System Name: Washoe County
Location: Reno, NV
County: 2 Counties
System Type: EDACS Networked Standard
System Voice: Analog
Last Updated: June 12, 2022, 20:29 pm UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

Peavine Mutual Aid 866.0125 866.5125 867.0125

Site 1 - Red Peak 39-35-02 N 119-47 58 W North Reno - North of I-80 and Just East of US 395 - towers are readily visible from US 395 freeway at Parr Blvd/Dandini exit off of 395

Site 2 Peavine Mtn 39-35-23 N 119-55-46 W Mountain North of I-80 Between Reno and Verdi (Calif Border) and just West of US 395 - basicly due west of Red Peak

Both sites have the same LCN set up as posted and are simlucast.

Sites preceeded with a 9 are not confirmed and LCN is probably not as written. Generally these sites are licensed but not necessarily operational and are up for the purpose of confirmation. Once confirmed these sites will change to a bonafide known site status.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name County Freqs
001 (1) Metro Simulcast Washoe 01 851.27502 851.57503 851.90004 853.25005 853.50006 851.30007 851.625
   08 853.20009 853.45010 853.70011 851.32512 851.60013 853.17514 853.425
   15 853.9125      
002 (2) Slide Mountain Washoe 01 854.962502 857.4875c03 857.987504 859.237505 859.762506 860.262507 851.725c
   08 851.975c09 852.90010 851.75011 860.762512 859.4625  
003 (3) Crystal Bay Washoe 01 855.237502 856.2125c03 857.2125c04 858.212505 859.212506 860.212507 860.4875
004 (4) Virginia Peak Washoe 01 851.125c02 851.37503 851.837504 852.112505 852.45006 852.77507 853.075
   08 853.32509 853.8375     
005 (5) Chimney Peak (Verdi) Washoe 01 855.2375c02 856.937503 857.262504 857.937505 858.262506 859.262507 860.2375
   08 860.487509 860.9875     
006 (6) Marble Bluff Washoe 01 851.700c02 851.95003 852.22504 853.112505 853.400  
007 (7) Poito Valley (Empire) Washoe 01 856.712502 857.712503 858.712504 859.7125   
008 (8) Fox Mountain Washoe 01 856.212502 857.212503 858.212504 859.2125   
009 (9) Patrick Washoe 01 856.437502 857.437503 856.712504 857.712505 858.712506 851.5375c07 852.0375
   08 852.6375      
109 (6D) Mt. Rose Washoe 01 851.100c02 852.287503 852.62504 853.362505 853.9375  
911 (38F) Peavine Ridge 2 Washoe 01 854.987502 855.962503 856.437504 856.762505 857.437506 858.762507 860.4625
   08 860.9375      


