Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH)
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
452.875 | KB90484 | RM | 244 DPL | Marriott IAH Evt | Houston Airport Marriott - Event Services | FM | Business |
461.0125 | KB90484 | RM | 203.5 PL | Marriott IAH O/M | Houston Airport Marriott - Operations/Maintenance | FM | Business |
463.8875 | KB90484 | RM | CC 6 TG 11 SL 1 |
Marriot IAH Ops | Houston Airport Marriott - Operations | DMR | Business |
464.700 | RM | CC 7 TG 1 SL 1 |
Doubletree IAH | Doubletree Houston Intercontinental Airport - Shuttle | DMR | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
462.0375 | M | 031 DPL | ClubQuarters | Club Quarters | FM | Business | |
464.325 | M | 127.3 PL | Crtyd/RI Mnt | Courtyard Houston Downtown/Residence Inn Houston Downtown - Maintenance | FMN | Business | |
467.875 | BM | 146.2 PL | Crtyd/RIShtl | Courtyard Houston Downtown/Residence Inn Houston Downtown - Shuttle | FMN | Business | |
464.7375 | M | 151.4 PL | Crowne Plaza | Crowne Plaza Hotel - Management/Engineering/Housekeeping | FM | Business | |
461.775 | WQCQ927 | BM | 67.0 PL | DoubleTreeDT | DoubleTree Hotel Houston-Downtown | FM | Business |
461.4625 | KD29926 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
4Seasons 461 DMR | Four Seasons Hotel | DMR | Business |
463.875 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 1 |
4Seasons Ops | Four Seasons Hotel | DMR | Business | |
464.875 | M | 503 DPL | 4SeasnBellmn | Four Seasons Hotel (including Four Seasons Place apartments) - Bellman | FM | Business | |
463.875 | RM | CC 1 TG 1 SL 2 |
4Seasons Valet | Four Seasons Hotel (including Four Seasons Place apartments) - Valet | DMR | Business | |
468.2125 | M | 100.0 PL | 4SeasnEvents | Four Seasons Hotel - Banquets/Event Services | FM | Business | |
461.700 | KB78047 | RM | 192.8 PL | 4SeasonHskpg | Four Seasons Hotel - Housekeeping | FM | Business |
452.975 | WQYK382 | RM | CC 7 TG 16 SL 2 |
HiltonAm Cater16 | Hilton Americas - Catering | DMR | Business |
452.975 | WQYK382 | RM | CC 7 TG 15 SL 1 |
HiltonAm Cater15 | Hilton Americas - Catering | DMR | Business |
451.3375 | WPZT353 | RM | 103.5 PL | HiltonAm Eng | Hilton Americas - Engineering | FMN | Business |
455.500 | M | 67.0 PL | HiltonAm Evt | Hilton Americas - Event Services | FM | Business | |
464.1875 | WQYK382 | RM | CC 15 TG 13 SL 1 |
HiltonAmEvt1 | Hilton Americas - Event Services | DMR | Business |
464.1875 | WQYK382 | RM | CC 15 TG 14 SL 2 |
HiltonAmEvt2 | Hilton Americas - Event Services | DMR | Business |
453.2125 | RM | CC 2 TG 1 SL 1 |
HiltonAm Sec | Hilton Americas - Security | DMR | Security | |
462.450 | WQVD620 | RM | 167.9 PL | HiltonAmShtl | Hilton Americas - Shuttle | FMN | Business |
461.6875 | WNSJ725 | RM | CC 14 TG 200 SL 1 |
HyattReg DMR 200 | Hyatt Regency Houston | DMR | Business |
461.6875 | WNSJ725 | RM | CC 14 TG 100 SL 2 |
HyattReg DMR 100 | Hyatt Regency Houston | DMR | Business |
462.0125 | WNSJ725 | RM | CC 11 TG 400 SL * |
HyattReg DMR 400 | Hyatt Regency Houston | DMR | Business |
462.0125 | WNSJ725 | RM | CC 11 TG 300 SL 1 |
HyattReg DMR 300 | Hyatt Regency Houston | DMR | Business |
463.2125 | WNSJ725 | M | 047 DPL | Hyatt Cater | Hyatt Regency Houston - Catering | FMN | Business |
463.2125 | WNSJ725 | RM | 023 DPL | Hyatt Enginr | Hyatt Regency Houston - Engineering | FM | Business |
