
Bureau of Indian Affiars

Coeur d'Alene Tribe
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.750 RM 210.7 PL BIA Tekoa Butte BIA Fire Dispatch - Tekoa Butte (SZ) FMN Fire Dispatch
166.6375 M BIA Tac 2 BIA Tac 2 (SZ) FMN Federal
172.5875 M 210.7 PL BIA Tac 3 BIA Tac 3 (SZ) FMN Federal
Nez Perce Tribe
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.680 RM NezPerce PD Tribal Police FMN Law Dispatch
154.1375WQPX851 RM NezPerce FD Tea Fire Operations - Teaken FMN Fire-Tac
154.2725WQLE822 RM NezPerce FD Sun Fire Operations - Sundown FMN Fire-Tac

Bureau of Land Management

Boise District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.425KOD426 RM BLM Dispatch Dispatch FMN Federal
172.775 BM BLM So Cmd South Command FMN Federal
173.8625 BM BLM No Cmd North Command FMN Federal
168.9875 M BLM A/G 17 Air-Ground 17 FMN Federal
167.650 M BLM A/G 45 Air-Ground 45 FMN Federal
151.145 M BLM A/G 3 Air-Ground 3 FMN Federal
167.150 RM 100.0 PL BLM SOA Rptr SOA Repeater FMN Federal
159.4725 M Ada A/G Ada Cnty A/G FMN Fire-Tac
168.6375 BM BLM TAC 3 TAC 3 FMN Federal
166.800 BM BLM TAC 4 TAC 4 FMN Federal
166.725 BM BLM TAC 5 TAC 5 FMN Federal
166.775 BM BLM TAC 6 TAC 6 FMN Federal
417.825 F BLM UHF Lk UHF Link FMN Federal
417.925 F BLM UHF Lk UHF Link FMN Federal
124.425 M CSQ BLM Air-Air Air-Air AM Federal
122.925 M CSQ BLM Air Alt Air-Air Alternate AM Federal
163.9375 M BLM Res Net Resource Net FMN Federal
Coeur d'Alene District

BLM maintains several repeater using a common output PL tone of 107.2. As its policy not to list input PL tones, the site locations will remain should output tones change in the future

