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Entity Entity Type
El Paso County Trunked Systems (27) Trunked
El Paso County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
El Paso County Category
Rural Fire Protection Districts Category
Schools Category
Businesses Business Group
Butts Army Airfield (Fort Carson) Military
Calhan Airport (5V4) Aircraft / Airport
Colorado Springs Airport (COS) Aircraft / Airport
Colorado Springs East Airport (CO49) Aircraft / Airport
Meadow Lake Airport (FLY) Aircraft / Airport
Peterson Space Force Base (COS) Aircraft / Airport
USAF Academy Airfield Aircraft / Airport


El Paso County

El Paso County
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
El Paso County operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
851.700WPMK711 RM 293 NAC EPSO Jail Ops Sheriff: Jail Operations P25 Corrections
151.295WNSM592 RM 167.9 PL El Paso SAR 1 Search and Rescue 1 FMN Emergency Ops
155.235WNYF993 BM 151.4 PL El Paso SAR 4/5 Search and Rescue 4/5 FMN Emergency Ops
155.160WBYF993 M 151.4 PL El Paso SAR Dir Search and Rescue Direct FMN Emergency Ops
El Paso County EMS
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
AMR has El Paso County talkgroups on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.600WRZB546 RM 11 RAN Apex Paramedics Apex Paramedics (Cheyenne Mountain) NXDN48 EMS Dispatch
Colorado Springs
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
Colorado Springs operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.900KST232 BM 123.0 PL Pikes Peak Rangr Pikes Peak Rangers / Medical Response FMN Emergency Ops
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
Fountain operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.350KNEU584 M CSQ Fountain PD Talk Police Talkaround FMN Law Talk
453.650KNEU584 RM 162.2 PL Fountain PD Supv Police Supervisors FMN Law Talk
Manitou Springs
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
Manitou Springs operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.100KDE652 RM 162.2 PL ManitouSprngFire Fire (DTRS TG 4831) FMN Fire Dispatch
Palmer Lake
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.115KNEN226 BM 127.3 PL Palmer Lake FD Fire FMN Fire Dispatch

Rural Fire Protection Districts

Black Forest Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.235KIU249 BM 151.4 PL Blk Frst FPD Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
Cascade Green Mountain Falls Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.430KRZ380 RM 151.4 PL CGMF FPD Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
Donald Westcott Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.250WQCK327 RM 151.4 PL DonWest FPD A Fire FMN Fire Dispatch
154.160WQCK327 RM 151.4 PL DonWest FPD B Fire FMN Fire Dispatch
Ellicott Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.925WPTP464 RM 107.2 PL Ellicot Fire Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
458.625WQDS862 F 107.2 PL Elicot Fire Link Fire: Link FMN Fire Dispatch
460.550WNGF882 BM Elcot Fire Tac Fire: Tac FMN Fire-Tac
Falcon Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
153.830KNAK402 BM Falcon Fire Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
Peyton Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.7825WQJT284 RM 151.4 PL Peyton FPD Fire: Dispach FMN Fire Dispatch
Stratmoor Hills Fire Protection District (Coloado Springs)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.220WQC628 RM 151.4 PL Stratmor FPD Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
Tri Lakes Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.250WNBL986 RM Tri Lakes Fire 1 Fire (Ch 1) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.400WNBL986 BM 464 DPL Tri Lakes Fire 3 Fire (Ch 3) FMN Fire-Tac
858.0375WQME688 RM 293 NAC Tri Lakes Fire P Fire (P25) P25 Fire-Tac
Woodmoor Monument Fire Protection District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.355KWT780 BM Wdmr Mnt FPD Fire: Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch


Academy District 20
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.075WQUJ370 RM 311 DPL Air Academy HS Air Academy High School (6910 Carlton Dr) FMN Schools
462.0725WPKD812 RM 245 DPL AAHS Security Air Academy High School Staff/Security FMN Security
464.4625WQLD619 RM 134 DPL Aspen Valley HS Aspen Valley High School (1450 Chapel Hills Dr) FMN Schools
463.4125WRPK829 RM 116 DPL Challenger MS Challenger Middle School (10215 Lexington Dr) FMN Schools
461.5875WQLD619 RM 134 DPL Discovery Canyon Discovery Canyon Campus High School FMN Schools
461.6625WQUH723 RM 026 DPL DouglassValleyES Douglass Valley Elementary School (4610 E Douglass Dr) FMN Schools
461.875WQUH720 RM 265 DPL Eagleview MS Eagleview Middle School (1325 Vindicator Dr) FMN Schools
461.800WQUJ279 RM CC 8
TG 26
SL *
Explorer ES Explorer Elementary School (4190 Bardot Dr) DMR Schools
463.5875WQLD619 RM 411 DPL Liberty HS Liberty High School (8720 Scarborough Dr) FMN Schools
464.400WQHA421 RM 532 DPL Pine Creek HS Pine Creek High School (10750 Thunder Mountain Ave) FMN Schools
461.900WRPK829 RM 516 DPL Rampart HS Rampart High School (8250 Lexington Dr) FMN Schools
451.625WQUI634 RM CC 4
TG 1
SL *
Ranch Creek ES Ranch Creek Elementary School (9155 Tutt Blvd) DMR Schools
451.975WQHJ569 RM 503 DPL Classical Acad 1 The Classical Academy High School (975 Stout Rd) FMN Schools
461.7625WQHJ569 M 174 DPL Classical Acad 2 The Classical Academy North Campus (975 Stout Rd) FMN Schools
464.850WQHJ569 M 516 DPL Classical Acad 3 The Classical Academy North Campus (975 Stout Rd) FMN Schools
Cheyenne Mountain School District 12
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.8875KNNG957 RM CC 12
TG 4000
SL *
Cheyenne Mtn HS Cheyenne Mountain High School (1200 Cresta Rd) DMR Schools
464.0375WQVI353 RM CC 6
TG 5000
SL *
CheyenneMtnBuses Cheyenne Mountain School District 12 Buses DMR Schools
464.0375WQVI353 RM 223 DPL Cheyenne Mtn ES Cheyenne Mountain Elementary School (5250 Farthing Dr) FMN Schools
Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.774KZG251 M CSQ SCDB Ops/Sec Security/Ops FMN Schools
461.750WQYR957 RM CC 5
TG 1001
SL *
Colorado D-B Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind DMR Schools
Colorado Springs Schools District 11
Colorado Springs School District 11
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
School Buses operate on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.7625WPJS443 RM CC 5
TG 7000
SL *
Buildings Maint Colorado Springs Schools District 11 Buildings Maintenance DMR Schools
460.925WPJS443 RM CC 5
TG 3500
SL *
Coronado HS Coronado High School (1590 W Fillmore St) DMR Schools
463.600KNBB371 RM 152 DPL COS Schl D11 District 11 FM Schools
464.675WPJS443 RM CC 3
TG 6000
SL *
Doherty HS Doherty High School (4515 Barnes Rd) DMR Schools
452.0125WPJS443 RM CC 7
TG 8000
SL *
Mitchell HS Mitchell High School (1205 Potter Dr) DMR Schools
464.675WPJS443 RM CC 11
TG 9500
SL *
Palmer HS Palmer High School (301 N Nevada Ave) DMR Schools
464.200WPJS443 RM CC 9
TG 9000
SL *
RJWAC Campus Roy J Wasson Academic Campus "RJWAC" (2115 Afton Way) DMR Schools
El Paso County School District 8
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.225KCO440 RM CC 8
TG 9000
SL *
ElPasoCo SD8 Bus El Paso County School District 8 Buses DMR Schools
464.225KCO440 RM CC 8
TG 9001
SL *
ElPasoCo SD8 Ops El Paso County School District 8 Operations DMR Schools
Falcon School District 49
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.825WQJF874 RM 116 DPL Bennett Ranch ES Bennett Ranch Elementary School (11243 Londonderry Dr, Peyton) FMN Schools
464.200WQAL423 RM 82.5 PL Falcon Sch Bus Buses FMN Schools
452.225WQJF874 RM CC 5
TG 5000
SL *
Evans ES Evans Elementary School DMR Schools
463.4875WQJJ683 RM CC 6
TG 200
SL *
