Hotels / Hotels

Subcategory: Uptown/Galleria

Unique DB ID: 13260
Post Oak Hotel
DMR Motorola Capacity Plus Single Site (TRBO)
Hotel operations.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 29.85328 Longitude: -95.47327 Range: 35 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
451.7375WQYI554 RM CC 5
TG 13
SL *
Houstonian 451 The Houstonian DMR Business
451.850WPWD362 RM 703 DPL ICHotel1Cate Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 1 Catering FM Business
452.325WPMT758 RM 411 DPL Omni Hotel Omni Hotel FM Business
452.400WPQE363 RM 203.5 PL SherSui452.4 Sheraton Suites FM Business
461.200WPWD362 RM 712 DPL ICHotel2 IT Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 2 Information Technology FM Business
461.2875WPIA701 RM 423 DPL JWMrrtt 2875 JW Marriott FM Business
461.475WPIA701 RM 423 DPL JWMrrtt Sec JW Marriott - Security/Operations FM Security
461.550WNMK372 BM 072 DPL Hotel Derek Hotel Derek FM Business
461.800WPWD362 RM 723 DPL ICHotel3 HK Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 3 Housekeeping FM Business
461.975WNFY859 RM 731 DPL Westin Oaks Westin Oaks Hotel - Operations FM Business
462.025KLT557 BM 411 DPL MrrttWL Ops Marriott West Loop - Operations FM Business
462.350WPWD362 RM 731 DPL ICHotel4 Evt Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 4 Special Events FM Business
462.550 RM 146.2 PL Houstonian Ops The Houstonian - Security/Maintenance/Operations FM Security
462.575 BM 103.5 PL DbltreeHVale DoubleTree Hotel - Valet FM Business
462.575 M 156.7 PL ICHotelValet Inter-Continental Hotel - Valet (Towne Park Valet) FM Business
462.675 M CSQ Houstonian Event The Houstonian - Event Services FMN Business
463.350WPWD362 RM 732 DPL ICHotel5 Sec Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 5 Security/Engineering/Operations FM Security
463.375WPIA701 RM 423 DPL JWMrrtt Eng JW Marriott - Engineering FM Business
463.400KNDF732 BM 146.2 PL Saint Regis Saint Regis Hotel FM Business
463.900WPWD362 RM 734 DPL ICHotel6 Evt Inter-Continental Hotel - Ch. 6 Special Events FM Business
464.325WNMF790 RM 77.0 PL DbltreeH Sec DoubleTree Hotel - Security/Operations/Engineering FM Security
464.575 BM 506 DPL MrrttWLCater Marriott West Loop - Catering FM Business
464.775WPIA701 BM 423 DPL JWMrrtt HK JW Marriott - Housekeeping FM Business
464.800WNFY859 RM 156 DPL WestinG Sec Westin Galleria Hotel - Security/Operations FM Security
464.8375 RM 432 DPL JWMrrttCater JW Marriott - Catering (has phone patch) FM Business
464.875 RM 118.8 PL DbltrGS Sec DoubleTree Guest Suites - Security/Operations/Engineering FM Security
467.800 BM SherSui467.8 Sheraton Suites FM Business
467.875 M 110.9 PL Houstonian Valet The Houstonian - Valet FMN Business
469.775WPIA701 B 67.0 PL JWMrrttPager JW Marriott - Voice Pager FM Business
490.3625 RM 179.9 PL WestinGCater Westin Galleria Hotel - Catering/Maintenance FM Business