transportation Commission
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
The Regional Transportation Commission operates public transit on this system.
Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD)
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.5375WQUV218 M 023 DPL SNAMHS Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services (6161 W Charleston Blvd) FMN Hospital
Beacon Hill (I-15 NE of Glendale) Tactical Crossband Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.420WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NCALL3 BeconHil VHF Interop Calling (Beacon Hill) FMN Interop
151.205WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NTAC01 BeconHil VHF Interop Tactical (Beacon Hill) FMN Interop
151.430WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NTAC07 BeconHil VHF Interop Tactical (Beacon Hill) FMN Interop
851.0125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8CALL90 BeconHil 800 Interop Calling (Beacon Hill) FMN Interop
852.5125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC93 BeconHil 800 Interop Tactical (Beacon Hill) FMN Interop
853.0125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC94 BeconHil 800 Interop Tactical (Beacon Hill) FMN Interop
Frenchman Mountain (Las Vegas) Tactical Crossband Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.085WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NCALL4 Frenchmn VHF Interop Calling (Frenchman Mountain) FMN Interop
153.785WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NTAC08 Frenchmn VHF Interop Tactical (Frenchman Mountain) FMN Interop
159.045WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NTAC17 Frenchmn VHF Interop Tactical (Frenchman Mountain) FMN Interop
851.0125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8CALL90 Frenchmn 800 Interop Calling (Frenchman Mountain) FMN Interop
851.5125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC91 Frenchmn 800 Interop Tactical (Frenchman Mountain) FMN Interop
853.0125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC94 Frenchmn 800 Interop Tactical (Frenchman Mountain) FMN Interop
Mesquite (I-15 at AZ border) Tactical Crossband Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.420WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NCALL3 Mesquite VHF Interop Calling (Mesquite) FMN Interop
159.180WQNL837 RM 156.7 PL NTAC22 Mesquite VHF Interop Tactical (Mesquite) FMN Interop
851.0125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8CALL90 Mesquite 800 Interop Calling (Mesquite) FMN Interop
851.5125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC91 Mesquite 800 Interop Tactical (Mesquite) FMN Interop
852.0125WQMF574 RM 156.7 PL 8TAC92 Mesquite 800 Interop Tactical (Mesquite) FMN Interop


Clark County School District (CCSD)
Clark County School District CAP
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Clark County School District school buses operate on this encrypted system.
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Clark County School District Police operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.520 RM 67.0 PL Basic Academy CCSD Basic Academy of International Studies (400 Palo Verde Dr, Henderson) FM Schools
452.7875WQZT331 M 136.5 PL Mathis ES CCSD Beverly Mathis Elementary School (7950 Arville St, Las Vegas) FMN Schools
463.8125WRCE365 RM CC 5
TG 200
SL *
CW Woodbury MS CCSD C W Woodbury Middle School (3875 E Harmon Ave, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
464.0375WQPM737 RM 532 DPL Del Sol HS CCSD Del Sol Academy of the Performing Arts (3100 E Patrick Ln, Las Vegas) FMN Schools
463.200WQLE855 RM 250.3 PL Clark HS CCSD Ed W. Clark High School (4291 Pennwood Ave, Las Vegas) FMN Schools
452.200WQPH337 RM CC 3
TG 10
SL *
CCSD Food CCSD Food Services (6350 E. Tropical Parkway, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.950WRUN215 RM CC 4
TG 300
SL *
Gene Ward ES CCSD Gene Ward Elementary School (1555 E Hacienda Ave, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.5625WRDP707 RM CC 14
TG 555
SL *
Griffith ES 1 CCSD Griffith Elementary School (324 Essex E Dr, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.5625WRDP707 RM CC 14