Washoe County Sheriff
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
27302-021AWCSO Green 1Green 1 - North County Dispatch Primary (Nora units)Law Dispatch
27402-022AWCSO Green 2Green 2Law Dispatch
27502-023AWCSO White 1White 1 - HostageLaw Talk
27602-024AWCSO White 2White 2 - Wants and WarrantsLaw Talk
27702-025AWCSO InclineInclineLaw Talk
27802-026AWCSO YellowYellow - South County Dispatch Yellow (Sam units, Pyramid Lake Indian Res.)Law Dispatch
27902-027AWCSO Tac 1Tac 1Law Tac
28002-030AWCSO Tac 2Tac 2 InclineLaw Tac
28102-031AWCSO RecordsRecordsLaw Talk
28202-032AWCSO RedRedLaw Talk
28302-033AWCSO BlueBlueLaw Talk
28402-034AWCSO CourtsCourt OperationsSecurity
28502-035AWCSO Jail 2Jail 2 - Inmate TransportationCorrections
28602-036AWCSO AdminAdminLaw Talk
28702-037AWCSO SWATBlack - SWAT (sometimes encrypted)Law Tac
32702-087AWCSO Jail 1Washoe County Jail Ch. 1 PrimaryCorrections
32802-090AWCSO BailifDistrict Court BailiffsLaw Tac
33002-092AWCSO RavenPossible Helo Coordination channelLaw Tac
33102-093ASurveillanceSurveillanceLaw Talk
33402-096AWCSO MotorcyMotorcycle TacticalLaw Tac
34002-104ASurveillanceSurveillance (sometimes encrypted)Law Talk
47503-113ATraffic TacTraffic TacticalLaw Tac
47703-115AGang UnitRegional Gang UnitLaw Talk
68905-061ANatGuard LawNevada-Army National Guard/Law Enforcement Operations PrimaryLaw Talk
153411-156AWCRSF OpsRegional Shooting Facility, Range OpsLaw Talk
156412-034AWCRSF SafetyRegional Shooting Facility, Range Safety & OpsLaw Talk
182614-042ASurveillanceSurveillance (sometimes encrypted)Law Talk
Washoe County Mutual Aid / Intersystem
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
100-001AAll FleetAll Fleet AnnouncementsInterop
26402-010AAll FleetAll Fleet AnnouncementsInterop
34302-107APS SharePublic Safety Share (PS Share)Interop
35002-116APS Law Enf 1Public Safety Law Enforcement 1Law Talk
35102-117APS Law Enf 2Public Safety Law Enforcement 2Law Talk
35202-120APS Law Enf 3Public Safety Law Enforcement 3Law Talk
47803-116APS Fire 1Public Safety Fire 1 (PS Fire 1)Fire-Talk
47903-117APS Fire 2Public Safety Fire 2 (PS Fire 2)Fire-Talk
Washoe County Emergency Mgmt
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
156012-030AWCEM MainEmergency Management MainEmergency Ops
156112-031AWCEM Tac-1Emergency Management Tac 1Emergency Ops
156212-032AWCEM Tac-2Emergency Management Tac 2Emergency Ops
156312-033AWCEM Tac-3Emergency Management Tac 3Emergency Ops
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
14401-020AHosp FleetHospital EMS Fleet AFSHospital
14501-021AHosp CarsonTCarson Tahoe Hospital, Carson CityHospital
14601-022AHosp FallonBanner Churchill Hospital, FallonHospital
14701-023AHosp CarsonVHospital Carson ValleyHospital
14801-024AHosp ElkoNortheastern Nevada Regional Hospital, ElkoHospital
14901-025AHosp WinnemcHumboldt General Hospital, WinnemuccaHospital
15001-026AHosp BattleBattle Mountain General Hospital, Battle MountainHospital
15101-027AHosp CalientGrover C. Dills Medical Center, CalienteHospital
15201-030AHosp YeringtSouth Lyon Medical Center, YeringtonHospital
15301-031AHosp HawthorMt. Grant Hospital, HawthorneHospital
15401-032AHosp ParhumpDesert View Hospital, ParhumpHospital
15501-033AHosp TonopahNye Regional Medical Center, TonopahHospital
15601-034AHosp LovelocPershing General Hospital, LovelockHospital
15701-035AHosp RenoRenown Medical Center, RenoHospital
15801-036AHosp ElyWilliam Bee Ririe Hospital, ElyHospital
15901-037AHosp S TahoeBarton Hospital, South Lake Tahoe, CAHospital
16001-040AHosp MobileHospital EMS Mobile Fleet AFSHospital
16101-041AEMS Region 1Regional Agencies in Region 1EMS-Talk
16201-042AEMS Region 2Regional Agencies in Region 2EMS-Talk
16301-043AEMS Region 3Regional Agencies in Region 3EMS-Talk
