Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)

System Name: Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)
Location: Weld County, CO
County: 6 Counties
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 5AB WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: January 1, 2025, 17:55 pm UTC   [Updated 1 talkgroups for Commerce City]
System Notes

The Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC) covers Adams, Broomfield and Weld Counties.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
5 (5) 050 (32) Bennett Adams 770.11875c770.61875772.49375c773.63125774.13125774.38125 
5 (5) 054 (36) Federal Heights Adams 769.33125770.54375771.41875771.76875771.99375c772.21875c 
5 (5) 027 (1B) Grover Weld 851.7375852.150c852.7125c853.175c853.875c  
5 (5) 051 (33) Hoyt Adams 770.61875771.11875771.49375c771.74375c772.16875c  
5 (5) 058 (3A) Keenesburg Weld 771.53125771.83125772.08125c772.38125c773.15625c773.40625c 
5 (5) 025 (19) New Raymer Weld 855.2375856.2375857.2375c858.2375c859.2375c  
5 (5) 060 (3C) Niwot Boulder 770.05625771.01875771.90625c772.28125c772.53125c772.78125c 
5 (5) 022 (16) North Metro Simulcast Adams 770.10625770.35625770.60625771.10625771.48125771.73125772.15625
5 (5) 036 (24) Nunn Weld 851.250851.7375851.9125c852.3125c852.900c853.375c 
5 (5) 061 (3D) Timnath Weld 769.35625769.36875769.61875770.00625770.25625771.00625771.25625c
5 (5) 052 (34) Watkins Adams 770.36875c774.39375     
5 (5) 030 (1E) Weld County Simulcast Weld 851.0375851.2375852.400852.725c853.1375c853.3125c853.575c
5 (5) 055 (37) Weld County South Simulcast Weld 770.01875770.06875770.26875771.26875771.91875772.29375c772.39375c
5 (5) 023 (17) Westminster Simulcast Adams 851.0625c851.7625852.1625852.8875c853.350853.650853.925


