State of Colorado DTRS

Site: Eagle County

Unique DB ID: 14331
County: Eagle

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 39.6334 Longitude: -106.6543 Range: 31 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
88402288DEagle Co MACCounty Mutual Aid ChannelInterop
88412289DEagle Co SOSheriffLaw Tac
8842228aDEagle Co LE WCounty Law Enforcement - West - Eagle Co. SO, Eagle PDLaw Dispatch
8843228bDEagle Co LE ECounty Law Enforcement - East - Vail PD, Avon PD, Minturn PDLaw Dispatch
8844228cDEagle Co LE 1County Law Enforcement - Tactical 1Law Tac
8845228dDEagle Co LE 2County Law Enforcement - Tactical 2Law Tac
8846228eDEagle Co LE 3County Law Enforcement - Tactical 3Law Tac
8847228fDEagle Co SecCounty Public Safety - Security Agencies to DispatchSecurity
88482290DEagle Co TravelTravel ChannelMulti-Talk
88492291DEagle Co W FireCounty Fire Dispatch - WestFire Dispatch
88502292DEagle Co E FireCounty Fire Dispatch - EastFire Dispatch
88512293DEagle Co ES 1County Emergency Services - Tactical 1Fire-Tac
88522294DEagle Co ES 2County Emergency Services - Tactical 2Fire-Tac
88532295DEagle Co ES 3County Emergency Services - Tactical 3Fire-Tac
88542296DEagle Co AirptMXAirport MaintenancePublic Works
88552297DEagle Co EMS EEagle County EMS District EastEMS Dispatch
88562298DEagle Co ARFFCounty Airport - Airport Rescue Fire FightingFire-Tac
8859229bDEagle Co DPWCounty Public Works to DispatchPublic Works
8863229fDEagle River FDEagle River FireFire-Tac
886422a0DGypsum FireGypsum FIreFire-Tac
886522a1DMinturn PDMinturn PoliceLaw Tac
886822a4DRock Creek FDRock Creek FireFire-Tac
886922a5DVail Mtn RescueVail Mountain Rescue GroupEmergency Ops
887622acDEagle Co ACOCounty Animal ControlPublic Works
887722adDEagle Co R&BCounty Road & BridgePublic Works
887822aeDEagle Co ES 4County Emergency Services - Tactical 4Fire-Tac
887922afDEagle Co LE 4County Law Enforcement - Tactical 4Law Tac
118332e39DRock Creek FD 2Rock Creek Fire - Station 2 - McCoyFire Dispatch
119022e7eDEagle River WatrEagle River Water Public Works
119042e80DEagle Co SD Ch2County School District Ch 2Schools
119052e81DEagle Co TransitCounty Transit Transportation
119062e82DGypsum PDGypsum PoliceLaw Tac
119072e83DGypsum DPWGypsum Public WorksPublic Works
119122e88DEagle River FD 4Eagle River Fire - Station 4 - RedcliffFire Dispatch
119132e89DEagle River FD 5Eagle River Fire - Station 5 - MinturnFire Dispatch
119142e8aDEagle River FD 6Eagle River Fire - Station 6 - Eagle-VailFire Dispatch
119152e8bDEagle River FD 7Eagle River Fire - Station 7- AvonFire Dispatch
119162e8cDEagle River FD 8Eagle River Fire - Station 8 - WildridgeFire Dispatch
119172e8dDEagle Fire 9Eagle Fire - Station 9 - EagleFire Dispatch
119182e8eDEagle ARFF 10Eagle Airport Fire - Station 10Fire Dispatch
119192e8fDEagle River FD11Eagle River Fire - Station 11 - Beaver CreekFire Dispatch
119202e90DEagle River FD12Eagle River Fire - Station 12 - EdwardsFire Dispatch
119212e91DGypsum FD 13Gypsum Fire - Station 13 - DotseroFire Dispatch
119222e92DGypsum FD 14Gypsum Fire - Station 14 - GypsumFire Dispatch
119232e93DEagle River FD15Eagle River Fire - Station 15 - CordilleraFire Dispatch
119242e94DEagle River FD16Eagle River Fire - Station 16 - Upper CordilleraFire Dispatch
119252e95DEagle Co EMS 17County EMS - Station 17EMS Dispatch
119262e96DEagle Co EMS 18County EMS - Station 18EMS Dispatch
119272e97DEagle Co EMS 19County EMS - Station 19EMS Dispatch
119282e98DEagle Co EMS 20County EMS - Station 20EMS Dispatch
119292e99DEagle Co EMS 21County EMS - Station 21 Alert - EagleEMS Dispatch
119302e9aDEagle Co EMS 22County EMS - Station 22 Alert - GypsumEMS Dispatch
119312e9bDGypsum FD 23Gypsum Fire - Station 23 - SweetwaterFire Dispatch
119322e9cDEagle Co EMS 24County EMS - Station 24EMS Dispatch