16401-044ATac Region 1Tactical Agencies in Region 1EMS-Tac
16501-045ATac Region 2Tactical Agencies in Region 2EMS-Tac
17301-055ANV HospitalsStatewide Hospital CoordinationEMS-Talk
17401-056AREMSAC 1800 MHZ Patch to 460 MHz UHF MED Channels Washoe Co. 1EMS-Talk
17501-057AREMSAC 2800 MHZ Patch to 460 MHz UHF MED Channels Washoe Co. 2EMS-Talk
190514-141AREMSA 8Dispatch patch to 800mhz systemEMS-Talk
Washoe County Regional Communications System
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
34602-112AWCRCS 1WCRCS W1Interop
34702-113AWCRCS 2WCRCS W2Interop
34802-114AWCRCS 3WCRCS W3Interop
34902-115AWCRCS 4WCRCS W4Interop
Washoe County Parks and Recreation
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
157712-051AWCParkRangerPark RangersPublic Works
157912-053AWCPark MaintMaintenancePublic Works
Washoe County Services
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
32102-081ADis AttorneyDistrict AttorneyLaw Dispatch
155412-022AWCRoads RenoRoad Department - RenoPublic Works
155512-023AWCRoads IncVRoad Department - Incline VillagePublic Works
155612-024AWCRoads GerlRoad Department - GerlachPublic Works
155812-026AUtilitiesCounty UtilitiesPublic Works
156912-041AInspectorsBuilding InspectorsPublic Works
157412-046AAnimalAnimal ControlPublic Works
158512-061AServicesEquipment ServicesPublic Works
159212-070AJv DetentionJuvenile Detention Center (Wittenburg Hall)Public Works
Washoe County School District
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
35302-121APolice NPolice NorthLaw Dispatch
35402-122APolice SPolice SouthLaw Dispatch
35502-123APolice Tac 1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
35602-124APolice Tac 2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
35702-125APolice Tac 3Police Tactical 3Law Tac
35802-126AAdmin 3Administration 3Schools
35902-127AAdmin 4Administration 4Schools
36002-130ADetectivesPolice DetectivesLaw Dispatch
188714-117AHS AdminHigh School AdminSchools
188914-121AHS 1HS 1 Reed High SchoolSchools
189014-122AHS 2HS 2 McQueen High School AdminSchools
189114-123AHS 3HS 3 North Valleys High School AdminSchools
189214-124AHS 4HS 4 Galena High SchoolSchools
189414-126AMS 2MS 2 Middle SchoolSchools
189514-127AMaint 1Maintenance 1Schools
189614-130AWS-BUS1Bus 1 CentralSchools
189714-131AWS-BUS2Bus 2 NorthSchools
189814-132AWS-BUS3Bus 3 SouthSchools
189914-133AWS-BUS4Bus 4 Nixon / Pyramid LakeSchools
190014-134AMain 2Maintenance 2Schools
190114-135ASpecial EdSpecial Education BusesSchools
190214-136AElem 1Elementary Schools 1Schools
190314-137AElem 2Elementary Schools 2Schools
191214-150AMS 1MS 1 Middle School Truancy OfficersSchools
191314-151AWS-AdminSchools AdminSchools
191814-156AWashoe Sch ?Schools (unknown)Schools
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
25702-001AAPB Patch 1Patch To WCSO GREEN-01/RPD GREENInterop
25802-002AAPB Patch 2Patch To WCSO GREEN-01/RPD GREENInterop
36602-136AWashoeCo ROCWashoe County Regional Emergency Operations CenterEmergency Ops
65705-021ANevada EOCNevada State Emergency Operations CenterEmergency Ops
191414-152APS Events 1Public Safety Events 1Law Talk
191514-153APS Events 2Public Safety Events 2Law Talk
191614-154APS Events 3Public Safety Events 3Law Talk
191714-155APS Events 4Public Safety Events 4Law Talk
Nevada Highway Patrol
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
75305-141ANHP 1 RenoReno 1 (RN 1) Reno PrimaryLaw Dispatch
75405-142ANHP 2 CarCtyReno 2 (RN 2) Carson City PrimaryLaw Dispatch
75505-143ANHP 3Reno 3 (RN 3)Law Dispatch
75605-144ANHP 4Reno 4 (RN 4)Law Dispatch
75705-145ANHP Tac 1Tac 1Law Tac
75805-146ANHP Tac 2Tac 2Law Tac
75905-147ANHP Tac 3Tac 3Law Tac
North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District

