Provincial Public Safety Telecommunications Network

System Name: Provincial Public Safety Telecommunications Network
Location: Provincewide, SK
County: Statewide
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System IDs: Sysid: 00A WACN: 0000A
Sysid: 00C WACN: 0000A
Last Updated: November 18, 2024, 23:14 pm UTC   [Changed Site # 223 (Lloydminster) to 223 (Lloydminster)]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Sysid RFSS Site Name County Freqs
00A 1 (1) 001 (1) Lake Alma Lake Alma 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 2 (2) 002 (2) Alsask Milton 138.450c138.555c138.780c139.275c   
00A 3 (3) 003 (3) Site 3 UNKNOWN 139.095c139.155c139.275c    
00A 4 (4) 004 (4) Site 4 UNKNOWN 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.750c   
00A 5 (5) 005 (5) Regina - SaskPower Head Office Regina 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 6 (6) 006 (6) Meadow Lake Area Meadow Lake 138.195c138.480c138.600c    
00A 7 (7) 007 (7) Site 7 Northern Administration District 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 8 (8) 008 (8) Melville Cana 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 9 (9) 009 (9) Goodeve Stanley 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 10 (A) 010 (A) Ituna Ituna Bon Accord 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 11 (B) 011 (B) Davidson Willner 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 12 (C) 012 (C) Kenaston McCraney 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 13 (D) 013 (D) Outlook Rudy 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 14 (E) 014 (E) Cutbank Loreburn 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 15 (F) 015 (F) Elbow Loreburn 138.045c138.420c138.660c138.855c   
00A 16 (10) 016 (10) Chamberlain Sarnia 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 17 (11) 017 (11) Regina - 800 MHz Regina 851.2375c851.7375c851.9875c853.3375c853.5875c853.8375c854.0875c
00A 19 (13) 019 (13) Saskatoon 19 Saskatoon 138.675c139.035c139.125c139.140c139.245c139.795c 
00A 20 (14) 020 (14) Whitewood South Qu'Appelle 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 21 (15) 021 (15) Grenfell Elcapo 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 22 (16) 022 (16) Kipling Golden West 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 23 (17) 023 (17) Crooked Lake Grayson 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 24 (18) 024 (18) Broadview Elcapo 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 25 (19) 025 (19) Round Lake Fertile Belt 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 26 (1A) 026 (1A) Esterhazy Fertile Belt 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 27 (1B) 027 (1B) Langenburg Langenburg 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 28 (1C) 028 (1C) Calder Calder 139.065c139.185c139.290c139.630c   
00A 29 (1D) 029 (1D) Bear Creek Piapot 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 30 (1E) 030 (1E) Moosomin Moosomin 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 32 (20) 032 (20) Sunset Estates Saskatoon 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 33 (21) 033 (21) Aberdeen Saskatoon 138.045c138.420c138.660c138.855c   
00A 34 (22) 034 (22) Warman Great Bend 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 35 (23) 035 (23) Blackstrap Lake Dundurn 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 36 (24) 036 (24) Delisle Saskatoon 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 37 (25) 037 (25) Arelee Eagle Creek 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 38 (26) 038 (26) Biggar Biggar 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 39 (27) 039 (27) Rosetown St. Andrews 138.180c138.470c138.690c139.200c   
00A 40 (28) 040 (28) D'Arcy Kindersley 138.045c138.660c138.855c    
00A 42 (2A) 042 (2A) Kindersley Kindersley 138.285c138.420c138.585c138.975c   
00A 43 (2B) 043 (2B) Flaxcombe Kindersley 138.195c138.480c138.600c    
00A 44 (2C) 044 (2C) Coleville Oakdale 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 45 (2D) 045 (2D) Kerrobert Mariposa 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 46 (2E) 046 (2E) Kerrobert Area Mariposa 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 47 (2F) 047 (2F) Langham Corman Park 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 48 (30) 048 (30) Kamsack Cote 138.195c138.480c138.600c    
00A 49 (31) 049 (31) Kenaston McCraney 138.270c138.540c139.080c    
00A 52 (34) 052 (34) McLean South Qu'Appelle 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 53 (35) 053 (35) Pilot Butte Edenwold 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 54 (36) 054 (36) Milestone Caledonia 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 55 (37) 055 (37) Craven Lumsden 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 56 (38) 056 (38) Strasbourg McKillop 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 57 (39) 057 (39) Chamberlain Sarnia 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 58 (3A) 058 (3A) Piapot First Nation Piapot 138.270138.540c139.080c    
00A 59 (3B) 059 (3B) Southey Cupar 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 60 (3C) 060 (3C) Punnichy Mount Hope 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 61 (3D) 061 (3D) Lestock Piapot 138.045c138.420c138.660c138.855c   
00A 62 (3E) 062 (3E) Marshall Wilton 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 63 (3F) 063 (3F) Humboldt Humboldt 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 64 (40) 064 (40) Oxbow Enniskillen 138.270c138.540c139.080c    
00A 65 (41) 065 (41) Site 65 UNKNOWN 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 66 (42) 066 (42) Francis Francis 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 67 (43) 067 (43) Herbert/Morse Morse 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 68 (44) 068 (44) Stoughton Tecumseh 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 69 (45) 069 (45) Montmartre Montmartre 138.270c138.540c139.080c    
00A 70 (46) 070 (46) Qu'Appelle South Qu'Appelle 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 71 (47) 071 (47) Fort Qu'Appelle North Qu'Appelle 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 72 (48) 072 (48) Balcarres Abernethy 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 73 (49) 073 (49) Indian Head Indian Head 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 74 (4A) 074 (4A) Lumsden Beach Lumsden 138.180c138.690c139.200c    
00A 75 (4B) 075 (4B) Naicam Humboldt 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 76 (4C) 076 (4C) Melfort Star City 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 77 (4D) 077 (4D) Tisdale Tisdale 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 78 (4E) 078 (4E) Willow Bunch Willow Bunch 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 79 (4F) 079 (4F) Kelvington Kelvington 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 80 (50) 080 (50) Rose Valley Ponass Lake 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 81 (51) 081 (51) Greenwater Porcupine 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 82 (52) 082 (52) Porcupine Plain Porcupine 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 83 (53) 083 (53) Bertwell Hudson Bay 138.045c138.660c138.855c    
00A 84 (54) 084 (54) Moose Jaw Moose Jaw 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 85 (55) 085 (55) Swift Current Swift Current 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 86 (56) 086 (56) Site 86 UNKNOWN 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 87 (57) 087 (57) Site 87 UNKNOWN 139.095c139.155c139.275c    
00A 88 (58) 088 (58) Site 88 UNKNOWN 138.270c138.540c139.125c    
00A 90 (5A) 090 (5A) Webb Webb 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 91 (5B) 091 (5B) Maple Creek 91 Maple Creek 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 92 (5C) 092 (5C) Site 92 UNKNOWN 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 93 (5D) 093 (5D) Maple Creek 93 (Highway 1 & 21) Maple Creek 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 95 (5F) 095 (5F) Site 95 UNKNOWN 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 96 (60) 096 (60) Site 96 UNKNOWN 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 98 (62) 098 (62) Site 98 UNKNOWN 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 99 (63) 099 (63) Maple Creek 99 Maple Creek 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 100 (64) 100 (64) Maple Creek 100 Maple Creek 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 101 (65) 101 (65) AB/SK Border Hwy 1 Maple Creek 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 102 (66) 102 (66) Westing UNKNOWN 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 103 (67) 103 (67) Chaplin Chaplin 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 104 (68) 104 (68) Yorkton 104 Wallace 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 105 (69) 105 (69) Canora Good Lake 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 106 (6A) 106 (6A) Sheho Insinger 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 107 (6B) 107 (6B) Foam Lake Foam Lake 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 108 (6C) 108 (6C) Kylemore Sasman 138.015c138.825c138.945c139.225c   
00A 109 (6D) 109 (6D) Norquay Clayton 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 110 (6E) 110 (6E) MacDowall Duck Lake 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 111 (6F) 111 (6F) Sturgis Preeceville 138.060c138.225c138.900c    
00A 112 (70) 112 (70) Endeavour Preeceville 138.495c138.645c138.750c    
00A 113 (71) 113 (71) Prince Albert - Police Headquarters Prince Albert 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 114 (72) 114 (72) Hudson Bay Hudson Bay 138.840c138.960c139.125c    
00A 115 (73) 115 (73) Site 115 UNKNOWN 138.120c138.690c139.200c    
00A 116 (74) 116 (74) Gainsborough Argyle 138.120c138.690c139.200c    
00A 117 (75) 117 (75) Weyburn Weyburn 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 118 (76) 118 (76) Talmage Elmsthorpe 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 119 (77) 119 (77) Avonlea Elmsthorpe 138.375c138.885c139.170c139.735c   
00A 120 (78) 120 (78) Radville Laurier 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 121 (79) 121 (79) Bengough Bengough 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 122 (7A) 122 (7A) Minton Surprise Valley 138.270c138.540c139.080c    
00A 123 (7B) 123 (7B) Site 123 UNKNOWN 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 124 (7C) 124 (7C) Coronach Hart Butte 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 125 (7D) 125 (7D) Rockglen Old Post 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 126 (7E) 126 (7E) Assiniboia Wood River 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 127 (7F) 127 (7F) Wood Mountain Old Post 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 129 (81) 129 (81) Colonsay Colonsay 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 130 (82) 130 (82) Bladworth McCraney 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 131 (83) 131 (83) Craik Craik 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 132 (84) 132 (84) Watrous Morris 138.285c138.420c138.435c138.585c138.975c  
00A 133 (85) 133 (85) Lanigan Usborne 138.630c139.065c139.120c139.185c   
00A 134 (86) 134 (86) Kandahar Big Quill 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 135 (87) 135 (87) Watson Lakeside 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c138.990c  
00A 146 (92) 146 (92) Deschambault Lake Northern Administration District 138.450c138.555c138.780c    
00A 147 (93) 147 (93) Little Bear Lake Area Northern Administration District 138.045c138.660c138.855c139.095c   
00A 148 (94) 148 (94) Site 148 UNKNOWN 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 149 (95) 149 (95) Estevan Estevan 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 150 (96) 150 (96) Midale Cymri 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 151 (97) 151 (97) Oungre Souris Valley 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 152 (98) 152 (98) Site 152 UNKNOWN 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 153 (99) 153 (99) Carnduff Mount Pleasant 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 154 (9A) 154 (9A) Carlyle Moose Mountain 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 155 (9B) 155 (9B) Kenosee Lake Wawken 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 156 (9C) 156 (9C) Redvers Antler 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 157 (9D) 157 (9D) Lampman Browning 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 158 (9E) 158 (9E) Radisson Great Bend 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 159 (9F) 159 (9F) Blaine Lake Blaine Lake 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 160 (A0) 160 (A0) Site 160 UNKNOWN 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 161 (A1) 161 (A1) Rosthern Rosthern 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 162 (A2) 162 (A2) Wakaw Fish Creek 138.015c138.250c138.825c138.945c   
00A 163 (A3) 163 (A3) Duck Lake Duck Lake 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 172 (AC) 172 (AC) Paynton Paynton 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 173 (AD) 173 (AD) Site 173 UNKNOWN 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 174 (AE) 174 (AE) Smeaton Area Torch River 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 175 (AF) 175 (AF) Site 175 UNKNOWN 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 176 (B0) 176 (B0) Denare Beach Northern Administration District 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 177 (B1) 177 (B1) Jan Lake Northern Administration District 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 180 (B4) 180 (B4) Creighton Northern Administration District 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 181 (B5) 181 (B5) Pasqua Moose Jaw 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 182 (B6) 182 (B6) Findlater Dufferin 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 183 (B7) 183 (B7) Avonlea Elmsthorpe 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 184 (B8) 184 (B8) Mossbank Lake Johnston 138.840c138.960c139.125c139.135c   
00A 185 (B9) 185 (B9) La Loche Northern Administration District 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 188 (BC) 188 (BC) Buffalo Narrows Northern Administration District 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 190 (BE) 190 (BE) Ile a la Crosse Northern Administration District 138.735c138.885c139.170c    
00A 192 (C0) 192 (C0) Beauval South Northern Administration District 138.375c138.735c138.885c139.170c   
00A 193 (C1) 193 (C1) Beauval Northern Administration District 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 194 (C2) 194 (C2) Highway 155 Northern Administration District 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 195 (C3) 195 (C3) Canoe Lake Northern Administration District 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 196 (C4) 196 (C4) Pinehouse Northern Administration District 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 197 (C5) 197 (C5) Hodgeville Lawtonia 138.075c138.185c138.405c139.005c   
00A 198 (C6) 198 (C6) Gravelbourg Gravelbourg 138.285c138.585c138.975c139.435c   
00A 200 (C8) 200 (C8) Site 200 UNKNOWN 138.195c138.315c138.480c138.600c   
00A 201 (C9) 201 (C9) Lafleche Wood River 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 202 (CA) 202 (CA) Glentworth Waverley 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 203 (CB) 203 (CB) Wood Mountain Park Old Post 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 204 (CC) 204 (CC) Denholm Mayfield 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 205 (CD) 205 (CD) Maidstone 205 Eldon 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 206 (CE) 206 (CE) Site 206 Northern Administration District 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 207 (CF) 207 (CF) Cando Rosemount 138.450c138.555c138.780c    
00A 208 (D0) 208 (D0) North Battleford North Battleford 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 210 (D2) 210 (D2) Cochin Meota 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 211 (D3) 211 (D3) Site 211 UNKNOWN 138.045c138.420c138.660c138.855c   
00A 212 (D4) 212 (D4) Site 212 UNKNOWN 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 213 (D5) 213 (D5) Glaslyn Parkdale 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 214 (D6) 214 (D6) Turtle Lake Parkdale 138.495c138.645c138.750c    
00A 215 (D7) 215 (D7) Site 215 UNKNOWN 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 216 (D8) 216 (D8) Maidstone 216 Eldon 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 217 (D9) 217 (D9) Unity Round Valley 138.120c138.495c138.645c138.750c   
00A 218 (DA) 218 (DA) Site 218 UNKNOWN 138.015c138.255c138.825c138.945c   
00A 219 (DB) 219 (DB) Macklin Eye Hill 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 220 (DC) 220 (DC) Site 220 UNKNOWN 138.135c138.840c138.960c139.125c   
00A 221 (DD) 221 (DD) Cutknife Cut Knife 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 222 (DE) 222 (DE) Maidstone 222 Eldon 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 223 (DF) 223 (DF) Lloydminster Britannia 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 224 (E0) 224 (E0) Site 224 UNKNOWN 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 225 (E1) 225 (E1) Site 225 UNKNOWN 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 226 (E2) 226 (E2) Site 226 UNKNOWN 138.075c138.165c138.405c139.005c   
00A 227 (E3) 227 (E3) Pierceland Beaver River 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00A 228 (E4) 228 (E4) Goodsoil Beaver River 138.285c138.435c138.585c138.975c   
00A 229 (E5) 229 (E5) Loon Lake Beaver River 138.030c138.210c138.360c138.720c   
00A 230 (E6) 230 (E6) Meadow Lake City Meadow Lake 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 231 (E7) 231 (E7) Meadow Lake Meadow Lake 139.095c139.155c139.275c    
00A 232 (E8) 232 (E8) Chitek Lake Northern Administration District 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00A 233 (E9) 233 (E9) Green Lake Meadow Lake 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 234 (EA) 234 (EA) Waterhen Northern Administration District 138.060c138.225c138.705c138.900c   
00A 236 (EC) 236 (EC) Prince Albert Prince Albert 138.675c138.795c139.035c139.245c   
00A 237 (ED) 237 (ED) Birch Hills Birch Hills 138.450c138.555c138.780c    
00A 238 (EE) 238 (EE) Spruce Home Buckland 138.105c138.330c138.450c139.110c   
00A 239 (EF) 239 (EF) Shellbrook Shellbrook 138.240c138.465c139.095c139.305c   
00A 240 (F0) 240 (F0) Shell Lake Spiritwood 138.195c138.480c138.600c    
00A 241 (F1) 241 (F1) Debden Canwood 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00A 242 (F2) 242 (F2) Big River Big River 138.105c138.300c138.615c139.020c   
00A 244 (F4) 244 (F4) Site 244 UNKNOWN 138.630c139.065c139.185c139.290c   
00A 245 (F5) 245 (F5) Site 245 UNKNOWN 138.525c138.765c138.870c138.990c   
00A 246 (F6) 261 (105) Narrow Hills PP Northern Administration District 138.465c139.095c139.305c    
00A 251 (FB) 251 (FB) Site On Wheels Itinerant 143.085c143.175c143.280c143.430c   
00A 252 (FC) 252 (FC) Site 252 UNKNOWN 138.510c138.675c138.795c139.035c139.140c139.245c 
00A 253 (FD) 253 (FD) Diefenbaker Lake Area Loreburn 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00C 2 (2) 002 (2) Sinatula Indian Head 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00C 2 (2) 042 (2A) Site 242 UNKNOWN 138.015c138.025c138.825c138.945c   
00C 3 (3) 003 (3) Bruno Bayne 138.465c139.095c139.305c    
00C 4 (4) 004 (4) Nokomis Mount Hope 138.090c138.450c138.555c138.780c   
00C 5 (5) 005 (5) Spirit Lake PP Good Lake 138.570c138.810c139.260c    
00C 9 (9) 009 (9) Leroy Prairie Rose 139.050c139.155c139.275c    
00C 10 (A) 010 (A) Saltcoats Saltcoats 138.075c138.165c138.480c139.005c   
00C 38 (26) 038 (26) Prince Albert Prince Albert 138.285c138.585c138.975c    


