St. Charles City - 800 MHz

System Name: St. Charles City - 800 MHz
Location: St. Charles, MO
County: St. Charles
System Type: Motorola Type II SmartZone
System Voice: Analog and APCO-25 Common Air Interface
System ID: Sysid: 1528 Connect Tone: 105.88
Last Updated: February 6, 2016, 06:05 am UTC   [Updated General Trunked System Information]
System Notes

This is a MOTOROLA TYPE-II SYSTEM, NOT P25.  It does have P25 on some talkgroups though.
This system actually shows the site as Site-001.

This system is comprised of 2 separate independent radio systems, in case one fails.  Each frequency has a Base Standby of 4wt and a Repeater of 70wt.  Both include pagers on the license.

Confirmed still on air 11/12/13. (858.5625, 1528, 105.88)

Confirmed P25 voice talkgroups using NAC280 (5/15)

(Move to wiki)
St. Charles  City  uses the abbreviation E.T.D. -  used  when officers  will be working the entertainment  district. "Main St. /  Frontier  Park".  Generally  between the hours of 11pm to 1:30 am.

Sites and Frequencies

Red (c) are control channel capable frequencies
Site Name Freqs
001 (1) Simulcast 856.2625c857.2625c858.2625c859.2625858.5625c


St. Charles City Mutual Aid/Citywide
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
327848010AI-City 1City 1Interop
328168030AJ-City 2City 2Interop
328488050AK-City 3City 3Interop
St. Charles City Police
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
49168c010DA-PD DispDispatchLaw Dispatch
49200c030DB-PD C2CCar-to-CarLaw Tac
49232c050DC-PD Ops3Operations 3Law Tac
49264c070DD-PD SupvSupervisorLaw Tac
49296c090DE-DetectiveDetectiveLaw Tac
49328c0b0DF-PD TactTacticalLaw Tac
49360c0d0DG-PD SpecSpecial (heard 12/07 FoxHunt and ISPERN IL rebroadcast)Law Tac
49392c0f0DH-PD PSTPSTLaw Tac
St. Charles City Fire
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
328808070AA-Fire 1Fire 1Fire Dispatch
329128090AB-Fire 2Fire 2Fire Dispatch
3294480b0AC-Fire 3Fire 3Fire Dispatch
St. Charles City Public Works
DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
3297680d0ACity DevelopCity DevelopmentPublic Works
3300880f0AAnim CntrlAnimal ControlPublic Works
330408110ASCAT BusesSt. Charles Area Transit (SCAT) (formerly listed as Streets)Transportation
330728130AWaterWaterPublic Works
331048150AEngineeringEngineeringPublic Works
331368170APark Maint.Park MaintenancePublic Works