Pima County Wireless Integrated Network (PCWIN)

System Name: Pima County Wireless Integrated Network (PCWIN)
Location: Tucson, AZ
County: Pima
System Type: Project 25 Phase II
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 3BB WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: February 12, 2025, 00:26 am UTC   [Updated 1 talkgroups for Tucson Police]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Simulcast A (Metro Tucson) 851.075851.1375851.4375851.5875851.675851.950852.100852.200
1 (1) 002 (2) Simulcast B (Metro Tucson) 851.1875851.3125851.5625851.6125851.925852.125852.450852.925
1 (1) 003 (3) North Simulcast (NW Side of Tucson) 851.0375851.3625c851.6375c851.7875c852.725c853.150853.450 
1 (1) 004 (4) Arivaca Govnet 851.2375851.2625851.5375c852.0375c    
1 (1) 005 (5) Childs Mountain 851.4625852.775c853.400c853.6875c    
1 (1) 006 (6) Confidence Peak 851.975852.325c852.800c853.575c    
1 (1) 007 (7) Haystack Mountain 851.2125852.375853.200c853.7375c    
1 (1) 008 (8) Keystone Peak 851.1625851.8625852.225c852.850c853.3125c853.7875c  
1 (1) 009 (9) Mt Bigelow 851.2875851.700c852.700c     
1 (1) 010 (A) Golder Fire Station 851.3375851.8375c852.150c852.650c    


Sheriff's Department Patrol

Pima County Sheriff Tucson area talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A; and on other sites as needed by system users.
North talkgroups always also heard on North Simulcast. East talkgroups are heard on Mt. Bigelow Site when a deputy is on duty (or otherwise listening) on Mt. Lemmon.
Foothills District is West of 1st Avenue, including Flowing Wells, Casas Adobes, Tortolita, Tucson Mountain Foothills, and Catalina.
Tucson Mountain District is Avra Valley and Picture Rocks. Rincon District is Catalina Foothills, Tanque Verde and Mt. Lemmon.
Vail District is Vail/Rincon Valley and Corona De Tucson.
San Xavier District is unincorporated areas immediately south of Tucson city limits, Drexel Heights, and Three Points.
Green Valley District is unincorporate Sahuarita, Green Valley, and Arivaca.
Ajo District is Ajo.

Sahuarita PD is dispatched by PCSO on South-1. 

The U. S. National Park Service Rangers in Tucson AZ are now on the Pima County Wireless Intergrated Network using two of the Pima County Sheriff's Talk Groups:
TG 18009 (East-1) covers Sabino Canyon which is part of the Coronado National Forest, and Saguaro National Park East.
TG 18024 (North-1) covers the Saguaro National Park West.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
180024652TePCSO AjoAjo DispatchLaw Dispatch
180094659TPCSO East-1East-1 Dispatch (Rincon & Vail Districts)Law Dispatch
18010465aTPCSO East-2East-2 Tac (Rincon & Vail Districts)Law Talk
18011465bTPCSO East DPEast Directed PatrolLaw Tac
180244668TPCSO North-1North-1 Dispatch (Foothills, Catalina and Tucson Mtn Districts)Law Dispatch
180254669TPCSO North-2North-2 Tac (Foothills, Catalina and Tucson Mtn Districts)Law Talk
18026466aTPCSO North DPNorth Directed PatrolLaw Tac
18030466eTPCSO Ajo SAVSAV - Ajo (Volunteers)Law Dispatch
18031466fTPCSO GV SAVSAV - Green Valley (Volunteers)Law Dispatch
180324670TPCSO TUS SAVSAV - Tucson (Volunteers)Law Dispatch
180344672TPCSO South-1South-1 Dispatch (Green Valley District)Law Dispatch
180354673TPCSO South-2South-2 Tac (Green Valley District)Law Talk
180364674TPCSO South DPSouth Directed PatrolLaw Tac
18046467eTPCSO West-1West-1 Dispatch (San Xavier District)Law Dispatch
18047467fTPCSO West-2West-2 Tac (San Xavier District)Law Talk
180484680TPCSO West DPWest Directed PatrolLaw Tac
Sheriff's Department

