MGM Grand Hotel and Casino

System Name: MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
Location: Las Vegas, NV
County: Clark
System Type: Motorola Type II Smartnet
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 7716 Connect Tone: 138.46
Last Updated: January 11, 2019, 21:19 pm UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Primary 937.0125937.025937.250937.7125937.7375938.150938.1625c938.2125c


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
48030ASec F1 IntCh1 InteriorSecurity
80050ASec F2 ExtCh2 Exterior / Parking AreasSecurity
112070ASec F3 AltCh3 AlternateSecurity
1760b0ASec MansionMansion AreasSecurity
2080d0ASec MGM EvtsSpecial EventsSecurity
2400f0ASec PoolGrand PoolSecurity
304130ASec Club PriNightclub PrimarySecurity
368170ASec Club AltNightclub AlternateSecurity
2448990ASec SignaturSignatureSecurity
2704a90ASec MGM TwrTowerSecurity
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
16010ASlot TechsSlot TechniciansBusiness
1632660AMGM Slots ASlots ABusiness
1664680AMGM Slots BSlots BBusiness
17606e0ASlot TechsSlot TechniciansBusiness
1872750ASlot TechsSlot TechniciansBusiness
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1616650AMGM ArenaCatMGM Grand Garden Arena - CateringBusiness
1840730AStage Setup/Stage Setup/CleaningBusiness
1904770AMGM KA LightKA Show LightingBusiness
1936790AMGM KA ShowKA ShowBusiness
19687b0AMGM KA Ch BKA Show (Ch. B)Business
20007d0AMGM KA SoundKA Show soundBusiness
20327f0AMGM KA Ch 8KA Show (Ch. 8)Business
2128850AMGM KA ShowKA ShowBusiness
2160870AAnnexAllCallAnnex All CallBusiness
2192890AMGM KA UsherKA Show - UshersBusiness
2672a70AExhibition 1Exhibition Hall 1Business
3984f90AExhibition 2Exhibition Hall 2Business
41761050ATrade ShowTrade Show SetupBusiness
65440ffa0ATheaterTheater/Auditorium SetsBusiness
65456ffb0ATheaterTheater/Auditorium SetsBusiness
65488ffd0ATheaterTheater/Auditorium SetsBusiness
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14885d0ATech ServiceTech Services TV/InternetBusiness
1552610ANetwork SvcsNetwork/Computer ServicesBusiness
2352930AGrand PoolGrand PoolBusiness
2416970ASignat ValetSignature ValetBusiness
25449f0AMGM ValetValetBusiness
2576a10ATower GuestTower GuestBusiness
2640a50ASign ReceiveSignature ReceivingBusiness
3888f30AFood ServiceFood ServicesBusiness
3920f50ARoom ServiceRoom ServiceBusiness
4080ff0AExterior OpsExterior OperationsBusiness
41121010AGrand TowerGrand Tower Room ServiceBusiness
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
400190APublic AreasPublic AreasBusiness
4321b0AHotel RoomsHotel RoomsBusiness
1424590ACustodialCustodial - Public AreasBusiness
25129d0AHskpng TowerHousekeeping - TowersBusiness
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
4641d0APublic AreasPublic AreasBusiness
4961f0AHotel RoomsHotel RoomsBusiness
592250AMGM FireAlrmFire AlarmsBusiness
624270AFire AlarmFire Alarm TestingBusiness
656290APlumbingPools & River PlumbingBusiness
15205f0AMGM VideoVideoBusiness
2736ab0ARadio MaintRadio MaintenanceBusiness