Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE)

System Name: Pacific Gas and Electric (PGE)
Location: Various, CA
County: 33 Counties
System Type: MPT-1327 Standard
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: December 22, 2024, 06:13 am UTC   [Added Site # 20921 (Williams Hill)]
System Notes

This wide area MPT-1327 system - currently under construction - will eventually contain approximately 100+ sites and serve both PG&E Gas and Electric operations. Each site has its own hexidecimal "system ID", and all sites are networked together to allow users seamless roaming through PG&E's entire coverage area. Mobile registrations are required at the site in order to make it broadcast specific talkgroups.

The Base frequencies and Step sizes are below, which should be complete, and will serve to calculate most of the channels.

Ranges Start     End Spacing  PL
000-161 451.000000 453.012500 12.5kHz 196.6
162-213 454.018750 454.656250 12.5kHz 196.6
214-364 460.650000 462.525000 12.5kHz 196.6
365-510 463.200000


12.5kHz 196.6
511-672 451.000000 453.012500 12.5kHz 199.9
673-724 454.018750 454.656250 12.5kHz 199.9
725-875 460.650000 462.525000 12.5kHz 199.9
876-1019 463.200000 465.012500 12.5kHz 199.9

Each site's hexadecimal sysid is a make-up of several MPT network identifiers. Below both Zone and Site # are shown. Each site - unless noted on the site's page - uses a CTCSS tone of 196.6. Some sites have been known to change to 199.9 and update their channel ID accordingly (see table).

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
18329 (4799) Cloverdale Mendocino 461.225461.575463.2625463.600c   
20609 (5081) Petaluma SC (Z2, S1) Sonoma 464.1875c461.450461.5375    
20617 (5089) Montara Ridge (Z2, S2) San Mateo 452.2125454.09375c454.49375    
20625 (5091) Clayton Hill (Z2, S3) Contra Costa 451.325454.13125c454.21875454.63125454.65625463.850 
20633 (5099) Sunol Ridge (Z2, S4) Alameda 452.3875454.23125454.55625c464.6375   
20649 (50A9) Big Rock Ridge (Z2, S6) Marin 454.39375c463.7625     
20657 (50B1) Mt Tamalpais (Z2, S7) Marin 454.11875c454.26875454.61875    
20673 (50C1) Twin Peaks (Z2, S9) San Francisco 451.200454.01875454.14375c454.29375   
20689 (50D1) Cummins Skyway? (Z2, S11) Contra Costa 454.44375c      
20697 (50D9) Round Top (Z2, S12) Contra Costa 451.0375451.225454.10625c454.28125   
20705 (50E1) Rocky Ridge (Z2, S13) Contra Costa 451.0625454.43125c454.53125454.64375   
20729 (50F9) San Bruno Mtn (Z2, S16) San Mateo 451.575452.800454.15625454.45625c463.2375  
20745 (5109) Sonoma Mtn (Z3, S2) Sonoma 454.56875c461.450461.5375    
20753 (5111) Bodega Bay Sonoma 464.4375c464.6125464.7875    
20769 (5121) Berryessa Peak Yolo 454.29375454.41875c461.9875    
20777 (5129) San Leandro Hill Alameda 452.300454.46875c461.4875462.075463.9375464.0625454.64375
20873 (5189) Fremont Pk (Z4, S2) Monterey 464.0875c      
20881 (5191) Tassajera Peak San Luis Obispo 460.6625c461.275461.650462.425464.100  
20913 (51B1) Soledad Peak Monterey 464.1625c      
20921 (51B9) Williams Hill Monterey 461.800c      
20945 (51D1) Black Butte San Luis Obispo 451.725452.050c452.300452.500   
21193 (52C9) Double Mtn (Z6, S10) Kern 451.0875c452.2125     
21201 (52D1) Pampa Peak (Z6, S11) Kern 463.3625c      
21225 (52E9) Joaquin Ridge (Z6, S14) Fresno 463.450c463.3875464.1625    
21273 (5319) Bear Mountain Fresno 451.100c451.400452.225452.675453.000  
21281 (5321) Meadow Lakes (Z7, S5) Fresno 463.4125c460.7375461.600451.7125463.6375  
21289 (5329) Deadwood Pk (Z7, S6) Madera 454.45625c461.025462.050464.3625464.800c  
21377 (5381) Unknown Alameda 454.51875      
21385 (5389) Mt Bullion (Z8, S2) Mariposa 454.44375461.875c462.475464.725   
21393 (5391) Mount Oso (Z8, S3) Stanislaus 454.09375c454.16875454.29375454.50625   
21401 (5399) Mount Vaca (Z8, S4) Solano 451.450454.03125454.16875454.30625454.54375c  
21417 (53A9) Unknown near Butte Co. (Z8, S6) Butte 454.09375c454.16875454.24375454.50625   
21433 (53B9) Los Banos Sub (Z8, S8) Merced 463.3625c      
21441 (53C1) Mt Reba (Z8, S9) Alpine 451.1125c      
21457 (53D1) Telegraph Hill (Z8, S11) Tuolumne 451.025454.29375454.41875c464.175c   
21465 (53D9) Unknown Alameda 454.48125c      
21473 (53E1) Tiger Creek Forebay (Z8, S13) Amador 454.01875454.46875c463.6125463.9625   
21481 (53E9) Oregon Peak Yuba 451.2625c      
21497 (53F9) Unknown Bay Area or Valley Marin 454.41875454.51875c     
21513 (5409) Drum Forebay (Z9, S2) Placer 461.5625463.925464.450c464.825   
21521 (5411) Osborne Hill (Z9, S3) Nevada 464.0875c      
21529 (5419) Signal Peak (Z9, S4) Nevada 454.55625c462.350464.725464.925   
21537 (5421) Ruby Bluff (Z9, S5) Sierra 461.175c461.3875463.350    
21553 (5431) Bear Mtn - Calaveras (Z9, S7) Calaveras 451.9125454.49375c454.56875463.9375   
21569 (5441) Mariposa Mariposa 452.575c      
21633 (5481) Pine Hill (Z10, S1) El Dorado 454.06875454.25625454.40625454.51875c   
21641 (5489) Round Mountain Tehama 454.10625c454.18125454.53125461.9625   
21649 (5491) Inskip Peak Tehama 454.4375c      
21657 (5499) Haney Mtn (Z10, S4) Shasta 461.400c      
21673 (54A9) Hatchet Mtn (Z10, S6) Shasta 451.875c452.4625452.700454.14375   
21681 (54B1) Happy Camp (Z10, S7) Modoc 451.850c      
21689 (54B9) Unknown near Butte Co. (Z10, S8) Butte 454.48125c      
21697 (54C1) Flea Mountain Butte 451.350452.075c452.250454.13125461.950  
21705 (54C9) Bucks Lake Plumas 452.200c452.700     
21713 (54D1) Unknown Alameda 464.400c      
21729 (54E1) St Helena (Z10, S13) Lake 454.49375c464.7125454.03125454.28125   
21745 (54F1) Oregon Mtn (Z10, S15) Trinity 452.000c      
21785 (5519) Stirling City Butte 451.200c      
21953 (55C1) Shasta Bally (Z12, S9) Shasta 461.8375c463.7125464.4375464.825   
21985 (55E1) Willits Mendocino 461.175c463.8625464.225464.8125   
22049 (5621) Berryessa Pk (Z13, S5) Yolo 454.29375454.41875c461.9875463.725   
22057 (5629) View Hill San Luis Obispo 461.350462.1375463.2625464.4625c   
22089 (5649) Philo Mendocino 451.075451.575c451.825452.575   
22473 (57C9) Kelseyville Lake 451.1125c451.2125461.7625464.2125   
22481 (57D1) Esparto Yolo 454.41875c461.9875463.725464.9875   
22513 (57F1) Boonville Mendocino 451.0375451.125c451.475451.850452.525  