RCMP Zone 1 - North Detachments
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
66042DE1 WaskesiuWaskesiu Law Dispatch
68044DE1 TG 681 TG 68Law Dispatch
70046DE1PrinceAlbrtPrince Albert Wakaw Rosthern Waskesiu Law Dispatch
72048DE1 La RongeLa Ronge Stanley Mission FNPLaw Dispatch
7804eDE1 N_EMERGRCMP North Emergency Talkgroup Law Tac
88058DE1 TG 881 TG 88Law Dispatch
9005aDE1 PelicanPelican Narrows Creighton Sandy BayLaw Dispatch
9205cDE1 BuffaloBuffalo Narrows La Loche Ile-La-CrosseLaw Dispatch
9405eDE1 PinehousePinehouse Lake BeauvalLaw Dispatch
96060DE1Stony RapidsStony Rapids Fond-du-Lac Black Lake Southend/Wollaston Lake Law Dispatch
98062DE1 TG 981 TG 98Law Dispatch
901385DE1 AnnouncementSystem Wide Announcement - Zone 1Law Dispatch
RCMP Zone 2 - West-Central Detachments
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6203eDE2 SaskatoonSaskatoon Delisle Warman Martensville HanleyLaw Dispatch
7404aDE2 Big RiverBig River Spiritwood Shellbrook Blaine LakeLaw Dispatch
7604cDE2 LloydminsterLloydminster Onion Lake Maidstone Turtleford GlaslynLaw Dispatch
80050DE2 N BattlefordNorth Battleford Battleford RuralLaw Dispatch
84054DE2 Meadow LakeMeadow Lake Loon Lake Pierceland Green LakeLaw Dispatch
902386DE2 AnnouncementSystem Wide Announcement - Zone 2 Law Dispatch
RCMP Zone 3 - East-Central Detachments
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
50032DE3 YorktonMelville Ituna Yorkton City Yorkton RuralLaw Dispatch
52034DE3 CanoraNorquay Canora KamsackLaw Dispatch
54036DE3 WadenaWadena Rose Valley PunnichyLaw Dispatch
5803aDE3 HumboldtHumbolt Melfort TisdaleLaw Dispatch
86056DE3 NipawinNipawin Carrot River Cumberland HouseLaw Dispatch
903387DE3 AnnouncementSystem Wide Announcement - Zone 3 Law Dispatch
RCMP Zone 4 - South Detachments
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1000aDE4 ReginaRegina Milestone Avonlea Southey Strasbourg Lumsden Moose JawLaw Dispatch
1400eDE4 CarlyleCarlyle Carnduff Arcola EstevanLaw Dispatch
16010DE4 BroadviewLangenburg Esterhazy BroadviewLaw Dispatch
18012DE4 Ft Qu'AppelleFort Qu'Appelle Indian Head Montmarte File Hills FNPLaw Dispatch
20014DE4 WeyburnWeyburn Radville FillmoreLaw Dispatch
904388DE4 AnnouncementSystem Wide Announcement - Zone 4 Law Dispatch
RCMP Zone 5 - Overflow
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
22016DE5 AssiniboiaAssiniboia Coronach GravelburgLaw Dispatch
2601aDE5 Swift CurrentSwift Current Maple Creek Shaunovan Leader MorrisLaw Dispatch
56038DE5 CraikCraik Outlook Elbow Watrous Law Dispatch
6003cDE5 BiggarBiggar Kindersley RosetownLaw Dispatch
82052DE5 UnityUnity Cutknife Wilkie Law Dispatch
905389DE5 AnnouncementSystem Wide Announcement - Zone 5Law Dispatch
RCMP General Duty Tactical/CBSA/Integrated Border Enforcement
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4502dDERCMP TAC 1TAC 1Law Tac
4602eDERCMP CIRT TAC 2TAC 2 Critical Incident Response TeamsLaw Tac
4702fDERCMP TAC 3TAC 3Law Tac
48030DERCMP TAC 4TAC 4Law Tac
49031DERCMP CRT TAC 5TAC 5 Crime Reduction Team Law Tac
40028DERCMP CRT TAC 6TAC 6 Crime Reduction Team Law Tac
41029DERCMP SERT TAC 7TAC 7 Strategic Enforcement Response Team Law Tac
4202aDERCMP TAC 8TAC 8Law Tac
4402cDERCMP TAC 9TAC 9Law Tac
4302bDERCMP TAC 10TAC 10Law Tac
135087DERCMP SERT RCMP Strategic Enforcement Response Team Law Tac
1800b4DERCMP STRTRCMP Trafficking Response TeamsLaw Tac
2140d6DERCMP WEST 1 NRCMP Warrant Enforcement Suppression Team 1 - Northern RegionLaw Tac
2150d7DERCMP WEST2 PA HQRCMP Warrant Enforcement Suppression Teams 2 - Prince Albert Headquarters OperationsLaw Tac
2160d8DERCMP WEST 3 CRRCMP Warrant Enforcement Suppression Teams 3 - Central RegionLaw Tac
1200cDEREGINA F DIV HQRegina F Division HeadquartersLaw Tac
2901dDERegina ERT 1Regina ERT 1Law Tac
1680a8DERCMP Reg RIPCURegina General Investigations (RIPCU)Law Tac
10606aDERegina IDU 1Regina Integrated Drug Unit 1Law Tac
10706bDERegina IDU 2Regina Integrated Drug Unit 2Law Tac
10806cDERegina IDU 3Regina Integrated Drug Unit 3Law Tac
1670a7DERCMP IPCU 1GIS Regina IPCU 1Law Tac
1780b2DERIDU Main OpsRegina Integrated Drug Unit - Main OpsLaw Tac
1790b3DERIDU TAC 1Regina Integrated Drug Unit - TAC 1Law Tac
1610a1DERegina GIS 1GIS 1 Regina (SCFSIU)Law Tac
1620a2DERegina GIS 2GIS 2 Regina (SCFSIU)Law Tac
1630a3DERegina GIS 3GIS 3 Regina (RSIU)Law Tac
1640a4DERegina GIS 4GIS 4 Regina Major Crimes Unit South (RSIU)Law Tac
1650a5DEN Battlefd GIS 5GIS 5 North BattlefordLaw Tac
1660a6DEYorkon GIS 6GIS 6 YorktonLaw Tac
1690a9DERCMP SaskatoonSaskatoonLaw Tac
1720acDERCMP S EmergencySouthern EmergencyLaw Tac
1730adDERCMP N EmergencyNorthern EmergencyLaw Tac
1770b1DERegina BIU 1Regina Border Integrity Unit 1 Law Tac
2801cDECBSA RegwayCanada Border Services Agency - Port of RegwayLaw Tac
3001eDECBSA RCMPCanada Border Services Agency - RCMP InteropInterop
32020DECBSA/IBET TAC 1Canada Border Services Agency/Integrated Border Enforcement Team - TAC 1Law Tac
34022DECBSA/IBET TAC 2Canada Border Services Agency/Integrated Border Enforcement Team - TAC 2Law Tac
36024DECBSA/IBET TAC 3Canada Border Services Agency/Integrated Border Enforcement Team - TAC 3Law Tac
37025DECBSA PortsCanada Border Services Agency - Ports of Monchy/Climax/Willow CreekLaw Tac
38026DECBSA PortsCanada Border Services Agency - Ports of Estevan/North Gate/CarievaleLaw Tac
39027DERCMP CBSA - NCanada Border Services Agency - North PortalLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
91138fDERCMP ANNCMT 911RCMP Announcement 911Law Dispatch
912390DERCMP ANNCMT 912RCMP Announcement 912Law Talk
913391DERCMP ANNCMT 913RCMP Announcement 913Law Talk
64040DES_EMERGENCYSouth Saskatchewan Emergency Situation TalkgroupEmergency Ops
RCMP Interop with SHP/CO/MSS

