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Ingham County

Countywide Services
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
All city-county public safety operations are on the MPSCS, including M.S.U., schools and zoo.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.025KQC866 RM 118.8 PL ING Road Commisn Road Commission Operations FMN Deprecated
154.040WPPF753 RM NE Ingham Emerg. Northeast Ingham emergency service authority FMN Fire Dispatch
154.430WXL796 RM 103.5 PL Delhi/Lansing FD Delhi/Lansing Township Fire Dispatch FMN Fire Dispatch
155.1375WQRP435 BM 173.8 PL Ingham Sirens Outdoor Warning Sirens FMN Data


East Lansing
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
Primary communications for all public safety and countywide services.
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
Primary communications for all public safety and city services.
Lansing Public Services
DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)
City services utilize this system.

EMS Agencies and Hospitals

Tri-County Emergency Medical Control Authority
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
152.0075KVN878 B TC EMS MCA 1 Tri-County Emergency Medical Control Authority FMN Hospital
163.250KVN878 B TriCnt EMS MCA 2 Tri-County Emergency Medical Control Authority FMN Hospital
463.000KNBT907 BM 151.4 PL TriCnt EMS MED 1 EMS Coordination / Mutual Aid / Operations FMN EMS-Tac
463.025KNBT907 BM 151.4 PL TriCnt EMS MED 2 EMS Coordination / Mutual Aid / Operations FMN EMS-Tac
463.075KNBT907 BM 167.9 PL TriCnt EMS MED 4 EMS Coordination / Mutual Aid / Operations FMN EMS-Tac
463.100KNBT907 BM 151.4 PL TriCnt EMS MED 5 EMS Coordination / Mutual Aid / Operations FMN EMS-Tac
463.125KNBT907 BM 151.4 PL TriCnt EMS MED 6 EMS Coordination / Mutual Aid / Operations FMN EMS-Tac
463.175KNBT907 BM 186.2 PL TriCnt EMS MED 8 EMS Coordination / Mutual Aid / Operations FMN EMS-Tac
Lansing-Mercy Ambulance Service
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.280KQS722 BM 103.5 PL Mercy Page EMS: Paging FMN EMS Dispatch
McLaren Greater Lansing
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.340KVN878 BM 110.9 PL Mclaren HEARN EMS to Hospital Notification (VHF Radio Plan - Hospital Base Station Transmits: 97.4 PL) FMN Hospital
463.050KNBT907 RM 136.5 PL Mclaren Med-3 EMS to Hospital Notification (MED-3) FMN Hospital
463.150KNBT907 RM 151.4 PL Mclaren Med-7 EMS to Hospital Notification (MED-7) FMN Hospital
464.225WPCH396 RM 156.7 PL McLaren Security McLaren Security FMN Security
UM Health Sparrow
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.200WNIE552 RM Sparrow Ops Hospital Operations DMR Business
453.125WPEY799 RM Sparrow EMS EMS Operations DMR EMS Dispatch
155.340WPZA318 BM 100.0 PL ESH HEARN EMS to Hospital Notification (VHF Radio Plan - Hospital Base Station Transmits: 97.4 PL) FMN Hospital
157.450WPKX962 B Sparrow Paging Sparrow Hospital Paging FMN Data
451.400WPNW845 RM Sparrow Security Sparrow Hospital Security DMR Security
451.8375WQCA944 RM CC 1
TG *
SL *
Sparrow Hosp. 1 Sparrow Hospital Ops 1 DMR Hospital
452.2125WQGK335 RM Sparrow Hosp. 2 Sparrow Hospital Ops 2 DMR Hospital
452.500WQYB647 RM Sparrow Hosp. 3 Sparrow Hospital Ops 3 DMR Hospital
463.050KNBT907 RM 186.2 PL Sparrow Med-3 EMS to Hospital Notification (MED-3) FMN Hospital
463.150KNBT907 RM 186.2 PL Sparrow Med-7 EMS to Hospital Notification (MED-7) FMN Hospital
St. Lawrence Hospital (Lansing)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.340KNCE414 BM 88.5 PL St.Lawr Hs HEARN EMS to Hospital Notification (VHF Radio Plan - Hospital Base Station Transmits: 97.4 PL) FMN Hospital
463.050KNBT907 RM 167.9 PL StLawr Hsp Med-3 EMS to Hospital Notification (MED-3) FMN Hospital
463.150KNBT907 RM 167.9 PL StLawrHsp Med-7 EMS to Hospital Notification (MED-7) FMN Hospital

