Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (ICAWIN)

System Name: Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (ICAWIN)
Location: Statewide, ID
County: Statewide
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 18B WACN: BEE00
Last Updated: March 18, 2025, 21:36 pm UTC   [Deleted 1 talkgroup(s) from Bannock County]
System Notes
Each participating county is allotted at least one "regional" talkgroup. This talkgroup is generally used for out of county resources to coordinate with the county requesting assistance. Encryption is available on these talkgroups

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) Chinese Peak Bannock 769.08125769.86875770.33125771.03125771.48125771.85625772.26875
1 (1) 002 (2) Sedgewick Pk (Lava Hot Spr) Bannock 769.11875769.51875770.51875771.18125c771.63125c773.40625c 
1 (1) 003 (3) Ada County Simulcast Ada 769.25625769.76875770.28125770.79375771.03125771.33125771.79375
1 (1) 004 (4) East Butte(Midway) Bingham 772.16875772.61875773.18125773.64375773.91875c774.44375c774.96875
1 (1) 005 (5) Blackfoot Bingham 769.54375770.04375770.35625771.06875c771.51875c772.00625c772.46875c
1 (1) 006 (6) Shafer Butte (Boise) Boise 769.09375769.54375770.04375770.36875770.58125771.00625771.18125
1 (1) 007 (7) Parma Canyon 769.86875771.20625771.68125773.30625773.41875773.93125c 
1 (1) 008 (8) Marsing (Ion Hill) Owyhee 769.11875769.83125770.30625771.05625772.01875c772.75625c774.45625c
1 (1) 009 (9) Nampa Canyon 769.30625770.11875770.86875771.35625771.83125c772.45625c772.90625c
1 (1) 010 (A) Caldwell Canyon 769.60625770.54375771.53125771.98125772.60625c773.16875c773.65625c
1 (1) 011 (B) Bennett Mtn (Mtn. Home) Elmore 769.21875769.46875c770.21875774.59375c   
1 (1) 012 (C) Boise(Warm Springs Ave) Ada 857.9625858.9625859.2625c859.4375c   
1 (1) 014 (E) Boise (Hwy 55) Ada 851.450c851.7875852.175852.5625852.925853.2875853.575
1 (1) 019 (13) Mica Pk (Post Falls) Kootenai 769.11875770.20625771.00625771.66875772.53125c773.13125c773.58125c
1 (1) 020 (14) Canfield Mtn (Coeur d'Alene) Kootenai 769.28125770.05625770.56875771.30625771.83125772.33125772.88125c
1 (1) 021 (15) Hoodoo Mtn (Blanchard) Bonner 769.55625770.83125771.25625772.03125c773.69375c774.68125c 
1 (1) 022 (16) Mason Butte (Worley) Kootenai 769.51875770.80625771.21875771.98125773.66875774.65625c 
1 (1) 023 (17) Bellevue Blaine 769.61875771.19375772.29375c773.45625c774.14375c  
1 (1) 024 (18) Ketchum Blaine 769.36875770.50625771.89375c772.89375c773.94375c  
1 (1) 025 (19) Sun Valley Blaine 770.00625771.49375c772.59375c773.65625c774.49375c  
1 (1) 026 (1A) Killarney Mtn (Harrison) Kootenai 769.28125769.80625770.30625772.15625772.70625773.38125c 
1 (1) 027 (1B) Schweitzer Peak Bonner 769.78125770.54375773.15625773.40625773.94375c774.49375c 
1 (1) 028 (1C) Lewiston Nez Perce 769.35625770.25625771.71875772.79375773.94375774.90625c 
1 (1) 029 (1D) Mt Spokane Kootenai 769.61875c770.76875c771.76875c772.74375773.89375774.91875 
1 (1) 030 (1E) Montpelier Bear Lake 770.00625c771.16875771.81875773.68125   
1 (1) 036 (24) Kelly Mountain (Ririe) Madison 769.15625c769.45625c774.03875c    
1 (1) 037 (25) Kinport Pk (Pocatello) Bannock 770.28125770.85625771.29375771.74375772.35625c772.96875c 
1 (1) 038 (26) Relay Ridge (Driggs) Teton 769.40625769.68125770.18125770.95625c773.28125773.55625c 
1 (1) 039 (27) Iona Butte (Idaho Falls) Bonneville 769.20625769.90625770.43125773.80625c774.30625c774.58125c 
1 (1) 040 (28) Soda Springs Caribou 769.29375769.81875771.24375771.69375772.19375c  
1 (1) 041 (29) Arimo Bannock 769.26875770.01875770.80625771.33125771.80625c  
1 (1) 042 (2A) Mt. Harrison (Albion) Cassia 769.34375770.08125770.70625c771.40625c772.01875c772.63125c 
1 (1) 043 (2B) Flat Top Butte (Jerome) Jerome 771.65625772.13125c772.73125c773.16875774.40625c774.70625 
1 (1) 044 (2C) Shelley Butte Bingham 770.61875771.66875772.76875c773.69375c774.70625c  
1 (1) 045 (2D) Rockland Power 769.59375772.50625772.81875773.48125774.23125c  
1 (1) 046 (2E) Inkom Bannock 771.96875772.56875773.13125773.88125774.64375c  
1 (1) 047 (2F) Hell Hole Ridge (Montpelier) Bear Lake 769.85625770.56875771.98125772.85625773.43125c  
1 (1) 048 (30) Malad Repeater Site Oneida 769.85625770.36875771.44375772.30625772.90625c774.48125c 
1 (1) 049 (31) Lava Hill Bannock 772.41875772.86875773.66875774.38125c   