Interoperability with Saskatchewan Highway Patrol, Conservation Officers, Marshals Service and Sheriffs.  The Clear talkgroups are back up channels for the Response Teams.


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6175181fDPRT ALL CLEARProtection and Response - ALLCALLLaw Dispatch
62251851DERCMP PRT 1Protection and Response Team 1Law Tac
61691819DRCMP PRT 1 CLEARProtection and Response Team 1 Back upLaw Tac
62261852DERCMP PRT 2Protection and Response Team 2Law Tac
6170181aDRCMP PRT 2 CLEARProtection and Response Team 2 Back upLaw Tac
62271853DERCMP PRT 3Protection and Response Team 3Law Tac
6171181bDRCMP PRT 3 CLEARProtection and Response Team 3 Back upLaw Tac
62281854DERCMP PRT 4Protection and Response Team 4Law Tac
6172181cDRCMP PRT 4 CLEARProtection and Response Team 4 Back upLaw Tac
62291855DERCMP PRT 5Protection and Response Team 5Law Tac
6173181dDRCMP PRT 5 CLEARProtection and Response Team 5 Back upLaw Tac
62301856DERCMP PRT 6Protection and Response Team 6Law Tac
6174181eDRCMP PRT 6 CLEARProtection and Response Team 6 Back upLaw Tac
RCMP Interop with Manitoba Public Safety Communication Service
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
114072DERCMP/PSCS SW ManRCMP link to South Western ManitobaInterop
115073DERCMP/PCSC WC ManRCMP link to West Central ManitobaInterop
116074DERCMP/PSCS NW ManRCMP link to North Western ManitobaInterop
RCMP Training Academy

 The RCMP Training Academy is located in Regina, Saskatchewan and these talkgroups will almost always only be heard in Regina. 

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
596254DEDispatch 1Dispatcher Training 1Law Talk
597255DEDispatch 2Dispatcher Training 2Law Talk
598256DEDispatch 3Dispatcher Training 3Law Talk
599257DEDispatch 4Dispatcher Training 4Law Talk
610262DEGuardroomTraining Academy Guardroom/Training Academy Security Law Dispatch
62126dDEDriver Train 1 Driver Training 1Law Talk
62226eDEDriver Train 2Driver Training 2Law Talk
624270DEDriver Train 3Driver Training 3 Law Talk
626272DEDriver Train 4Driver Training 4Law Talk
628274DEDriver Train 5Driver Training 5Law Talk
630276DETrack 1Driver Training Track 1Law Talk
640280DETrack 2Driver Training Track 2Law Talk
65028aDETrack 3Driver Training Track 3Law Talk
660294DEBuffalo 1Training Academy Buffalo 1Law Talk
67029eDEBuffalo 2Training Academy Buffalo 2Law Talk
6752a3DEBuffalo 3Training Academy Buffalo 3Law Talk
6772a5DEBuffalo 4Training Academy Buffalo 4Law Talk
6802a8DEEagle 1Training Academy Eagle 1Law Talk
6902b2DEEagle 2Training Academy Eagle 2Law Talk
6952b7DEEagle 3Training Academy Eagle 3Law Talk
6972b9DEEagle4Training Academy Eagle 4Law Talk
7002bcDEWorks 1Training Academy Works 1Law Tac
7102c6DEWorks 2Training Academy Works 2Law Tac
7202d0DEWorks 3Training Academy Works 3Law Tac
7302daDEAcademyRCMP Training Academy Law Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62081840DESheriffs-ReginaReginaLaw Dispatch
62091841DESheriffs-SasktnSaskatoonLaw Dispatch
Provincial Emergency Communications Centre
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
41291021DESK PECCInteroperationsInterop
Saskatchewan Highway Patrol
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
606917b5DESHP MainMainLaw Dispatch
607917bfDESHP NW RegNorthwest RegionLaw Dispatch
608017c0DESHP NE RegionNortheast RegionLaw Dispatch
608117c1DESHP SE RegionSoutheast RegionLaw Dispatch
608217c2DESHP SW RegionSouthwest RegionLaw Dispatch
607817beDESHP PermitPermitLaw Tac
Office of the Fire Commissioner
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4034fc2DOFC Main 1Main 1Fire-Talk
4035fc3DOFC Ops 1Operations 1Fire-Talk
4036fc4DOFC OPS 2Operations 2Fire-Talk
4037fc5DOFC OPS 3Operations 3Fire-Talk
4038fc6DOFC OPS 4Operations 4Fire-Talk
4039fc7DOFC OPS 5Operations 5Fire-Talk
4040fc8DOFC OPS 6Operations 6Fire-Talk
4041fc9DOFC OPS 7Operations 7Fire-Talk
610317d7DOFC Radio TechOFC Radio TechFire-Talk
Interoperablity Zone/Ramp 3
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
151097DInterop 1 SCInterop 1 Swift CurrentInterop
152098DInterop 2 NBInterop 2 North BattlefordInterop
153099DInterop 3 PAInterop 3 Prince AlbertInterop
15409aDInterop 4 LMInterop 4 LloydminsterInterop
15509bDInterop 5 SKInterop 5 SaskatoonInterop
4050fd2DInterop 10 K/KInterop 10 Kindersley/KerrobertInterop
4055fd7DInterop 11 YKInterop 11 YorktonInterop
4056fd8DInterop 12 Z5Interop 12 RCMP Zone 5 Detachments Interop
4057fd9DInterop 13 Z1Interop 13 RCMP Zone 1 Detachments Interop
4051fd3DInterop 14 Z4Interop 14 RCMP Zone 4 Detachements Interop
4108100cDFire RoamProvincewide Fire RoamInterop
41281020DSK PECCProvincial Emergency Communications Centre - Wide AlertInterop
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
41211019D15 Wing/MJFDMoose Jaw Fire / 15 Wing PatchFire Dispatch
610617daD15 Wing MP 1Moose Jaw 15 Wing Military Police 1 (SERCO)Law Talk
610717dbD15 Wing MP 2Moose Jaw 15 Wing Military Police 2 (SERCO)Law Talk
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3017bc9DCP Police MainCP Police - MainLaw Tac
3018bcaDCP PoliceCP PoliceLaw Tac
3019bcbDCP PoliceCP PoliceLaw Tac
Municipal Policing
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3002bbaDEPAPS OPS 1 Prince Albert Police Service - OPS 1Law Dispatch
3003bbbDEPAPS OPS 2Prince Albert Police Service - OPS 2Law Tac
3001bb9DEPAPS TACPrince Albert Police Service - TacticalLaw Tac
3015bc7DEPA PS SurvPrince Albert Police Service - Special Ops/SurveillanceLaw Tac
3004bbcDEWeyburn PSWeyburn Police Service DispatchLaw Dispatch
3009bc1DECorman Park PSCorman Park Police ServiceLaw Dispatch
3011bc3DEPolicePoliceLaw Talk
3013bc5DEPolicePoliceLaw Talk
612917f1DECPO N BattlefordNorth Battleford Community Peace OfficerLaw Dispatch
6223184fDEWhitecap CSO 1Dakota Whitecap First Nation - Community Safety Officer 1Law Dispatch
62241850DEWhitecap CSO 2Dakota Whitecap First Nation - Community Safety Officer 2Law Talk
Municipal Fire / Rescue
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4012facDCaronport FD Caronport Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
41191017DMoose Jaw FDMoose Jaw Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
41201018DMJ FD TACMoose Jaw Fire Department - TacticalFire-Tac
4052fd4DPAFD Prince Albert Fire Department - Dispatch/OperationsFire Dispatch
4127101fDCRFRCarrot River Fire and RescueFire Dispatch
41301022DNorth Corman FDNorth Corman Fire DepartmentInterop
Fire Zone 1 - ALPHA

