System Name: Midland (P25)
Location: Midland, TX
County: Midland
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 00A WACN: 92037
Last Updated: November 10, 2024, 21:27 pm UTC   [Updated System Description Text]
System Notes

As of October 2024, this system is off the air.  All equipment, towers and units have moved to the county Motorola system.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
10 (A) 010 (A) Site 10 855.4625c856.2625c856.4625c856.7125c857.2625c857.4625c857.7125c858.2625c


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
407899f55DPS MutualAidPublic Safety Mutual Aid (Fire, Police and City Services)Interop
407959f5bDMetro 1Metro 1 (Police and Fire/VFD with Odessa)Interop
407969f5cDMetro 2Metro 2 (Police and Fire/VFD with Odessa)Interop
65138fe72DTemp PatchTemporary PatchInterop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
402949d66DMPD AdminAdministrationLaw Talk
402809d58DMPD ChiefChiefLaw Talk
402969d68DMPD COPCitizens on PatrolLaw Talk
402789d56DMPD Command1Command 1Law Talk
402909d62DMPD Command2Command 2Law Talk
402829d5aDMPD DEADEALaw Tac
402899d61DMPD DetectivDetectiveLaw Tac
402739d51TMPD Disp 1Dispatch 1Law Dispatch
402749d52TMPD Disp 2Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
402929d64DMPD IntelligIntelligenceLaw Tac
404419df9DMid Hosp PoliceMidland Memorial Hospital PoliceLaw Dispatch
402919d63DEMPD NarcNarcoticsLaw Tac
402819d59DMPD PtrlTalkPatrol TalkLaw Talk
402799d57TMPD SupervisSupervisorsLaw Talk
402839d5bDEMPD SWATSWATLaw Tac
402779d55DEMPD TacticalTacticalLaw Tac
402769d54DMPD TrafficTrafficLaw Tac
403399d93DMPD TrainingTrainingLaw Talk
402979d69DMPD WarrantsWarrantsLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
403109d76DMFD AdminAdministratoinFire-Talk
402989d6aDMFD CitizensCitizensFire-Talk
403159d7bDMFD CntyFireCounty FireFire-Tac
403059d71TMFD DispatchDispatchFire Dispatch
403009d6cDMFD EMC 1EMC 1Fire-Tac
403019d6dDMFD EMC 2EMC 2Fire-Tac
403079d73DMFD EMS TalkEMS TalkEMS-Talk
403069d72TMFD EMS-EREMS to ERHospital
403189d7eDMFD GVFDGVFDFire-Tac
65187fea3DMFD GWVFDGWVFD TestingInterop
403169d7cDMFD NEVFDNEVFDFire-Tac
65188fea4DMFD NEVFDNEVFD TestingInterop
403129d78DMFD PreventPreventionFire-Tac
403089d74DMFD Tac 1Tactical 1Fire-Tac
403099d75DMFD Tac 4Tactical 4Fire-Tac
403139d79DMFD Tac 5Tactical 5Fire-Tac
403149d7aDMFD Tac 6Tactical 6Fire-Tac
403039d6fDMFD T SirenTornado SirenFire-Tac
403119d77DMFD TrainingTrainingFire-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
407879f53DCity AllDeptAll DepartmentsPublic Works
405299e51DAnimal CtrlAnimal ControlPublic Works
407859f51DCitywide M/ACitywide Mutual AidPublic Works
407869f52DCitywideSupvCitywide SupervisorsPublic Works
406139ea5DCodesCodesPublic Works
406579ed1DEng IspectEngineering InspectionPublic Works
405619e71DFleet SvcsFleet ServicesPublic Works
405489e64DHealth DeptHealth DepartmentPublic Works
403459d99DInfo SystemsInformation SystemsPublic Works
405969e94DLandfillLandfillPublic Works
407379f21DMidland CtrMidland CenterPublic Works
406759ee3DParks DeptParks DepartmentPublic Works
406769ee4DParks SuprvsParks SupervisorsPublic Works
403419d95DRadio ShopRadio ShopPublic Works
405939e91DSolid WasteSolid WastePublic Works
405949e92DSolidWaste 2Solid Waste 2Public Works
405789e82DStreet DeptStreets DepartmentPublic Works
405779e81DStreets40577Streets PainPublic Works
405799e83DStreets40579Streets PainPublic Works
405809e84DStreets TrafStreets TrafficPublic Works
407059f01DTraffic EngTraffic EngineeringPublic Works
406429ec2DWstwtr SupvWastewater SupervisorsUtilities
406299eb5DW&WWWater and WastewaterUtilities
407219f11DWater MetersWater MetersUtilities
406269eb2DWtrPlnt SupvWater Plant SupervisorsUtilities
406259eb1DWater PurifyWater PurificationUtilities
Midland International Airport
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
403279d87DMAF CommonCommonPublic Works
403269d86DMAF FireFireFire Dispatch
403229d82DMAF MaintMaintenancePublic Works
403289d88DMAF NetNetPublic Works
403219d81DMAF OpsOperationsPublic Works
403299d89DMAF Ops SupvOperations SupervisorPublic Works
403259d85DMAF PolicePoliceLaw Dispatch
403239d83DMAF TacticalTacticalPublic Works
Midland Independent School District
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
407919f57DMISD PolicePoliceLaw Dispatch
404189de2DMISD Police2Police 2Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
404349df2DMCC PolicePoliceLaw Dispatch
404339df1DMCC PD NCICPolice NCICLaw Tac