System Name: FleetTalk Carolinas
Location: Various, GA NC SC VA
County: 77 Counties
System Type: NXDN NEXEDGE 4800
System Voice: NXDN Digital
System ID: HEX: DB DEC: 219
Last Updated: January 31, 2025, 05:39 am UTC   [Changed Site # 202 (Hearst Tower) to 202 (Truist Center)]
System Notes

This system is a NEXEDGE48 system operated by various providers in several states including New York, Virginia, N Carolina, S Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, and the Midwest. More info can be found here and a coverage map can be found here

It is/may be connected with the other various systems in the following states:

Florida system:

Georgia system: 

Tennessee system:

Site numbers will be as shown below to indicate which specific system the site belongs to. Note that this format is not exactly consistent with site information as shown by some decoding software packages or radios.

North Carolina North Central and Viginia System: Site 1xx

North Carolina South Central System (includes Charlotte and surrounding areas): Site 2xx

South Carolina Midlands: Site 3xx

South Carolina Upstate: Site 4xx

South Carolina Lowcountry/Pee Dee: Site 5xx

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
101 (65) Fishers Peak Surry, NC 452.4625c      
102 (66) Hillsborough Orange, NC 454.3375c      
103 (67) Chestnut Knob Henry, VA 452.0125c      
104 (68) Pores Knob Wilkes, NC 461.4125462.0875463.4875c    
107 (6B) Phoenix Mtn Ashe, NC 464.8125c      
108 (6C) Sauratown Mtn Stokes, NC 451.850451.950c461.3875462.0625464.7875  
109 (6D) Green Mountain Alleghany, NC 451.3625c451.5125452.0375452.2125452.6625  
110 (6E) Randleman Randolph, NC 452.3375c461.750461.8875461.1375463.8875  
111 (6F) GMAC Building Forsyth, NC 461.5125462.1625463.4125464.8875c   
112 (70) Fancy Gap Carroll, VA 461.4375c461.6875462.425    
113 (71) Greensboro Guilford, NC 451.1625451.575451.825c    
114 (72) Cane Mountain Alamance, NC 464.6125c      
115 (73) Point Lookout Mtn Grayson, VA 461.525c      
116 (74) Guilford Guilford, NC 454.625c      
117 (75) High Point Guilford, NC 451.125c      
118 (76) Sugar Mtn Avery, NC 464.425c      
119 (77) Carrboro Orange, NC 461.800c464.3625464.725    
120 (78) Pocahontas Tazewell, VA 464.3375c      
121 (79) Robbins Moore, NC 451.025c      
122 (7A) Winston-Salem Forsyth, NC 464.775c      
123 (7B) Cedar Rock Randolph, NC 461.475c462.1125463.8125464.950   
124 (7C) Broadway Harnett, NC 452.675c      
125 (7D) Springville Tazewell, VA 452.475c      
126 (7E) Tazewell Tazewell, VA 451.600c      
127 (7F) Honaker Buchanan, VA 451.025c452.3375461.425463.625464.1125  
128 (80) Liberty Hill Montgomery, NC 451.150c      
129 (81) Raleigh area Wake, NC 451.1125c      
130 (82) West End Moore, NC 464.250c      
201 (C9) Orr Rd Mecklenburg, NC 451.500451.600c451.775452.500463.200  
202 (CA) Truist Center Mecklenburg, NC 461.9875c463.9375464.275    
203 (CB) CHS Stanly Stanly, NC 451.325c      
204 (CC) Rock Hill York, SC 452.675461.125c461.200461.7625463.350463.8875 
205 (CD) South Charlotte Mecklenburg, NC 451.525461.675462.0375462.7375c463.300463.8625464.325
206 (CE) Anderson Mountain Catawba, NC 463.3125463.800464.9625c    
207 (CF) China Grove Rowan, NC 461.650c461.825461.950463.575c463.675463.875 
208 (D0) Monroe Union, NC 451.275451.8375452.825    
209 (D1) Salisbury Rowan, NC 464.4625c      
210 (D2) Clover York, SC 451.375c451.675     
211 (D3) Site 11 Haywood, NC 451.0125c      
212 (D4) Lilesville Anson, NC 453.0125c      
212 (D4) Gaston Hospital Gaston, NC 460.125461.525462.200463.3375   
213 (D5) CMC Main Mecklenburg, NC 460.350c      
214 (D6) CMC Mercy Mecklenburg, NC 461.725463.650464.2875c464.925   
215 (D7) CHS NorthEast Cabarrus, NC 463.6875c      
216 (D8) CHS University Mecklenburg, NC 452.350463.5625463.975c    
217 (D9) CHS Pineville Mecklenburg, NC 462.275463.650464.3375c    
218 (DA) CHS Lincoln Lincoln, NC 461.6625c462.125463.3875    
219 (DB) CHS Waxhaw Union, NC 463.7375464.000c464.9125    
220 (DC) CHS Union Union, NC 451.8375461.5375c462.1125463.3875464.9625  
221 (DD) CMC Kings Mtn Cleveland, NC 451.0625c      
222 (DE) CMC Cleveland Cleveland, NC 451.1375c      
223 (DF) Fort Mill York, SC 463.225463.5125c463.775    
224 (E0) Fort Mill York, SC 461.4875461.8125c462.1375463.4375   
225 (E1) Newport York, SC 461.9625c464.2125464.4125464.725   