 Beaver Flat, Cabri, Eastend, Fox Valley, Frontier, Hazlet, Herbert, Leader, R.M. of Riverside, R.M. of Swift Current, Sceptre, Swift Current, Tompkins

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4000fa0DALPHA 1ALPHA 1Fire Dispatch
4001fa1DALPHA 2ALPHA 2Fire-Talk
4002fa2DALPHA 3ALPHA 3Fire-Talk
4003fa3DALPHA 4ALPHA 4Fire-Talk
40961000DALPHA 5ALPHA 5Fire-Talk
Fire Zone 2 - BRAVO

 Assiniboia, Briercrest, Kincaid

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4006fa6DBRAVO 1BRAVO 1Fire Dispatch
4007fa7DBRAVO 2BRAVO 2Fire-Talk
4008fa8DBRAVO 3BRAVO 3Fire-Talk
4009fa9DBRAVO 4BRAVO 4Fire-Talk
40971001DBRAVO 5BRAVO 5Fire-Talk
Fire Zone 3 - DELTA

 Bienfait, Carlyle, Carnduff & R.M. #2, Estevan, Glen Ewen, Grenfell, Macoun, Manor, Maryfield, Midale/Cymri, Moosomin, Wapella, Weyburn

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4015fafDDELTA 1DELTA 1 KiplingFire Dispatch
4016fb0DDELTA 2DELTA 2Fire-Talk
4017fb1DDELTA 3DELTA 3Fire-Talk
4018fb2DDELTA 4DELTA 4Fire-Talk
40981002DDELTA 5DELTA 5Fire-Talk
4082ff2DWeyburn FDWeyburn Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
Fire Zone 4 - ECHO

Balcarres, Balgonie, Davidson, Edenwold, Emerald, Glenavon, Holdfast, Imperial, Indian Head, KADER, Kelliher, Lang, Montmarte, Pilot Butte, Pense, Raymore, Regina Beach, Rouleau, Silton, Southey, Strasbourg

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4020fb4DECHO 1ECHO 1 - Fort Qu'Appelle / Balcarres Fire DepartmentsFire Dispatch
4021fb5DECHO 2ECHO 2Fire-Talk
4022fb6DECHO 3ECHO 3Fire-Talk
4023fb7DECHO 4ECHO 4Fire-Talk
40991003DECHO 5ECHO 5Fire-Talk
Fire Zone 5 - FOXTROT

Churchbridge, Esterhazy, Foam Lake, Langenburg, Melville, Mosaic Potash Esterhazy, Saltcoats, Sturgis, Theodore, Yorkton

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4026fbaDFOXTROT 1FOXTROT 1Fire Dispatch
4027fbbDFOXTROT 2FOXTROT 2Fire-Talk
4028fbcDFOXTROT 3FOXTROT 3Fire-Talk
4029fbdDFOXTROT 4FOXTROT 4Fire-Talk
41001004DFOXTROT 5FOXTROT 5Fire-Talk
41181016DYorkton FD TACYorkton Fire Department - TacticalFire-Tac
4032fc0DMelville F/RMelville Fire and RescueFire Dispatch
4109100dDYorkton FDYorkton Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
Fire Zone 6 - JULIET

  Asquith, Bruno, Colonsay, Cudworth, Delisle, Humboldt, Leroy, Martensville, Muenster, Tisdale, Three Lakes, Viscount, Vonda, Wynyard


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4084ff4DJULIET 1JULIET 1 Fire Dispatch
4085ff5DJULIET 2JULIET 2Fire-Talk
4086ff6DJULIET 3JULIET 3Fire-Talk
4087ff7DJULIET 4JULIET 4Fire-Talk
41011005DJULIET 5JULIET 5Fire-Talk
Fire Zone 7 - KILO

Coleville, Harris, Kerrobert, Kindersley, Milden, Outlook, Perdue

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4089ff9DKILO 1KILO 1 - Kerrobert, LuselandFire Dispatch
4090ffaDKILO 2KILO 2 - KindersleyFire-Talk
4091ffbDKILO 3KILO 3Fire-Talk
4092ffcDKILO 4KILO 4Fire-Talk
41021006DKILO 5KILO 5Fire-Talk
Fire Zone 8 - ROMEO

 Brittania/Wilton, Glaslyn, Lashburn, Manitou, Maymont, Medstead, North Battleford, Paradise Hill, Speers, Turtleford/R.M. of Mervin

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4061fddDROMEO 1ROMEO 1 - Meadow LakeFire Dispatch
4062fdeDROMEO 2ROMEO 2Fire-Talk
4063fdfDROMEO 3ROMEO 3Fire-Talk
4064fe0DROMEO 4ROMEO 4Fire-Talk
41041008DROMEO 5ROMEO 5Fire-Talk
4033fc1DNBFDNorth Battleford Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
4122101aDNBFD TACNorth Battleford Fire Department - TacticalFire-Tac
Fire Zone 9 - SIERRA

 Big River, Birch Hills, Buckland, Buffalo Narrows, Candle Lake, Canwood, Creighton, Ile-a-la-Crosse, Lakeland, Leoville, Stanley Mission, Waskesiu

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4067fe3DSIERRA 1SIERRA 1Fire Dispatch
4068fe4DSIERRA 2SIERRA 2Fire-Talk
4069fe5DSIERRA 3SIERRA 3Fire-Talk
4070fe6DSIERRA 4SIERRA 4Fire-Talk
41051009DSIERRA 5SIERRA 5Fire-Talk
4011fabDBuckland FDBuckland Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
Fire Zone 9 North - PAPA
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4042fcaDPAPA 1PAPA 1Fire Dispatch
4043fcbDPAPA 2PAPA 2 - La RongeFire-Talk
4044fccDPAPA 3PAPA 3Fire-Talk
4045fcdDPAPA 4PAPA 4Fire-Talk
41031007DPAPA 5PAPA 5Fire-Talk
Fire Zone 10 - TANGO

Archerwill, Aylsham, Kelvington, Kinistino, Melfort, Nipawin, Porcupine Plain, Rose Valley, Spalding, White Fox, Zenon Park

