Pima County Wireless Integrated Network (PCWIN)

Site: Pima County

Unique DB ID: 20158
County: Pima

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 32.0004 Longitude: -111.9000 Range: 90 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2150053fcTPC EOC 1Emergency Ops Ctr 1Emergency Ops
2150153fdTPC EOC 2Emergency Ops Ctr 2Emergency Ops
2150253feTPC EOC 3Emergency Ops Ctr 3Emergency Ops
2150353ffTPC EOC 4Emergency Ops Ctr 4Emergency Ops
2200055f0TPCACCAnimal Control CenterPublic Works
2200155f1TPCACC - 2Animal Control Center - 2Public Works
221005654TPC DOT ADepartment of Transportation - APublic Works
221025656TPC DOT BDepartment of Transportation - BPublic Works
22107565bTPC DOT 22107Department of Transportation 22107Transportation
221135661TPC DOT Mt LmnDepartment of Transportation - Mt LemmonPublic Works
2220056b8TWW Ina RdRegional Wastewater - Ina Road PlantPublic Works
2220256baTPC-RWRDRegional Wastewater Reclamation DepartmentPublic Works
226005848TOME 1Medical Examiner - 1Law Tac