Clark County / Clark County

Subcategory: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

Unique DB ID: 8930
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Project 25 Phase II
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department provides law enforcement services for all of Clark County, including the City of Las Vegas, and operates on this fully encrypted system.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 36.05000 Longitude: -114.95000 Range: 75 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.790WNHR805 RM 77.0 PL LVMPD 9 Admin LVMPD Ch 9 - Administration FM Law Tac
158.850WPWH976 RM 173.8 PL LVMPD 9 Rural LVMPD Rural Administration (repeat of 158.790) FMN Law Tac
159.135WNXP249 RM 223 DPL LVMPD 10 Tac 1 LVMPD Ch 10 - Tactical 1 FM Law Tac
153.965WPUK341 M 411 DPL LVMPD 12 Car/Car LVMPD Ch 12 - Car-to-Car FM Law Tac
154.770WQCY262 BM 77.0 PL LVMPD Info AP LVMPD Metro Info (Arden Peak) FMN Interop
159.150WNHR805 RM 77.0 PL LVMPD Info GP LVMPD Metro Info (Gass Peak) FMN Interop
851.375WPQF978 RM 065 DPL LVMPD Info 800 LVMPD Metro Info (800 MHz) FMN Interop
153.995WQY234 RM 311 DPL LVMPD VHF MAC LVMPD VHF MAC (Countywide: Angel, Frenchman, Glendale, Potosi, Xmas Tree) FMN Interop
155.595WPEP710 M 173.8 PL LVMPD Tactical LVMPD Tactical Simplex FM Law Tac
156.030KZH905 BM CSQ LVMPD Helo/SAR LVMPD Helicopter Ops and Search and Rescue (SAR) FMN Law Tac
152.7275 BM 173.8 PL LVMPD STR Main LVMPD Specialty Traffic Response - Main FMN Law Talk
153.965WPUK341 BM 411 DPL LVMPD STR MtChar LVMPD Specialty Traffic Response - Mt. Charleston FMN Law Talk
155.145WPYV858 BM 203.5 PL LVMPD TacticalX LVMPD input to 8CALL90 (851.0125) Tactical Crossband Repeater (tested nightly by HPD) FMN Law Talk