Businesses / Other Businesses

Subcategory: Retail

Unique DB ID: 44071

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 29.42412 Longitude: -98.49363 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.4875 RM 167.9 PL Forum Security The Forum Mall Security FM Security
464.6375WQSR507 RM 167.9 PL SPMall Sec South Park Mall Security FMN Security
463.9125WPLE212 RM 627 DPL North Star Maint North Star Mall Maintenance and Housekeeping FM Business
464.675WYD573 RM CC 15
TG 45270
SL 1
IP Mall Security Ingram Park Mall - Security DMR Security
151.715WQRF287 BM Costco Ops Costco - Various tones at all locations FMN Business
154.570KD6542 M Walmart Ops Walmart - Most locations (PL/DPL tones vary) FMN Business
154.600 M 67.0 PL Walmart Ops Walmart - Many locations around San Antonio FMN Business
451.9875WQRA221 RM CC 11
TG 16777199
SL 1
RCMall Sec Rivercenter Mall - Mall Security DMR Security
452.000WQXR492 RM 16 RAN Crsrds Mall Sec Crossroads Mall - Security (has phone patch) NXDN48 Security
461.4375WPLE212 RM CC 13
TG 13101
SL 1
North Star Sec North Star Mall Security (Contracted to PSC) DMR Security
462.425WQVJ609 RM CC 3
TG 10
SL 1
La Cantera Sec La Cantera Mall Security (Contracted to PSC) DMR Security
462.725 M 136.5 PL HEB 1604/Blan Mt HEB Plus Blanco/1604 - Maintenance FMN Business
462.725 M 252 DPL HEB Lincoln Hght HEB Lincoln Heights Market FMN Business
463.6375WQSR507 RM 162.2 PL SP Mall Sec Ch 2 South Park Mall Security Ch. 2 FMN Security
464.1625WRAK830 RM CC 10
TG 10001
SL 1
RIM Security The RIM Shopping Center Security DMR Security
464.575WPBN216 M 631 DPL ROMall Sec Rolling Oaks Mall Security FMN Security
464.675WYD573 RM CC 15
TG 45271
SL 2
IP Mall Housekpg Ingram Park Mall - Housekeeping DMR Business
464.850WQRA221 RM 431 DPL RCMall Hskpng Rivercenter Mall - Housekeeping FMN Business
467.750KD6542 M 115 DPL Target CH 1 Target Stores Ch 1 FMN Business
467.775 BM 072 DPL Target CH 2 Target Stores Ch 2 FMN Business
467.875 M 67.0 PL Kohl's SA West Kohl's San Antonio West (10838 Potranco Road) FMN Business
467.875 M 97.4 PL HEB 1604/Blan Op HEB Plus Blanco/1604 - Store Ops FMN Business
467.925KD6542 M 155 DPL Target CH 3 Admn Target Stores Ch 3 Administration FMN Business
467.925KD6542 M 506 DPL Best Buy NStar Best Buy Store - Northstar Mall FMN Business
467.925KD6542 M 67.0 PL Apple Store NSM Apple Store - Northstar Mall FMN Business