White Cloud Communications (P25)

System Name: White Cloud Communications (P25)
Location: Various, ID
County: 9 Counties
System Type: Project 25 Phase I
System Voice: APCO-25 Common Air Interface Exclusive
System ID: Sysid: 014 WACN: 1B5D3
Last Updated: February 6, 2025, 20:46 pm UTC   [Updated General System Details]

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
RFSS Site Name County Freqs
1 (1) 001 (1) East Butte Bingham 854.775856.7875c857.7875c858.7875c859.4125c859.7875c859.8625c
2 (2) 002 (2) Site 2 Butte 854.775855.1875c855.4375c857.4125c860.4125c860.8625c 
3 (3) 003 (3) Iona Butte (Idaho Falls) Bonneville 854.7875c855.0375c855.3625c856.9125c857.3875c857.9125c858.3375c
4 (4) 004 (4) Site 4 Jefferson 857.8375c858.8375     
13 (D) 013 (D) Kinport Peak (Pocatello) Bannock 855.2625c855.6125c     
14 (E) 014 (E) Site 14 Blaine 854.8125c855.0625c856.8125c857.8125c859.8125c  
15 (F) 015 (F) Site 15 Madison 855.7625c857.3625c860.3625c    
16 (10) 016 (10) Howard Mtn (Pocatello) Bannock 856.8875c857.8875c858.8875c859.8875c860.8875c  
17 (11) 017 (11) Site 17 Bannock 855.3625c856.9125c857.9125c858.3375c859.3375c  
18 (12) 018 (12) Mt Harrison (Burley) Cassia 854.8875c855.8875c856.3875c857.3875c858.3875c  
19 (13) 019 (13) Garns Mtn (Driggs) Teton 855.2625855.6125856.3375856.8625c860.3125c  
20 (14) 020 (14) Della Mtn (Hailey) Blaine 855.5375c858.9125c859.2875c859.9125c860.9125c  


Dept. of Energy -Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
102066DEmerg Com CtrEmergency Com CtrFederal
10706bDINL Com CtrINL Communications CenterFederal
12707fDINL MFC EmergenINL Mtls/Fuels Complex EmergencyFederal
130082DINL Road MaintINL Road Maint (Snow Plows)Federal
150096DINL Const OpsINL Conctruction OpsFederal
2040ccDINL Fire/EMS DspINL Fire/EMS DspMulti-Dispatch
2060ceDINLFire/EMS Cmd3INL Fire/EMS Cmd 3Fire-Tac
2070cfDINL Fire/EMS TacINL Fire/EMS TacFire-Tac
30112dDINL Ops 301INL Operations 301Federal
30312fDEINL Ops 303INL operations 303Federal
304130DEINL Ops 304INL Operations 304Federal
305131DEINL Ops 305INL Operations 305Federal
311137DeINL Ops 311INL Operations 311Federal
5071fbDINL Facil/SafetyINL Faciilities/Safety OpsFederal
612264DINL Transp SvcsINL Transportation ServicesTransportation
7042c0DINL Spec Test704INL Special Testing 704Federal
7062c2DINL Spec Test706INL Special Testing 706Federal
7072c3DINL Spec Test707INL Special Testing 707Federal
7082c4DINL Spec Test708INL Special Testing 708Federal
7112c7DINL Spec Test711INL Special Testing 711Federal
807327DINL Radio TestINL Radio TestingFederal