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
164.525KOP462 M 107.2 PL BLM Mica/Direct Direct/Mica Peak Remote FMN Federal
164.525KOP462 RM 107.2 PL BLM St Joe Baldy St Joe Baldy FMN Federal
164.525KOP462 RM 107.2 PL BLM Wardner Peak Wardner Peak FMN Federal
164.525KOP462 RM 107.2 PL BLM Cottonwood Cottonwood Butte FMN Federal
Idaho Falls District
Eastern Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (EICAWIN)
Project 25 Phase I
Eastern Idaho BLM has interoperational capabilities with Eastern Idaho Counties.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
169.775KOD430 RM E Idaho Net E. Idaho BLM Net FMN Federal
169.775KOD430 BM 103.5 PL E Id Direct E Idaho Direct FMN Federal
408.475 F E Idaho UHF E. Idaho Net UHF Link FMN Federal
163.150 BM E Id Simplex E. Idaho Simplex FMN Federal
169.775 RM 167.9 PL E Id Port Rptr E. Idaho Port Rptr FMN Federal
124.475 M CSQ Air E Id 1 Air-Air E. Idaho 1 AM Federal
125.775 M CSQ Air E Id 2 Air-Air E. Idaho 2 AM Federal
132.775 M CSQ Air E Id 3 Air-Air E. Idaho 3 AM Federal
124.425 M CSQ Air So Idaho Air-Air South Idaho AM Federal
120.725 M CSQ Air So E Idaho Air-Air So East Idaho AM Federal
121.375 M CSQ Air So Idaho Air-Air South Idaho AM Federal
168.0375 BM A/G 49 Air/Ground 49 FMN Federal
166.800 BM E Id TAC 4 E. Idaho Tac 4 (BLM Tac 4) FMN Federal
167.150 RM 114.8 PL E Id Flt Fol E. Idaho Local Flt Following FMN Federal
167.525 M E Id A/G 15 E. Idaho Air/Gnd 15 FMN Federal
167.9875 M E Id A/G 17 E. Idaho Air/Gnd 17 FMN Federal
151.145 M E Id A/G IDL E. Idaho Air/Gnd IDL FMN Federal
172.775 BM 141.3 PL Z1 TAC 1 Zone 1 TAC 1 FMN Federal
168.6375 BM 151.4 PL Z1 TAC 2 Zone 1 TAC 2 FMN Federal
171.525 RM 162.2 PL Z1 TAC 3 Zone 1 TAC 3 FMN Federal
169.175 RM 141.3 PL Z 2 TAC 1 Zone 2 TAC 1 FMN Federal
168.6375 RM 151.4 PL Z2 TAC 2 Zone 2 TAC 2 FMN Federal
171.525 RM 162.2 PL Z2 TAC 3 Zone 2 TAC 3 FMN Federal
166.800 RM 141.3 PL Z3 TAC 1 Zone 3 TAC 1 FMN Federal
168.6375 RM 151.4 PL Z3 TAC 2 Zone 3 TAC 2 FMN Federal
171.525 RM 162.2 PL Z3 TAC 3 Zone 3 TAC 3 FMN Federal
166.9875 RM 141.3 PL Z4 TAC 1 Zone 4 TAC 1 FMN Federal
168.6375 RM 151.4 PL Z4 TAC 2 Zone 4 TAC 2 FMN Federal
171.525 RM 162.2 PL Z4 TAC 3 Zone 4 TAC 3 FMN Federal
172.775 RM 141.3 PL Z5 TAC 1 Zone 5 TAC 1 FMN Federal
168.6375 RM 151.4 PL Z5 TAC 2 Zone 5 TAC 2 FMN Federal
171.525 RM 162.2 PL Z5 TAC 3 Zone 5 TAC 3 FMN Federal
169.725KOD430 RM Salm/Chal Dsp Salmon/Challis/Lemhi Dsp FMN Federal
169.725KOD430 BM Salm/Chal Direct Salmon/Challis/Lemhi Direct FMN Federal
167.150 BM 123.0 PL Salm/Chal SOA Salmon /Challis SOA Repeater FMN Federal
170.125 RM Salm FltF ol Salmon Flight Following FMN Federal
124.225 M CSQ Salmon Air Salmon Air-Air AM Federal
166.7625 M Salm A/G 23 Salmon A/G 23 FMN Federal
167.600 M Salm A/G 43 Salmon A/G 43 FMN Federal
122.975 BM CSQ Poc Tank Base Pocatello Tanker Base AM Federal
415.350 RM 103.5 PL Nat FF UHF National Flight Follw UHF (Repeats 168.65) FMN Federal
Twin Falls District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
168.5625 RM BLM Burley Burley Area FMN Federal
166.850 RM BLM Shoshone Shoshone Area FMN Federal
168.125 M A/G 19 Air-Ground 19 FMN Federal
168.4375 M A/G 54 Air-Ground 54 FMN Federal
151.145 BM A/G IDL A/G Id Dept Lands FMN Federal
173.8625 M Tac 2 Burley Tac 2 Burley FMN Federal
168.6375 BM Tac 3 Shosho Tac 3 Shoshone FMN Federal
121.375 M CSQ Air-Air Air-Air AM Federal
125.825KOA434 BM CSQ T F Tank Base Twin Falls Tanker Base AM Federal

Department of Energy

Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
INL is the nation’s lead laboratory for nuclear energy research, development, demonstration and deployment and is engaged in the mission of ensuring the nation’s energy security with safe, competitive and sustainable energy systems and unique national and homeland security capabilities.​​

INL is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s complex of national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in each of the strategic goal areas of DOE: energy, national security, science and environment.INL is managed by Battelle Energy Alliance for the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy.​

White Cloud Communications (P25)
Project 25 Phase I
INL is part of this P25 sysem

Department of Homeland Security

Customs Border Protection
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
162.225 RM 339 NAC CBP N ID Border Patrol - N ID P25 Federal
163.725 RM CBP Boundary Boundary County FMN Federal
170.775 RM CBP Bonners Fer Bonner's Ferry Operations FMN Federal

Department of Justice

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
165.9125 RM 103.5 PL BATFE Bound Boundary County Operations FMN Federal

