Charlotte / Mecklenburg County (Motorola)

System Name: Charlotte / Mecklenburg County (Motorola)
Location: Charlotte, NC
County: Mecklenburg
System Type: Motorola Type II SmartZone
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 0F18 Connect Tone: 116.13
Last Updated: November 27, 2019, 14:52 pm UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes



Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
006 (6) Mecklenburg Simulcast 855.7375856.2375857.7375857.9875c858.2375c858.4875c858.7375c859.7625


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
196004c90AREG CALLRegional CallingMulti-Tac
196644cd0AREG OPS 1Regional Operations 1Multi-Tac
196964cf0AREG OPS 2Regional Operations 2Multi-Tac
197284d10AREG OPS 3Regional Operations 3Multi-Tac
1841647f0AREG OPS 4Regional Operations 4Multi-Tac
1838447d0AREG EMSRegional EMSEMS-Tac
184484810AREG FIRE 1Regional Fire 1Fire-Tac
184804830AREG FIRE 2Regional Fire 2Fire-Tac
185124850AREG FIRE 3Regional Fire 3Fire-Tac
185444870AREG LAW 1Regional Law 1Law Tac
185764890AREG LAW 2Regional Law 2Law Tac
196324cb0AREG PURSRegional PursuitFire-Tac
Mecklenburg Common/Mutual Aid
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
656290AMEC EVT1 EOCMecklenburg Event 1 - EOCInterop
6882b0AMEC EVT2 FIRMecklenburg Event 2 - FireInterop
7202d0AMEC EVT3 EMSMecklenburg Event 3 - EMSInterop
7522f0AMEC EVT4 POLMecklenburg Event 4 - PoliceInterop
784310AMEC EVT5 PW1Mecklenburg Event 5 - Public Works 1Interop
816330AMEC EVT6 PW2Mecklenburg Event 6 - Public Works 2Interop
848350AMEC EVT7 CFDMecklenburg Event 7 - Charlotte FireInterop
880370AMEC EVT8 VFDMecklenburg Event 8 - Volunteer FireInterop
912390AMEC EVT9 NMMecklenburg Event 9 - North Mecklenburg 1Interop
9443b0AMEC EVT10 NMMecklenburg Event 10 - North Mecklenburg 2Interop
9763d0AMEC EVT11 STMecklenburg Event 11 - South Towns 1Interop
2448990AMEC EVT12 STMecklenburg Event 12 - South Towns 2Interop
24809b0AMEC EVT13 SOMecklenburg Event 13 - Mecklenburg Sheriff 1Interop
25129d0AMEC EVT14 SOMecklenburg Event 14 - Mecklenburg Sheriff 2Interop
25449f0AMEC EVT15 CFMecklenburg Event 15 - Charlotte FireInterop
2576a10AMEC EVT16 CFMecklenburg Event 16 - Charlotte FireInterop
197604d30AMEC EVT17 PDMecklenburg Event 17 - CMPDInterop
197924d50AMEC EVT18 PDMecklenburg Event 18 - CMPDInterop
198244d70AMEC EVT19 PDMecklenburg Event 19 - CMPDInterop
198564d90AMEC EVT20 PDMecklenburg Event 20 - CMPDInterop
198884db0AMEC EVT21 PDMecklenburg Event 21 - CMPDInterop
199204dd0AMEC EVT22 PDMecklenburg Event 22 - CMPDInterop
199524df0AMEC EVT23 PDMecklenburg Event 23 - CMPDInterop
199844e10AMEC EVT24 PDMecklenburg Event 24 - CMPDInterop
200164e30AMEC EVT25 PDMecklenburg Event 25 - CMPDInterop
200484e50AMEC EVT26 PDMecklenburg Event 26 - CMPDInterop
200804e70AMEC EVT27 PDMecklenburg Event 27 - CMPDInterop
201124e90AMEC EVT28 PDMecklenburg Event 28 - CMPDInterop
201444eb0AMEC EVT29 PDMecklenburg Event 29 - CMPDInterop
201764ed0AMEC EVT30 PDMecklenburg Event 30 - CMPDInterop
202084ef0AMEC EVT31 PDMecklenburg Event 31 - CMPDInterop
202404f10AMEC EVT32 PDMecklenburg Event 32 - CMPDInterop
2128850AMEC EMS MAMecklenburg EMS Mutual AidInterop
2096830AMEC FIR MAMecklenburg Fire Mutual AidInterop
2064810AMEC POL MAMecklenburg Police Mutual AidInterop
202724f30ANTH LAKESNorth LakesInterop
203044f50ASTH LAKESSouth LakesInterop
2192890AMA-SECSecurity NetInterop
22248b0AMA-GOVLocal Government Mutual Aid (All Agencies, not used)Interop
2416970ASTORM-2Storm 2Interop
2800af0ARADIOROAMRadio Service - Roam DispatchOther
2832b10ARADIOROAM1Radio Service - Roam 1Other
2864b30ARADIOROAM2Radio Service - Roam 2Other
2896b50ARADIOROAM3Radio Service - Roam 3Other
2992bb0ABRIDGE-4Emergency BridgeInterop
193764bb0AUNION-BRIDGEMutual Aid with Union Co.Interop
203364f70ASecurity NetSecurity NetInterop
264806770ASTOWNSMutual Aid - South Towns (Town Ch. 17)Interop