TG 556
SL *
Griffith ES 2 CCSD Griffith Elementary School (324 Essex E Dr, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
464.075WRNT824 RM CC 3
TG 131
SL *
Hannah Brown ES CCSD Hannah Marie Brown Elementary School (10 Chapata Dr, Henderson) DMR Schools
452.675WRUB733 RM CC 5
TG 20
SL *
Harmon ES 2 CCSD Harley A. Harmon Elementary School (5351 Hillsboro Ln, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
452.675WRUB733 RM CC 5
TG 10
SL *
Harmon ES 1 CCSD Harley A. Harmon Elementary School (5351 Hillsboro Ln, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
452.000WRFN219 RM CC 3
TG 1
SL *
JD Smith MS CCSD J D Smith Middle School (1880 E Stanley Ave, North Las Vegas) DMR Schools
463.4125WRDR464 RM CC 13
TG 817
SL *
Ullom ES CCSD James Madison Ullom Elementary School DMR Schools
452.7875WQZT406 M 136.5 PL Blackhurst ES CCSD Jones Blackhurst Elementary School (11141 S Pioneer Way, Las Vegas) FMN Schools
463.500WRMZ794 RM CC 1
TG 201
SL *
Hoggard ES CCSD Mabel Hoggard Elementary School (950 N Tonopah Dr, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.800WRUR277 RM CC 5
TG 10
SL *
Mojave HS 1 CCSD Mojave High School (5302 N Goldfield St, North Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.800WRUR277 RM CC 5
TG 20
SL *
Mojave HS 2 CCSD Mojave High School (5302 N Goldfield St, North Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.3875WQQE410 RM 233.6 PL Learning Acad CCSD Nevada Learning Academy at CCSD (3050 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas) FMN Schools
462.125 BM 69.3 PL Gragson ES CCSD Oran K. Gragson Elementary School (555 N Honolulu St) FMN Schools
462.150WSCT650 RM CC 4
TG 100
SL *
Ruby Thomas ES CCSD Ruby S. Thomas Elementary School (1560 Cherokee Ln, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
451.9625 M CC 9
TG 786
SL *
CCSD SchoolRadio CCSD School Radio (multiple school locations) DMR Schools
463.2125WQLE344 RM CC 1
TG 2
SL *
Veterans CTA 2 CCSD Veterans Tribute Career and Technical Academy (2531 Vegas Dr, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
463.2125WQLE344 RM CC 1
TG 1
SL *
Veterans CTA 1 CCSD Veterans Tribute Career and Technical Academy (2531 Vegas Dr, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.950WRJE209 RM CC 12
TG 110
SL *
Wasden ES CCSD Wasden Elementary School (2831 Palomino Ln, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
461.6375WQWN468 RM CC 11
TG 1
SL *
West Prep Acad CCSD West Preparatory Academy (2050 Sapphire Stone Ave, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
463.300WQNK266 RM CC 5
TG 100
SL *
Western HS CCSD Western High School (4601 W Bonanza Rd, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
463.2125WRNY383 RM CC 4
TG 784
SL *
Ferron ES CCSD William E. Ferron Elementary School (4200 S Mountain Vista Street, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
College of Southern Nevada (CSN)
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
The College of Southern Nevada (CSN) operates on this system.
Private Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.150WQWL514 RM CC 13
TG 13
SL *
Meadows School The Meadows School PreK-12 (8601 Scholar Ln, Summerlin) DMR Schools
461.8125WRFD540 RM CC 14
TG 200
SL *
Pinecrest Acad Pinecrest Academy Sloan Canyon 675 E Dale, Henderson) DMR Schools
463.2625WQIG964 RM CC 7
TG 100
SL *
NorthwestAcademy Northwest Career and Technical Academy (8200 W Tropical Pkwy, Las Vegas) DMR Schools
University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV)
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
The University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) Police Department operates on this system.
Thomas and Mack Center LTR (UNLV)
LTR Standard
The UNLV Thomas and Mack Center operates on this system.
University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV)
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)
The University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) also operates on this system.

Federal in Clark County

Creech Air Force Base
Nellis/Creech Air Force Base
Project 25 Phase I
Creech Air Force Base (located near Indian Springs, NV) operates on this system.