463.700 | WNSJ725 | RM | 243 DPL | Hyatt EvtSvc | Hyatt Regency Houston - Event Services | FM | Business |
463.5125 | RM | 146.2 PL | Hyatt Hskpng | Hyatt Regency Houston - Housekeeping | FMN | Business | |
464.5625 | RM | 131.8 PL | Inn Ballpark | Inn at the Ballpark | FM | Business | |
469.6125 | M | 146.2 PL | Magnolia | Magnolia Hotel - Maintenance | FM | Business | |
462.025 | WRUR342 | RM | CC 8 TG 1 SL 1 |
The Lancaster | The Lancaster Hotel | DMR | Business |
461.6375 | WRYV806 | RM | CC 10 TG 103 SL 2 |
Thompson 103 | Thompson Houston | DMR | Business |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
461.5375 | RM | 026 DPL | HiltonHN Evt | Hilton Houston North - Event Services | FMN | Business | |
451.6875 | WPPV428 | RM | CC 14 TG 1000 SL 1 |
HiltonHN Sec | Hilton Houston North - Security | DMR | Security |
461.7125 | WPPV428 | RM | CC 6 TG 1013 SL 1 |
HiltonHNShtl | Hilton Houston North - Shuttle (includes Marriott North at Greenspoint) | DMR | Business |
452.400 | WPWB409 | RM | 432 DPL | MrrttNorth | Houston Marriott North | FM | Business |
452.375 | WQSZ536 | RM | CC 7 TG 1008 SL 1 |
MrrttNorth Hskpg | Houston Marriott North - Housekeeping | DMR | Business |
Museum District/Texas Medical Center/NRG Park
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
463.8125 | RM | 151.4 PL | CrownePlzNRG | Crowne Plaza NRG Park | FM | Business | |
464.925 | RM | 243 DPL | HiltonMedCtr | Hilton Houston Plaza/Medical Center | FM | Business | |
451.325 | WPZA580 | RM | 179.9 PL | HolidayInnMC | Holiday Inn Medical Center | FM | Business |
463.5375 | RM | 173.8 PL | ZaZa Events | Hotel ZaZa Houston - Event Services | FMN | Business | |
464.7625 | RM | 331 DPL | ZaZa Hskpng | Hotel ZaZa Houston - Housekeeping | FMN | Business | |
464.0375 | WPST272 | RM | 165 DPL | ZaZa Ops/Sec | Hotel ZaZa Houston - Operations/Maintenance/Security | FMN | Security |
461.950 | KNIQ866 | BM | 723 DPL | MrrtMedCtrOp | Marriott Medical Center - Operations | FM | Business |
461.750 | KNIQ866 | B | 723 DPL | MrrtMedCtrPa | Marriott Medical Center - Voice Paging | FM | Business |
464.8875 | RM | 151.4 PL | ParkPlzRC HK | Park Plaza Hotel Reliant Center - Housekeeping/Banquets | FM | Business | |
464.9125 | RM | 151.4 PL | ParkPlzRCMnt | Park Plaza Hotel Reliant Center - Maintenance/Security | FM | Security |
Post Oak Hotel DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO) | Hotel operations. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
464.875 | RM | 118.8 PL | DbltrGS Sec | DoubleTree Guest Suites - Security/Operations/Engineering | FM | Security | |
464.325 | WNMF790 | RM | 77.0 PL | DbltreeH Sec | DoubleTree Hotel - Security/Operations/Engineering | FM | Security |
462.575 | BM | 103.5 PL | DbltreeHVale | DoubleTree Hotel - Valet | FM | Business | |
461.550 | WNMK372 | BM | 072 DPL | Hotel Derek | Hotel Derek | FM | Business |
451.850 | WPWD362 | RM | 703 DPL | ICHotel1Cate | Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 1 Catering | FM | Business |
461.200 | WPWD362 | RM | 712 DPL | ICHotel2 IT | Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 2 Information Technology | FM | Business |
461.800 | WPWD362 | RM | 723 DPL | ICHotel3 HK | Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 3 Housekeeping | FM | Business |
462.350 | WPWD362 | RM | 731 DPL | ICHotel4 Evt | Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 4 Special Events | FM | Business |
