State of Colorado DTRS

Site: Colorado Mutual Aid - SOW

Unique DB ID: 24838
County: Systemwide

These talkgroups (as well as standard talkgroups) may be used with the mobile "Site on Wheels" transportable sites during mutual aid, large area disasters or other incidents that requires additional talkgroups or channel capacity. Two SOW's are known to exist in the state and are stored in Grand Junction and Denver

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.9972 Longitude: -105.5478 Range: 235 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
1001DSiteOnWhelsAChannel AInterop
2002DSiteOnWhelsBChannel BInterop
3003DSiteOnWhelsCChannel CInterop
4004DSiteOnWhelsDChannel DInterop
5005DSiteOnWhelsEChannel EInterop
6006DSiteOnWhelsFChannel FInterop
7007DSiteOnWhelsGChannel GInterop
8008DSiteOnWhelsHChannel HInterop
9009DSiteOnWhelsIChannel IInterop
1000aDSiteOnWhelsJChannel JInterop
1100bDSiteOnWhelsKChannel KInterop
1200cDSiteOnWhelsLChannel LInterop
1300dDSiteOnWhelsMChannel MInterop
1400eDSiteOnWhelsNChannel NInterop
1500fDSiteOnWhelsOChannel OInterop
16010DSiteOnWlsATGAnnouncement Talk GroupInterop