Businesses, Media, Attractions and Recreation / Staunton
Subcategory: Miscellaneous
Unique DB ID: | 77993 |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 39.01227 | Longitude: | -89.79121 | Range: | 5 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
151.625 | BM | 654 DPL | 151.625 D654 | business (2 m W of Staunton) | FMN | Business | |
451.9125 | WQNG808 | RM | 4 RAN | Mennel Mill | Mennel Milling | NXDN96e | Business |
462.6325 | M | CSQ | 4626325 CSQ | Max B Mullins/Ace Hardware (77.0?/) | FMN | Business | |
467.850 | M | 79.7 PL | 467.85 79.7 | retail near Ace Hardware | FMN | Business | |
467.925 | M | 251 DPL | GlenwoodStaunton | The Glenwood Assisted Living (automated voice/room alarms) | FMN | Business |