Regional Talkgroups may be encrypted at times.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45109b035DeBonnevilRegnBonneville County RegionalInterop
45120b040DeFranklinRegnFranklin County RegionalInterop
45126b046DeJeromeRegionJerome County RegionalInterop
45135b04fDeOneidaRegionOneida County RegionalInterop
45137b051DePayette RegionPayette County RegionalInterop
45138b052DePowerRegionPower County RegionalInterop

Statewide Talkgroups may be encrypted in some parts of the state.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45000afc8DeState Event 1State Event 1Interop
45001afc9DeState Event 2State Event 2Interop
45002afcaDeState Bldg Ops State Bldg Ops - Idaho FallsInterop
45003afcbDeState Event 4State Event 4Interop
45004afccDeState Event 5State Event 5Interop
45005afcdDeState Event 6State Event 6Interop
45006afceDeState Event 7State Event 7Interop
45007afcfDeState Event 8State Event 8Interop
45008afd0DeState Event 9State Event 9Interop
45009afd1DeState Event 10State Event 10Interop
45010afd2DeState Event 11State Event 11Interop
45011afd3DeState Event 12State Event 12Interop
45012afd4DeState Event 13State Event 13Interop
45013afd5DeState Event 14State Event 14Interop
45014afd6DeState Event 15State Event 15Interop
45015afd7DeState Event 16State Event 16Interop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
46100b414DISP Dist 1 CoeurDistrict 1 Coeur dAlene (Patch to 460.300)Law Dispatch
46104b418DEISP Dist 1 TacDistrict 1 Tactical Law Tac
46101b415DEISP Dist 1 AuxDistrict 1 AuxLaw Dispatch
46200b478DISP Dist 2 PrimDistrict 2 PrimaryLaw Dispatch
46300b4dcDeISP Dist 3 PrimDistrict 3 PrimaryLaw Dispatch
46301b4ddDEISP Dist 3 TacDistrict 3 TacticalLaw Tac
46310b4e6DISP Dist 3 MallDistrict 3 Capital MallLaw Dispatch
46305b4e1DEISP Dist 3 TacDistrict 3 TacticalLaw Tac
46306b4e2DEISP Dist 3 TacDistrict 3 TacticalLaw Tac
46303b4dfDEISP Dist 3 RcrdsDistrict 3 RecordsLaw Talk
46400b540DISP Dist 4 DispDistrict 4 DispatchLaw Dispatch
46404b544DEISP Dist 4 TacDistrict 4 TacticalLaw Tac
46401b541DISP Dist 4 RcrdsDistrict 4 RecordsLaw Talk
46500b5a4DISP Dist 5 DispDistrict 5 DispatchLaw Dispatch
46504b5a8DEISP Dist 5 TacDistrict 5 Tactical Law Tac
46600b608DeISP Dist 6 Disp1District 6 Dispatch 1Law Dispatch
46601b609DeISP Dist 6 Disp2District 6 Dispatch 2Law Dispatch
46604b60cDEISP Dist 6 TacDistrict 6 Tactical (46604)Law Tac
46605b60dDEISP Dist 6 TacDistrict 6 Tactical (46605)Law Tac
Statewide/Regional EMS