Falcon Buses Falcon School District Buses DMR Schools
451.7125WQDS545 RM 503 DPL Sand Creek HS 1 Sand Creek High School (7005 Carefree Cir N.) FMN Schools
463.950WQJJ683 RM 466 DPL Sand Creek HS 2 Sand Creek High School (7005 Carefree Cir N.) FMN Schools
464.0625WQVW763 RM 100.0 PL Skyview MS Skyview Middle School (6350 Windom Peak Blvd) FMN Schools
461.100WQJJ683 RM CC 3
TG 108
SL *
Vista Ridge HS Vista Ridge High School (6888 Black Forest Rd) DMR Schools
Fountain - Fort Carson School District 8
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.850WQXY538 RM CC 8
TG 4002
SL *
Carson MS 2 Carson Middle School (6200 Prussman Blvd) DMR Schools
451.850WQXY538 RM CC 8
TG 4003
SL *
Carson MS 3 Carson Middle School (6200 Prussman Blvd) DMR Schools
452.725WQXY538 RM CC 8
TG 4007
SL *
FFCHS Faculty Fountain-Fort Carson High School Faculty DMR Schools
452.725WQXY538 RM CC 8
TG 4008
SL *
FFCHS Maint Fountain-Fort Carson High School Maintenance DMR Schools
461.675WQXG734 RM CC 8
TG 811
SL *
FountainFC SD8 Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 DMR Schools
464.600WQJP539 RM CC 8
TG 4005
SL *
FountainFC 4005 Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 DMR Schools
464.600WQJP539 RM CC 8
TG 4006
SL *
FountainFC 4006 Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 DMR Schools
Harrison School District 2
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.3875WPTR872 RM Sierra HS 1 Sierra High School 1 (Harrison SD 2) FMN Schools
451.8625WRPT840 RM CC 12
TG 2000
SL *
HSD2 Security Harrison School District 2 Security DMR Security
451.8625WRPT840 RM CC 12
TG 80000
SL *
HSD2 Buses Harrison School District 2 Buses DMR Schools
452.2125WRPT840 RM 023 DPL Pikes Peak ES Pikes Peak Elementary School (1520 Verde Dr) FMN Schools
461.925WQGV539 RM CC 4
TG *
SL *
Vanguard HS The Vanguard School (1605 S Corona Ave) multiple TGs DMR Schools
Lewis Palmer School District 38
Lewis Palmer School District 38
DMR Conventional Networked
Lewis Palmer School District operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
462.200WPSM472 RM 136.5 PL LewPalmer School Lewis Palmer School: Ops FMN Schools
464.3875WPSM472 RM 712 DPL Bear Creek ES Bear Creek Elementary School (1330 Creekside Dr, Monument) FMN Schools
Manitou Springs School District 14
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.125WQMB885 RM CC 5
TG 800
SL *
Manitou Springs Manitou Springs School District 14 DMR Schools
Miami Yoder School District JT60
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.865KNHM767 RM 223 DPL Miami Yoder JT60 Miami Yoder School District JT60 FMN Schools
Widefield School District 3
Widefield School District 3
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Widefield School District 3 operates on this system.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.625WPLJ425 RM 506 DPL Grand Mtn K8 Grand Mountain K8 (11060 Fontaine Blvd) FMN Schools
451.475WPLJ425 RM 91.5 PL Mesa Ridge HS 1 Mesa Ridge High School (6070 Mesa Ridge Pkwy) FMN Schools
464.5875WNWN636 RM 743 DPL Mesa Ridge HS 2 Mesa Ridge High School (6070 Mesa Ridge Pkwy) FMN Schools
461.150WPLJ425 RM 023 DPL Widefield HS 1 Widefield High School (615 Widefield Drive) FMN Schools
463.650WNWN636 RM 346 DPL Widefield HS 2 Widefield High School (615 Widefield Drive) FMN Schools
Pikes Peak State College
University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS)
DMR Conventional Networked
PPSC Security operates on this system.
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
PPSC Police operate on this system.
University of Colorado - Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS)
DMR Conventional Networked
UCCS Security operates on this system.
State of Colorado DTRS
Project 25 Phase I
UCCS Police operate on this system.