Pima County Sheriff Tucson area talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A; and on other sites as needed by system users. North talkgroups always also heard on North Simulcast.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
180054655TPCSO BldgSctBuilding SecurityLaw Tac
180084658TPCSO CourtsCourthouse SecuritySecurity
180184662TJud SecurityJudicial SecurityLaw Tac
18027466bTSO Off Duty1Off Duty 1Law Tac
18028466cTSO Off Duty2Off Duty 2Law Tac
18029466dTSO Off Duty3Off Duty 3Law Tac
18042467aTSO Train 1Training 1Law Tac
18043467bTSO Train 2Training 2Law Tac
18044467cTSO Train 3Training 3Law Tac
18045467dTSO Train 4Training 4Law Tac
180504682TSAR 1SAR 1 - Search Law Tac
180514683TSAR 2SAR 2 - Search Law Tac
180544686TSAR 3SAR 3 - SearchLaw Tac
2120052d0TConstablesConstablesLaw Tac
Sheriff's Department Corrections

Pima County Jail talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
18013465dTPCSO Jail 1Jail 1Corrections
18014465eTPCSO Jail 2Jail 2Corrections
18015465fTPCSO Jail 3Jail 3Corrections
180164660TPCSO Jail 4Jail 4Corrections
21100526cTPC Adt Prob 1Adult Probation 1Corrections
21101526dTPC Adt Prob 2Adult Probation 2Corrections
214005398TPCJCC JIPSPC Juvenile Court Center - JIPSCorrections
21402539aTJuv Court 1Juvenile Court 1Corrections

South Tucson PD is dispatched on TPD Team-1. Tucson Police talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A; and on other sites as needed by system users.

As of December 22, 2021, major shake-up of TPD patrol channel usage is underway.

TPD is at least partially reverting back to the pre-December 2021 shake-up.  Teams 1-4 are reverting back to the original TalkGroups, pending staffing, there may still be talkgroups patched together. 

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
190004a38TTPD A1 Team 1A1 Team 1 (South) PatrolLaw Dispatch
190014a39TTPD A2 Tm-1 InfoA2 Team 1 InfoLaw Tac
190034a3bTTPD A3 Team 2A3 Team 2 (West) PatrolLaw Dispatch
190044a3cTTPD A4 Tm-2 InfoA4 Team 2 InfoLaw Tac
190064a3eTTPD A5 Team 3A5 Team 3 (Midtown) PatrolLaw Dispatch
190074a3fTTPD A6 Tm-3 InfoA6 Teams 3 InfoLaw Tac
190094a41TTPD A7 Team 4A7 Team 4 (East) PatrolLaw Dispatch
190104a42TTPD A8 Tm-4 InfoA8 Team 4 InfoLaw Talk
190024a3aTTPD B1 Team1 CRTB1 Team 1 Community Response TeamLaw Tac
190054a3dTTPD B2 Team2 CRTB2 Team 2 Community Response TeamLaw Tac
190084a40TTPD B3 Team3 CRTB3 Team 3 Community Response TeamLaw Tac
190114a43TTPD B4 Team4 CRTB4 Team 4 Community Response TeamLaw Tac
190164a48TTrfc X-TalkTraffic Unit Cross-TalkLaw Talk
190184a4aTTPD CtyXtalkCitywide CrosstalkLaw Talk
190224a4eTTPD TrainingTrainingLaw Tac
190264a52TTPD TrainingTraining 19026Law Tac
190404a60TTPD Event 1Event 1Law Tac
190414a61TTPD Event 2Event 2Law Tac

Marana Police migrated to PCWIN in October 2018. Marana Police talkgroups are always encrypted and are always on Simulcast A and North Simulcast; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60001770TEMPD 1 DispMarana PD 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
60011771TEMPD 2Marana PD 2Law Tac
60021772TEMPD 3Marana PD 3Law Tac
60031773TEMPD 4Marana PD 4Law Tac

Oro Valley Police talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A and North Simulcast; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
160003e80TOVPD 1 DispOVPD 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
160013e81TOVPD 2 XtlkOVPD 2 CrosstalkLaw Talk
160053e85TOVPD 6 TacOVPD 6 AlternateLaw Tac
Pascua Yaqui Police
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
141003714TPYPD Patrol1DispatchLaw Dispatch
141013715TPYDP Patrol2Alt DispatchLaw Dispatch
141023716TPYPD Ops1AlternateLaw Tac
141033717TPYPD OPS2OperationsLaw Talk
141043718TPYDP OPS3OperationsLaw Talk
141053719TPYPD Tac1Pascua Police TacLaw Tac
14107371bTPYPD JailJailMulti-Tac
Pima Community College Police

Pima Community College Police talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
170004268TPCC PD DispatchDispatchLaw Dispatch
170014269TPCC PD Patrol-2Patrol-2Law Talk
17002426aTPCC PD TrainingTrainingLaw Talk
University of Arizona Police

