South Carolina Public Service Authority

System Name: South Carolina Public Service Authority
Location: Various, SC
County: 39 Counties
System Type: Motorola Type II SmartZone
System Voice: Analog
System ID: Sysid: 5F16 Connect Tone: 128.57
Last Updated: January 8, 2019, 20:01 pm UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

This system is used and operated by the South Carolina Public Service Authority, aka Santee Cooper. It is a state owned and run electic generation, transmission and distribution utility that serves residential and business customers in the coastal region of the state. It also sells wholesale power to many of the municipal and cooperative utilities around the state.

Note concerning cell numbers: several sites display neighbor cell numbers that "overlap" with nieghbor cells from sites in other parts of the state. This causes there to be some duplication of cell numbers. Duplicate sites are listed as 100+cell number. Monitoring of more sites of this system should clear up the discrepancy.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
041 (29) Abbeville Abbeville 936.175937.175c939.1375c    
027 (1B) New Ellenton Aiken 936.1625937.1625c938.1625c939.1625   
029 (1D) Perry Aiken 937.200937.750938.7375939.1875c939.7125c  
035 (23) New Holland Rd Aiken 935.2125935.700936.7375c937.7375c   
108 (6C) Aiken Aiken 936.6625937.6625938.6625c939.6625c   
040 (28) Anderson Anderson 936.700937.700938.700c939.700c   
109 (6D) Barnwell Barnwell 936.2375938.2375c939.2375c    
016 (10) Bluffton Beaufort 936.1375936.700937.700c938.700c   
001 (1) Moncks Corner Berkeley 936.1375936.650937.225937.650938.225938.650939.175c
004 (4) St. Stephen Berkeley 936.2375937.2375c938.2375938.675939.1375c939.2375939.6625
017 (11) Moncks Corner Berkeley 936.225937.1375938.2125939.1375939.750c  
018 (12) Charity Berkeley 935.700937.700c938.700c939.2125   
019 (13) Honey Hill Berkeley 936.175936.6375937.6375938.6375c939.6375c  
023 (17) St. George Berkeley 936.7125937.7125c938.7125939.250c939.6375  
034 (22) St. Matthews Calhoun 936.175936.6875c937.6875c938.6875   
006 (6) Johns Island Charleston 936.6625937.6625c938.6625c939.1625   
005 (5) Richburg Chester 936.6625937.6625939.6625c    
037 (25) Leeds Chester 935.700c937.250937.750c    
115 (73) Chester Chester 936.6375c937.6375939.6375c    
119 (77) Pageland Chesterfield 936.700937.7375c938.7375939.175c   
008 (8) Neyles Colleton 936.1625937.1625938.1625c939.150c   
013 (D) Ruffin Colleton 935.6875936.7375937.7375c939.7375c   
101 (65) Hartsville Darlington 938.7125c936.7125937.2375939.6625   
114 (72) Darlington Darlington 937.1375c936.175938.675939.1375   
007 (7) Cooke Crossroads Dorchester 936.700938.1375939.200c939.7125c   
033 (21) Trenton Edgefield 938.1375c938.675c939.250939.675   
104 (68) Winnsboro Fairfield 936.175c937.1375939.1375c    
112 (70) Blair Fairfield 936.1625937.1625c938.1625c    
122 (7A) Lake City Florence 938.1625c936.1625937.1625939.1625   
003 (3) Georgetown Georgetown 936.750937.200c937.6875938.200c939.250  
121 (79) Callison Greenwood 936.6375c937.6375939.6375c    
014 (E) Estill Hampton 936.175937.175937.675939.225c   
009 (9) Nixonville Horry 936.2125936.6375937.2125938.2125c939.2125c  
010 (A) Garden City Horry 935.6875936.6875937.175938.6875c939.6875c  
012 (C) Pine Level Horry 935.2125936.2375937.2375c938.2375c939.6375  
020 (14) Myrtle Beach Horry 936.7125937.1375937.7125938.7125c939.7125c  
015 (F) Ridgeland Jasper 936.200937.200938.200c    
024 (18) Camden Kershaw 936.1375936.750939.225939.675c   
032 (20) Bethune Kershaw 937.750c935.2125936.700937.250938.2375  
116 (74) Liberty Hill Kershaw 937.200938.175939.7125939.250c   
038 (26) Pleasant Hill Lancaster 935.6875938.6625c939.1875c    
026 (1A) Laurens Laurens 936.2375938.2375c939.2375c    
022 (16) Lee County Lee 935.700937.1875938.7375939.6375c   
031 (1F) Sandy Run Lexington 936.200937.250938.200c939.200c   
110 (6E) Batesburg Lexington 935.6875c937.2125938.175c939.7375   
123 (7B) Lexington Lexington 936.700937.700c938.700c939.700   
106 (6A) Marion Marion 936.700937.700939.175938.700c   
028 (1C) Newberry Newberry 936.7125937.7125c938.7125c    
039 (27) Newberry Newberry 936.6875937.6875c939.175c    
117 (75) Orangeburg Orangeburg 936.6375c937.6375938.1375c938.6375   
036 (24) Columbia Richland 936.2375937.175937.675c938.675c   
113 (71) Blythewood Richland 938.750939.1625c939.6875c    
118 (76) East Richland Richland 936.7375936.2125937.2375c938.2125939.2125  
103 (67) Sumter Sumter 938.1375938.7875939.1875939.700c   
011 (B) Hemmingway Williamsburg 936.7375937.250937.7375938.7375939.200939.7375c 
021 (15) Kingstree Williamsburg 936.150937.150938.150c939.150c   


Aiken Electric Cooperative

Services areas in Aiken, McCormick and Edgefield Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
400169c50AAiken ElecAiken AreaUtilities
400489c70AAiken ElecEdgefield AreaUtilities
401129cb0AAiken ElecTalk-aroundUtilities
Black River Electric Cooperative

Services areas around Sumter, Lee, Kershaw, Darlington and Florence Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
41616a290ABlk Rvr ElecBlack River Electric CooperativeUtilities
Fairfield Electric Cooperative
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
45616b230AFairfld ElecDispatch?Utilities
45712b290AFairfld ElecService CrewsUtilities
Palmetto Electric Cooperative

Services areas in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
50416c4f0APalm ElecHHILineman Hilton Head Island AreaUtilities
50448c510APalm ElecJspLineman Jasper County AreaUtilities
50480c530APalm Elec MtMeter ReaderUtilities
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative

Services areas in Florence, Darlington and Marlboro Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
51216c810APee Dee ElecPee Dee Electric CooperativeUtilities
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
112162bd0ASC SecuritySantee Cooper Site SecuritySecurity
Santee Electric Cooperative

Services areas in Georgetown, Williamsburg and Florence Counties.

DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
2064810ASEC LinemenSEC Linesman?Utilities
52016cb30ASEC ConstrucSEC ConstructionUtilities
52048cb50ASEC ServiceSEC ServiceUtilities
52080cb70ASEC OpsSEC OperationsUtilities
52112cb90ASEC Engnr1SEC Engineering 1Utilities
52144cbb0ASEC Engnr2SEC Engineering 2Utilities
52176cbd0ASEC Cut-OffSEC Cut-offUtilities
52208cbf0ASEC TravelSEC TravelUtilities