Provincial Public Safety Telecommunications Network

Site: Radio Techs

Unique DB ID: 12691
County: Systemwide

 There are 260 PPSTN radio sites in the system and of these sites 242 have "site radios".

Talkgroups 301 to 560 are used only by the PPSTN's "site radios". Each site radio has it's own Talkgroup.
These Talkgroups are only used for one purpose. A site's radio does a location registration to it's home site once each hour. This is a local registration, not a global registration.
When a site goes down it's site radio will still be operational but it will not be able to do it's local registration.
It will then hunt for an adjacent site control channel and then do a global registration on that site.
When this happens the PPSTN admin will know which has gone down and send out a radio tech. 
Talkgroups 800 -to- 899 will be used by site radios and their RIDs are from 2216751 -to- 2216850. These Talkgroups
will not be used for communications on the system but you will see the site radios do location registrations on them only.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 54.8260 Longitude: -105.9082 Range: 393.31180888501 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
101065DRadio Tech 1RCMP Regina Radio Techs Business
102066DRadio Tech 2RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
103067DRadio Tech 3RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
104068DRadio Tech 4RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
105069DRadio Tech 5RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
12607eDERadio TechsRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
12707fDERadio TechsRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
128080DERadio TechsRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
1810b5DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1820b6DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1830b7DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1840b8DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
1850b9DRadio TechRCMP Saskatoon Radio TechsBusiness
2000c8DINFORMATICSRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
2020caDINFORMATICSRCMP Radio TechsBusiness
324144DPPSTN 324PPSTN Site radioBusiness
6012177cDHarris EmergHarris EmergencyBusiness
6015177fDHarris EmergHarris EmergencyBusiness
6491195bDMJ Radio Moose Jaw Radio TechsBusiness
6492195cDMJ RadioMoose Jaw Radio TechsBusiness
6493195dDRadio Tech 6RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
6494195eDRadio Tech 7RCMP Regina Radio TechsBusiness
6495195fDRadio TechOFC Radio TechsBusiness
64961960DRadio TechOFC Radio TechsBusiness