UAPD talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast A; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
200004e20TUAPD1 DispatchDispatchLaw Dispatch
200014e21TUAPD2 AlternateF-2Law Tac
200024e22TUAPD3 AlternateF-3Law Tac
200084e28TUAPD Event 1Special Event 1Law Tac
200094e29TUAPD Event 2Special Event 2Law Tac
200144e2eTUAPD EmrgncyEmergency ButtonLaw Tac
Tucson Public Safety Academy
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
150363abcTPSA AdminPSA AdminMulti-Tac
150373abdTPSA TrackTrackMulti-Tac
150383abeTPSA 1PSA 1Multi-Tac
150393abfTPSA 2PSA 2Multi-Tac
150403ac0TPSA 3PSA 3Multi-Tac
150413ac1TPSA 4PSA 4Multi-Tac
150423ac2TPSA 5PSA 5Multi-Tac
Tucson Regional Fire Dispatch

City of Tucson Communications dispatches for Tucson, Northwest, Golder Ranch, Picture Rocks, Avra Valley, South Tucson, Rincon Valley, Mount Lemmon, Three Points and Morris ANGB fire departments and the University of Arizona EMS (UAEMS) on the talkgroups shown below.

Tucson Fire talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast B; and on other sites as needed by system users.

A9, A12 and A15 are simplex frequencies that are rarely used (generally only where trunked system communications are unreliable) and are grouped with A7, A10, and A13, respectively. For a single major incident, A7 is primary, A8 is avaialble for a second alarm or other tactical use on the incident, and A9 is available as a simplex. For a second major incident at the same time, A10 is primary, A11 is available is available for a second alarm or other tactical use on the incident, and A12 is available as a simplex. For a third major incident at the same time, A13 is primary, A14 is available is available for a second alarm or other tactical use on the incident, and A15 is available as a simplex.

B3, B4, B5, and B6 are Tucson Police Team 1, 2, 3 and 4 Dispatch talkgroups, respectively.

All incident dispatches are heard on A2 but may be delayed when multiple calls are pending dispatch at a pace faster than can be announced over the air. Tucson, Northwest, and Golder Ranch stations receive incident audio alerts over internet connection instantly, regardless of whether A2 is 'backed up' announcing incidents. Avra Valley, Picture Rocks and Three Points stations receive their audio alerts only over the air, and not via internet connections. To avoid delays, Avra Valley, Picture Rocks and Three Points stations always receive their incident audio alerts on the Fire Alerting channel, where Tucson, Northwest and Golder Ranch dispatches are not heard unless their internet connections go down. If their internet connections go down, Tucson, Northwest and Golder Ranch stations receive their audio alerts over the Fire Alerting radio talkgroup as a back-up.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
150003a98TA1 EmergencyA1 EmergencyFire-Tac
150013a99TA2 DispatchA2 DispatchesFire Dispatch
150103aa2TB2 InboundB2 Inbound (In Service Units to Dispatcher)Fire Dispatch
150063a9eTA3 North ResponsA3 North Responses (Routine)Fire-Tac
150073a9fTA4 South ResponsA4 South Responses (Routine)Fire-Tac
150083aa0TA5 East ResponseA5 East Responses (Routine)Fire-Tac
150093aa1TA6 West ResponseA6 West Responses (Routine)Fire-Tac
150023a9aTA7 Fire 1A7 Fire 1 (Major Incidents)Fire-Tac
150163aa8TA8 Staging 1A8 Staging 1 (For 2nd Alarms on Fire 1)Fire-Tac
150033a9bTA10 Fire 2A10 Fire 2 (Major Incidents)Fire-Tac
150173aa9TA11 Staging 2A11 Staging 2 (For 2nd Alarms on Fire 2)Fire-Tac
150043a9cTA13 Fire 3A13 Fire 3 (Major Incidents)Fire-Tac
150183aaaTA14 Staging 3A14 Staging 3 (For 2nd Alarms on Fire 3)Fire-Tac
150203aacTA16 TacticalA16 TacticalFire-Talk
113012c25TMLFD ResponseMount Lemmon FD ResponsesFire Dispatch
120062ee6TB13 TacticalB13 TacticalFire-Tac
120072ee7TB14 TacticalB14 TacticalFire-Tac
120082ee8TB15 TacticalB15 TacticalFire-Tac
120112eebTB16 TacticalB16 TacticalFire-Tac
150513acbTE8 Training 8E8 Training 8Fire-Tac
150233aafTE9 Training 9E9 Training 9Fire-Tac
150243ab0TE10 Training 10E10 Training 10Fire-Tac
150113aa3TE11 Training 11E11 Training 11Fire-Tac
150123aa4TE12 Training 12E12 Training 12Fire-Tac
150133aa5TE13 Training 13E13 Training 13Fire-Tac
150143aa6TE14 Training 14E14 Training 14Fire-Tac
120092ee9TE15 Training 15E15 Training 15Fire-Tac
120012ee1TFire AlertingFire Back-up Station AlertingFire Dispatch