Colleges and Universities

Michigan State University - MSU (East Lansing)
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
Primary communications for all of M.S.U.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.8075KZZ993 BM MSU Warning Sys. Michigan State University Public Warning Siren System FMN Data
155.910KNNN701 BM HazMat/EHS Flbck MSU HazMat/EHS Fallback FMN Emergency Ops
451.8625WQIU437 RM CC 7
TG 101
SL *
Rsdnce Hsg Brody Residence Education and Housing Services - Brody Campus [REHS Brody] DMR Schools
452.0125WQIU437 RM CC 1
TG 100
SL *
Rsdnce Edu HsgNW Residence Education and Housing Services - North Campus 2 [REHS NorthW] DMR Schools
452.250WQHU464 M MSU Athletics 1 Athletic Events/Training 1 FMN Schools
452.725WPPC644 RM Hancock Trfgrass MSU Hancock Turfgrass Center FMN Schools
452.7375WQIU437 RM CC 1
TG 101
SL *
Rsdnce Edu HsgNE Residence Education and Housing Services - North Campus 1 [REHS NorthE] DMR Schools
452.975WQHU464 M MSU Athletics 2 Athletic Events/Training 2 FMN Schools
453.000WQFV936 BM Kellogg Hotel 1 Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Ops 1 FMN Schools
453.350 M 103.5 PL REHS East T/A #1 REHS East T/A #1 FMN Schools
457.225WQUI437 M 131.8 PL REHS East T/A #2 REHS East T/A #2 FMN Schools
457.675WQUI437 M 210.7 PL REHS East T/A #3 REHS East T/A #3 FMN Schools
458.000WQFV936 M Kellogg Hotel 2 Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Ops 2 FMN Schools
460.275KZZ993 RM 162.2 PL MSU DPPS MSU DPPS FMN Law Talk
460.275KZ9130 M 293 NAC Sp Events 'Fball Special Events 'Football Night Shift' P25 Schools
461.4875WSGH896 BM Agbioresearch 1 Michigan State University, Agbioresearch 1 FMN Schools
461.525WQHU464 M MSU Athletics 3 Athletic Events/Training 3 FMN Schools
461.9125WQIU437 RM CC 1
TG 104
SL *
RsdncHsng RvrTr. Residence Education and Housing Services - River Trail Campus [REHS RT] DMR Schools
461.925WQHU464 M MSU Athletics 4 Athletic Events/Training 4 FMN Schools
462.000WQFV936 M Kellogg Hotel 3 Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Ops 3 FMN Schools
462.075WSGH896 BM Agbioresearch 2 Michigan State University, Agbioresearch 2 FMN Schools
462.075WSGH896 BM Agbioresearch 3 Michigan State University, Agbioresearch 3 FMN Schools
462.200 M 162.2 PL Sp Events Dirct2 Special Events Direct 2 FMN Schools
462.250WQHU464 M MSU Athletics 5 Athletic Events/Training 5 FMN Schools
462.350 M 162.2 PL Sp Events Dirct3 Special Events Direct 3 FMN Schools
462.350 M 162.2 PL Sp Events Dirct4 Special Events Direct 4 FMN Schools
462.600KAC6084 RM 162.2 PL Special Events MSU Special Events FMN Law Talk
463.5375WQIU437 RM CC 2
TG 100
SL *
Rsdnce Edu Hsg E Residence Education and Housing Services - East Campus [REHS East] DMR Schools
464.125WNRS461 RM 110.9 PL Sp Events Wide 2 Special Events Wide Area 2 FMN Schools
464.4375WQIU437 RM CC 4
TG 101
SL *
RHES South Camp REHS South Campus DMR Schools
464.4375WQIU437 RM CC 4
TG 101
SL *
Rsdnce Edu Hsg S Residence Education and Housing Services - South Campus [REHS South] DMR Schools
464.875WGNX343 RM 162.2 PL MSU Farms Michigan State University Farms FMN Schools
466.675WPZQ467 M 162.2 PL MSU BreslinSEC 1 Breslin Student Events Center - Client Channel FMN Schools
467.000WQFV936 M Kellogg Hotel 4 Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Ops 4 FMN Schools
467.200 M 162.2 PL Sp Events Dirct1 Special Events Direct 1 FMN Schools
467.375WPZQ467 M 162.2 PL MSU BreslinSEC 5 Breslin Student Events Center - Audio/Visual FMN Schools
467.425WPZQ467 M 162.2 PL MSU BreslinSEC 4 Breslin Student Events Center - Interop to Police and Fire FMN Interop
468.5125WQVF349 M MSU Career Svcs2 MSU Career Services 2 FMN Schools
469.025WQFV936 M Kellogg Hotel 5 Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center Ops 5 FMN Schools
469.2625WQVF349 M MSU Career Srvcs MSU Career Services FMN Schools
469.750WPZQ467 M 162.2 PL MSU BreslinSEC 2 Breslin Student Events Center - Main Operations FMN Security
469.825WPZQ467 M 162.2 PL MSU BreslinSEC 3 Breslin Student Events Center - Tunnel Security FMN Security
Lansing Community College (LCC)
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
Primary communications for all of L.C.C.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.025KXE658 RM 162.2 PL LCC Admin- T/A Administration / Talk-around FMN Multi-Talk
158.880WRTF860 M LCC Maintenance Maintenance FMN Public Works
151.625WRWH924 M LCC Training Lansing Community College First Responder Training FMN Schools
453.500WQUB296 RM LCC Security Lansing Community College Public Safety Department FMN Security
453.650WQUB296 RM LCC Warning Sys. Lansing Community College Public Safety Department/Public Warning System FMN Emergency Ops
461.300WQSL554 RM CC 5
TG *
SL *
LCC Security Lansing Community College Security DMR Security