Statewide or regional EMS operations, including EMS helicopters may be found here


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
48500bd74DID EMS 1State EMS 1EMS-Talk
48301bcadDID EMS 2State EMS 2EMS-Talk
45016afd8DStLukeLifFltSt Lukes Medical Center Life Flight (45016)EMS Dispatch
45017afd9DPortneuf Air ResPortneuf Air RescueEMS Dispatch
Public Health Districts

District 1 - Panhandle Health District

District 2 - North Central Health District

District 3 - Southwest District Health

District 4 - Central District Health Department

District 5 - South Central Public Health District

District 6 - Southeastern Idaho Public Health

District 7 - Eastern Idaho Public Health District

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3904f40DIPH District 6District 6 OperationsPublic Works
Department of Lands

The Idaho Department of Lands manages Idaho's State Trust Lands. IDL oversees forestry practices on state lands and some regulation of mining practices, as well as administering forestry programs and providing fire protection and prevention on state lands. IDL operates under the Idaho State Board of Land Commissioners

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2892670feDIDL MicaMica Supervisory AreaFire Dispatch
Department of Correction
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
51419c8dbDProb Parole Dst4Probation & Parole Ops Dist 4Corrections
Coeur dAlene Reservation

Coeur dAlene Reservation is located in parts of Benewah and Kootenai counties

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
280306d7eDCoeur Tribal PDTribal PoliceLaw Dispatch
Fort Hall Indian Reservation

The Fort Hall Reservation is a Native American reservation of the federally recognized Shoshone-Bannock Tribes in Bingham, Power, Bannock, and Caribou counties