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4075febDTANGO 1TANGO 1Fire Dispatch
4076fecDTANGO 2TANGO 2Fire-Talk
4077fedDTANGO 3TANGO 3Fire-Talk
4078feeDTANGO 4TANGO 4Fire-Talk
4106100aDTANGO 5TANGO 5Fire-Talk
41311023DMelfort FDMelfort Fire DepartmentFire Dispatch
Public Safety Agency
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
604917a1DBig River FBBig River Fire BaseFire Dispatch
607717bdDCypress Hills FBCypress Hills Fire BaseFire Dispatch
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
5470155eDAssiniboia EMS 1Assiniboia 1EMS Dispatch
5471155fDAssiniboia EMS 2Assiniboia 2EMS-Tac
5002138aDBalcarres EMS 1Balcarres 1EMS Dispatch
5003138bDBalcarres EMS 2Balcarres 2EMS-Tac
50111393DBattleford EMS 1Battleford 1EMS Dispatch
507013ceDBattleford EMS 2Battleford 2 EMS-Tac
5007138fDBeauval EMS 1Beauval 1EMS Dispatch
50081390DBeauval EMS 2Beauval 2EMS-Tac
50141396DBengough EMS 1Bengough 1EMS Dispatch
50151397DBengough EMS 2Bengough 2EMS-Tac
5022139eDBiggar EMS 1Biggar 1 EMS Dispatch
5023139fDBiggar EMS 2Biggar 2EMS-Tac
502613a2DBlaine Lake EMS1Blaine Lake 1EMS Dispatch
502713a3DBlaine Lake EMS2Blaine Lake 2EMS-Tac
503013a6DBuffNarr EMS 1Buffalo Narrows 1EMS Dispatch
503113a7DBuffNarr EMS 2Buffalo Narrows 2EMS-Tac
503413aaDCabri EMS 1Cabri 1EMS Dispatch
503513abDCabri EMS 2Cabri 2EMS-Tac
503713adDCanora EMS 1Canora 1EMS Dispatch
503813aeDCanora EMS 2Canora 2EMS-Tac
504513b5DCarnduff EMS 1Carnduff 1EMS Dispatch
504613b6DCarnduff EMS 2Carnduff 2EMS-Tac
505613c0DCoronach EMS 1Coronach 1EMS Dispatch
505713c1DCoronach EMS 2Coronach 2EMS-Tac
504113b1DCarlyle EMS 1Carlyle 1EMS Dispatch
504213b2DCarlyle EMS 2Carlyle 2EMS-Tac
506313c7DCupar EMS 1Cupar 1EMS Dispatch
5451154bDCupar EMS 2Cupar 2EMS-Tac
504413b4DCarnduff EMSCarnduff EMS Dispatch
506713cbDCutknife EMS 1Cutknife 1EMS Dispatch
506813ccDCutknife EMS 2Cutknife 2EMS-Tac
507213d0DDavidson EMS 1Davidson 1 EMS Dispatch
507313d1DDavidson EMS 2Davidson 2EMS-Tac
507613d4DDinsmore EMS 1Dinsmore 1EMS Dispatch
507713d5DDinsmore EMS 2Dinsmore 2EMS-Tac
508013d8DDodsland EMS 1Dodsland 1EMS Dispatch
508113d9DDodsland EMS 2Dodsland 2EMS-Tac
54411541DDuckLake EMS 1Duck Lake 1EMS Dispatch
5421152dDDuck Lake EMS 2 Duck Lake 2 EMS-Talk
508313dbDEastend EMS 1Eastend 1EMS Dispatch
508413dcDEastend EMS 2Eastend 2EMS-Tac
509013e2DElrose EMS 1Elrose 1EMS Dispatch
509113e3DElrose EMS 2Elrose 2EMS-Tac
509413e6DEsterhazy EMS 1Esterhazy 1EMS Dispatch
509513e7DEsterhazy EMS 2Esterhazy 2EMS-Tac
54101522DEstevan EMS 1Estevan 1EMS Dispatch
54111523DEstevan EMS 2Estevan 2EMS-Tac
510113edDEston EMS 1Eston 1EMS Dispatch
510213eeDEston EMS 2Eston 2EMS-Tac
510513f1DFilmore EMS 1Filmore 1EMS Dispatch
510613f2DFilmore EMS 2Filmore 2EMS-Tac
510913f5DFHR EMS B/UFive Hills Region - BackupEMS-Talk
511213f8DFoam Lake EMS 1Foam Lake 1EMS Dispatch
5484156cDFrontier EMS 1Frontier 1EMS Dispatch
5486156eDFrontier EMS 2Frontier 2EMS-Tac
511313f9DFoam Lake EMS 2Foam Lake 2EMS-Tac
511613fcDFT QUAP 1Fort Qu'Appelle MainEMS Dispatch
511713fdDFT QUAP 2Fort Qu'Appelle TACEMS-Tac
51231403DGravelbourgEMS 1Gravelbourg 1EMS Dispatch
51241404DGravelbourgEMS 2Gravelbourg 2EMS-Tac
51271407DGrenfell EMS 1Grenfell 1 EMS Dispatch
51281408DGrenfell EMS 2Grenfell 2EMS-Tac
5131140bDGull Lake EMS 1Gull Lake 1EMS Dispatch
5132140cDGull Lake EMS 2Gull Lake 2EMS-Tac
51381412DHudson Bay EMS 1Hudson Bay 1 EMS Dispatch
51391413DHudson Bay EMS 2Hudson Bay 2EMS-Tac
51421416DHumboldt EMS 1Humboldt 1EMS Dispatch
51431417DHumboldt EMS 2Humboldt 2EMS-Tac
5149141dDIle a la Crosse1Ile a la Crosse 1EMS Dispatch
5150141eDIle a la Crosse2Ile a la Crosse 2EMS-Tac
51531421DImperial EMS 1Imperial 1EMS Dispatch
51541422DImperial EMS 2Imperial 2EMS-Tac
51571425DIndianHead EMS 1Indian Head 1EMS Dispatch
51581426DIndianHead EMS 2Indian Head 2EMS-Tac
5162142aDItuna EMS 1Ituna 1EMS Dispatch
5163142bDItuna EMS 2Ituna 2EMS-Tac
51721434DKelvingtonEMS 1 Kelvington 1EMS Dispatch
51731435DKelvingtonEMS 2Kelvington 2EMS-Tac
51771439DKerrobert EMS 1Kerrobert 1EMS Dispatch
5178143aDKerrobert EMS 2Kerrobert 2EMS-Tac
5181143dDKindersley EMS 1Kindersley 1 EMS Dispatch
5182143eDKindersley EMS 2Kindersley 2EMS-Tac
51851441DKipling EMS 1Kipling 1EMS Dispatch
51861442DKipling EMS 2Kipling 2EMS-Tac
50101392DKyle EMS 1Kyle 1EMS Dispatch
505313bdDKyle EMS 2Kyle 2EMS-Tac
51931449DLa Loche EMS 1La Loche 1EMS Dispatch
5194144aDLa Loche EMS 2La Loche 2EMS-Tac
5197144dDLa RongeMedLa Ronge MedevacEMS Dispatch
5198144eDLaRongeEMS 2La Ronge 2EMS Dispatch
5199144fDLaRongeEMS 3La Ronge 3EMS Dispatch
52001450DLaRongeEMS 4La Ronge 4EMS Dispatch
52011451DLampman EMS 1 Lampman 1EMS-Talk
52021452DLampman EMS 2Lampman 2EMS-Tac
52051455DLangenburg EMS 1Langenburg 1EMS Dispatch
52061456DLangenburg EMS 2Langenburg 2EMS-Tac
52091459DLanigan EMS 1Lanigan 1EMS Dispatch
5210145aDLanigan EMS 2Lanigan 2EMS-Tac
5213145dDLeader EMS 1Leader 1EMS Dispatch
5214145eDLeader EMS 2Leader 2EMS-Tac
52181462DLeroy EMS 1Leroy 1EMS Dispatch
52191463DLeroy EMS 2Leroy 2EMS-Tac
52211465DLestock EMS 1Lestock 1EMS Dispatch
52221466DLestock EMS 2Lestock 2EMS-Tac
530714bbDLM EMS 1Lloydminster 1EMS-Tac
530814bcDLM EMS 2Lloydminster 2EMS-Tac
536914f9DMacklin EMS 1Macklin 1EMS Dispatch
537014faDMacklin EMS 2Macklin 2EMS-Tac
52371475DMaidstone EMS 1Maidstone 1EMS Dispatch
52381476DMaidstone EMS 2Maidstone 2EMS-Tac
5243147bDMapleCreek EMS1Maple Creek 1EMS Dispatch
5244147cDMapleCreek EMS2 Maple Creek 2EMS-Tac
52501482DMHS 1 DispatchMedavie Health Services Saskatoon Dispatch EMS Dispatch
52511483DMHS 2 CommonMedavie Health Services Common EMS-Talk
52521484DMHS 3Medavie Health Service 3EMS-Tac
52531485DMHS 4 Medavie Health Service 4EMS-Tac
52541486DMHS 5 Medavie Health Service 5EMS-Tac
52551487DMHS 6 RuralMedavie Health Service 6 Rural TransfersEMS-Tac
52561488DMHS 7 Medavie Health Service 7EMS-Tac
52571489DMHS 8 Medavie Health Service 8EMS-Tac
5258148aDMeadow Lake 1Meadow Lake 1EMS Dispatch
5259148bDMeadow Lake 2Meadow Lake 2EMS-Tac
5262148eDMelfort EMS 1Melfort 1EMS Dispatch
5263148fDMelfort EMS 2Melfort 2EMS-Tac
52641490DMelfort EMS 3Melfort 3EMS-Tac
52661492DMelville EMS 1Melville 1EMS Dispatch
52671493DMelville EMS 2Melville 2EMS-Tac
52701496DMilestone EMS 1Milestone 1EMS Dispatch
52711497DMilestone EMS 2Milestone 2EMS-Tac
528214a2DMJ CITY 1Moose Jaw and District City 1EMS Dispatch
528614a6DMJ CITY 2Moose Jaw and District City 2EMS Dispatch
529014aaDMJ CITY 3Moose Jaw and District City 3EMS Dispatch
5278149eDMJ CITY 4Moose Jaw and District City 4EMS Dispatch
5279149fDMJ CITY 5Moose Jaw and District City 5EMS Dispatch
528314a3DMJ OPS 1Moose Jaw and District Operations 1EMS-Tac
528714a7DMJ OPS 2Moose Jaw and District Operations 2EMS-Tac
5276149cDMJ OPS 3Moose Jaw and District Operations 3EMS-Tac
528014a0DMJ OPS 4Moose Jaw and District Operations 4EMS-Tac
528814a8DMJ RURALMoose Jaw and District Rural DispatchEMS-Tac
528414a4DMJ RURALMoose Jaw and District Rural DispatchEMS Dispatch
529214acDMoosomin EMS 1Moosomin 1EMS Dispatch
529314adDMoosomin EMS 2Moosomin 2EMS-Tac
5228146cDNaicam EMS 1Naicam 1EMS Dispatch
52241468DNaicam EMS 2Naicam 2EMS-Tac
530214b6DNipawinEMS 1Nipawin 1EMS Dispatch
54741562DNipawinEMS 2Nipawin 2EMS Dispatch
54751563DNipawinEMS 3Nipawin 3EMS Dispatch
5165142dDNorquay EMS 1Norquay 1EMS Dispatch
5166142eDNorquay EMS 2Norquay 2EMS-Tac
530914bdDNB EMS 1North Battleford 1EMS Dispatch
531014beDNB EMS 2North Battleford 2EMS-Tac
531414c2DOnion Lake EMS 1Onion Lake 1EMS Dispatch
531514c3DOnion Lake EMS 2Onion Lake 2EMS-Tac
531714c5DOutlook EMS 1Outlook 1EMS Dispatch
531814c6DOutlook EMS 2Outlook 2EMS-Tac
532114c9DOxbow EMS 1Oxbow 1EMS Dispatch
532214caDOxbow EMS 2Oxbow 2EMS-Tac
532414ccDPangman EMS 1Pangman 1 EMS Dispatch
532514cdDPangman EMS 2Pangman 2EMS-Tac
532914d1DParkland HR CommParkland Health Region CommonEMS-Talk
533014d2DPelican EMS 1Pelican Narrows 1EMS Dispatch
533114d3DPelican EMS 2Pelican Narrows 2EMS-Tac
533314d5DPontiex EMS 1Pontiex EMS 1EMS Dispatch
533414d6DPontiex EMS 2Pontiex EMS 2EMS-Tac
533714d9DPorcPlain EMS 1Porcupine Plain 1EMS Dispatch
533814daDPorcPlain EMS 2Porcupine Plain 2 EMS-Tac
534314dfDPreecevilleEMS 1Preeceville 1EMS Dispatch
534414e0DPreevevilleEMS 2Preeveville 2 EMS-Tac
534814e4DPrinceAlbertEMS1Prince Albert 1EMS Dispatch
534914e5DPrinceAlbertEMS2Prince Albert 2EMS-Tac
535014e6DPrinceAlbertEMS3Prince Albert 3EMS-Tac
535114e7DPrinceAlbertEMS4Prince Albert 4EMS-Tac
535214e8DPrinceAlbertEMS5Prince Albert 5EMS-Tac
536814f8DQu'A V HRQu'Appelle Valley Health RegionEMS Dispatch
535514ebDRadville EMS 1Radville 1EMS Dispatch
535614ecDRadville EMS 2Radville 2EMS-Tac
535914efDRedvers EMS 1Redvers 1EMS Dispatch
536014f0DRedvers EMS 2Redvers 2EMS-Tac
536314f3DRegina EMS 1Regina 1EMS Dispatch
536414f4DRegina EMS 2Regina 2EMS-Tac
536514f5DRegina EMS 3Regina 3EMS-Tac
4004fa4DREMS-RFDRegina EMS Patch to Regina FireInterop
537114fbDRichmound EMSRichmound EMSEMS Dispatch
537414feDRoseValley1 Rose Valley 1 EMS Dispatch
537514ffDRoseValley 2Rose Valley 2EMS-Tac
53781502DRosetown EMS 1Rosetown 1EMS Dispatch
53791503DRosetown EMS 2Rosetown 2EMS-Tac
531114bfDRosthern EMS 1Rosthern 1EMS Dispatch
531214c0DRosthern EMS 2Rosthern 2EMS-Tac
5391150fDShaunavon EMS 1Shaunavon 1EMS Dispatch
53921510DShaunavon EMS 2Shaunavon 2EMS-Tac
53961514DSpiritwood EMS 1Spiritwood-Big River 1EMS Dispatch
53971515DSpiritwood EMS 2Spiritwood-Big River 2EMS-Talk
54011519DSt. WalburgSt. Walburg 1EMS Dispatch
5402151aDSt.Walburg 2St. Walburg 2EMS-Tac
54901572DSTARS 1STARS Air Ambulance ReginaEMS-Tac
54921574DSTARS 2STARS Air Ambulance ReginaEMS-Tac
54911573DSTARS 3STARS Air Ambulance SaskatoonEMS-Talk
5404151cDStoughton EMS 1Stoughton 1EMS Dispatch
54951577DStoughton EMS 2Stoughton 2EMS-Tac
5407151fDStrasbourg EMS 1Strasbourg 1EMS Dispatch
54081520DStrasbourg EMS 2Strasbourg 2EMS-Tac
509313e5DSCHR ALL CALLSun Country Health Region - All CallEMS Dispatch
54141526DSwiftCurrentEMS1Swift Current 1EMS Dispatch
54151527DSwiftCurrentEMS2Swift Current 2EMS-Tac
5418152aDTisdale EMS 1Tisdale 1EMS Dispatch
5419152bDTisdale EMS 2Tisdale 2EMS-Tac
5423152fDUnity EMS 1Unity 1EMS Dispatch
54241530DUnity EMS 2Unity 2 EMS-Tac
51361410DVal Marie EMS 1 Val Marie 1 EMS Dispatch
51691431DVal Marie EMS 2Val Marie 2EMS-Tac
54301536DWadena EMS 1Wadena 1EMS Dispatch
54311537DWadena EMS 2Wadena 2 EMS-Tac
5434153aDWakaw EMS 1Wakaw 1EMS Dispatch
5435153bDWakaw EMS 2Wakaw 2EMS-Tac
5438153eDWatrous EMS 1Watrous 1 EMS Dispatch
5439153fDWatrous EMS 2Watrous 2EMS-Tac
54421542DWatson EMS 1Watson 1EMS Dispatch
54431543DWatson EMS 2Watson 2EMS-Talk
54481548DWeyburn EMS 1Weyburn 1 EMS Dispatch
5469155dDWeyburn EMS 2Weyburn 2EMS-Talk
5452154cDWhitewood EMS 1 Whitewood 1EMS Dispatch
54451545DWhitewood EMS 2Whitewood 2EMS-Tac
5455154fDWilkie EMS 1Wilkie 1EMS Dispatch
54561550DWilike EMS 2Wilike 2EMS-Tac
54601554DWynyard EMS 1Wynyard 1 EMS Dispatch
54611555DWynyard EMS 2Wynyard 2EMS-Tac
54641558DYorkton EMS 1Yorkton 1EMS Dispatch
54651559DYorkton EMS 2Yorkton 2EMS-Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
536614f6DRGHRegina General HospitalHospital
536714f7DPH ReginaPasqua Hospital - ReginaHospital
5386150aDCH SaskatoonCity Hospital - SaskatoonHospital
5389150dDRUHRoyal University Hospital - SaskatoonHospital
5502157eDJPCHJim Pattison Childrens HospitalHospital
5390150eDSt PHSaint Pauls Hospital - SaskatoonHospital