Forest Service

Boise National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
171.450KOC300 RM BNF North North Dispatch FMN Federal
172.200KOC300 RM BNF South South Dispatch FMN Federal
172.775 BM BNF So Cmd South Command FMN Federal
409.1875 F BNF So UHF South Dispatch UHF Link FMN Federal
167.9875 BM BNF A/G 17 Air-Ground 17 FMN Federal
167.650 M BNF A/G 45 Air-Ground 45 FMN Federal
168.000 BM BNF A/G 75 Air-Ground 75 FMN Federal
151.145 BM BNF A/G IDL Air-Ground Id Dept Lands FMN Federal
173.7625 BM BNF Flt Fol Local Flight Follow FMN Federal
168.750 M BNF TAC 1 TAC 1 FMN Federal
166.8875 M TAC 2 Reg 4 TAC 2 Region 4 FMN Federal
168.775 RM BNF SOA Rpt FS SOA Repeater FMN Federal
Caribou -Targhee National Forest

Forest Service and East Idaho BLM may share air and air-ground frequencies and are dispatched by the Eastern Idaho Interagency Fire Center.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
170.550KOC308 RM CaribouFores Caribou Forest Net FMN Federal
411.250 F CaribBaUHF Caribou Forest - Base UHF Link FMN Federal
415.250 F CaribMoUHF Caribou Forest - Mobile UHF Link FMN Federal
170.525KOC390 RM TargheeFores Targhee Forest Net FMN Federal
411.550 F TarghBasUHF Targhee Forest - Base UHF Link FMN Federal
415.550 F TarghMobUHF Targhee Forest - Mobile UHF Link FMN Federal
169.175 BM FS Tac 2 Forest Service Tac 2 FMN Federal
166.9875 BM FS Tac 3 Forest Service Tac 3 FMN Federal
166.800 BM BLM Tac 4 BLM Tac 4 FMN Federal
Coeur d'Alene National Forest

The Coeur d'Alene is a U.S. National Forest located in the Idaho panhandle and is one of three forests that are aggregated into the Idaho Panhandle National Forests (the other two are the Kaniksu and St. Joe National Forests). Coeur d'Alene National Forest is located in Shoshone, Kootenai, and Bonner counties in northern Idaho. It has a total area of 726,362 acres

The forest headquarters is located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. There are local ranger district offices located in Coeur d'Alene and Silverton.

In the Idaho Panhandle National Forest complex, the Coeur d'Alene National Forest is part of the Coeur d'Alene River Ranger District, and identified as the Central Zone.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
169.925 RM 123.0 PL CNF Faset Peak Faset Peak FMN Federal
169.925 RM 131.8 PL CNF Monument Pk Monument Peak FMN Federal
169.925KOC260 RM 136.5 PL CNF Wardner Peak Wardner Peak FMN Federal
169.925 RM 156.7 PL CNF Little Guard Little Guard FMN Federal
169.925KOD61 RM 167.9 PL CNF Mica Mica FMN Federal
Idaho Panhandle National Forests

The Idaho Panhandle National Forests are three forests that are administratively managed together. The Coeur d'Alene,  Kaniksu and Saint Joe National Forests make up the IPNF. As they are not contigously connected, they have been listed as the three seperate forests in the database and have been updated to reflect the zone/repeater usage.

Kaniksu National Forest

The Kaniksu National Forest (pronounced "Kuh-NICK-su") is a U.S. National Forest located in northeastern Washington, the Idaho panhandle, and northwestern Montana. It is one of three forests that are aggregated into the Idaho Panhandle National Forests, along with the Coeur d'Alene National Forest and St. Joe National Forest. Kaniksu National Forest has a total area of 1,627,833 acres. About 55.7% is in Idaho, 27.9% in Montana, and 16.4% in Washington.

In the Idaho Panhandle National Forests complex, and this is considered the North Zone. The forest headquarters are located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. It is comprised of the Bonners Ferry, Priest Lake, and Sandpoint ranger districts

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.400 RM 100.0 PL KNF Little Black Little Blacktail FMN Federal
172.400 RM 103.5 PL KNF Black Mtn Black Mountain FMN Federal
172.400 RM 110.9 PL KNF Sandpoint Sandpoint Baldy FMN Federal
172.400 RM 123.0 PL KNF Hall Mtn Hall Mountain FMN Federal
172.400 RM 131.8 PL KNF Saddle Mtn Saddle Mountain FMN Federal
172.400KOG750 RM 136.5 PL KNF Lunch Peak Lunch Peak FMN Federal
172.400 RM 156.7 PL KNF Horton Ridge Horton Ridge FMN Federal
172.400 RM 167.9 PL KNF Lightning Mt Lightning Mountain FMN Federal
169.400 BM 156.7 PL KNF SP Init Attk Sandpoint Inital Attack FMN Federal
Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests

Nez Perce Forest West - Salmon River Ranger District

Nez Perce Forest East - Red River and Moose Creek Ranger Districts

Nez Perce Forest North - Moose Creek Ranger District

 Clearwater Forest North - North Fork and Palouse Ranger Districts

Clearwater Forest East - Powell Ranger District

Clearwater Forest South - Lochsa Ranger District

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
170.5625KOD70 RM NezPer Dsp West Nez Perce Dsp West (Salmon River District) FMN Federal
173.1375KOD70 RM NezPer Dsp East Nez Perce Dsp East (Red Rver Dist/(Moose Creek Dist)) FMN Federal
171.725KOD70 RM NezPer Dsp North Nez Perce Dsp North (Moose Creek Dist) FMN Federal
170.500KOD63 RM Clearw Dsp North Clearwater Dsp North (North Fork/ Palouse District) FMN Federal
171.575KOD63 RM Clearw Dsp East Clearwater Dsp East (Powell District) FMN Federal
172.225KOD63 RM Clearw Dsp South Clearwater Dsp South (Lochsa District) FMN Federal
Payette National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
169.900KOD72 RM PayetteNF E Payette NF East FMN Federal
171.550KOD72 RM PayetteNF W Payette NF West FMN Federal
168.6875 M Pay A/G 87 Air-Ground 87 FMN Federal
167.700 M Pay A/G 46 Air-Ground 46 FMN Federal
166.9875 BM TAC 1 TAC 1 FMN Federal
166.8875 BM TAC 2 TAC 2 FMN Federal
163.7125 BM Admin 1 Admin 1 FMN Federal
168.6125 BM Admin 2 Admin 2 FMN Federal
168.775 RM 141.3 PL SOA Rptr SOA Repeater FMN Federal
Saint Joe National Forest

The St. Joe National Forest is a U.S. National Forest located in the Idaho panhandle and is one of three forests that are aggregated into the Idaho Panhandle National Forests (the other two are the Coeur d'Alene and Kaniksu National Forests). In descending order of land area St. Joe National Forest is located in parts of Shoshone, Latah, Clearwater, and Benewah counties. It has a total area of 867,882 acres.

This is considered the South Zone and the St. Joe Ranger District. The forest is using a common output PL tone of 107.2 PL, and the repeater locations have been kept intact. As policy states we do not list the input PL, it will remain this way should the USFS later change the output PL tones at various locations

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
171.800 RM 107.2 PL SJNF St Joe Bald St Joe Baldy FMN Federal
171.800 RM 107.2 PL SJNF Huckleberry Huckleberry Mountain FMN Federal
171.800 RM 107.2 PL SJNF Marks Butte Marks Butte FMN Federal
171.800 RM 107.2 PL SJNF Dunn Peak Dunn Peak FMN Federal
171.800 RM 107.2 PL SJNF Middle Sis Middle Sister FMN Federal
171.800KOD61 RM 107.2 PL SJNF Simmons Rdg Simmons Ridge FMN Federal
171.800 RM 107.2 PL SJNF Snow Peak Snow Peak FMN Federal
Salmon-Challis National Forest
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.275KOC839 RM SalNF Disp 1 Dispatch 1 FMN Federal
169.925KOD74 RM SalNF Disp 2 Dispatch 2 FMN Federal
166.7625 BM CSQ SalNF A/G 23 Air-Ground 23 FMN Federal
167.600 BM CSQ SalNF A/G 43 Air-Ground 43 FMN Federal
Sawtooth National Forest

Forest Service and Twin Falls BLM may share frequeccies.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
172.250KOC359 RM SawNorth Net Sawtooth North Net FMN Federal
171.500KOC359 RM SawSouthNet Sawtooth South Net FMN Federal
162.225 M Sawt TAC Tactical FMN Federal