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
56000dac0DFt Hall PD DispPolice DispatchLaw Dispatch
56001dac1DEFt Hall PD TacPolice TacLaw Tac
56815ddefDFt Hall LE OpsLaw OperationsLaw Tac
56100db24DFt Hall FireFireFire Dispatch
56300dbecDFt Hall Fish/GamFish & GameLaw Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
103740dDEAda Co EmergEmergency TriggerMulti-Tac
105041aDEAda 1A Law 7 PriLE Primary (Law 7)Law Dispatch
1861745DEAda LE Admin/RecLE Admin/Records (County Wide)Law Talk
1907773DAda LE All CallLE Valley All Call Law Talk
1910776DEAda LE InteropLE InteropLaw Talk
45100b02cDEAda Regional I/OAda County Regional InteropInterop
10003e8DEAda SO 1 DispSheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
10013e9DEAda SO 2 CarSheriff 2 Car/CarLaw Tac
10023eaDEAda SO 3 TacSheriff 3 TacitcalLaw Tac
10053edDEAda SO OpsSheriff Ops (1005)Law Tac
10093f1DEAda SO OpsSheriff Ops (1009)Law Talk
10123f4DEAda SO OpsShierff Ops (1012)Law Talk
10133f5DEAda SO OpsSheriff Ops (1013)Law Talk
10223feDEAda Cnty JailAda County Jail (1022-Work Detail)Corrections
1025401DEAda SO OpsSheriff Ops (1025)Law Talk
1027403DEAda Cnty JailAda County Jail (1027)Corrections
1028404DEAda Cnty JailAda County Jail (1028)Corrections
1029405DEAda Cnty JailAda County Jail (1029)Corrections
103840eDEAda SO OpsSheriff Ops (1038)Law Talk
186674aDEAda Metro SWATAda Metro SwatLaw Tac
10203fcDEAda JuvenileCounty Juvenile Detention CenterCorrections
10233ffDEAda SO CourtSheriff CourtsCorrections
1024400DEAda Court OpCounty Court OperationsLaw Talk
1400578DAda FD1/EMSFire 1/EMS Dispatch Multi-Dispatch
1401579DAda Fire 2Fire 2 Fire-Tac
140257aDAda Fire 3Fire 3 Fire-Tac
140357bDAda Fire 4Fire 4Fire-Tac
140457cDAda Fire 5Fire 5Fire-Tac
140557dDAda Fire 6Fire 6 Fire-Tac
140657eDAda Fire 7Fire 7Fire-Talk
140757fDAda Fire 8Fire 8Fire-Tac
1408580DAda Fire 9Fire 9Fire-Tac
1409581DAda Fire 10Fire 10Fire-Tac
1410582DAda Fire 11Fire 11Fire-Tac
1411583DAda Fire 12Fire 12Fire-Tac
1412584DAda Fire 13Fire 13Fire-Tac
1413585DAda Fire 14/ARFFFire 14/ARFFFire-Tac
1414586DAda Fire 15/MAFire 15/Mutual AidFire-Tac
1415587DAda Fire 16Fire 16Fire-Tac
1416588DEAda Fire 17Fire 17Fire-Tac
1417589DEAda Fire 18Fire 18Fire-Tac
141858aDEAda Fire 19Fire 19Fire-Tac
141958bDEAda Fire 20Fire 20Fire-Tac
142058cDEAda Fire 21Fire 21Fire-Tac
142158dDEAda Fire 22Fire 22Fire-Tac
15005dcDAda EMS DispEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
15015ddDEAda EMS TacEMS TacEMS-Tac
15025deDAda EMS BlueEMS BlueEMS-Tac
15035dfDEAda EMS AdminEMS AdministrationEMS-Talk
1801709DEAda SO Event 1Sheriff Event 1Law Tac
180270aDEAda SO Event 2Sheriff Event 2Law Tac
1816718DEAda SO Event 16Sheriff Event 16Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
115047eDEBoise PD PrimaryBoise PD primaryLaw Dispatch
111845eDEBoise PD 8Police 8Law Talk
111945fDEBoise PD 9Police 9Law Talk
1120460DEBoise PD 10Police 10Law Talk
1121461DEBoise PD 11Police 11Law Talk
1122462DEBoise PD AirportAirport PoliceLaw Talk
110144dDEBoise PD 13Police 13Law Tac
110344fDEBoise PD 14Police 14Law Talk
110244eDEBoise PD 15Police 15 Car/CarLaw Talk
110044cDEBoise PD 16Police 16 DispatchLaw Dispatch
111445aDEBoise PD Ops Police Operations (1114)Law Talk
186774bDEBoise PD Ops Police Operations (1867)Law Talk
1104450DEPD/BSU SecurityBPD/BSU SecurityLaw Tac
190176dDEBoise EMS/St AlpEMS St AlphonsusHospital
190276eDEBoise EMS/St LukEMS to St LukesHospital
190376fDEBoise EMS/VA MedEMS to VA Medical CenterHospital
1124464DEBoise AptOpsBoise Airport Ops (1124)Public Works
113446eDEBoise AptOpsBoise Airport Ops (1134)Public Works
55501d8cdDVA PoliceVeterans Affairs PoliceFederal
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1301515DEGarden City PD 6Police 6Law Tac
1302516DEGarden City PD 7Police 7Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14505aaDKuna FDFire DispatchFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
12004b0DEMeridian PD 4Police 4Law Tac
12014b1DEMeridian PD ENCPolice SecureLaw Talk