Ajo Ambulance talkgroups are always heard on Childs Mountain site; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
100002710TAjo Amb EMSAjo AmbulanceEMS Dispatch
Pascua Pueblo Fire Department
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1400036b0TPPFD DispatDispatchFire Dispatch
1400936b9TPPFD OpsOperationsFire-Tac
Rural Metro Fire Department / AMR Medical Transportation

Rural Metro and AMR talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast B; and on other sites as needed by system users.

AMR ALS and BLS units covering Santa Rita Fire District are dispatched on VECC Fire Dispatch and advise their own dispatcher on AMR EMS-2.

AMR BLS units covering the City of Tucson are requested by Tucson Fire units on Tucson Regional Fire A3-A6, then dispatched by AMR on AMR EMS-1 and respond on Tucson Fire A3-A6..

AMR BLS units covering the Northwest Fire District are dispatched on Tucson Regional Fire Dispatch and advise their own dispatcher on AMR EMS-1.

AMR ALS and BLS units providing interfacility transports are dispatched on AMR EMS-2.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1300332cbTRMFD DispatchRMFD Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
1300432ccTRMFD TAC 1RMFD TAC-1 (Major Incidents)Fire-Tac
1300532cdTRMFD TAC 2RMFD TAC-2 (Secondary/Training)Fire-Tac
1300732cfTAMR EMS-1AMR EMS 1 Tucson AreaEMS Dispatch
1300832d0TAMR EMS-2AMR EMS 2 Green Valley AreaEMS Dispatch
1300932d1TAMR EMS-3AMR EMS 3 AlternateEMS-Tac
Valley Emergency Communications Center