Interagency Dispatch Centers

Coeur d'Alene Interagency Dispatch Center
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
124.125 BM CSQ CIDC Tanker Base Coeur d'Alene Tanker Base AM Federal
124.625 M CSQ ID06 A/A ID06 Air/Air AM Federal
125.475 BM ID06 A/A 2 ID06 Air/Air 2 AM Federal
126.275 BM ID06 A/A 3 ID06 Air/Air 3 AM Federal
151.145 BM ID06 A/G IDL ID06 Air/Ground IDL FMN Federal
167.250 BM ID06 A/G 47 ID06 Air/Ground 47 FMN Federal
168.5375 BM ID06 A/G 54 ID06 Air/Ground 54 FMN Federal
169.125 BM A/G 60 Air/Ground 60 FMN Federal
Eastern Idaho Interagency Dispatch Center
Eastern Idaho Interagency Fire Center (EIIFC) was opened in the spring of 1995 as a cooperative effort between the Idaho Falls District Bureau of Land Management and Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Facilities and resources are shared between the two agencies to provide for fire coordination on over 7.5 million acres of public lands, encompassing 21 counties within four states, including southeastern Idaho, southern Montana, western Wyoming, and northern Utah

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
124.475 BM CSQ ID05 A/A 1 ID05 Air/Air 1 AM Federal
125.775 BM CSQ ID05 A/A 2 ID05 Air/Air 2 AM Federal
133.075 BM CSQ ID05 A/A 3 ID05 Air/Air 3 AM Federal
167.525 BM ID05 A/G 15 ID05 Air/Ground 15 FMN Federal
167.9875 BM ID05 A/G 17 ID05 Air/Ground 17 FMN Federal
Grangeville Interagency Dispatch Center

The center provides initial attack dispatching services for Idaho Department of Lands Areas: Maggie Creek and Craig Mountain, Nez Perce - Clearwater Forests Districts: North Fork, Lochsa, Powell, Moose Creek, Salmon River and Red River, as well as the Nez Perce Tribe. Grangeville Interagency Dispatch also provides support dispatching services to the Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association, Cottonwood Field Office of the Bureau of Land Managment, and the Palouse District of the Nez Perce – Clearwater National Forests. There is a new Fire Aviation Network (FAN) that is being used for local flight following which uses a common output PL of 146.2. There are repeaters located at High Camp, Hemlock and Iron Mountain.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
124.125 BM CSQ GIDC Tanker Grangville Tanker Base Coordination AM Federal
132.025 BM CSQ ID07 Air/Air ID07 Air/Air AM Federal
151.145 BM ID07 A/G 03 ID07 Air/Ground 03 (IDSL) FMN Federal
167.650 BM ID07 A/G 45 ID07 Air/Ground 45 FMN Federal
167.9875 BM ID07 A/G 17 ID07 Air/Ground 17 FMN Federal
173.1625 RM GIDC FAN Fire Aviation Network FMN Federal

United States Air Force

Mountain Home Air Force Base
United States Air Force (57C)
Project 25 Phase I
Mountain Home Air Force Base is included as part of this nationwide P25 system.

United States Army

Army Corps of Engineers
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
173.4125 RM 118.8 PL USACE 1 Ch 1 Primary Campground Reporting FMN Public Works
Army National Guard - Gowen Field
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
406.1125 BM 293 NAC GF ANG Ops 1 Operations 1 / Secure P25 Military
410.150 BM 293 NAC GF ANG Ops 2 Operations 2 / Secure P25 Military
413.400 BM 293 NAC GF ANG Ops 3 Operations 3 / Secure P25 Military
415.1125 BM 293 NAC GF ANG Ops 4 Operations 4 / Secure P25 Military
Army National Guard - Orchard Combat Training Center

The Orchard Combat Training Center is a premier joint combined arms training site located 18 miles south of Boise, Idaho. The 143,000 acre training center is located within the boundaries of the Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area and has been used by the Idaho National Guard and Army Reserve since 1953

This System has apparently been replaced by a P25 System.

Please submit any information about this new stem for inclusion in the database. Information needed inludes: SYSID, WACN, Frequencies, Transmitter Location(s) and Talk Groups.

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
141.475 RM 208 NAC OCTC MP Military Police P25 Military
143.325 RM 208 NAC OCTC Range Admin Range Administration P25 Military
138.925 RM ORTC FD Ops Fire Operations FMN Military
140.875 BM OCTC FD Tac Fire Tactical FMN Military
148.200 BM OCTC FD DVRS Fire DVRS FMN Military
142.925 BM OCTC FD Training Fire Training FMN Fire-Talk
143.150 BM OCTC MPRC Admin MPRC Administration FMN Military
143.750 BM OCTC Training Training FMN Military
148.775 BM OCTC Train Admin Training Administration FMN Military
148.900 BM OCTC Training Training FMN Military