12024b2DEMeridian PD 1202Police (1202)Law Talk
1904770DEEMS/St LukesEMS to St Lukes MeridianHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45102b02eDeBannock Reg I/OBannock County Regional InteropInterop
3000bb8DBannock SO 1Sheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
3001bb9DBannock SO 2Sheriff 2Law Talk
3002bbaDBannock SO 3Sheriff 3 JailCorrections
3003bbbDBannock SO 4Sheriff 4Law Talk
3006bbeDBannock SO 7Sheriff 7Law Talk
3007bbfDBannock SO 8Sheriff 8Law Talk
3008bc0DBannock SO 9Sheriff 9Law Talk
3009bc1DBannock SO 10Sheriff 10Law Talk
3010bc2DBannock SO 11Sheriff 11Law Talk
3700e74DBannock SO DetSheriff DetectivesLaw Talk
3706e7aDBannock SO TacSheriff TacticalLaw Tac
3500dacDBannock Fire SoSouth Cnty Fire/EMS(Poc Valley Fire)Fire Dispatch
3503dafDInk/McC/ArFire SInkom/McCammon/Arimo Fire SouthFire-Tac
3505db1DInk/McC/ArFire NInkom/McCammon'Arimo Fire NorthFire-Tac
3508db4DPoc Valley FirePocatello Valley FireFire-Tac
3901f3dDBannock EMS/HospEMS/HospitalHospital
3900f3cDBannock SARSearch & RescueEMS-Tac
3713e81DBannock FD/SO 1Fire/Sheriff Ops 1Multi-Tac
3714e82DBannock FD/SO 2Fire/Sheriff Ops 2Multi-Tac
3715e83DBannock FD/SO 3Fire/Sheriff Ops 3Multi-Tac
3716e84DBannock FD/SO 4Fire/Sheriff Ops 4Multi-Tac
3717e85DBannock FD/SO 5Fire/Sheriff Ops 5Multi-Tac
3727e8fDBannock FD/SOFire/Sheriff Ops (3727)Multi-Tac
3728e90DBannock FD/SO Fire/Sheriff Ops (3728)Multi-Tac
3600e10DBannock Roads 1County Roads 1Public Works
3601e11DBannock Roads 2County Roads 2Public Works
3602e12DBannock Roads 3County Roads.3Public Works
3603e13DBannock SC LandfSouth County LandfillPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3300ce4DChubbuck PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
3301ce5DChubbuck PD 2Police 2Law Tac
3400d48DChubbuck FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
3401d49DChubbuck FD TacFire TacFire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3504db0DDowney FDFireFire Dispatch
3510db6DDowney EMSEMSEMS Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3506db2DLava FireLava Hot Springs FireFire-Tac
3511db7DLavaHotSpringEMSEMSEMS Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3507db3DMcCammon FDFireFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3100c1cDPocatello PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
3101c1dDPocatello PD 2Police 2Law Tac
3102c1eDPocatello PD 3Police 3Law Tac
3103c1fDPocatello PD 4Police 4Law Tac
3104c20DPocatello PD 5Police 5Law Tac
3105c21DPocatello PD ACOPolice Animal ControlLaw Talk
3200c80DPocatello FD DisFire DispatchFire Dispatch
3201c81DPocatello FD T1Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
3202c82DPocatello FD T2Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45103b02fDeBear Lake I/OBear Lake County Regional InteropInterop
4000fa0DeBear Lake SO DspSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
4001fa1DEBear Lake SOSheriffLaw Tac
41001004DBear Lake FireFire DispatchFire Dispatch
42001068DBear Lake AmbAmbulance/EMSEMS Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2892470fcDBenewah HospitalBenewah County HospitalHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45105b031DeBingham I/OBingham County Regional InteropInterop
45144b058DeBingham FD I/OBingham County Regional Fire InteropInterop
60001770DBingham LE 1Law Enforcement 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
60011771DBingham LE 2Law Enforcement 2Law Tac
60021772DBingham LE 3Law Enforcement 3Law Tac
60031773DBingham LE 4Law Enforcement 4Law Tac
67001a2cDBingham LE Ops 1Law Enforcement Ops 1Law Tac
610417d8DBingham FD 1Fire/EMS 1 DispatchFire Dispatch
610517d9DBingham FD 2Fire/EMS 2Fire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60051775DAberdeen PDPoliceLaw Dispatch
610217d6DAberdeen FireFireFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
610617daDFirth FDFireFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
610817dcDShelley FDFireFire Dispatch
611017deDShelley EMSEMSEMS Dispatch