229 (E5) Kings Mountain Cleveland, NC 451.575452.200452.850460.0875c461.075461.375462.100
301 (12D) Columbia Richland, SC 451.225452.000452.875461.300462.1625463.3375463.5625
302 (12E) Little Mountain Newberry, SC 451.325451.9875c452.025452.3375464.225464.5875464.7375
304 (130) Edgefield Edgefield, SC 461.6125463.2625c463.7875464.3375464.8625  
305 (131) Montmorenci Aiken, SC 451.900452.225461.500461.700463.8875c  
307 (133) North Augusta Aiken, SC 451.0375452.725461.150461.950462.000463.225464.0625c
308 (134) Columbia Benedict Richland, SC 462.0875c      
309 (135) Richburg Chester, SC 461.7875c462.050463.900464.150464.850  
311 (137) Pageland Chesterfield, SC 451.0375c      
312 (138) Ridge Spring Saluda, SC 451.150c451.750452.100452.475452.550452.975 
318 (13E) West Saluda Edgefield, SC 451.0625451.400451.825452.225452.2625c452.600453.000
319 (13F) Winnsboro Fairfield, SC 451.0625c451.400451.750451.975461.875464.425 
320 (140) Wallace Marlboro, SC 451.200c451.475451.8875    
321 (141) Chester Chester, SC 451.350451.7875c452.100452.425   
322 (142) Shelton Fairfield, SC 451.175c451.425451.675452.350   
324 (144) Ridgeway Fairfield, SC 451.300452.0125c452.450461.450461.900463.400 
325 (145) East Saulda Saluda, SC 451.8625452.125452.4375c461.4375461.7375463.2125 
326 (146) N Columbia Richland, SC 451.7125453.3625461.375461.7125463.2875c463.5875463.9875
327 (147) Gilbert Lexington, SC 451.500452.550461.5125461.9125462.1125463.550c464.4375
403 (193) Abbeville Abbeville, SC 451.200451.8375452.400452.4625461.8125c463.5375463.9375
404 (194) Glassy Mountain Pickens, SC 460.025c461.050461.100461.6875461.800462.200462.425
405 (195) Townville Anderson, SC 460.900c461.550462.000462.5125463.200463.700 
406 (196) Six Mile Pickens, SC 452.4375452.650453.000c461.225462.050463.350464.0875
407 (197) Gaffney Cherokee, SC 453.5625c453.925463.6375464.150464.575464.925 
408 (198) Blacksburg Cherokee, SC 451.700452.125461.425462.1625c463.250463.750464.6875
409 (199) Anderson Anderson, SC 452.075452.600461.000c461.5125463.7375464.750 
410 (19A) Caesars Head Greenville, SC 451.375451.825452.3875452.9125c461.025461.600462.075
411 (19B) Simpsonville Greenville, SC 451.925452.700461.200451.975462.475461.750 
412 (19C) Long Mountain Oconee, SC 461.875463.65625463.9625c    
413 (19D) Clinton Laurens, SC 451.1625c461.7125464.475    
414 (19E) Anderson Anderson, SC 452.150452.750462.0625c    
415 (19F) Paris Mtn Greenville, SC 461.175461.350461.700462.125462.225463.2375463.375
416 (1A0) Union Union, SC 452.4625c463.5875463.9875    
417 (1A1) Thicketty Mtn Cherokee, SC 451.400452.225452.6625461.250462.400463.2875463.7725
418 (1A2) Draytonville Cherokee, SC 461.225461.675463.2125464.025464.475464.8625c 
420 (1A4) Spartanburg Spartanburg, SC 460.950c461.225462.050462.500463.225464.6125 
423 (1A7) Greenwood Greenwood, SC 451.725461.8625463.3375463.8625463.8875464.150464.8375c
424 (1A8) Donalds Abbeville, SC 451.1125451.125451.550451.625452.050462.5375462.7375c
425 (1A9) Easley Pickens, SC 451.275451.500451.900460.075c460.125461.300461.400
428 (1AC) York York, SC 451.0125c451.475452.250452.975   
430 (1AE) Sharon York, SC 461.025462.5375c463.625    
501 (1F5) Walterboro Colleton, SC 461.625462.050c462.475463.325   
502 (1F6) Hampton Hampton, SC 451.750452.4375c463.500    
503 (1F7) Sumter Sumter, SC 462.0625463.2625c     
504 (1F8) Florence Florence, SC 451.2625c451.500451.700452.375   
505 (1F9) Charleston Charleston, SC 461.6375c      
506 (1FA) St George Dorchester, SC 451.2125c452.575461.025463.775464.475  
507 (1FB) Myrtle Beach Horry, SC 451.0125c462.475463.250    
508 (1FC) St Matthews Calhoun, SC 464.200      
509 (1FD) Kingstree Williamsburg, SC 452.2125c461.6375c463.650    
513 (201) Adrian Horry, SC 460.925c462.1375463.7625    
515 (203) Supply Brunswick, NC 451.150451.600c452.475    
517 (205) Wedgefield Sumter, SC 461.8875c462.075463.9375464.4125   
524 (20C) Summerville Dorchester, SC 451.250c      
525 (20D) Hamer/Dillon Dillon, SC 451.5625c      
526 (20E) Hardeeville Jasper, SC 451.1625c463.625463.850    
527 (20F) Savannah Chatham, GA 451.0125460.975c462.7375    
528 (210) Orangeburg Orangeburg, SC 451.0875451.850452.075452.4625464.8875c  
529 (211) Mount Pleasant Charleston, SC 454.000c461.525464.150464.850   
530 (212) Burgess Horry, SC 460.825461.125462.7375c    