Valley Emergency Communications Center (VECC) is controlled by Drexel Heights Fire District and dispatches for Arivaca, Corona de Tucson, Drexel Heights, Elephant Head, Helmet Peak, Santa Rita and Tohono O'odham San Xavier District Fire Departments. VECC talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast B and Keystone Peak; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
110002af8TEmergencyEmergency ButtonFire-Tac
110122b04TVF Disp vecValley Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
110132b05TVF EMS1 vecValley Fire EMS-1EMS-Tac
110142b06TVF EMS 2 vecValley Fire EMS-2EMS-Tac
110152b07TVF EMS 3 vecValley Fire EMS-3EMS-Tac
110162b08TVF EMS 4 vecValley Fire EMS-4EMS-Tac
110172b09TVF EMS 5 vecValley Fire EMS-5EMS-Tac
110182b0aTVF Fire 1 vecValley Fire Fire-1Fire-Tac
110192b0bTVF Fire 2 vecValley Fire Fire-2Fire-Tac
110202b0cTVF Fire 3 vecValley Fire Fire-3Fire-Tac
110212b0dTVF Fire 4 vecValley Fire Fire-4Fire-Tac
110222b0eTVF Ops vecValley Fire OpsFire-Tac
110272b13TVF Tng-1 vecTraining-1Fire-Tac
116002d50TCDTFD TraingCorona Fire TrainingFire-Tac
Area Meds / Med Calling
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
210005208TMeds ControlMeds ControlEMS-Tac
210015209TVMED28 PatchMeds PatchEMS-Tac
21002520aTNW HospitalNorthwest HospitalHospital
21003520bTOV HospitalOro Valley HospitalHospital
21004520cTSJ HospitalSt Joseph's HospitalHospital
21005520dTSM HospitalSt Mary's HospitalHospital
21006520eTTuc Med CtrTucson Medical CenterHospital
21007520fTUMC-Main HplUMC - Main Campus HospitalHospital
210085210TUMC-S HosptlUMC - South Campus HospitalHospital
210095211TVA Med CntrVA Medical CenterHospital
210105212TGV HospitalGreen Valley HospitalHospital
210115213TVAIL ERVail HospitalHospital
210125214TMarana ERMarana HospitalHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
50001388TInterop TPDInterop to Tucson PD DispatchInterop
50011389TInterop TFDInterop to Tucson Fire DispatchInterop
5002138aTInterop PCSDInterop to Pima Sheriff DispatchInterop
5003138bTInterop OVPDInterop to Oro Valley Police DispatchInterop
5004138cTInterop VECCInterop to VECC DispatchInterop
5005138dTInterop UAPDInterop to Univ of AZ PD DispatchInterop
5006138eTInterop PYPDInterop to Pascua Yaqui PD DispatchInterop
5007138fTInterop PCCPDInterop to Pima College PD DispatchInterop
50081390TInterop R/M AMRInterop to Rural Metro / AMR DispatchInterop
50091391TInterop AjoInterop to Ajo DispatchInterop
50101392TInterop MaranaInterop to Marana PD DispatchInterop
65000fde8TLE Interop-1Law Enforcement Interop-1Interop
65001fde9TLE Interop-2Law Enforcement Interop-2Interop
65002fdeaTLE Interop-3Law Enforcement Interop-3Interop
65003fdebTLE Interop-4Law Enforcement Interop-4Interop
65004fdecTLE Interop-5Law Enforcement Interop-5Interop
65005fdedTLE Interop-6Law Enforcement Interop-6Interop
65006fdeeTLE Interop-7Law Enforcement Interop-7Interop
65007fdefTLE Interop-8Law Enforcement Interop-8Interop
65008fdf0TCommon 9Common-9Interop
65009fdf1TCommon 10Common-10Interop
65010fdf2TCommon 11Common-11Interop
65011fdf3TCommon 12Common-12Interop
65012fdf4TCommon 13Common-13Interop
65013fdf5TCommon 14Common-14Interop
65014fdf6TCommon 15Common-15Interop
65015fdf7TCommon 16Common-16Interop
65016fdf8TFD Interop-1Fire Interop-1Interop
65017fdf9TFD Interop-2Fire Interop-2Interop
65018fdfaTFD Interop-3Fire Interop-3Interop
65019fdfbTFD Interop-4Fire Interop-4Interop
65020fdfcTFD Interop-5Fire Interop-5Interop
65021fdfdTFD Interop-6Fire Interop-6Interop
65022fdfeTFD Interop-7Fire Interop-7Interop
65023fdffTFD Interop-8Fire Interop-8Interop
65024fe00TPW Interop-1Public Works Interop-1Interop
65039fe0fDeRegional SWAT 1Regional SWAT 1Interop
Information Technology
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
100064TPCWIN IT AAPublic Works
101065TPCWIN IT BBPublic Works
102066TPCWIN IT CCPublic Works
103067TPCWIN IT DDPublic Works
104068TPCWIN IT EEPublic Works
105069TPCWIN IT FFPublic Works
10606aTPCWIN IT GGPublic Works
10706bTPCWIN IT HHPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2150053fcTPC EOC 1Emergency Ops Ctr 1Emergency Ops
2150153fdTPC EOC 2Emergency Ops Ctr 2Emergency Ops
2150253feTPC EOC 3Emergency Ops Ctr 3Emergency Ops
2150353ffTPC EOC 4Emergency Ops Ctr 4Emergency Ops
2200055f0TPCACCAnimal Control CenterPublic Works
2200155f1TPCACC - 2Animal Control Center - 2Public Works
221005654TPC DOT ADepartment of Transportation - APublic Works
221025656TPC DOT BDepartment of Transportation - BPublic Works
22107565bTPC DOT 22107Department of Transportation 22107Transportation
221135661TPC DOT Mt LmnDepartment of Transportation - Mt LemmonPublic Works
2220056b8TWW Ina RdRegional Wastewater - Ina Road PlantPublic Works
2220256baTPC-RWRDRegional Wastewater Reclamation DepartmentPublic Works
226005848TOME 1Medical Examiner - 1Law Tac
Tucson Airport Authority

Tucson Airport Authority talkgroups are always heard on Simulcast B; and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
65053fe1dTTAA PD DispatchPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
65054fe1eTTAA PD Tac 1Police Tac 1Law Tac
65056fe20TTAA FD DispatchFire DispatchFire Dispatch
65057fe21TTAA FD Tac 1Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
65059fe23TTAA FacilitiesFacilities HousekeepingPublic Works
65060fe24TTAA MaintenanceFacilities Maintenance Public Works
65061fe25TTAA FlightlineFlightline OperationsPublic Works
Tucson Unified School District

TUSD Security is always heard on Simulcast A and on other sites as needed by system users.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
65050fe1aTTUSD Security 1Security PrimarySchools
65051fe1bTTUSD Security 2Security CrosstalkSchools