Adams County Mutual Aid
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
53035TAdams Co MACCounty Mutual Aid ChannelInterop
4191a3TFRCC Console NetConsole Communications NetInterop
4241a8TSMAT 1South Mutual Aid 1Interop
4251a9TSMAT 2South Mutual Aid 2Interop
4261aaTSMAT 3South Mutual Aid 3Interop
4271abTSMAT 4South Mutual Aid 4Interop
41461032TAdamsCo FD EmergFire MaydayFire-Tac
41521038TAdamsCo FD MAC 1Fire MAC 1 (Training heard)Fire-Talk
41531039TAdamsCo FD MAC 2Fire MAC 2 (Training heard)Fire-Talk
4154103aTAdamsCo FD MAC 3Fire MAC 3Fire-Talk
4155103bTAdamsCo FD MAC 4Fire MAC 4Fire-Talk
4156103cTAdamsCo FD MAC TFire MAC Training (4156)Fire-Talk
4157103dTAdamsCo FD MAC TFire MAC Training (4157)Fire-Talk
41641044TAdamsCo LE MAC 1Law MAC 1Interop
41651045TAdamsCo LE MAC 2Law MAC 2Interop
41661046TAdamsCo LE MAC 3Law MAC 3Interop
41671047TAdamsCo LE MAC 4Law MAC 4Interop
Adams County Sheriff
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
23017TEAdams SO DispSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
24018TEAdams SO Car/CarSheriff Car/CarLaw Tac
25019TEAdams SO TacSheriff TacticalLaw Tac
2801cTEAdams SO RecordsSheriff RecordsLaw Tac
48030TEAdams SO TG48Sheriff Encrypted 48Law Tac
56038TEAdams SO BennetSheriff BennettLaw Dispatch
10706bTENorthMetro DTF 1North Metro Drug Task Force 1Law Tac
10806cTENorthMetro DTF 2North Metro Drug Task Force 2Law Tac
4123101bTAdamsCo Jail 1Sheriff Jail Operations 1Corrections
4124101cTEAdamsCo CourtSheriff Court OperationsLaw Talk
41681048TAdamsCo Jail 2Sheriff Jail Operations 2Corrections
4170104aTAdamsCo JailXprtSheriff Jail TransportCorrections
41811055TAdams SO Shaw ESheriff Shaw Heights EastLaw Dispatch
388069796TAdams SO Shaw WSheriff Shaw Heights WestLaw Tac
Adams County Local Government
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4302bTAdamsCo Techs 1Communications Technicians 1Public Works
4402cTAdamsCo Techs 2Communications Technicians 2Public Works
4502dTAdamsCo Techs 3Communications Technicians 3Public Works
55037TAdamsCo DADistrict Attorney's OfficeLaw Talk
41201018TAdamsCo GC MaintGovernment Center MaintenancePublic Works
4122101aTAdamsCo TecSvTechnical ServicesPublic Works
4125101dTAdamsCo DC MaintDetention Center MaintenancePublic Works
90562360TRampart SARRampart Search and RescueEmergency Ops
Adams County Fire Rescue
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
8008TAdamsCo FR DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
9009TAdamsCo FR Ops AFire Operations AFire-Tac
33021TAdamsCo FR Ops BFire Operations BFire-Tac
34022TAdamsCo FR Ops CFire Operations CFire-Tac
388019791TAdamsCo FR SHTacShaw Heights TacFire-Tac
Brighton Fire Rescue District
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3101fTBrighton FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
32020TBrighton FD OpsAFire Ops AFire-Tac
4171104bTBrighton FD OpsBFire Ops BFire-Tac
4172104cTBrighton FD OpsCFire Ops CFire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1400eTBrighton PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
1500fTBrighton PD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
16010TBrighton PD 3Police 3Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
17011TEComrce City PD 1Police 1Law Dispatch
18012TEComrce City PD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
19013TEComrce City PD 3Police 3Law Tac
4126101eTComrce City Evt1Special Events 1Multi-Talk
41451031TComrce City PD 4Police 4 Special OperationsLaw Talk
41481034TComrce City Evt2Special Events 2Multi-Talk
41501036TComrce City PWStreets (Snow Plows)Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2601aTFed Heights PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
2701bTFed Heights PD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
37025TFed Heights FireFire DispatchFire Dispatch
38026TFed Heights FG AFireground AFire-Tac
39027TFed Heights FG BFireground BFire-Tac
41831057TFed Heights ACOAnimal ControlPublic Works
41841058TFed Heights PWPublic WorksPublic Works

Fire-EMS services provided by North Metro Fire Rescue District

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
20014TNorthglenn PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
21015TNorthglenn PD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
22016TNorthglenn PD 3Police 3Law Tac
South Adams County Fire Protection District

South Adams County Fire Protection District provide coverage in the greater Commerce City area

