Warner Communications UHF LTR - (IE MetroEast 1-xx)

System Name: Warner Communications UHF LTR - (IE MetroEast 1-xx)
Location: Various, IL
County: 4 Counties
System Type: LTR Standard
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: July 4, 2021, 05:22 am UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

IE Communications - Company Information For KLL Wireless Provider

Sites with confirmed LCNs are denoted with (*). Other sites (102, etc) are actual frequencies per site per license.

YG - Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked
21 W Front Street - Clinton County, Trenton, IL P: (618)224-7138
The issuance of this system license resulted in the cancellation of licenses WPMB631, WPTP801, WPLX223, KIR258, WNQA861, KNHN862, and WPKQ538.

12/11/06 - UPDATE -- 464.175 added to Marion County site, FCC license has mistake, says Clinton.

5/27/06 - UPDATE -- May be 2 different systems since some are 0-00 and some are 1-00 LCNs. Many frequencies added to Columbia Monroe County site (was missing)

463.2125 100.0 PL  sounded like repeater (heard Glen Carbon 5/11/08)
464.275 R09 on Barnes Hospital - St. Louis - does not appear to be in use in Collinsville
451.975 possibly heard 131.8 PL on I-55 MM29. (5/07)

Site 001-Collinsville
451.975 id's as 1-07-255
451.475 also licensed to Illini Pipeline KNNL244 at same location as KLL in Collinsville.
451.475 also part of Warner Communications LTR, R08 (0-08)
463.500 118.8 PL, possibly Granite City Steel

Site 102-Highland

102 Highland (Madison) 00 461.25000  00 461.48750  00 461.46250  00 464.56250  00 463.50000  00 463.31250  00 461.88750

--no key-ups on any frequency, except 463.5, which is R12 Warner Communications LTR
461.25R 186.2 PL indentified as farmers "Ellis Farm" (10/9/08)
463.5R 118.8 PL identified during AM band opening 4/20/06
463.2R 186.2 PL farming? 75 gallons? (gas, water?)
451.975 1-07-103 also 054 DPL, same quarry/rock company with Breese,Carlyle,Nashville dispatch/bases

Site 103-Collinsville
464.275 is part of BJC LTR R09
463.200 D156 in use conventionally by towing company of Edwardsville
464.175 no key-ups
464.950 no key-ups
463.625 no key-ups
451.300 no key-ups

Site 104-Shiloh
Moved to http://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?sid=4433

Site 105-Columbia
463.7625  no key-up (adjacent channel in use)
462.8375  no key-up
464.4000  seems to have something on it or adjacent
462.2125 no key-up (adjacent channel in use)
464..5875 no key-up (464.575 is LTR, 464.6 is data)
461.475  no key-ups

Site 106-Collinsville
464.125 127.3 PL sounded like concrete company

"Metro" Road Construction

1-07-068   A   Metro F-1 Metro Road Construction ("the METRO Channel") 
Units: 5, 11 -- Also has an F-3 on portables; also has "Bike"? channels and can "go to direct" (11/17/08)

463.625, 464.275, 463.2 - Dispatching for Midwest Sanitary Services Inc. (Wood River) WPKQ538 (463.2 formerly KNHN862)

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
103 (67) Collinsville (Unidentified LCN) Madison 01 463.62502 463.20003 464.95004 464.17505 451.30006 464.275 
001 (1) Collinsville (Verified LCN) Madison 01 N/A 02 N/A 03 451.30004 N/A 05 N/A 06 N/A 07 451.975
   09 N/A 10 N/A 11 452.40012 N/A 13 N/A 14 N/A 15 N/A 
   16 N/A 17 N/A 18 N/A 19 464.125   
105 (69) Columbia (Unidentified LCN) Monroe 01 461.07502 461.47503 464.587504 461.212505 464.40006 462.837507 463.7625
102 (66) Highland (Unidentified LCN) Madison 01 461.25002 461.887503 463.312504 463.50005 464.562506 461.487507 461.4625
101 (65) Salem (Unidentified LCN) Marion 01 464.80002 463.20003 461.887504 463.987505 462.087506 461.4625 
106 (6A) Salem (Unidentified LCN) Marion 01 462.087502 463.20003 463.987504 464.80005 461.887506 461.462507 461.350
004 (4) Shiloh (Verified LCN) St. Clair 01 N/A 02 N/A 03 N/A 04 N/A 05 461.6375  


DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1-07-000AMetro F-2Metro Road Construction (unidentified, heard reference to)Business
1-07-003Aops 107003ops (Greenville) [451.975 R07]Business
1-07-043ATimmerman2rock company/quarry ("on my way to quarry"Business
1-07-068AMetro F-1Metro Road Construction ("the METRO Channel")Business
1-07-103ATimmerman1Timmerman Quarry - Breese Dispatch [also D054 451.975]Business
1-11-240Aops 111240ops - 1/15/09Business
1-19-002Aops 119002ops (464.125 9/11/08)Business
1-19-255ACW-ID R19CW-ID [464.125]Data
DEC Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
0-05-255ACW-ID R05CW-ID [461.6375]Data