Michigan Education Association (E. Lansing)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
469.500KB67288 M MI Educ Assn. MEA East Lansing DMR Schools
Dansville Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.220WPHN437 BM Dansvile Sch Bus Transportation FMN Schools
461.700WQGM721 M 91.5 PL DansvlSchl Emerg Dansville Public Schools Emergency channel FMN Security
Dean Transportation

Transportation contractor for Ingham County:

Lansing School District
East Lansing School District
Webberville School District
Dansville School District
All special needs transport in the county for Ingham ISD
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.075WPWF931 RM LANSAREA2 General Education Dispatch for Lansing School District Only NXDN48 Schools
East Lansing Public Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.100 BM E.Lan Schl Emerg East Lansing Public Schools Emergency channel DMR Security
462.100WQEX753 RM CC 5
TG *
SL *
ELnsng Sch Ops 1 Security/Emergency DMR Security
Holt Area Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.325KJW925 RM Holt Schools 1 Transportation - Garage DMR Schools
464.350KJW925 RM Holt Schools 2 Security Emergency channel DMR Security
464.375 RM Holt Schools 3 Admin DMR Schools
Ingham Intermediate Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.1375WQLM910 RM Ingham School Intermediate School: Maintenance/Security DMR Schools
453.1875 M 79.7 PL Inghm IntmdEmerg Ingham Intermediate Emergency channel FMN Security
Lansing Schools
Michigan's Public Safety Communications System (MPSCS)
Project 25 Phase II
Uses the MPSCS radio system.
Leslie Public Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.235WPUT906 BM Leslie Buses Transportation FMN Schools
461.800WQFX496 RM 77.0 PL Leslie Schools Security Emergency channel FMN Security
Mason Public Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.325WPTH714 RM Mason Schools Mason Schools DMR Schools
464.925KD50964 RM Masn Sch Ops Operations DMR Schools
Okemos Public Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.7625WQYB391 RM CC 5
TG 6223
SL *
Okemos Buses Okemos Public Schools Transportation DMR Schools
463.7625WQYB391 RM CC 5
TG 1224
SL *
Okemos Admin Okemos Public Schools Administration DMR Schools
Stockbridge Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.0325WNKJ211 RM 210.7 PL Stockbridge Schl Stockbridge Schools Transportation F1 FMN Schools
155.205WNKJ211 BM 210.7 PL StockbridgSchBus Transportation FMN Schools
451.4375 RM 79.7 PL StckbrdSchl Emrg Stockbridge Schools Emergency channel FMN Security
460.5875WNKJ211 RM StckbrdSchl Operations FMN Schools
Webberville Community Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.4125 RM 79.7 PL WebrvlSchl Emerg Webberville Schools Emergency channel FMN Security
Williamston Community Schools
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.525WQXA889 RM CC 3
TG 1702
SL 1
Admin/Security Admin/Security DMR Schools
463.525WQXA889 RM CC 3
TG 17002
SL 2
School Transport Schools Transportation DMR Schools