Front Range Communications Consortium (FRCC)

Site: Thornton

Unique DB ID: 23699
County: Adams

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.9174 Longitude: -104.9500 Range: 6 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1100bTEThornton PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
1200cTEThornton PD 2Police 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
1300dTEThornton PD 3Police 3Law Tac
2901dTThornton FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
3001eTThornton FD OpsAFireground AFire-Tac
41211019TThornton FD OpsCFireground CFire-Tac
4127101fTEThornton PD 2APolice 2A Car/CarLaw Tac
41281020TEThornton PD RecPolice 4 RecordsLaw Tac
41291021TThornton FD OpsBFireground BFire-Tac
41301022TEThornton PD SpEvPolice Special EventsLaw Talk
41331025TThornton RoadsRoad and BridgePublic Works
41341026TThornton WasteTrash & RecyclingPublic Works
41351027TThornton ParksParks and RecreationPublic Works
41361028TThornton NeigSrvNeighborhood ServicesPublic Works
4173104dTEThornton PD DataPolice DataLaw Tac
41771051TEThornton PD TrfcPolice TrafficLaw Tac