Businesses and Media / Lombard - Businesses

Subcategory: Yorktown Center (Lombard)

Unique DB ID: 53226

* See wiki page for additional frequency information

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.83977 Longitude: -88.00701 Range: 0.5 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.925WQPS991 RM 165 DPL YrktwnCntr Sec 1 Mall Security (Ch 1) FMN Security
469.9625 M 413 DPL YrktwnCntr Sec 3 Mall Security (Ch 3} FMN Security
467.850 M 67.0 PL YC AmEagle American Eagle FMN Business
467.925WQPC915 M 67.0 PL YC AMC Y17 AMC Yorktown 17 Cinema (Lombard) FMN Business
461.0625 M 632 DPL YC BathBdyWks Bath and Body Works FMN Business
154.540 M 74.4 PL YC Gap Gap FMN Business
467.875 M 100.0 PL YC Home Goods Home Goods FMN Business
461.8375WQFF616 M 85.4 PL YC JCP LP J.C. Penney - Loss Prevention (also 461.7125) FMN Security
467.225 M 365 DPL YC JCP Floor J.C. Penney - Sales Floor Ops FMN Business
467.875 M 110.9 PL YC Limited The Limited FMN Business
467.925 M 743 DPL YC VictSecrt Victoria's Secret FMN Business
462.3625WQFH265 M 073 DPL YC VonMaurLP Von Maur - Loss Prevention FMN Security