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
35023TSouth Adams DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
36024TSouth Adams OpsAFire Operations AFire-Tac
73049TSouth Adams OpsBFire Operations BFire-Tac
80050TSouth Adams OpsCFire Operations CFire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1100bTEThornton PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
1200cTEThornton PD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
1300dTEThornton PD 3Police 3Law Tac
4127101fTEThornton PD 2APolice 2A Car/CarLaw Tac
41281020TEThornton PD RecPolice 4 RecordsLaw Tac
41301022TEThornton PD SpEvPolice Special EventsLaw Talk
4173104dTEThornton PD DataPolice DataLaw Tac
41761050TEThornton PD 4176Police 4176Law Tac
41771051TEThornton PD TrfcPolice TrafficLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2901dTThornton FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
3001eTThornton FD OpsAFireground AFire-Tac
41211019TThornton FD OpsCFireground CFire-Tac
41291021TThornton FD OpsBFireground BFire-Tac
Thornton Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
41331025TThornton RoadsRoad and BridgePublic Works
41341026TThornton WasteTrash & RecyclingPublic Works
41351027TThornton ParksParks and RecreationPublic Works
41361028TThornton NeigSrvNeighborhood ServicesPublic Works
Westminster Police
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
385019665TEWestyPD CH1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
385029666TEWestyPD CH2Police 2Law Tac
385039667TEWestyPD DataPolice DataLaw Tac
385049668TEWestyPD Car1Police Car-Car 1Law Tac
385059669TEWestyPD Car2Police Car-Car 2Law Tac
38506966aTEWestyPD CodePolice CodeLaw Tac
38507966bTEWestyPD InvtPolice InvestigationsLaw Tac
38508966cTEWestyPD VicePolice ViceLaw Tac
38509966dTEWestyPD SETPolice Special Enforcement TeamLaw Tac
38510966eTEWestyPD IntpPolice InteropsLaw Tac
38511966fTEWestyPD SwatPolice SWATLaw Tac
385129670TEWestyPD Tac1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
385139671TEWestyPD AMAWPolice AMAWLaw Tac
385149672TEWestyPD Tac2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3860196c9TWestyFD EmerFire EmergencyFire-Tac
3860296caTWestyFD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
3860396cbTWestyFD OpsAFire Ops-AFire-Tac
3860496ccTWestyFD OpsBFire Ops-BFire-Tac
3860596cdTWestyFD OpsCFire Ops-CFire-Tac
3860696ceTWestyFD TrainFire TrainingFire-Talk
Westminster Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
38701972dTWestyPW Chan1Public Works Chan 1Public Works
387049730TStandleyLakeRngrStandley Lake Park RangersPublic Works
387059731TWestyPW Streets1Street MaintenancePublic Works
387069732TWestyPW Streets2Snow RemovalPublic Works
387089734TWestyPW Water1Water DepartmentUtilities
387099735TWestyPW Water2Water Finance / MetersUtilities
387109736TWestyPW SpaceConfined SpacePublic Works
387119737TWestyPW PlantWastewater Treatment PlantUtilities
387129738TWesty BDCWWTFBig Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment FacilityUtilities
387139739TWesty ParkingParking & Curbside ManagementPublic Works
38714973aTWalnutCreek GolfWalnut Creek Golf PreservePublic Works
38715973bTLegacy Ridge GC1Legacy Ridge Golf Course 1Public Works
38716973cTLegacy Ridge GC2Legacy Ridge Golf Course 2Public Works
38717973dTLegacy Ridge GC3Legacy Ridge Golf Course 3Public Works
38718973eTLegacy Ridge GC4Legacy Ridge Golf Course 4Public Works
Broomfield City and County
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2002TEBroomfieldPD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
3003TEBroomfieldPD 3Police 3 Special Operations/TrainingLaw Tac
4004TEBroomfieldPD RecPolice RecordsLaw Tac
5005TEBroomfieldPD TacPolice TacticalLaw Tac
65041TEBroomfieldPD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
1399577TEBroomfieldPD EvtPolice Special Events/TraningLaw Talk
1400578TBroomfield DPWPublic WorksPublic Works
1401579TBroomfield JailJail OperationsCorrections
140257aTEBroomfield 1402Encrypted 1402Law Tac
140357bTEBroomfield 1403Encrypted 1403Law Tac
North Metro Fire Rescue District