5005138dDBICCBalcarres Integrated Care Centre Hospital
53851509DRosethern HospRosethern HospitalHospital
54001518DSJH EstevanSt. Joseph's Hospital - EstevanHospital
511813feDANHHAll Nations Healing Hospital - Fort Qu'AppelleHospital
5388150cDIHUHIndian Head Union Hospital Hospital
5387150bDKVHKindersley Hospital Hospital
529114abDFHWRHDr.F.H.Wigmore Regional Hospital - Moose JawHospital
535314e9DPAVHPrince Albert Victoria HospitalHospital
5006138eDPNHR - BUHBattleford Union HospitalHospital
52651491DKTHR - Melfort Melfort HospitalHospital
5467155bDYRHCYorkton Regional Health CentreHospital
Saskatchewan Provincial Courts
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6235185bDeSPC-SaskatoonCourt Workers - SaskatoonLaw Talk
6238185eDeSPC-SaskatoonCourt Workers - SaskatoonLaw Talk
62401860DESPC WorkersCourt Workers - Regina Law Talk
Corrections and Public Safety
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60401798DCPSP Public Safety and PolicingCorrections
60411799DCPSP Public Safety and PolicingCorrections
6026178aDBLCCBesnard Lake Correctional CampCorrections
607217b8DCOMM PDYC TranspCommunity Corrections 1 - Paul Dojack Youth Centre Offender TransportCorrections
6042179aDCPSP COMM 2Community Corrections 2Corrections
6043179bDCPSP COMM 3Community Corrections 3Corrections
6044179cDCPSP COMM 4Community Corrections 4Corrections
607017b6DFAC 1Facility 1 Correctional CentresCorrections
604817a0DFAC 2Facility 2 Correctional CentresCorrections
608617c6DFAC 3Facility 3 Correctional CentresCorrections
608817c8DFAC 4Facility 4 Correctional CentresCorrections
607117b7DORCADIAOrcadia Youth FacilityCorrections
608317c3DOSEROuter Security Escape ResponseCorrections
607317b9DPDYCPaul Dojack Youth CentreCorrections
605117a3DPACC 1Prince Albert Correctional CentreCorrections
608417c4DTRANSPrisoner TransportCorrections
609117cbDTRN 1Prisoner Transport 1Corrections
609217ccDTRN 2Prisoner Transport 2Corrections
605717a9DRegina CCRegina Correctional CentreCorrections
606317afDERegina PCCRegina Provincial Correctional CenterCorrections
606417b0DERPCC TAC1Regina Provincial Correctional Center TAC 1Corrections
6047179fDSHNBSaskatchewan Hospital - North BattlefordCorrections
605817aaDSK_JUSTICESaskatchewan JusticeCorrections
609517cfDSK_JUSTICESaskatchewan JusticeCorrections
609617d0DSK_JUSTICESaskatchewan JusticeCorrections
609917d3DSK_JUSTICESaskatchewan JusticeCorrections
606117adDSaskatoon CCSaskatoon Correctional CentreCorrections
606517b1DCPS TAC 1Tactical 1Corrections
606617b2DCPS TAC 2Tactical 2Corrections
606717b3DCPS TAC 3Tactical 3Corrections
606817b4DCPS TAC 4Tactical 4Corrections
610017d4DWBISOWhite Birch Female Remand UnitCorrections
608917c9DWSTCWhite Spruce Training CentreCorrections
Saskatchewan Event
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
611817e6DSask Event 1Saskatchewan Government - Events 1Multi-Talk
611917e7DSask Event 2 Saskatchewan Government - Events 2Multi-Talk
612017e8DSask Event 3Saskatchewan Government - Events 3Multi-Talk
612117e9DSask Event 4Saskatchewan Government - Events 4Multi-Talk
612217eaDSask Event 5Saskatchewan Government - Events 5Multi-Talk
612317ebDSask Event 6 Saskatchewan Government - Events 6Multi-Talk
612417ecDSask Event 7Saskatchewan Government - Events 7Multi-Talk
612517edDSask Event 8Saskatchewan Government - Events 8Multi-Talk
612617eeDSask Event 9Saskatchewan Government - Events 9Multi-Talk
612717efDSask Event 10Saskatchewan Government - Events 10Multi-Talk
Ministries - Government of Saskatchewan
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
60001770DESaskME ECCMinistry Environment Enforcement CentreLaw Dispatch
60011771DESask Env ECMinistry Environment Echo Charlie DispatchLaw Dispatch
60021772DESask ME CA1Ministry Environment CA1Law Tac
60031773DESaskME CA2Ministry Environment CA2Law Tac
60041774DESaskME CA3Ministry Environment CA3Law Tac
60051775DESaskME CA4Ministry Environment CA4Law Tac
60061776DESaskME TAC 1Ministry Environment TAC 1Law Tac
60071777DESaskME TAC 2Ministry Environment TAC 2Law Tac
607617bcDESaskME TAC 3Ministry Environment TAC 3Law Tac
62611875DSaskME FO1Ministry Environment Forestry Officers 1Law Tac
62621876DSaskME FO2Ministry Environment Forestry Officers 2Law Talk
6045179dDPROV_REVProvincial RevenueLaw Tac
6046179eDSK REV TAC1Provincial Revenue TAC 1Law Tac
605217a4DSK JUSTICESaskatchewan JusticeLaw Talk
606217aeDSK JUSTICESaskatchewan JusticeLaw Talk
60241788DN Fire OpsNorthern Fire Air OpsFire-Tac
60351793DESGI CanadaSGI Canada ClaimsMulti-Talk
60361794DESK Government Saskatchewan GovernmentMulti-Talk
60371795DSK Government Saskatchewan GovernmentMulti-Talk
609017caDSK Government Saskatchewan GovernmentMulti-Talk
609317cdDSK Government Saskatchewan GovernmentMulti-Talk
613517f7DESK SGISaskatchewan Government - SGILaw Tac
61601810DOH&S Officer RegOccupational Health and Safety Officer - ReginaLaw Talk
6266187aDVIP TransportVIP TransportLaw Tac
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
150096DSP AnnouncementAnnouncement GroupUtilities
10003e8DSP Z1 1 GRB2504Zone 1-1 GravelbourgUtilities
10013e9DSP Z1 2 OXB1612Zone 1-2 OxbowUtilities
10023eaDSP Z1 3 CDL4306Zone 1-3 Candle LakeUtilities
10033ebDSP Z1 4 KPL1610Zone 1-4 KiplingUtilities
10043ecDSP Z1 5 AM_DISTZone 1-5 AM DistUtilities
10053edDSP Z1 6 AM_TRANSZone 1-6 AM TransUtilities
10063eeDSP Z1 7 ASN2506Zone 1-7 Assiniboia Utilities
10073efDSP Z1 8 BGR3504Zone 1-8 BiggerUtilities
10083f0DSP Z1 9 CAN1718Zone 1-9 Canora Utilities
10093f1DSP Z1 10 CA_CREWZone 1-10 Canora CrewUtilities
10103f2DSP Z1 11 CARZone 1-11 CarlyleUtilities
10113f3DSP Z1 12 CLK4302Zone 1-12 Christopher LakeUtilities
10123f4DSP Z1 13 WAT3303Zone 1-13 WatsonUtilities
10133f5DSP Z1 14 SBG2304Zone 1-14 StrasbourgUtilities
10143f6DSP Z1 15Zone 1-15Utilities
10153f7DSP Z1 16 NBR3503Zone 1-16 North Battleford RuralUtilities
10163f8DSP Z2 1 CTN4503Zone 2-1 Creighton Utilities
10173f9DSP Z2 2 DAV3304 Zone 2-2 DavidsonUtilities
10183faDSP Z2 3 N_CREWZone 2-3 North CrewUtilities
10193fbDSP Z2 4 EB CAMPZone 2-4 E.B. Campbell Hydroelectric StationUtilities
10203fcDSP Z2 5 ES_CREWZone 2-5 Estevan CrewUtilities
10213fdDSP Z2 6 EST1603Zone 2-6 EstevanUtilities
10223feDSP Z2 7 FQ1509Zone 2-7 Fort Qu'AppelleUtilities
10233ffDSP Z2 8 GCCZone 2-8 Grid Control CentreUtilities
1024400DSP Z2 9 GRN1504 Zone 2-9 GrenfellUtilities
1025401DSP Z2 10 HUD4102Zone 2-10 Hudson BayUtilities
1026402DSP Z2 11 HUM3306Zone 2-11 HumboldtUtilities
1027403DSP Z2 12 ISLFALLZone 2-12 Island Falls Hydro PlantUtilities
1028404DSP Z2 13 KER3514Zone 2-13 KerrobertUtilities
1029405DSP Z2 14 KIN3513Zone 2-14 KindersleyUtilities
1030406DSP Z2 15 KI_CREWZone 2-15 Kindersley CrewUtilities
1031407DSP Z2 16 LAR4510Zone 2-16 La RongeUtilities
1032408DSP Z3 1 LDM3596Zone 3-1 LloydminsterUtilities
1033409DSP Z3 2 LUM2306Zone 3-2 LumsdenUtilities
103440aDSP Z3 3 MJC2301Zone 3-3 Moose Jaw CityUtilities
103540bDSP Z3 4 MLK4507Zone 3-4 Meadow LakeUtilities
103640cDSP Z3 5 MFT4101Zone 3-5 MelfortUtilities
103740dDSP Z3 6 MJR2302Zone 3-6 Moose Jaw RuralUtilities
103840eDSP Z3 7 ML_CREWZone 3-7 Meadow Lake CrewUtilities
103940fDSP Z3 8 MLV1706Zone 3-8 MelvilleUtilities
1040410DSP Z3 9 MO1611Zone 3-9 MoosominUtilities
1041411DSP Z3 10 N_HYDROZone 3-10 North HydroOther
1042412DSP Z3 11 NB_CREWZone 3-11 North Battleford CrewUtilities
1043413DSP Z3 12 NH_SUPVZone 3-12 North Hydro SupervisorUtilities
1044414DSP Z3 13 NIPAWINZone 3-13 Nipawin Hydro StationUtilities
1045415DSP Z3 14 NBC3502Zone 3-14 North Battleford CityUtilities
1046416DSP Z3 15 NIP4109Zone 3-15 NipawinUtilities
1047417DSP Z3 16 PAC4301Zone 3-16 Prince Albert CityUtilities
1048418DSP Z4 1 PA_CREWZone 4-1 Prince Albert CrewUtilities
1049419DSP Z4 2 WYN1716Zone 4-2 WynyardUtilities
105041aDSP Z4 3 RDV1513Zone 4-3 RadvilleUtilities
105141bDSP Z4 4 RER2308Zone 4-4 Regina RuralUtilities
105241cDSP Z4 5 RE_CREWZone 4-5 Regina CrewUtilities
105341dDSP Z4 6 REG_DSPZone 4-6 Regina DispatchUtilities
105441eDSP Z4 7 REC2101Zone 4-7 Regina CityUtilities
105541fDSP Z4 8 ROS4309Zone 4-8 RosthernUtilities
1056420DSP Z4 9 RTN3515Zone 4-9 RosetownUtilities
1057421DSP Z4 10 SAC3315Zone 4-10 Saskatoon CityUtilities
1058422DSP Z4 11 SAW3314Zone 4-11 Saskatoon WestUtilities
1059423DSP Z4 12 SC_CREWZone 4-12 Swift Current CrewUtilities
1060424DSP Z4 13 SBK4303Zone 4-13 ShellbrookUtilities
1061425DSP Z4 14 SHN2512Zone 4-14 ShaunavonUtilities
1062426DSP Z4 15 SA_CREWZone 4-15 Saskatoon CrewUtilities
1063427DSP Z4 16 SPW4310Zone 4-16 SpiritwoodUtilities
1064428DSP Z5 1 SSMT_NZone 5-1 SSMT NorthUtilities
1065429DSP Z5 2 BN4519Zone 5-2 Buffalo NarrowsUtilities
106642aDSP Z5 3 SYST_NZone 5-3 System NorthUtilities
106742bDSP Z5 4 STN1515Zone 5-4 Stoughton Utilities
106842cDSP Z5 5 SWC2514 Zone 5-5 Swift CurrentUtilities
106942dDSP Z5 6 TELE_N Zone 5-6 Tele NorthUtilities
107042eDSP Z5 7 TRANS_NZone 5-7 Transmission NorthUtilities
107142fDSP Z5 8 SAE3313Zone 5-8 Saskatoon EastUtilities
1072430DSP Z5 9 TRANS_SZone 5-9 Transmission SouthUtilities
1073431DSP Z5 10 MCK2515Zone 5-10 Maple CreekUtilities
1074432DSP Z5 11 YNR1708Zone 5-11 Yorkton RuralUtilities
1075433DSP Z5 12 TS_CREWZone 5-12 TS CrewUtilities
1076434DSP Z5 13 TLF3508Zone 5-13 TurtlefordUtilities
1077435DSP Z5 14 UNY3512Zone 5-14 UnityUtilities
1078436DSP Z5 15 WAD4106Zone 5-15 WadenaUtilities
1079437DSP Z5 16 WE_CREWZone 5-16 Weyburn CrewUtilities
1080438DSP Z6 1 WEY1517Zone 6-1 Weyburn Utilities
1081439DSP Z6 2 TJZone 6-2 TJUtilities
108243aDSP Z6 3 WRKGRP_1Zone 6-3 Workgroup 1Utilities
108343bDSP Z6 4 WRKGRP_2Zone 6-4 Workgroup 2Utilities
108443cDSP Z6 5 WRKGRP_3Zone 6-5 Workgroup 3Utilities
108543dDSP Z6 6 WRKGRP_4Zone 6-6 Workgroup 4Utilities
108643eDSP Z6 7 RE_CABLEZone 6-7 Regina CableUtilities
108743fDSP Z6 8 RE_SLZone 6-8 RE SLUtilities
1088440DSP Z6 9 SSMT_SZone 6-9 SSMT SouthUtilities
1089441DSP Z6 10 STS1707Zone 6-10 Sturgis Utilities
1090442DSP Z6 11 YN_CREWZone 6-11 Yorkton CrewUtilities
1091443DSP Z6 12 YNC1702Zone 6-12 Yorkton CityUtilities
1092444DSP Z6 13 S_CREWZone 6-13 South CrewUtilities
1093445DSP Z6 14 WR_CREWZone 6-14 WR CrewUtilities
1094446DSP Z6 15Zone 6-15Utilities
1095447DSP Z6 16SA_WIREZone 6-16 SA WireUtilities
1096448DSP Z7 1 GINSP_NZone 7-1 Ginsp NorthUtilities
1097449DSP Z7 2 PERAENVZone 7-2 PeraenvUtilities
109844aDSP Z7 3 FLEETZone 7-3 FleetUtilities
109944bDSP Z7 4 ACHENZone 7-4 AchenUtilities
110044cDSP Z7 5 HUNDZone 7-5 HundUtilities
110144dDSP Z7 6 REMCONZone 7-6 RemconUtilities
110244eDSP Z7 7 Zone 7-7 InteropInterop
110344fDSP Z7 8 PMPZone 7-8 PMPUtilities
1104450DSP Z7 9 Zone 7-9 Interop
1105451DSP Z7 10 ULTIMATZone 7-10 UltimatUtilities
1106452DSP Z7 11 WESPLNTZone 7-11 West PlantUtilities
1107453DSP Z7 12 SOUPLNTZone 7-12 South PlantUtilities
1108454DSP Z7 13 PPREGZone 7-13 PpregUtilities
1109455DSP Z7 14 GINSP_SZone 7-14 Ginsp SouthUtilities
1110456DSP Z7 15 EINSP_NZone 7-15 Einsp NorthUtilities
1111457DSP Z7 16 ESNSP_SZone 7-16 Esnp SouthUtilities
University of Saskatchewan
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
6206183eDEUSASK SEC 1Campus Security 1Security
6207183fDEUSASK SEC 2Campus Security 2Security
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
62161848DREAL ComandRegina Exhibition Association Limited - CommandBusiness
6218184aDCFL CommandCanadian Football League - CommandBusiness
PPSTN Harris Dispatch Console #1