Public Safety Interoperability
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10081DInterop 1Interop 1Interop
10082DInterop 2Interop 2Interop
10083DInterop 3Interop 3Interop
10084DInterop 4Interop 4Interop
10085DInterop 5Interop 5Interop
10086DInterop 6Interop 6Interop
10087DInterop 7Interop 7Interop
10088DInterop 8Interop 8Interop
10089DInterop 9Interop 9Interop
10090DInterop 10Interop 10Interop
10091DInterop 11Interop 11Interop
10092DInterop 12Interop 12Interop
10093DInterop 13Interop 13Interop
10094DInterop 14Interop 14Interop
10095DInterop 15Interop 15Interop
10096DInterop 16Interop 16Interop
10001DLE Comm CallLE Common CallInterop
10011DLE Comm 1LE Common 1Interop
10021DLE Comm 2LE Common 2Interop
10031DLE Comm 3LE Common 3Interop
10041DLE Comm 4LE Common 4Interop
10051DLE Comm 5LE Common 5Interop
10061DLE Comm 6LE Common 6Interop
10071DLE Comm 7LE Common 7Interop
10000DUHF M/A CallUHF Mutual Aid CallInterop
10010DSC UHF M/A 1SC UHF Mutual Aid 1Interop
10020DSC UHF M/A 2SC UHF Mutual Aid 2Interop
10030DSC UHF M/A 3SC UHF Mutual Aid 3Interop
10040DSC UHF M/A 4SC UHF Mutual Aid 4Interop
10050DSC UHF M/A 5SC UHF Mutual Aid 5Interop
10060DSC UHF M/A 6SC UHF Mutual Aid 6Interop
10070DSC UHF M/A 7SC UHF Mutual Aid 7Interop
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1DFleetTalk Tech 1FleetTalk Tech 1Business
2DFleetTalk Tech 2FleetTalk Tech 2Business