Due to the odd shape of the county, the GPS ranges will extend will into some adjacent counties


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45106b032DeBlaine I/OBlaine County Regional InteropInterop
78001e78DBlaine LE 1Law Enforcement 1Law Dispatch
78011e79DBlaine LE 2Law Enforcement 2Law Talk
78061e7eDBlaine LE CarLaw Enforcement Car/CarLaw Talk
70021b5aDeBlaine Jail OpsJail OperationsCorrections
78141e86DBlaine Ops 2County Operations 2Multi-Talk
79031edfDMtn Ride TransitMtn Ride TransitTransportation
78111e83DBlaine FD DispFire/EMS DispatchFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2892370fbDBoundary Comm HoBoundary Community HospitalHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45111b037DButte I/OButte County Regional InteropInterop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45113b039DeCanyon I/OCanyon County Regional InteropInterop
1400036b0DECanyon SO 1 DispSheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
1400136b1DECanyon SO 2Sheriff 2Law Tac
1400236b2DECanyon SO AdminSheriff AdminLaw Tac
1400336b3DECanyon SO Jail 1Sheriff Jail 1Law Tac
1400436b4DECanyon SO Jail 2Sheriff Jail 2Law Tac
1400536b5DECanyon SO CID 1Sheriff CID 1Law Tac
1400636b6DECanyon SO CID 2Sheriff CID 1Law Tac
1400736b7DECanyon SO EmergSheriff EmergencyLaw Tac
1400836b8DECanyonSO Swat1Sheriff Swat 1Law Tac
1400936b9DECanyonSO Swat2Sheriff Swat 2Law Tac
1401336bdDECanyon SO TacSheriff TacLaw Tac
1401436beDECanyon SO InteroSheriff InteropInterop
1401536bfDECanyon SO InteroSheriff InteropInterop
14606390eDCanyonTraffic County Traffic OpsLaw Talk
1480039d0DECanyonSO Ops 1Sheriff Ops 1Law Talk
1480139d1DECanyonSO Ops 2Sheriff Ops 2Law Talk
1480239d2DECanyonSO Ops 3Sheriff Ops 3Law Talk
1480339d3DECanyonSO Ops 4Sheriff Ops 4Law Talk
1480439d4DECanyonSO Ops 5Sheriff Ops 5Law Talk
1480539d5DECanyonSO Ops 6Sheriff Ops 6Law Talk
1480639d6DECanyonSO Ops 7Sheriff Ops 7Law Talk
1480739d7DECanyonSO Ops 8Sheriff Ops 8Law Talk
1480839d8DECanyonSO Ops 9Sheriff Ops 9Law Talk
1480939d9DECanyonSO Ops 10Sheriff Ops 10Law Talk
144003840DCanyon FD DspCanyon Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
144013841DCanyon FD C2Canyon Fire Ops C2Fire-Tac
14607390fDCanyon FD B4Canyon Fire Ops B4Fire-Talk
146083910DECany JuvenProb 1Juvenile Probations 1Corrections
146093911DECany JuvenProb 2Juvenile Probations 2Corrections
146103912DECanyon ProbationProbationsCorrections
146163918DCanyon Co CourtCourt OpsSecurity
14605390dDUpperDeer FD DspUpper Deer Flat Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
1430037dcDCanyon FD C3Canyon Fire Ops C3Fire-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
142003778DECaldwell PD 1Police DispatchLaw Dispatch
142013779DECaldwell PD 2Police SecondaryLaw Tac
14202377aDECaldwell PD AdmiPolice AdministrationLaw Tac
14203377bDECaldwell PD 4Police 4Law Tac
14205377dDECaldwellPD CID 1Police CID 1Law Tac
14204377cDECaldwellPD CID 2Police CID 2Law Tac
146173919DECaldwell PD TacPolice TacLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14622391eDeCol IdahoSec 1Security 1Security
14623391fDeCol Idaho Sec 2Security 2Security
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14604390cDMelba FD DispFire Dispatch (14604)Fire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
141003714DENampa PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
141013715DENampa PD 2Police SecondaryLaw Tac
141023716DENampa PD AdmPolice AdminLaw Tac
141033717DENampa PD CID1Police CID 1Law Tac
141043718DENampa PD CID2Police CID 2Law Tac
141053719DENampa PD TacPolice Tac (Narcotics) Law Tac
14106371aDENampa PD EmergPolice EmergencyLaw Tac
141123720DENampa PD RecPolice RecordsLaw Talk
1481339ddDENampa PD TalkPolice TalkLaw Talk
144033843DNampa Fire DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
144023842DNampa FireOpsC13Fire Operations Ch C13Fire-Talk
144083848DNampa FireOpsC14Fire Operations Ch C14Fire-Talk
1430237deDEEMS/St AlphonsusEMS to St AlphonsusHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
144063846DParma FD C5Fire C5Fire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45114b03aDeCaribou I/OCaribou County Regional InteropInterop
