Charlotte / Mecklenburg County (Motorola)
This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site: Systemwide
Unique DB ID: | 16626 |
County: |
Talkgroup Category Location Data
Latitude: | 35.2668 | Longitude: | -80.8498 | Range: | 20 | Type: | Inherited (System) |
DEC | HEX | Mode | Alpha Tag | Description | Tag |
18384 | 47d0 | A | REG EMS | Regional EMS | EMS-Tac |
18416 | 47f0 | A | REG OPS 4 | Regional Operations 4 | Multi-Tac |
18448 | 4810 | A | REG FIRE 1 | Regional Fire 1 | Fire-Tac |
18480 | 4830 | A | REG FIRE 2 | Regional Fire 2 | Fire-Tac |
18512 | 4850 | A | REG FIRE 3 | Regional Fire 3 | Fire-Tac |
18544 | 4870 | A | REG LAW 1 | Regional Law 1 | Law Tac |
18576 | 4890 | A | REG LAW 2 | Regional Law 2 | Law Tac |
19600 | 4c90 | A | REG CALL | Regional Calling | Multi-Tac |
19632 | 4cb0 | A | REG PURS | Regional Pursuit | Fire-Tac |
19664 | 4cd0 | A | REG OPS 1 | Regional Operations 1 | Multi-Tac |
19696 | 4cf0 | A | REG OPS 2 | Regional Operations 2 | Multi-Tac |
19728 | 4d10 | A | REG OPS 3 | Regional Operations 3 | Multi-Tac |