 Formerly Carolinas Healthcare System

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
201DAH MAIN SECCMC Main SecuritySecurity
202DAH MAIN MAINTAtrium Main MaintenanceBusiness
205DAH MAIN FIR CTRLAtrium Main Fire ControlFire Dispatch
206DAH MAIN GST SVCAtrium Main Guest ServicesHospital
301DAH MERCY SECAtrium Mercy SecuritySecurity
302DAH MERCY MAINTAtrium Mercy MaintenanceBusiness
401DAH NE SECAtrium Northeast SecuritySecurity
402DAH NE MAINTAtrium Northeast MaintenanceBusiness
501DAH UNIV SECAtrium University SecuritySecurity
502DAH UNIV MAINTAtrium University MaintenanceBusiness
601DAH PINE SECAtrium Pineville SecuritySecurity
602DAH PINE MAINTAtrium Pineville MaintenanceBusiness
701DAH LINC SECAtrium Lincolnton SecuritySecurity
702DAH LINC MAINTAtrium Lincolnton MaintenanceBusiness
901DAH UNION SECAtrium Union SecuritySecurity
902DAH UNION MAINTAtrium Union MaintenanceBusiness
Miscellaneous Business
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
119DCarl Rose & SonsCarl Rose & Sons PavingBusiness
123DWagner ApplianceWagner Appliance CoBusiness
134DAppleElectronicsApple Electronics & SecuritySecurity
152DDump Trucks 152Dump Trucks (Mount Airy area)Business
164DHilco TransportHilco Transport Dump TrucksBusiness
196DSatterfid Cons ASatterfield ConstructionBusiness
198DSatterfid Cons BSatterfield ConstructionBusiness
199DForsyth Tech SecForsyth Tech SecuritySecurity
279DRiley GravelFD Riley Sons Gravel DirtBusiness
386DSafetyTaxiSalisbSafety Taxi of SalisburyTransportation
589DNW White CoNW White CoBusiness
Cleveland County NC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
421DKMPD DispKings Mountain Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
422DKMPD Tac 1Kings Mountain Police Tac 1Law Tac
424DKMFD DispKings Mountain Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
433DCleveland SOCleveland SO PatchLaw Dispatch
443DKM Fire PatchCleveland County Fire PatchFire Dispatch
Guilford County NC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
483DGuilfordCoSchBusGuilford County School BusesSchools
Randolph County NC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
353DREMC AsheboroRandolph Electric Membership CorporationUtilities
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
135DRSS Transp AllRowan-Salisbury Schools Transportation All CallSchools
136DRSS Buses 136Rowan-Salisbury Schools TBusesSchools
137DRSS Buses 137Rowan-Salisbury Schools TBusesSchools
138DRSS Buses 138Rowan-Salisbury Schools TBusesSchools
139DRSS Buses 139Rowan-Salisbury Schools TBusesSchools
141DRSS Buses 141Rowan-Salisbury Schools TBusesSchools
142DRSS Buses 142Rowan-Salisbury Schools TBusesSchools
143DRSS TranspGarageRowan-Salisbury Schools TBus GarageSchools
478DTrash 478Trash Collection (Rowan County area)Business
Truist Center Charlotte
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110DTruistEngnrTruist Center EngineeringBusiness
112DTruistSecurityTruist Center SecuritySecurity
Abbeville County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
11465DEAbbeville Co SOAbbeville County Sheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
11472DAbbeville Co FirAbbeville County Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
11477DAbbeville Co EMSAbbeville County EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
11479DEAbbeville PoliceAbbeville City Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
11483DAbbeville FireAbbeville City Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
11502DAbbeville Event1Abbeville Event 1Multi-Tac
11503DAbbeville Event2Abbeville Event 2Multi-Tac
11504DAbbeville Event3Abbeville Event 3Multi-Tac
11505DAbbeville Event4Abbeville Event 4Multi-Tac
11506DAbbeville Event5Abbeville Event 5Multi-Tac
11507DAbbeville Event6Abbeville Event 6Multi-Tac