150003a98DCaribou SO 1Sheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
150013a99DECaribou SO 2Sheriff 2Law Tac
150023a9aDECaribou SO 3Sheriff 3Law Talk
150033a9bDCaribou SO 4Sheriff 4Law Talk
151003afcDCaribou FD 1Fire 1 DispatchFire Dispatch
151013afdDCaribou FD 2Fire 2 - Patched to 155.460Fire-Tac
152003b60DCaribou EMSEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
152013b61DCaribou EMS BanrEMS BancroftEMS-Talk
152023b62DCaribou EMS GracEMS GraceEMS-Talk
152033b63DCaribou EMS SSprEMS Soda SpringsEMS-Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
28814708eDEKootenai Fed I/OKootenai County Federal InteropInterop
45127b047DeKootenai I/OKootenai County Regional InteropInterop
280006d60DEKootenai SO 1Sheriff 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
280016d61DEKootenai SO 2Sheriff 2 RecordsLaw Dispatch
280026d62DEKootenai SO 3Sheriff 3 TacticalLaw Tac
288207094DEKootenai SO DetSheriff DetectivesLaw Talk
28813708dDEKootenai SO SWATSheriff SWATLaw Tac
280116d6bDKootenai SO EmerSheriff EmergencyLaw Talk
280086d68DEKootenai SO CrtSCourt SecuritySecurity
280036d63DEKootenai SO JailSheriff JailCorrections
280056d65DEKootenai SO JJCSheriff Juvenile HallCorrections
281006dc4DKootenai FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
281016dc5DKootenai FD 1Fire Ops 1Fire-Tac
281026dc6DKootenai FD 2Fire Ops 2Fire-Tac
281036dc7DKootenai FD 3Fire Ops 3Fire-Tac
281046dc8DKootenai FD 4Fire Ops 4Fire-Tac
281056dc9DKootenai FD 5Fire Ops 5Fire-Tac
281066dcaDKootenai FD 6Fire Ops 6Fire-Tac
2890070e4DKootenai SARSearch & RescueEmergency Ops
288007080DKootenai E1Event 1Multi-Tac
288017081DKootenai E2Event 2Multi-Tac
288027082DKootenai E3Event 3Multi-Tac
288037083DKootenai E4Event 4Multi-Tac
288047084DKootenai E5Event 5Multi-Tac
282026e2aDLakes Hwy DistLakes Highway DistrictPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
280136d6dDECoeur PD 1Police 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
280146d6eDECoeur PD 2Police 2 RecordsLaw Talk
280156d6fDECoeur PD 3Police 3 TacLaw Tac
288217095DECoeur PD DetecPolice DetectivesLaw Tac
2892170f9DKootenai MedCtrKootenai Medical CenterHospital
48100bbe4DKootenai MedHEARKootenai Medical Center HEARHospital
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
280246d78DHayden PDPoliceLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
280176d71DEPost Falls PD 1Police 1Law Dispatch
280186d72DEPost Falls PD 2Police 2Law Tac
280196d73DEPost Falls PD 3Police 3Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
280216d75DRathdrum PDPoliceLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
280276d7bDESpirit Lake PDPoliceLaw Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
370009088DEOwyyhee SO 1Sheriff 1Law Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
380009470DEPayette SOSheriff Law Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
390009858DPower LE 1Law Enforcement 1Law Dispatch
390019859DEPower LE 2Law Enforcement 2Law Tac
3910098bcDPower FD1Fire DispatchFire Dispatch
3910298beDPower EMSEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
392009920DPower RoadsRoad DeptPublic Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45140b054DeTeton I/OTeton County Regional InteropInterop
41000a028DTeton LE 1Law Enforcement 1Law Dispatch
41001a029DETeton LE 2Law Enforcement 2Law Tac
41100a08cDTeton FD DispFire DispatchFire Dispatch
41101a08dDTeton FD Tac 3Fire Tac 3Fire-Tac
41102a08eDTeton EMS DispEMS DispatchEMS Dispatch
Kootenai Electric Cooperative

Kootenai Electric operates in parts of Kootenai, Benewah, Bonner and Spokane counties

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
282006e28DKootenai ElectriOperationsUtilities
ICAWIN Technicians
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1001DICAWIN 1System Maintenance 1Public Works
2002DICAWIN 2System Maintenance 2Public Works
3003DICAWIN 3System Maintenance 3Public Works
Idaho State University
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
52500cd14DISU Pub Safety 1Public Safety 1 DispatchLaw Dispatch
52501cd15DISU Pub Safety 2Public Safety 2Law Tac