463.350 | WPWD362 | RM | 732 DPL | ICHotel5 Sec | Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 5 Security/Engineering/Operations | FM | Security |
463.900 | WPWD362 | RM | 734 DPL | ICHotel6 Evt | Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 6 Special Events | FM | Business |
462.575 | M | 156.7 PL | ICHotelValet | Inter-Continental Hotel - Valet (Towne Park Valet) | FM | Business | |
461.2875 | WPIA701 | RM | 423 DPL | JWMrrtt 2875 | JW Marriott | FM | Business |
464.8375 | RM | 432 DPL | JWMrrttCater | JW Marriott - Catering (has phone patch) | FM | Business | |
463.375 | WPIA701 | RM | 423 DPL | JWMrrtt Eng | JW Marriott - Engineering | FM | Business |
464.775 | WPIA701 | BM | 423 DPL | JWMrrtt HK | JW Marriott - Housekeeping | FM | Business |
461.475 | WPIA701 | RM | 423 DPL | JWMrrtt Sec | JW Marriott - Security/Operations | FM | Security |
469.775 | WPIA701 | B | 67.0 PL | JWMrrttPager | JW Marriott - Voice Pager | FM | Business |
464.575 | BM | 506 DPL | MrrttWLCater | Marriott West Loop - Catering | FM | Business | |
462.025 | KLT557 | BM | 411 DPL | MrrttWL Ops | Marriott West Loop - Operations | FM | Business |
452.325 | WPMT758 | RM | 411 DPL | Omni Hotel | Omni Hotel | FM | Business |
463.400 | KNDF732 | BM | 146.2 PL | Saint Regis | Saint Regis Hotel | FM | Business |
452.400 | WPQE363 | RM | 203.5 PL | SherSui452.4 | Sheraton Suites | FM | Business |
467.800 | BM | SherSui467.8 | Sheraton Suites | FM | Business | ||
451.7375 | WQYI554 | RM | CC 5 TG 13 SL 1 |
Houstonian 451 | The Houstonian | DMR | Business |
462.675 | M | CSQ | Houstonian Event | The Houstonian - Event Services | FMN | Business | |
462.550 | RM | 146.2 PL | Houstonian Ops | The Houstonian - Security/Maintenance/Operations | FM | Security | |
467.875 | M | 110.9 PL | Houstonian Valet | The Houstonian - Valet | FMN | Business | |
490.3625 | RM | 179.9 PL | WestinGCater | Westin Galleria Hotel - Catering/Maintenance | FM | Business | |
464.800 | WNFY859 | RM | 156 DPL | WestinG Sec | Westin Galleria Hotel - Security/Operations | FM | Security |
461.975 | WNFY859 | RM | 731 DPL | Westin Oaks | Westin Oaks Hotel - Operations | FM | Business |
Westin Memorial City DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO) | Hotel operations. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
468.300 | WRWD563 | RM | 506 DPL | Champions Club | Champions Club Texas - Security | FMN | Security |
467.800 | M | 107.2 PL | DblTrGw467.8 | DoubleTree Houston - Greenway Plaza | FM | Business | |
463.8125 | WQX493 | RM | CC 5 TG 1 SL 1 |
DblTrGw Engineer | DoubleTree Houston - Greenway Plaza - Engineering | DMR | Business |
461.025 | WQX493 | RM | CC 7 TG 1 SL 2 |
DblTrGwEvtSvcs | DoubleTree Houston - Greenway Plaza - Event Services | DMR | Business |
461.025 | WQX493 | RM | CC 7 TG 1 SL 1 |
DblTrGw Sec | DoubleTree Houston - Greenway Plaza - Security | DMR | Security |
467.4375 | BM | 172 DPL | Hilton Hobby | Hilton Houston Hobby Airport | FM | Business | |
464.5875 | WQLV340 | RM | 754 DPL | Hilton UH | Hilton University of Houston | FMN | Business |
461.375 | BM | 67.0 PL | HIEHS Silber | Holiday Inn Express Hotel and Suites (Katy Freeway at Silber) | FMN | Business | |
452.175 | WPRS658 | RM | 031 DPL | MrrttWestchs | Marriott Westchase | FM | Business |