All of these can be one-way or two-way regroups and are encrypted. There can be up to 32 Dynamic Regroups and there can be up to 16 Dynamic Regroups in use at the same time.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
42030a42eDEDR 420301SSN 00Interop
42031a42fDEDR 420311SSN 01Interop
42032a430DEDR 420321SSN 02Interop
42033a431DEDR 420331SSN 03Interop
42034a432DEDR 420341SSN 04Interop
42035a433DEDR 420351SSN 05Interop
42036a434DEDR 420361SSN 06Interop
42037a435DEDR 420371SSN 07Interop
42038a436DEDR 420381SSN 08Interop
42039a437DEDR 420391SSN 09Interop
42040a438DEDR 420401SSN 10Interop
42041a439DEDR 420411SSN 11Interop
42042a43aDEDR 420421SSN 12Interop
42043a43bDEDR 420431SSN 13Interop
42044a43cDEDR 420441SSN 14Interop
42045a43dDEDR 420451SSN 16Interop
42046a43eDEDR 420461SSN 17Interop
42047a43fDEDR 420471SSN 18Interop
42048a440DEDR 420481SSN 19Interop
42049a441DEDR 420491SSN 20Interop
42050a442DEDR 420501SSN 21Interop
42051a443DEDR 420511SSN 22Interop
42052a444DEDR 420521SSN 23Interop
42053a445DEDR 420531SSN 24Interop
42054a446DEDR 420541SSN 25Interop
42055a447DEDR 420551SSN 26Interop
42056a448DEDR 420561SSN 27Interop
42057a449DEDR 420571SSN 28Interop
42058a44aDEDR 420581SSN 29Interop
42059a44bDEDR 420591SSN 30Interop
42060a44cDEDR 420601SSN 31Interop
PPSTN Harris Dispatch Console #2
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
42061a44dDEDR 420612SSN 00Interop
42062a44eDEDR 420622SSN 01Interop
42063a44fDEDR 420632SSN 02Interop
42064a450DEDR 420642SSN 03Interop
42065a451DEDR 40652SSN 04Interop
42066a452DEDR 420662SSN 05Interop
42067a453DEDR 420672SSN 06Interop
42068a454DEDR 420682SSN 07Interop
42069a455DEDR 420692SSN 08Interop
42070a456DEDR 420702SSN 09Interop
42071a457DEDR 420712SSN 10Interop
42072a458DEDR 420722SSN 11Interop
42073a459DEDR 420732SSN 12Interop
42074a45aDEDR 420742SSN 13Interop
42075a45bDEDR 420752SSN 14Interop
42076a45cDDR 420762SSN 15Interop
42077a45dDEDR 420772SSN 16Interop
42078a45eDEDR 420782SSN 17Interop
42079a45fDEDR 420792SSN 18Interop
42080a460DEDR 420802SSN 19Interop
42081a461DEDR 420812SSN 20Interop
42082a462DEDR 420822SSN 21Interop
42083a463DEDR 420832SSN 22Interop
42084a464DEDR 420842SSN 23Interop
42085a465DEDR 420852SSN 24Interop
42086a466DEDR 420862SSN 25Interop
42087a467DEDR 420872SSN 26Interop
42088a468DEDR 420882SSN 27Interop
42089a469DEDR 420892SSN 28Interop
42090a46aDEDR 420902SSN 29Interop
42091a46bDEDR 420912SSN 30Interop
42092a46cDEDR 420922SSN 31Interop
PPSTN Harris Dispatch Console #3
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
42093a46dDEDR 420933SSN 00Interop
42094a46eDEDR 420943SSN 01Interop
42095a46fDEDR 420953SSN 02Interop
42096a470DEDR 420963SSN 03Interop
42097a471DEDR 420973SSN 04Interop
42098a472DEDR 420983SSN 05Interop
42099a473DEDR 420993SSN 06Interop
42100a474DEDR 421003SSN 07Interop
42101a475DEDR 421013SSN 08Interop
42102a476DEDR 421023SSN 09Interop
42103a477DEDR 421033SSN 10Interop
42104a478DEDR 421043SSN 11Interop
42105a479DEDR 421053SSN 12Interop
42106a47aDEDR 421063SSN 13Interop
42107a47bDEDR 421073SSN 14Interop
42108a47cDEDR 421083SSN 15Interop
42109a47dDEDR 421093SSN 16Interop
42110a47eDEDR 421103SSN 17Interop
42111a47fDEDR 421113SSN 18Interop
42112a480DEDR 421123SSN 19Interop
42113a481DEDR 421133SSN 20Interop
42114a482DEDR 421143SSN 21Interop
42115a483DEDR 421153SSN 22Interop
42116a484DEDR 421163SSN 23Interop
42117a485DEDR 421173SSN 24Interop
42118a486DEDR 421183SSN 25Interop
42119a487DEDR 421193SSN 26Interop
42120a488DEDR 421203SSN 27Interop
42121a489DEDR 421213SSN 28Interop
42122a48aDEDR 421223SSN 29Interop
42123a48bDEDR 421233SSN 30Interop
42124a48cDEDR 421243SSN 31Interop
PPSTN Harris Dispatch Console #4
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
42125a48dDEDR 421254SSN 00Interop
42126a48eDEDR 421264SSN 01Interop
42127a48fDEDR 421274SSN 02Interop
42128a490DEDR 421284SSN 03Interop
42129a491DEDR 421294SSN 04Interop