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10291DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10292DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10293DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10294DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10295DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10296DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10297DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
10298DAiken Co Sch BusSchool BusesSchools
Cherokee County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10361DChrk Co BusesSchool BusesSchools
11341DChrk Co SD DispSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
11342DChrk Co SD Disp2Sheriff Dispatch 2Law Tac
11360DGaffney PDGaffney PDLaw Dispatch
11364DChrk Co EMS DispEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
11365DChrk Co EMS HospEMS to Hospital ERHospital
11367DChrk Co FD DispCounty Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
11368DChrk Co FD OpsCounty Fire OperationsFire-Tac
11369DChrk Co FD Tac 2County Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
11370DChrk Co FD Tac 3County Fire Tac 3Fire-Tac
11371DChrk Co FD Tac 4County Fire Tac 4Fire-Tac
11374DChrk Co Ops 1County Ops 1Multi-Tac
11375DChrk Co Ops 2County Ops 2Multi-Tac
11376DChrk Co Ops 3County Ops 3Multi-Tac
11381DChrk Co Event 1Event 1Multi-Tac
11382DChrk Co Event 2Event 2Multi-Tac
11383DChrk Co Event 3Event 3Multi-Tac
11384DChrk Co Event 4Event 4Multi-Tac
11385DChrk Co Event 5Event 5Multi-Tac
11386DChrk Co Event 6Event 6Multi-Tac
11387DChrk Co Event 7Event 7Multi-Tac
11388DChrk Co Event 8Event 8Multi-Tac
11389DChrk Co Event 9Event 9Multi-Tac
11390DChrk Co Event 10Event 10Multi-Tac
11391DChrk Co Event 11Event 11Multi-Tac
11392DChrk Co Event 12Event 12Multi-Tac
11393DChrk Co Event 13Event 13Multi-Tac
11394DChrk Co Event 14Event 14Multi-Tac
11395DChrk Co Event 15Event 15Multi-Tac
11396DChrk Co Event 16Event 16Multi-Tac
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
378DChester Co EMSChester County EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
10321DChesterCo SchBusChester County School BusesTransportation
Edgefield County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
11591DEdgefield Co EMSEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
10379DEgfld School BusEdgefield Co School BusesSchools
10380DEdgfld SchoolsEdgefield Co SchoolsSchools
10381DEdgfld SchoolsEdgefield Co SchoolsSchools
10382DEdgld SchoolsEdgefield Co SchoolsSchools
Fairfield County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
451DFairfieldCo FireCounty Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
467DFairfldCo FD Op1County Fire Ops 1Fire-Tac
468DFairfldCo FD Op2County Fire Ops 2Fire-Tac
469DFairfldCo FD Op3County Fire Ops 3Fire-Tac
453DFairfieldCo EMSCounty EMSEMS Dispatch
459DFairfield Co PWCounty Public WorksPublic Works
470DFairfieldCo TranCounty TransitTransportation
Greenville County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2030DConst Trash HaulConstruction Trash ContainersBusiness
Lexington County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2033DLexCo School BusLexington Co School BusesSchools
10231DLexCo School BusLexington Co School BusesSchools
Newberry County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10171DNwbry School BusNewberry Co School BusesSchools
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
11541DEOconee Co EMSOconee County EMS (Prisma Health)EMS Dispatch
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
11671DPickens Co FDFire DispatchFire Dispatch
11696DPickens Co EMSEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
11697DPickens Co EMSEMSEMS-Tac
11675DPickens Co Ops 6Ops 6Fire-Tac
11676DPickens Co Ops 7Ops 7Fire-Tac
11677DPickens Co Ops 8Ops 8Fire-Tac
11712DPickens Co RoamStatewide RoamInterop
11713DPickensCo SD DspSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
11714DEPickensCo SD OpsSheriff Special OpsLaw Tac