266726830AMUTAIDNRTHTown Mutual Aid Channel NorthInterop
267046850AN-TOWNSMutual Aid - North TownsInterop
3400084d0AYORK COUNTYYork County BridgeInterop
3403284f0AALERT FIREALERT Team - FireInterop
340648510AALERT POLALERT Team - PoliceInterop
340968530AALERT EMSALERT Team - EMSInterop
341288550AALERT CONFALERT Team - ConferenceInterop
341608570AALERTCOORALERT Team - CoordinationInterop
Mecklenburg EMS/Fire
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
64481930AMEC EMS DSPMecklenburg EMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
72481c50AMEC FIR DSPMecklenburg Fire DispatchMulti-Dispatch
73121c90AMEC OPS 3Mecklenburg Operations 3Multi-Tac
73441cb0AMEC OPS 4Mecklenburg Operations 4Multi-Tac
73761cd0AMEC OPS 5Mecklenburg Operations 5Multi-Tac
660819d0AMEC OPS 6Mecklenburg Operations 6Multi-Tac
121442f70AMEC OPS 7Mecklenburg Operations 7Multi-Tac
121762f90AMEC OPS 8Mecklenburg Operations 8Multi-Tac
122082fb0AMEC OPS 9Mecklenburg Operations 9Multi-Tac
122402fd0AMEC OPS 10Mecklenburg Operations 10Multi-Tac
122722ff0AMEC OPS 11Mecklenburg Operations 11Multi-Tac
72801c70AMEC OPS 12Mecklenburg Operations 12Multi-Tac
74081cf0AMEC OPS 13Mecklenburg Operations 13Multi-Tac
64801950AMEC OPS 14Mecklenburg Operations 14Multi-Tac
65121970AMEC OPS 15Mecklenburg Operations 15Multi-Tac
65441990AMEC OPS 16Mecklenburg Operations 16Multi-Tac
657619b0AMEC OPS 17Mecklenburg Operations 17Multi-Tac
66721a10AMEC OPS 18Mecklenburg Operations 18Multi-Tac
67681a70AMEC OPS 19Mecklenburg Operations 19Multi-Tac
68001a90AMEC OPS 20Mecklenburg Operations 20Multi-Tac
68321ab0AMEC OPS 21Mecklenburg Operations 21Multi-Tac
74721d30AMEC CONFMecklenburg ConferenceFire-Tac
123363030AMEDIC-CONFMecklenburg EMS ConferenceEMS-Tac
123043010AMEDIC-NET 1Mecklenburg EMS Non-Emergency TransportMulti-Tac
2960b90AMEC EMG 3Mecklenburg Emergency 3Multi-Tac
74401d10AMCFD-FMOFire MarshalFire-Tac
Carolina's Medical Center
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
433610f0ACMCAIRCRECMC AirCare Flight Watch Helicopters - Ground DispatchEMS Dispatch
43681110ACMCDISP2CMC Helicopter Dispatch 2EMS Dispatch
44001130ACMC MED 1OperationsHospital
44321150ACMC MED 2OperationsHospital
44641170ACMC OPS 1CMC Tactical Operations - Panthers (Bank of America) StadiumHospital
44961190ACMC OPS 2OperationsHospital
452811b0ACMC OPS 3OperationsHospital
456011d0ACMC OPS 4OperationsHospital
459211f0ACMC-LZ-1Landing Zone CoordinationHospital
46241210ACMC-LZ-2Landing Zone CoordinationHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
164324030ACFD ALARMAlarm (Dispatch)Fire Dispatch
Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1936790ACATSTECHCATS TechnologyTransportation
3312cf0ABUSES1Buses 1Transportation
112802c10ARAIL-PLATFRMLight Rail PlatformsRailroad
117602df0ALT-RAIL-OP1Light Rail Ch. 1Railroad
117922e10ALT-RAIL-OP2Light Rail Ch. 2Railroad
118242e30ALT-RAIL-OP3Light Rail Ch. 3Railroad
118562e50ALT-RAIL-OP4Light Rail Ch. 4Railroad
270246990ACATS1CATS Ch. 1 (base to mobile)Transportation
2705669b0ACATS2CATS Ch. 2 (base to mobile)Transportation
343848650ACATSCATS SecuritySecurity
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police North Division
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
891222d0ANORTHNorth Divison DispatchLaw Dispatch
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Central Division
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
105442930ACENTRALCentral DivisonLaw Tac
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Services
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2160870APW M/AIDPublic Works Mutual AidPublic Works
3536dd0ANCDOT-1Incident Management Assistance PatrolOther
3568df0ATMC-1Traffic ManagementOther
3600e10ATRAFFICSIGTraffic SignalsOther
4080ff0AROADSIGNSPublic Works-Road SignsOther
41441030AROADWORKRoad Work CrewOther
41761050AROADWORKRoad work crewOther