North Metro Fire Rescue District covers the City and County of Broomfield, the City of Northglenn and poritons of unincorporated Adams, Boulder, Jefferson and Weld Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6006TNorthMetro DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
7007TNorthMetro Ops AOperations AFire-Tac
54036TNorthMetro Ops BOperations BFire-Tac
1000aTNorthMetro Ops COperations CFire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90262342TBanner FtCollinsBanner Fort Collins Medical CenterHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90282344TBanner LovelandBanner McKee Medical CenterHospital
Weld County Mutual Aid
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4201a4TNMAT 1North Mutual Aid 1Interop
4211a5TNMAT 2North Mutual Aid 2Interop
4221a6TNMAT 3North Mutual Aid 3Interop
4231a7TNMAT 4North Mutual Aid 4Interop
4291adTNMAT 5North Mutual Aid 5Interop
4301aeTNMAT 6North Mutual Aid 6Interop
4311afTNMAT 7North Mutual Aid 7Interop
4321b0TNMAT 8North Mutual Aid 8Interop
4331b1TNMAT 9North Mutual Aid 9Interop
4341b2TNMAT 10North Mutual Aid 10Interop
4351b3TNMAT 11 StampedeNorth Mutual Aid 11 - Greeley Stampede LAW 1Interop
4361b4TNMAT 12 StampedeNorth Mutual Aid 12 - Greeley Stampede LAW 2Interop
4371b5TNMAT 13 StampedeNorth Mutual Aid 13 - Greeley Stampede EMS "Sam" Units (TG1916 FG23 patch)Interop
4381b6TNMAT 14North Mutual Aid 14Interop
4391b7TNMAT 15North Mutual Aid 15Interop
4401b8TNMAT 16North Mutual Aid 16Interop
1926786TWeld WINTAG 1County Interagency 1Interop
1927787TWeld WINTAG 2County Interagency 2Interop
1928788TWeld WINTAG 3County Interagency 3Interop
194779bTWeldCo ACUWeld County ACU-1000 InteroperabilityInterop
194879cTWeld WINTAG 4County Interagency 4Interop
194979dTWeld WINTAG 5County Interagency 5Interop
195079eTWeld WINTAG 6County Interagency 6Interop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
193078aTWeld SO DispWeld County Sheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
193178bTWeld SO Tac 1Weld County Sheriff Tactical 1Law Tac
193278cTWeld SO Tac 2Weld County Sheriff Tactical 2Law Tac
193478eTWeld SO JailWeld County Sheriff DetentionCorrections
193578fTEWeld SO 5Weld County Sheriff 5Law Tac
1938792TWeld LE NorthWeld County Local Police North DispatchLaw Dispatch
1939793TWeld LE N RecordWeld County Local Police North RecordsLaw Tac
1940794TWeld LE TacWeld County Local Police TacticalLaw Tac
1944798TWeld SO RecordsWeld County Sheriff RecordsLaw Tac
1945799TWeld LE S RecordWeld County Local Police South RecordsLaw Tac
194679aTWeld LE SouthWeld County Local Police South DispatchLaw Dispatch
19747b6TEWeldCo Law 1974Weld County Law 1974Law Tac
19777b9TEWeldCo Law 1977Weld County Law 1977Law Tac
20007d0TWeld Co LE ATGWeld County Law Enforcement All CallLaw Dispatch
90312347TEWeldCo Law 9031Weld County Law 9031Law Tac
90322348TEWeldCo Law 9032Weld County Law 9032Law Tac
90332349TEWeldCo Law 9033Weld County Law 9033Law Tac
9034234aTEWeldCo Law 9034Weld County Law 9034Law Tac
9035234bTWeldCo Court SecWeld County Courthouse SecuritySecurity
9036234cTEWeldCo Law 9036Weld County Law 9036Law Tac
90432353TWeldCo Training3Weld County Law Training 9043 (Patch)Law Talk
90442354TWeldCo Training4Weld County Law Training 9044 (Patch)Law Talk
90452355TWeldCo Training5Weld County Law Training 9045 (Patch)Law Talk
90462356TWeldCo Training6Weld County Law Training 9046 (Patch)Law Talk
90472357TWeldCo Training7Weld County Law Training 9047 (Patch)Law Talk
90482358TWeldCo Training8Weld County Law Training 9048 (Patch)Law Talk
Weld County Fire-EMS

