Businesses and Media / Bloomingdale - Businesses

Subcategory: Stratford Square Mall (Bloomingdale)

Unique DB ID: 53277

Stradford Square Mall closed permamently on April 21, 2024.  Some reports indicate that Kohl's may remain open, becoming a stand-alone store.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.94890 Longitude: -88.11559 Range: 0.5 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.375WQVV313 RM CC 12
TG 100
SL 1
StratMallSec Mall: Security DMR Security
464.875WQVV313 RM CC 1
TG 300
SL 1
StratMallMnt Mall: Maintenance (CC 12?) DMR Business
456.4375 M 94.8 PL CenturyTheaters Century Theaters FM Business
467.900 M 023 DPL Kohl'sBlmngdl Kohl's (Bloomingdale) FMN Business