42081070ATRAFFICCTRLTraffic Control Center - Computerized lights and signsOther
47201270ARoads MaintRoad Work CrewsPublic Works
76001db0AMECKTRASHPublic Works - SanitationOther
76641df0AMECKTRASHRefuse CollectionOther
77281e30AMECKTRASHRefuse CollectionOther
77921e70AREFUSERefuse CollectionOther
78241e90AMECKTRASHRefuse / Recycle VehiclesOther
78561eb0AMECKTRASHPublic Works - SanitationOther
78881ed0AMECKTRASHPublic Works - SanitationOther
103842890ACITYMANAGECharlotte City ManagementOther
2526462b0ABLDGINSPECCity/County Building InspectorsOther
266406810AMEDEXAMINMedical ExaminerOther
279206d10AWATERMETRWater Meter ReadingsOther
280166d70AWATERWater - SanitationOther
281126dd0AWATERRESTWater Restrictions ViolationsOther
282406e50AWATER2Water Ch. 2Other
331048150ASTREETSPublic Works - StreetsOther
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
57121650ACMS-LAW-3CMS Police 3Law Dispatch
580816b0ASCHOOLMAINSchool MaintenanceSchools
119842ed0ACMS-EVAC-1School Evacuations 1Other
120162ef0ACMS-EVAC-2School Evacuations 2Security
1483239f0ACMS-SRO-1School Resource OfficersSecurity
148643a10ACMS-SRO-2School Resource OfficersSecurity
2680068b0ACMS-LAW-1CMS Police 1Security
2683268d0ACMS-LAW-2CMS Police 2Security
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
150243ab0ACNF 2Police Conference 2Law Tac
150563ad0AINVPolice InvestigationsLaw Tac
150883af0ATAC 2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
261286610ATAC 1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
261926650ACNF 1Police Conference 1Law Tac
262246670ACORNPUBWRKPublic Works DepartmentPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
151523b30ACNF 1Huntersville Conference 1 (aka CH 3)Law Tac
151843b50ACNF 2Huntersville Conference 2Law Tac
152163b70AINVPolice InvestigationsLaw Tac
152483b90ATAC 1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
152803bb0ATAC 2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
2657667d0AHUNTRUTILUtilities DepartmentUtilities
2660867f0AHUNTRPOWRElectric DepartmentUtilities
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
336168350AMHILL PDDISPMint Hill PD DispatchLaw Dispatch
335528310AMHILL PD 1Mint Hill PD-1Law Tac
335848330AMHILL PD 2Mint Hill PD-2Law Tac
336488370AMHILL CONFMint Hill PD ConferenceLaw Talk
336808390AMHILL TACMint Hill PD TACLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
153763c10ADavidson 1Davidson College Tac 1Law Tac
2603265b0ADVIDSNPD1Davidson Police 1Law Tac
2606465d0ADVIDSNPD2Davidson Police 2Law Tac
2609665f0ADVIDCOLLGEHuntersville, Cornelius, Davidson College Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
261606630AHUNTCRNDISPHuntersville, Cornelius, Davidson College Dispatch 1Law Dispatch
2635266f0ADVDSNCOL1Davidson College Police 1Law Tac
263846710ADVDSNCOL2Davidson College Police 2Law Tac
North Carolina State Police
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2352930ANCHWYPAT-1Highway Patrol (42.38/42.58 simulcast) Mecklenburg County Troop H5Law Dispatch
2384950ANCHWYPAT-2Highway Patrol (42.xx/42.xx simulcast) Gaston County Troop H1,H4Law Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2686468f0ARAD SVC ARadio Service AOther
268966910ARAD SVC BRadio Service BOther
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
53921510AGOVSECURTYCharlotte Mecklenburg Government Center securitySecurity
71201bd0AJONSMITHPD1Jonson C. Smith University Police Ch. 1 MainSecurity
71521bf0AJONSMITHPD2Jonson C. Smith University Police Ch. 2Security
71841c10AJONSMITHPD3Jonson C. Smith University Police Ch. 3Security
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
233765b50ACLT DeicingAircraft DeicingPublic Works
234085b70ACLT DeicingAircraft DeicingPublic Works
234405b90ACLT DeicingAircraft DeicingPublic Works
234725bb0ACLT DeicingAircraft DeicingPublic Works
235365bf0ACLT LeadAirport LeadPublic Works