Thompson Valley EMS is dispatched to Weld County calls on State of Colorado DTRS TG 1951.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4702fTWeldCo EMS CADCAD Alerting (AMR and UCH Paramedics)EMS Dispatch
1907773TWeldCo Fire DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
1909775TWeldFG3 EatonFireground 3 EatonFire-Tac
1910776TWeldFG4 WndsorFireground 4 WindsorFire-Tac
1911777TWeldFG5 AltPcFireground 5 Ault/PierceFire-Tac
1913779TWeldCo EMS DispEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
191477aTWeldCo EMS Ops 1EMS Ops 1EMS-Tac
191577bTWeldCo EMS Ops 2EMS Ops 2EMS-Tac
191677cTWeldFG23 TraingFireground 23 TrainingLaw Talk
191977fTWeldFG11 LaSalleFireground 11 La SalleFire-Tac
1920780TWeldFG12 MtnViewFireground 12 Mountain ViewFire-Tac
1921781TWeldFG6 EvansFireground 6 EvansFire-Tac
1922782TWeldFG7 NunnFireground 7 NunnFire-Tac
1923783TWeldFG8 FredFstnFireground 8 Frederick/FirestoneFire-Tac
1924784TWeldFG9 HudsonFireground 9 HudsonFire-Tac
1925785TWeldFG10 FtLuptnFireground 10 Ft LuptonFire-Tac
193378dTWeldFG20 PawneeFireground 20 PawneeFire-Tac
1937791TWeldFG21 RaymerFireground 21 New RaymerFire-Tac
1941795TWeldFG16 MilliknFireground 16 Milliken (Front Range FR)Fire-Tac
1942796TWeldFG17 JonstwnFireground 17 Johnstown (Front Range FR)Fire-Tac
1943797TWeldFG18 GaletonFireground 18 GaletonFire-Tac
19557a3TWeldFG19 BrgsdalFireground 19 BriggsdaleFire-Tac
19567a4TWeldFG13 PlatvilFireground 13 PlattevilleFire-Tac
19577a5TWeldFG14 SE WeldFireground 14 Southeast WeldFire-Tac
19587a6TWeldFG15 PlatVlyFireground 15 Platte ValleyFire-Tac
19637abTWeldFG22 TrainigFireground 22 TrainingFire-Talk
20287ecTWeldFireTone2028Tone and Voice Alerting (400, 500 units)Fire Dispatch
20317efTWeldFireTone2031Tone and Voice Alerting (700, 2300, 2400, 3100 units)Fire Dispatch
20367f4TWeldFireTone2036Tone and Voice Alerting (900, 2600, 3800, 3900, 4000 units)Fire Dispatch
20477ffTWeldFireTone2047Tone and Voice Alerting (2000, 2100, 2500, 2700, 3300, 3500 units)Fire Dispatch
205980bTWeldFireTone2059Tone and Voice Alerting (200, 800, 3400 units)Fire Dispatch
95612559TWeldFireCAD 9561CAD Alerting (400, 500 units)Fire Dispatch
9562255aTWeldFireCAD 9562CAD Alerting (2000, 2100, 2500, 2700, 3300, 3500 units)Fire Dispatch
9563255bTWeldFireCAD 9563CAD Alerting (700, 2300, 2400, 3100 units)Fire Dispatch
9564255cTWeldFireCAD 9564CAD Alerting (200, 800, 3400 units)Fire Dispatch
9565255dTWeldFireCAD 9565CAD Alerting (900, 2600, 3800, 3900, 4000 units)Fire Dispatch
Weld County Local Government
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90122334TWeld Roads 9012Weld County Roads 9012Public Works
90132335TWeld Roads 9013Weld County Roads 9013Public Works
90142336TWeld Roads 9014Weld County Roads 9014Public Works
90152337TWeld Roads 9015Weld County Roads 9015Public Works
90162338TWeld Roads 9016Weld County Roads 9016Public Works
90172339TWeld Roads 9017Weld County Roads 9017Public Works
9018233aTWeld Roads 9018Weld County Roads 9018Public Works
9019233bTWeld Roads 9019Weld County Roads 9019Public Works
9020233cTWeld SecurityWeld County Building SecuritySecurity
9051235bTWeld School SafeWeld County School Safe FRCC BridgeInterop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
19547a2TEEvans Local GovEvans Local GovernmentPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
19527a0TFirestone PD TACFirestone Police TacticalLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
19607a8TFtLupton PD Vh 3Fort Lupton Police 3Law Talk
90002328TFtLupton FD AdmnFort Lupton Fire Protection District AdminFire-Talk
Fort St. Vrain Generating Station