Incline Village-Crystal Bay areas.

DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
48103-121ANLTFPD DispMain (154.235/CSQ Simulcast/crossband)Fire Dispatch
48203-122ANLTFPD CmdCommandFire-Tac
48303-123ANLTFPD Tac 1Tactical 1Fire-Tac
48403-124ANLTFPD Tac 2Tactical 2 (154.280/100.0 Hz Interop/crossband)Fire-Tac
48503-125ANLTFPD Tac 3Tactical 3Fire-Tac
Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation

Dispatch is by county sheriff on TG 278.

DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
37202-144APLIR PDPoliceLaw Talk
37302-145APLIR PD Tac1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
37402-146APLIR PD Tac2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
Reno Fire Department
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
40103-021ARedRedFire Dispatch
40203-022AOrangeOrange (Administration)Fire-Tac
40303-023AGoldGold (1st Assigned Command Channel)Fire-Tac
40403-024ASilverSilver (2nd Assigned Command Channel)Fire-Tac
40503-025ATac 1Tac 1Fire-Tac
40603-026ATac 2Tac 2Fire-Tac
40703-027ATac 3Tac 3Fire-Tac
40803-030ATac 4Tac 4Fire Dispatch
40903-031ATM SlideRF Truckee Meadows Slide MtnFire Dispatch
41003-032ATM PeavineRF Truckee Meadows PeavineFire Dispatch
41103-033ATM VirginiaTruckee Meadows Virginia PeakFire Dispatch
41303-035ABronzeBronze (3rd Assigned Command Channel)Fire-Tac
41503-037ATM GerlachRF Truckee Meadows GerlachFire Dispatch
Reno Police Department
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
26102-005AAnnouncementAnnoucement Talkgroup - A.P.B.sLaw Tac
28902-041AGreenGreenLaw Dispatch
29002-042AYellowYellowLaw Dispatch
29102-043ABrownBrownLaw Dispatch
29202-044AGrayGrayLaw Tac
29302-045ABlueBlueLaw Tac
29402-046DECourt OpsCourt OpsLaw Tac
29502-047ABlack 1Black 1Law Tac
29602-050ABlack 2Black 2Law Tac
29902-053AWhiteWhiteLaw Tac
30102-055ASWAT 1SWAT 1 / TrainingLaw Tac
30202-056ADetectivesDetectivesLaw Tac
47103-107AMotorcyclesMotorcycle UnitsLaw Talk
68005-050AEDetectivesRPD Undercover / StakeoutLaw Tac
84006-090AEDetectivesRPD Undercover / DetectivesLaw Tac
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
160112-081ARenoStreets1Street Department Ch. 1Public Works
160212-082ARenoStreets2Street Department Ch. 2Public Works
160312-083ARenoStreets3Street Department Ch. 3 Primary (Sweepers and Snow Plows)Public Works
160412-084ARenoStreets4Street Department Ch Signal MaintenancePublic Works
160512-085ARenoStreets5Street Department Ch. 5 PaintingPublic Works
160612-086ARenoStreets6Street Department Ch. 6Public Works
160712-087ARenoStreets7Street Department Ch. 7 Sewer and Storm DrainsPublic Works
160812-090ARenoStreets8Street Department Ch. 8 Sewer and Storm DrainsPublic Works
160912-091ARenoStreets9Street Department Ch. 9 Sewer and Storm DrainsPublic Works
161012-092ARenoFleetMntFleet MaintenancePublic Works
161712-101AReno Parks 2Parks and Recreation Ch. 2Public Works
161812-102AReno Parks 3Parks and Recreation Ch. 3Public Works
161912-103AReno Parks 4Parks and Recreation Ch. 4Public Works
162012-104AReno Parks 5Parks and Recreation Ch. 5Public Works
Reno Tahoe International Airport
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
33702-101APolice MainPolice MainLaw Dispatch
33802-102APolice SecPolice SecondaryLaw Tac
33902-103ASecuritySecurity SpecialistsSecurity
44903-081AFire MainFire MainFire Dispatch
45003-082AFire SecFire SecondaryFire-Tac
45103-083AFire Tac 1Fire Tactical 1Fire-Tac
45203-084AFire Tac 2Fire Tactical 2Fire-Tac
180914-021AOPs 1Operations 1Public Works
181114-023AMaint 1Maintenance 1Public Works
181214-024ABuilding SerBuilding ServicesPublic Works
181314-025ABuilding MtnMaintenance 2 Building MaintenancePublic Works
181414-026AAirfield MtnMaintenance 3 Airfield MaintenancePublic Works
181614-030AParkingParkingPublic Works