Federal Agencies
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
167.2125 RM 167 NAC FBI LV Ops 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation Las Vegas Operations P25E Federal
167.2625 RM 167 NAC FBI LV Ops 2 Federal Bureau of Investigation Las Vegas Operations P25E Federal
167.4375 RM 167 NAC FBI LV Ops 3 Federal Bureau of Investigation Las Vegas Operations P25E Federal
409.400 RM 940 NAC FPS LasVegas Federal Protective Service Las Vegas Operations P25 Federal
172.5875 RM 4F9 NAC BLM Potosi Mtn Interagency Law Enforcement Dispatch (Potosi Mountain) P25 Federal
169.625 RM 68F NAC LE LowerBasinP25 Lake Mead Law Net - Lower Basin P25 (see NV Federal section for additional entries) P25 Federal
406.7375 RM 02E NAC TSA LAS Airport Transportation Security Administration Harry Reid Airport Operations P25e Federal
Nellis Air Force Base
Nellis/Creech Air Force Base
Project 25 Phase I
Nellis Air Force Base (located adjacent to North Las Vegas) operates on this system.
United States Postal Service
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
406.9375 RM CC 1
TG 1
SL *
LV Mail Ctr 1 Las Vegas Bulk Mail Center (Sunset Road) 1 DMR Federal
406.9375 RM CC 1
TG 2
SL *
LV Mail Ctr 2 Las Vegas Bulk Mail Center (Sunset Road) 2 DMR Federal
407.9375 RM CC 1
TG 3
SL *
LV Mail Ctr 3 Las Vegas Bulk Mail Center (Sunset Road) 3 DMR Federal
407.9375 RM CC 1
TG 4
SL *
LV Mail Ctr 4 Las Vegas Bulk Mail Center (Sunset Road) 4 DMR Federal
VA Southern Nevada Las Vegas Hospital
VA Southern Nevada Las Vegas Hospital
Project 25 Phase I
The VA Southern Nevada Las Vegas Hospital (located in North Las Vegas) operates on this system.


Las Vegas Valley Water District
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Las Vegas Valley Water District operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.325WQRV780 RM 263 DPL LV Wastewater City of Las Vegas Water Pollution Control Facility (wastewater treatment) FMN Utilities
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California CONNECT+ system extends into Clark County.
Nevada Energy
Nevada Energy VHF DMR NET
DMR Conventional Networked
Nevada Energy Las Vegas Generating Station operates on this system.
Nevada Shared Radio System
EDACS Networked Standard
Nevada Energy operates statewide on this system.
Nevada Shared Radio System (P25)
Project 25 Phase II
Nevada Energy is transitioning operations to this new (under construction) statewide P25 system.
Overton Power District #5 (Mesquite)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.625WQGI837 RM CSQ Overton Pwr 5 Overton Power District #5 Operations FMN Utilities
Saguaro Power Company (Henderson)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.975WQKV313 RM CC 3
TG 1
SL *
Saguaro Power Saguaro Power Company (Natural Gas Power Plant) DMR Utilities
Southern California Edison
Southern California Edison
Project 25 Phase II
Southern California Edison electricity company P25 system extends into Clark County.
Southern Nevada Water Authority
Southern Nevada Area Communications Council (SNACC)
Project 25 Phase I
Southern Nevada Water Authority operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.025KNDC805 RM 203.5 PL SNWA Las Vegas Southern Nevada Water Authority Reclamation Facilities (Las Vegas) FMN Utilities
155.745KNDC805 RM 023 DPL SNWA Boulder Southern Nevada Water Authority Reclamation Facilities (Boulder City) FMN Utilities
Southwest Gas
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.635WNJQ957 RM 151.4 PL SW Nat Gas BlkMt Southwest Gas - Black Mountain FMN Utilities
153.695WNMM458 RM 151.4 PL SW Nat Gas Sunrs Southwest Gas - Frenchman Mountain FMN Utilities
153.3425WQEN578 BM SW Gas Laughlin Southwest Gas - Laughlin FM Utilities
153.035WNMM458 RM 151.4 PL SW Nat Gas SprMt Southwest Gas - Spring Mountain Road FMN Utilities