 There are 260 PPSTN radio sites in the system and of these sites 242 have "site radios".

Talkgroups 301 to 560 are used only by the PPSTN's "site radios". Each site radio has it's own Talkgroup.
These Talkgroups are only used for one purpose. A site's radio does a location registration to it's home site once each hour. This is a local registration, not a global registration.
When a site goes down it's site radio will still be operational but it will not be able to do it's local registration.
It will then hunt for an adjacent site control channel and then do a global registration on that site.
When this happens the PPSTN admin will know which has gone down and send out a radio tech. 
Talkgroups 800 -to- 899 will be used by site radios and their RIDs are from 2216751 -to- 2216850. These Talkgroups
will not be used for communications on the system but you will see the site radios do location registrations on them only.
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
101065DRadio Tech 1RCMP Regina Radio Techs Business
102066DRadio Tech 2RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
103067DRadio Tech 3RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
104068DRadio Tech 4RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
105069DRadio Tech 5RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
12607eDERadio TechsRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
12707fDERadio TechsRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
128080DERadio TechsRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
1810b5DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1820b6DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1830b7DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1840b8DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1850b9DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
2000c8DINFORMATICSRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
2020caDINFORMATICSRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
324144DPPSTN 324PPSTN Site radioBusiness
6012177cDHarris EmergHarris EmergencyBusiness
6015177fDHarris EmergHarris EmergencyBusiness
6491195bDMJ Radio Moose Jaw Radio TechsBusiness
6492195cDMJ RadioMoose Jaw Radio TechsBusiness
6493195dDRadio Tech 6RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
6494195eDRadio Tech 7RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
6495195fDRadio TechOFC Radio TechsBusiness
64961960DRadio TechOFC Radio TechsBusiness

 Please help identify the locations

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
44561168DFireFire 4456Fire-Talk
52031453DEMSEMS 5203EMS-Talk
52331471DEMSEMS 5233EMS-Talk
5261148dDEMSEMS 5261EMS-Talk
529514afDEMSEMS 5295EMS-Talk
530314b7DEMSEMS 5303EMS-Talk
530514b9DEMSEMS 5306EMS-Talk
534614e2DEMSEMS 5346EMS-Talk
534714e3DEMSEMS 5347EMS-Talk
54131525DEMSEMS 5413EMS-Talk
54271533DEMSEMS 5427EMS-Talk
54581552DEMSEMS 5458EMS-Talk
54731561DEMSEMS 5473EMS-Talk