Fort Saint Vrain Generating Station is a natural gas powered electricity generating facility located near Platteville. It is owned and operated by Xcel Energy.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90242340TFtStVrain Power1Fort Saint Vrain Power Plant 1Utilities
90252341TFtStVrain Power2Fort Saint Vrain Power Plant 2Utilities
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
190076cTGreeley PD 1Greeley Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
190176dTGreeley PD 2Greeley Police 2 RecordsLaw Dispatch
190276eTEGreeley PD 3Greeley Police 3Law Tac
190376fTEGreeley PD 4Greeley Police 4 Tac-4Law Tac
1904770TEGreeley PD 5Greeley Police 5Law Tac
1905771TEGreeley PD 6Greeley Police 6Law Tac
1906772TGreeley PD AdmGreeley Police AdminLaw Tac
20017d1TGreeley PD 7Greeley Police 7 TrainingLaw Talk
20047d4TGreeley PD 8Greeley Police 8 Training/TacLaw Tac
90402350TGPD Training 40Greeley PD Training 9040 (Patch)Law Talk
90412351TGPD Training 41Greeley PD Training 9041 (Patch)Law Talk
90422352TGPD Training 42Greeley PD Training 9042 (Patch)Law Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1908774TWeldFG2 GreeleyWeld County Fireground 2 GreeleyFire-Tac
1912778TGreeley EMS TACGreeley EMS TAC (Banner Health Paramedics)EMS-Tac
1936790TWeldFG1 GreeleyWeld County Fireground 1 GreeleyFire-Tac
19647acTGreeleyMedicsCADWeld County CAD Alerting (Banner Health Greeley Paramedics)EMS Dispatch
20177e1TGreeleyFireTonesWeld County Tone and Voice Alerting (Greeley Fire)Fire Dispatch
90012329TGreeley Fire 1Greeley Fire 1Fire Dispatch
90272343TNCMC GreeleyBanner North Colorado Medical Center (Greeley)Hospital
9566255eTGreeleyFire CADWeld County CAD Alerting (Greeley Fire)Fire Dispatch
Mountain View Fire Rescue (200 units)

Mountain View Fire Rescue serves areas in both Boulder and Weld counties, and can also be heard on the State of Colrado DTRS P25 system.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
91132399TMtnView Fire 1Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-1Fire-Tac
9114239aTMtnView Fire 2Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-2Fire-Tac
95402544TMtnView Fire 3Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-3Fire-Tac
95412545TMtnView Fire 4Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-4Fire-Tac
95572555TMtnView Fire 5Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-5Fire-Tac
95582556TMtnView Fire 6Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-6Fire-Tac
95602558TMtnView Fire 8Mountain View Fire Rescue TAC-8Fire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
90292345TPlattvle PD AdmnPlatteville Police AdminLaw Tac
University of Northern Colorado

The University of Northern Colorado is located in Greeley.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
19537a1TUNC PoliceUniversity of Northern Colorado PoliceLaw Dispatch
9037234dTUNC ParkngUniversity of Northern Colorado Parking EnforcementPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
19657adTWindsor PD TACWindsor PD TACLaw Tac
95592557TWindsor TrainingWindsor Severance Fire Rescue TrainingFire-Tac