Tennessee Valley Authority

System Name: Tennessee Valley Authority
Location: Various, AL KY TN
County: 13 Counties
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 372 WACN: 00001
Last Updated: April 8, 2024, 02:12 am UTC   [Added Site # 10 (Wilson Dam-AL)]
System Notes

TVA provides electricity to approximately ten million people through a diverse portfolio that includes nuclear, coal-fired, natural gas-fired, hydroelectric, and renewable generation.  See the WIKI for system map and additional information

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Allen Fossil Plant-TN Shelby, TN 407.7125c408.225c408.675c410.675c   
11 (B) 011 (B) Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant-AL Limestone, AL 171.3875c173.7625c407.9125c408.225c408.5375c410.1125c410.625c
2 (2) 002 (2) Bull Run Fossil Plant-TN (*) Anderson, TN 408.225c408.7125c410.1125c    
3 (3) 003 (3) Colbert Fossil Plant-AL Colbert, AL 407.3125c408.5375c410.1125c410.9125c   
4 (4) 004 (4) Cumberland City Fossil Plant-TN Stewart, TN 407.7125c408.225c408.675c409.1125c410.625c  
5 (5) 005 (5) Gallatin Fossil Plant-TN Sumner, TN 406.9125c407.3125c408.1125c410.5125c410.9125c  
6 (6) 006 (6) Kingston Fossil Plant-TN (*) Roane, TN 407.3125c408.1125c408.375c408.9125c410.675c  
14 (E) 014 (E) New Johnsonville Fossil Plant-TN Humphreys, TN 407.3125c408.1125c410.9125c    
9 (9) 009 (9) Nickajack Dam-TN Marion, TN 407.3125c408.075c408.5375c    
7 (7) 007 (7) Paradise Fossil Plant-KY Muhlenberg, KY 406.3125c407.7125c408.075c408.675c408.975c409.9125c410.3125c
12 (C) 012 (C) Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant-TN Hamilton, TN 171.3875c173.050c407.7125c408.225c408.5375c409.1125c410.1125c
8 (8) 008 (8) Shawnee Fossil Plant-KY McCracken, KY 407.7125c408.225c408.5375c410.825c   
13 (D) 013 (D) Watts Bar Dam-TN Rhea, TN 173.050173.7625407.5125408.225408.5375c409.1125c410.1125c
10 (A) 010 (A) Wilson Dam-AL Colbert, AL 406.9125c408.075c408.9125c    


TN - Allen Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
545221DAllen FP 545Plant OperationsUtilities
TN - Bull Run Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1300514DBullRun 1300Plant OperationsUtilities
1302516DBullRun 1302Plant OperationsUtilities
1303517DBullRun 1303Plant OperationsUtilities
1313521DBullRun 1313Plant OperationsUtilities
1314522DBullRun 1314Plant OperationsUtilities
TN - Cumberland City Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
7002bcDCmbrlnd 700Plant OperationsUtilities
7172cdDCmbrlnd 717Plant OperationsUtilities
TN - Gallatin Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110044cDGallatn A1Ch. A1 Plant OperationsUtilities
110144dDGallatn A2Ch. A2 Plant OperationsUtilities
1111457DGallatn PGENPower GenerationUtilities
1121461DGallatn MNTNMaintenanceUtilities
11984aeDGalatin ENSEmergency Notification System Emergency Ops
TN - Kingston Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1414586DKingston1414Plant OperationsUtilities
1416588DKingston1416Plant OperationsUtilities
KY - Paradise Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
10003e8DParadse 1000Plant OperationsUtilities
10143f6DParadse 1014Plant OperationsUtilities
10163f8DParadse 1016Plant OperationsUtilities
103940fDParadse 1039Plant OperationsUtilities
KY - Shawnee Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
916394DShawnee SctyPlant SecurityUtilities
919397DShawnee Ch01Plant Channel 01Utilities
920398DShawnee Ch02Plant Channel 02Utilities
921399DShawnee Ch03Plant Channel 03 - BoilermakersUtilities
92239aDShawnee Ch04Plant Channel 04 - BoilermakersUtilities
92339bDShawnee Ch05Plant Channel 05 - BoilermakersUtilities
92439cDShawnee Ch06Plant Channel 06 - ElectriciansUtilities
92539dDShawnee Ch07Plant Channel 07 - PipefittersUtilities
92639eDShawnee Ch08Plant Channel 08Utilities
92739fDShawnee Ch09Plant Channel 09Utilities
913391DShawnee Out1Outage 1Utilities
914392DShawnee Out2Outage 2Utilities
900384DShawnee 900Plant OperationsUtilities
903387DShawnee 903Plant OperationsUtilities
904388DShawnee 904Plant OperationsUtilities
905389DShawnee 905Plant OperationsUtilities
91138fDShawnee 911Plant OperationsUtilities
912390DShawnee 912Plant OperationsUtilities
917395DShawnee 917Plant OperationsUtilities
AL - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
339153DBFNP 339 OpsPlant OperationsUtilities
TN - Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
135087DSequoyah Scrty 1Security 1Security
133085DSequoyah Scrty 2Security 2Security
TN - New Johnsonville Fossil Plant
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
802322DNwJohn 802Plant OperationsUtilities
81132bDNwJohn 811Plant OperationsUtilities
TN - Watts Bar Dam
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2130d5DWatts Bar 213Dam OperationsUtilities
2250e1DWatts Bar 225Dam OperationsUtilities
2270e3DWatts Bar 227Dam OperationsUtilities
2360ecDWatts Bar 236Dam OperationsUtilities
293125DWatts Bar 293Dam OperationsUtilities