Area 1 - S.F. and Peninsula

Prefix 001

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6714ASF ElectricElectric - SF CountyUtilities
Area 2 - Mission, East Bay and Diablo

Prefix 1

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6718AALCO NW ElecEast Bay Electric - ALCO NorthwestUtilities
6720ACOCOE ElecDiablo Electric - East Contra CostaUtilities
6722AALCO CE ElecMission Electric - ALCO Central Utilities
Area 5 - Yosemite and Stockton

Prefix 001

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6753A6753 Elec OpElectric - Amador CountyUtilities
6754A6754 Elec OpElectric - Stockton areaUtilities
6755A6755 Elec OpElectric - Calaveras CountyUtilities
6756A6756 Elec OpElectric - Tracy/MantecaUtilities
6757A6757 Elec OpElectric - Tuolumne CountyUtilities
6758A6758 Elec OpElectric - Stanislaus CountyUtilities
6759A6759 Elec OpElectric - Madera and MariposaUtilities
6760A6760 Elec OpElectric - East Merced CountyUtilities
6761A6761 Elec OpElectric - West Merced CountyUtilities
6952A6952 ConstElectric Construction 6952Utilities
6959A6959 ConstElectric Construction 6959Utilities
6961A6961 ConstElectric Construction 6961Utilities
Area 6 - Sacramento and Sierra

Prefix 1

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6743AButte ElecNorth Valley Electric - Butte CountyUtilities
Area 7 - North Coast and North Bay

Prefix 001

DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6709ASono ElecNorth Coast Electric - Sonoma CountyUtilities