11704DePC Muni PDs DispMunicipal Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
11705DPC Muni PDs TacMunicipal Police TacLaw Tac
11690DEasley FDEasley FireFire Dispatch
11691DeEasley PD DispEasley Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
11672DEPickens Co CommsCommunicationsEmergency Ops
11710DPickens RoadsRoads and BridgesPublic Works
11717D6 Mile WaterSix Mile Water DistrictPublic Works
11720DPickens Co TrngTrainingEmergency Ops
11721DPickens Co Evt 1Event 1Multi-Tac
11722DPickens Co Evt 2Event 2Multi-Tac
11723DPickens Co Evt 3Event 3Multi-Tac
11724DPickens Co Evt 4Event 4Multi-Tac
11725DPickens Co Evt 5Event 5Multi-Tac
11726DPickens Co Evt 6Event 6Multi-Tac
11727DPickens Co Evt 7Event 7Multi-Tac
11728DPickens Co Evt 8Event 8Multi-Tac
11729DPickens Co Evt 9Event 9Multi-Tac
11730DPickens Co Evt10Event 10Multi-Tac
11731DPickens Co Evt11Event 11Multi-Tac
11732DPickens Co Evt12Event 12Multi-Tac
11733DPickens Co Evt13Event 13Multi-Tac
11734DPickens Co Evt14Event 14Multi-Tac
11735DPickens Co Evt15Event 15Multi-Tac
11736DPickens Co Evt16Event 16Multi-Tac
529DClemson Bus ServClemson University Bus ServiceTransportation
Richland County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
282Dtaxi 282taxiTransportation
285DTaxi (285)Taxi (285)Transportation
286Dbus 286school busTransportation
287Dbus 287school busTransportation
288Dbus 288school busTransportation
289Dbus 289school busTransportation
290Dbus 290school bus - activitiesTransportation
314DDART BusDART BusTransportation
347DTowing (347)Tow Company (347)Business
377DTowing (377)Tow Company (377) - West ColumbiaBusiness
2010DJ and D TruckingJ and D Trucking, West ColumbiaBusiness
2031Dpropanepropane deliveryBusiness
2056DRichCo D2 SecRichland County School District 2 SecuritySchools
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
11415DSaluda Co SDSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
11423DSaluda Co EMSEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
11426DSaluda Co Fire 1Fire 1 DispatchFire Dispatch
11427DSaluda Co Fire 2Fire 2Fire-Talk
Spartanburg County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
381DSptg D7 BusesSchool District 7 BusesTransportation
382DSptg D7 SpEd BusSchool District 7 Special Ed BusesTransportation
383DSptg D7 ActivitySchool District 7 Activity BusesTransportation
10101DSptg D5 BusesSchool District 5 BusesTransportation
10102DSptg D5 ActivitySchool District 5 Activity BusesTransportation
10115DSptg D2 BusesSchool District 2 BusesTransportation
10116DSptg D2 BusesSchool District 2 BusesTransportation
Williamsburg County SC
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
518DFulton's SepticFulton's Septic Tank Service (Kingstree)Business
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
167DRHSD3 BusRock Hill Schools Dist 3 BusesSchools
172DRHSD3 SecRock Hill Schools Dist 3 SecuritySecurity
Unconfirmed Locations

Talkgroups in this section have an unknown "home" location. Please listen and submit to what county/city they operate in

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
156Dtrash 156construction trash service Midlands areaBusiness
165DHilco TransportHilco Transport NCBusiness
335Ddump trucks 335Dump Trucks (SC)Business
356Dconcrete 356Concrete TrucksBusiness
357Dasphalt 357Asphalt HaulingBusiness
388Dambulance 388Private Ambulance Service (SC/NC)Business
591Ddump trucks 591dump trucksBusiness
616DThomas ConcreteThomas ConcreteBusiness
617DThomas Conc 617Thomas Concrete OkatieBusiness
618DThomas Conc 618Thomas ConcreteBusiness
619DThomas Conc 619Thomas ConcreteBusiness
621DThomas Conc 6621Thomas ConcreteBusiness
622DThomas Conc 622Thomas Concrete Horry CoBusiness
625DThomas Conc 625Thomas Concrete Horry CoBusiness
626DThomas Conc 626Thomas Concrete Horry CoBusiness
627DThomas Conc 627Thomas Concrete BlufftonBusiness
628DThomas Conc 628Thomas ConcreteBusiness
630DThomas Conc 630Thomas Concrete FlorenceBusiness