181714-031ASteadStead AirfieldPublic Works
181814-032ATac 1Tac 1Multi-Tac
181914-033ATac 2Tac 2Multi-Tac
184114-061ANANG FD MainNevada Air National Guard Fire MainFire Dispatch
184214-062ANANG FD Tac1Nevada Air National Guard Fire Tac 1Fire-Tac
184314-063ANANG FD Tac2Nevada Air National Guard Fire Tac 2Fire-Tac
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
36902-141AIC TAC-1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
37002-142AIC TAC-2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
Sparks Fire Department
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
41603-040APagingPageoutFire Dispatch
41703-041ADispatchMain DispatchFire Dispatch
41803-042ATac 1Tac 1Fire-Tac
41903-043ATac 2Tac 2Fire-Tac
42003-044ATac 3Tac 3Fire-Tac
42103-045ATac 4Tac 4Fire-Tac
42203-046ATac 5Tac 5Fire-Tac
42303-047APreventionFire PreventionFire-Tac
42403-050ATrain MainTraining Main channelLaw Talk
42503-051ATrain Tac 1Training Tac 1Fire-Talk
42603-052ATrain Tac 2Training Tac 2Fire-Talk
Sparks Police Department
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
30402-060ASparks PD D3DispatchLaw Dispatch
30502-061ASparks PD D1Main 1 (Dispatch)Law Dispatch
30602-062ASparks PD T1Tactical 1 Information/Wants ChecksLaw Tac
30702-063ASparks PD T2Tactical 2Law Tac
30802-064ASparks PD T3Tactical 3Law Tac
30902-065ASparks PD T4Tactical 4Law Tac
31002-066ASparks PD D2Main 2 (Dispatch)Law Talk
31102-067ASparks Detc1Detectives 1Law Tac
31202-070ASparks Detc2Detectives 2Law Tac
31302-071ASparks Detc3Detectives 3Law Tac
31402-072ASparks Detc4Detectives 4Law Tac
31502-073ASparks Detc5Detectives 5Law Tac
31602-074ASparks Evnt1Event 1Law Tac
31702-075ASparks Evnt2Event 2Law Tac
31802-076ASparks MarshMarshalsLaw Tac
31902-077ASparks CycleMotorcycle UnitsLaw Tac
Sparks Public Works
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
163312-121AStreet MaintStreet MaintanencePublic Works
163412-122AEngineeringEngineering DepartmentPublic Works
163512-123ABuilding 1Building Inspectors 1Public Works
163612-124ABuilding 2Building Inspectors 2Public Works
163712-125ACity RedevelCity RedevelopmentPublic Works
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
43303-061ATMFPD DispatchMain (Red)Fire Dispatch
43403-062ATMFPD Command 1Command 1Fire-Tac
43503-063ATMFPD Command 2Command 2Fire-Tac
43603-064ATMFPD Tac 4Tactical 4Fire-Tac
43703-065ATMFPD Tac 5Tactical 5Fire-Tac
43803-066ATMFPD Tac 6Tactical 6Fire-Tac
43903-067ATMFPD SlideSlide Mtn (158.745/146.2 Hz Crossband/VFD pagers)Fire Dispatch
44003-070ATMFPD PeavinePeavine Mtn (158.745/146.2 Hz Crossband/VFD pagers)Fire Dispatch
44103-071ATMFPD VirginiaVirginia Peak (158.745/146.2 Hz Crossband/VFD pagers)Fire Dispatch
44203-072ATMFPD GerlachGerlach (158.745/146.2 Hz Crossband/VFD pagers)Fire Dispatch
44303-073ATMFPD EventsEventsFire-Tac
44403-074ATMFPD PreventionPreventionFire-Tac
44503-075ATMFPD PagingStation Pre-AlertFire Dispatch
University of Nevada - Reno
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
36302-133AUNR PD Tac 1Police Tactical 1Law Tac
36402-134AUNR PD Tac 2Police Tactical 2Law Tac
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
24101-141ACarson City SOSheriff DispatchLaw Dispatch
24201-142ACarson City FDFire DispatchFire Dispatch
DEC AFS Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
36702-137ATMCC SpecEvtTruckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) Special EventsSchools
37902-153AImmigrationU.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement AgentsLaw Talk
44703-077AWadsworth FDWadsworth Fire DistrictFire Dispatch
65205-014AParole TacNevada Parole & Probation Tactical 1Law Tac
158212-056ATMWA OpsTruckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) OperationsPublic Works
159012-066ARadio ServRadio Service (sometimes encrypted)Public Works